Rocker Booster Pack




I was talking about it with some randoms in Pocket D and we came up with ideas for a Rocker pack. So hopefully everyone will agree with us on this one and maybe the devs will one day make this booster pack.


/em fastguitar (plays the guitar at a fast pace while rocking out)
/em slowguitar (plays the guitar at a slow pace)
/em bassguitar (plays a bass guitar at a pretty decent pace)

/em fastdrum (plays the drums like he plays for a metal band)
/em slowdrum (plays the drums at a regular pace not banging the drums)

/em rockout

/em throwhorns (puts one hand in the air, throws the horns and rocks out)
/em horns (if asked if something is cool, he can throw the horns to agree)

Guitar (lets you ride on a guitar for a short time[possibly 2-3 minutes] and has a recharge time of 45 minutes)

New Mohawk - A freaklish huge mohawk that has 4-5 thick hair spikes
Pants - Maybe some pants with holes in the knees that look punkish
Belt - Gives you a metallic weird skull that has a chain hanging from it

Guitar - plays the guitar at speed metal pace then lightning strikes him to change outfits
Drums - sits on the drums and plays them at a pace not known to man then gets warped (some what like the cast warp look) into his new outfit.
Mic - twirls the microphone around then slams in into the ground with flames popping up to make him change outfits
Bass Guitar - Plays speed metal then vanishes into smoke to come out of it in his new outfit.

It would be awesome if people would post things they might like for this pack and maybe the devs will make this pack if enough of us post stuff about it. I for one would love some sort of music pack and I think it would make for great roleplaying. Not all the instruments have to make noise but having them would be just awesome. Please keep this thread going with more post about what you would like to see in a music pack of some sort.



Somehow, I think that the Glamrock style would even better.

Platform boots, Crazy flared pants, Open jacket and a cape with a collar to put the Barron's cape to shame.

Power: Guitar Noise Assault. Once in a hour an attack that does minimal damage but disorients everyone in the neighborhood.



when i read the title of the thread all i could think about was a big old gradma rocking chair.



Originally Posted by DJ_Legend View Post
Guitar (lets you ride on a guitar for a short time[possibly 2-3 minutes] and has a recharge time of 45 minutes)
Lost me here.



Originally Posted by Robby_Noodles View Post
Lost me here.
Intelligent input, darling...

Otherwise, I agree the guitar travel power ain't too great. If the same rules were applied to it as the other standard travel powers, as well as maybe a level a level limit, OR if and when power customisation is extended to pool powers (note the "IF" there...), it's made into a customisation option for Flight, then it would make more sense.

Throwing the horns would be impossible outside of Arachnos Soldiers sadly, and I reckon any /guitar emote will require Boombox levels of variation. Flying V please. Also, /airguitar.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by Robby_Noodles View Post
Lost me here.
I stood on a guitar for about an hour and no travel happened. I think it must be a self hold.



I was thinking of "City of Guitar Heroes" the other day after having just bought GH3 and WT on craigslist. For those checking, "Guitar Hero" is taken but variations exist.

I'd like to have a guitar model or 2 for the mace set. ( ' :




So are you saying that I can now rockout? /signed!!

P.S. Shun the negative feedback of gliding on a guitar, if possible for the devs to do it, than by all means, do it! Like you said, it'd be apart of a booster pack, meaning it'd cost money.

*Begins to shake head very violently*

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



While I have no qualms with this for those who would want it..

I can say that this would be one that I wouldn't buy, unless it had some truly awesome costume pieces, or a useful temp power.