15 -
I am another who is disappointed that incarnates are getting pulled. I am not surprised this happened though. As a hardcore gamer I know things like this happen all the time. About a month before they announced that they were pushing back Rogue from July to August, I actually told people on my teamspeak "Watch them push back Going Rogue until late August or early September". Well, as we all know, that happened. A few days ago I told one of my close friends "Watch them pull something from Going Rogue. Like the cathedral of pain, market merging or the incarnate level." Well one of those happened. So I guess I ruined Going Rogue? LOL *hides*
Incarnates played ZERO factor in me purchasing Rogue. The main reason why I bought it was for Praetoria, Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning, Kinetic Melee, Electric Control and the mentioning of new costumes. Like I said, I am not surprised this happened. Things get pushed back or taken away for reasons. Like Deadrising 2 was supposed to come out in February but here we are in July. Same thing with Duke Nukem Forever, it was in the making but they canceled the project do to insufficent funds.
I also rather them take something away so it works when it releases but the thing is that they won't promise it to be bug free on release. Hell, look at i17, bug central. Bugs can't be avoided, they happen. Am I one of the people that get upset at bugs? Of course, I have all the right to be upset at bugs but I can't go out on a limb and say it's everyones fault. Things like that happen. It's like shipping a glass bottle across the country in a van that is empty. The box just bounces around. It may arrive broken or in perfect condition.
Thanks Positron for telling us. Hope incarnates work well when they release. -
My most memorable time on Virtue was the past Halloween event when I met the love of my life. Me and her were arguing with other people in broadcast in Grandville on how to properly do the banner event since we both did it on test server. Next thing you know we are talking about Linkin Park. I don't regret being on Villains that day what so ever!
My 2nd most memorable moment was when they were doing the comic thing in Atlas Park and people were messeing with Back Alley Brawler and he just starting whacking people with the Toy Bat then he turned off all powers.
My 3rd greatest moment was my first Christsmas Event about 3 years ago when I started. (It's hard to believe that i12 was about 3 years ago). I didn't have a job but I had CoX and the slopes. I sat there for 6 straight hours skiing trying to get #1 and stayed at #3. I have to admit, it was pointless but man was it some great fun. -
I made a Plant/Elec build on mids. I would just like to know. What are some of the likes and dislikes are about the powerset that I have chosen. Either way I will be making this because it's a cheap build with permadom lol.
Wow, I am in shock. I love his music and I did not expect this.
Rest in Peace Dio, you will be missed by all metal heads.
*throws up the horns* -
It -may- be possible depending on your secondary and how much you are willing to spend. Maybe a Demon/Poison can have it perma because you have a hold and sleep which can be 5 slotted with purples for 20 recharge. Take mace mastery and 5 slot it with grav anchors and theres 30%. Now if you take a whip. Either 5 slot it with decimations for 6.25% recharge or if you have the cone whip, 5 slot it with positrons blast for 6.25% recharge.
Like I said, Perma Hell on Earth MAY be possible. I haven't heard of a perma hell on earth but I personally don't think it can be done. The recharge on it with three slots and recharge io's is 301 seconds (which is 5 minutes or so also without hasten). With hasten the recharge is 223 seconds (3 minutes 45 seconds or so) I don't know how long the duration is on it but perma Hell on Earth may be possible.
Now if you have a kin along with you thats a 50% recharge boost. Like I said before, it depends on your build and how much you are willing to spend and also if it -is- possible to have perma hell on earth.
EDIT: Also forgot to add more to it about the build.
Here is the other things about the power:
1.) Your survivabilty - Even though you have bodyguard mode, if you don't have resistance or defense you can still be killed pretty easily because the larger amount you get hit for the more your pets take and the faster they will die. Thus, eventually leading to dying. Also, depending on your build, do you have a heal for your pets? Not having an AoE heal on a mastermind imo leads to poor survivabilty UNLESS you have great defense and resistance.
2.) How to use Hell on Earth - I myself would not try to perma it. I believe it is best to save it for AV fights for when the extra damage is really needed. I would perfer to have survivabilty over trying to perma a power for a mastermind (unless your a pain dom mastermind that has a nice regeneration rate and perma world of pain). -
I have never looked at Invuln but I beleive its a resistance set? If that is the case I would go Super Strength because of these reasons.
1.) The -def on Rage should not effect you.
2.) Rage and Fury is a lot of damage going out there for long time.
3.) Nothing says "I am going to stomp the ground and you will like it!!!" better than Foot Stomp with Rage and Fury.
Now I haven't even looked at Invuln on mids but if their is some defense powers then Super Strength may not work for you. Me personally, I hate the rage crash. I have an Ice Armor/ Super Strength (it's built bad) and the rage crash drops me below soft capped defenses and I get wrecked. So I go with Super Strength. -
I haven't tried a DP Blaster but I have heard it can do pretty decent damage if you take assault and get a few +dmg set bonuses. Even tho yes, DP doesn't have a build up the fire ammo does fire damage over time. Now if you are looking for a damage dealing DP, I have a DP/Kin Corr that has Soul Drain and it has huge damage output. Run in and fulfrum shift, soul drain, throw out a heal and nuke. So soul drain to me counts like a build up but it has to hit.
As for buying Going Rogue just for DP...30 bucks for one set sounds like a rip off and it is. Now if your gonna buy Going Rogue for Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning, Kinetic Melee and Electric Control I would say yes go for it (even tho Kinetic Melee and Elec Control won't come out until Rogue). But you also have to remember, even though you won't be playing much when Going Rogue comes out when you do play you will have new content to mess around with. -
That's all I heard about the badges also that majority of them are exploration. I hope we get a lot more defeat badges and hopefully a new accolade power. Me and a few of my friends are hoping for a new accolade power to be something like +dmg +acc. But hey who knows, just can't wait to see what cool new badges are involved.
Well I hope in the upcoming issues we will be able to do more with the mission computer. I pretty much thought since it was going to be useless that the devs wouldn't add more content to it. Figured it would be just for show. But now since Castle has hinted us on something will be done with the mission computer guess we have to wait and see what that 'something' is. Maybe they will add more strike forces to the mission computer, maybe use it for base raids, heck may as well be the Cathedral of Pain. All I am saying is, I sat there in my base for about 30 minutes the other day staring at the mission computer and thought to myself "what the heck am I going to do with this now?"
As for the badges. I wasn't wondering where any of them are. I was just wondering about the names of the badges. I don't care about what they do or etc. I just wanted a little info about maybe one or two cool new badges ya know? -
Does anyone know about any of the badges that come out with i17? I am a huge badge hunter on my villain and I personally can't wait for the new badges. Also, when they put Silver Mantis in Sharkhead, what is going to happen with the mission computer item in the base? You will no longer need it since the Cathedral of Pain still doesn't work. and since Silver Mantis is going to Sharkhead. If any threads are around that answer my question, feel free to post them.
Hello to anyone reading this post. I have played dominators before but couldn't find the right build I liked. So I figured this time I will make a farming toon since I do not have one on red side. I went with Fire/Psi of course. Now I am not good with dominators and always pick the wrong skills. I am simply asking for a farming build with the best IO's and for me to have perma dom. If someone can post it here, I would be most greatful.
I thought the event was sorta cool. When I heard about a new Giant Monster, I was hoping for something new looking. I was not expecting Adamastor, Eochai or Jurrasik. Kind of wish they made up something epic looking. As far as their HP goes. It need a lot more HP because anyone who doesn't have atravel power may not get there in time to earn the badge, accolade, or rewards.
I have a 50 tank that has no travel power simply because I built him for ITF and figured I wouldnt do anything but a ITF. Well I was wrong and I regret not taking a travel power but I almost didnt make it to the GM in time. Simply, give the GM way more HP. Maybe HP similar to Hamidon. A team of 8 can do it but it may take the full 20 minutes depending on the team.
Red side however became an utter fail on the training room. I was the one that told Ghost Falcon not to worry about because the only 5 of us were switching to heroes to actually try the event. I did notice however in Port Oakes, a flag on the west side of the area made some enemies spawn on a boat behind me and some even spawned on the ground way down there. That flag needs to be moved over the east a bit more so that does not happen again because that might make the progression bar go down even slower.
Other than that, it was a good test to see how the teaming and leadership would go in the zones to make sure everyone gets to the flags and get rewards (which is still bugged). Just wish Ghost Falcon woulda hit me with his nerf bat so I could say I did get hit >_< -
I was talking about it with some randoms in Pocket D and we came up with ideas for a Rocker pack. So hopefully everyone will agree with us on this one and maybe the devs will one day make this booster pack.
/em fastguitar (plays the guitar at a fast pace while rocking out)
/em slowguitar (plays the guitar at a slow pace)
/em bassguitar (plays a bass guitar at a pretty decent pace)
/em fastdrum (plays the drums like he plays for a metal band)
/em slowdrum (plays the drums at a regular pace not banging the drums)
/em rockout
/em throwhorns (puts one hand in the air, throws the horns and rocks out)
/em horns (if asked if something is cool, he can throw the horns to agree)
Guitar (lets you ride on a guitar for a short time[possibly 2-3 minutes] and has a recharge time of 45 minutes)
New Mohawk - A freaklish huge mohawk that has 4-5 thick hair spikes
Pants - Maybe some pants with holes in the knees that look punkish
Belt - Gives you a metallic weird skull that has a chain hanging from it
Guitar - plays the guitar at speed metal pace then lightning strikes him to change outfits
Drums - sits on the drums and plays them at a pace not known to man then gets warped (some what like the cast warp look) into his new outfit.
Mic - twirls the microphone around then slams in into the ground with flames popping up to make him change outfits
Bass Guitar - Plays speed metal then vanishes into smoke to come out of it in his new outfit.
It would be awesome if people would post things they might like for this pack and maybe the devs will make this pack if enough of us post stuff about it. I for one would love some sort of music pack and I think it would make for great roleplaying. Not all the instruments have to make noise but having them would be just awesome. Please keep this thread going with more post about what you would like to see in a music pack of some sort. -
I am trying to build my tanker just for the ITF. I put some enhancements on him and now he is a end hog and cant tank very well. Can anyone post a mids build that will work for the ITF for this tank. Thanks.
Ignore this because I clicked on the wrong forum and posted on accident because I wasnt paying attention. Sorry about that.