Sooo when is MA going to be adjusted?




Originally Posted by Ryuuk View Post
Basically off-topic, but as a general rule, I value intelligence, knowledge, and competence more than I value humility, affability or politeness. That's not to say that those things are exclusive, and ideally someone is smart, humble, friendly, etc. But I'll take a blowhard who knows what they're talking about most of the time vs. 99% of people who have varying personalities but don't know what the hell they're talking about, especially when it comes to math, game design, and game mechanics. I'm not trying to say anyone in this thread is this or that particularly, just that I don't care how condescending, arrogant, or egomaniacal someone is, if at the end of the day (or several months, as it were) they know what they're on about and they produce good results. Even if they act secretive to the point of caricature, I'd rather they kept doing what they're doing even if it offends the delicate sensibilities of other people on an internet message board. lol
In other words, let me polish your knob Arcana. Figuratively of course.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't think I'm "more awesome" than any other player. I can discuss certain things up to a certain point, and then no further. Since you will not accept that situation at face value without further explanation, I can't pursue this line of thought beyond this point. Although I will continue to read the thread if any interesting ideas pop up, this will be my last post in it.
The thing is, if you are in no position to say anything beyond telling people they are wrong and have no idea what they are talking about; yet can contribute nothing beyond "I'm not at liberty to discuss it". All while also saying as of GR you are completely reworking your vision of the set from the ground up. The result is you sound as contradictory as one of those fanatical religious people on the corner. Any person who doesn't blindly follow you (see above person) would tell you that it would be far better to say nothing at all.

Just so we are clear, in this thread you have come across as saying you are the only one who knows anything at all, yet what you know is going to completely change in 2 months and you are going to start from scratch at that time. Essentially what that means is what you know and have been thinking has been dismissed and you are going to be moving in an unknown direction in 2 months, but you still know it all even though you are starting from the ground up and may have new ideas from what you have at this point in time.

Then you regale us with stories of how you invented snipes and convinced Castle you were right about MA nearly 3 years ago. But did you convince him you were right about the ideas you haven't even thought of because you are starting from scratch with the set in two months? I'm really impressed if you did and I can definitely understand why you wouldn't be able to talk about something like that. I just wish you'd use your super human ability to see through the veil of time for something more meaningful, but oh well. I hope you are thankful for people like Ryuuk.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Although I will continue to read the thread if any interesting ideas pop up
Challenge ... accepted.

CAK is, as you've pointed out, the #1 stumbling block.

The underlying problem is that just as every scrapper primary has a "power up" ... whether it be Build Up/Focus Chi or something analogous ... and every scrapper primary has a single target Taunt ... it is also true that every single scrapper primary has an Immobilize of some sort. Clearly the *original* intent was to give scrappers something which would allow them to "control" runners, since a melee only powerset can be easily foiled by repositioning to disengage.

This is ... as far as these things go ... "okay" thinking, in generic/general terms.

The problem is ... what happens when the theorycrafting meets the gameplay.

As players have complained, since before Castle rose up and overthrew Geko ... Immobilize ... especially a WEAK single target Immobilize ... is exceptionally worthless to a scrapper. Immobilize AT RANGE at least offers some minimal mitigation from melee damage. But within melee range, the value plummets to almost nothing. This is especially true when the Immobilize MAG is so anemic as to only be capable of Immobilizing MINIONS ... who pose little to no threat to a scrapper whatsoever because of La Machine buzzsaw factors in which scrappers, once reaching the endgame, rarely expend more than 3 attacks on a single minion (if that).

CAK's Immobilize would be USEFUL if it were on Cobra Strike(!), where it could be used in the early levels against mobs in Atlas Park, Galaxy City, The Hollows and Perez Park ... all of which like to run, and young scrappers rarely have enough damage to finish Minions off in 3 or less hits before reaching level 10 ... but that's not how Immobilize was added to Martial Arts. Instead, it was placed on a power which at level 18 means dealing with the end of Steel Canyon, Skyway, Boomtown, Faultline and soon moving on to Talos Island, Independence Port, Dark Astoria, Terra Volta and Striga Island. A great many of these mobs you encounter in these levels render Immobilize of questionable value (at best!) ... especially considering Tsoo Sorcerers and Sky Raider Porters teleporting away.

If CAK's Immobilize were moved over to Cobra Strike, then Cobra Strike could at least function like a "ghetto hold" combining both immobility and stun. But no ... we've got ... CAK.

And sad as it makes me ... I think that we're going to be stuck with CAK as an Immobilize, no matter what arguments are made about the sheer worthlessness of an Immobilize on a power that comes too late to be worthwhile against the categories of mobs most likely to run away ... the lowbies.

That said ... if we're going to get stuck with CAK as an Immobilize, because every scrapper primary has an Immobilize ... the question then becomes ... HOW can an Immobilize be leveraged to be USEFUL to a Martial Arts scrapper? Even more importantly ... how is CAK a better choice of an attack power than Air Superiority or even Jump Kick?

It can be pretty easily argued that Air Superiority is dramatically superior to CAK in terms of both mitigation and utility. So how to bring CAK, a level 18 primary power, "up to snuff" in comparison with level 6 pool powers?

The way I see it, there's basically two options ... for the Immobilize.

CAK can either be configured to have a high MAG Immobilize, which lasts for a short(ish) duration ... or ... CAK can be configured to have its current anemic low MAG Immobilize and make it last for a long duration, permitting self-stacking of the Immobilization to "useful" MAG levels after repeat use as part of an attack chain.

The second thing I'd want to do is give the "Crippling" part of CAK's name some actual, relevant, game mechanical support.

Let's try giving CAK a Damage Debuff to target ... which lasts long enough to self-stack. Something like a -10% Damage Debuff which lasts for say ... 10 seconds.

Throw in a -30% Recharge Debuff which also lasts for 10 seconds, and is intended to self-stack, and we'll have a power which has USEFUL effects beyond just "simple" immobilization which isn't merely "on par" with (or worse than!) a level 6 pool power which can deliver greater combat utility through a dirt simple knockdown.

And the beauty of it is ... neither the Damage Debuff nor the Recharge Debuff is modifiable by enhancements ... meaning that there's no change necessary to the allowed enhancements or permitted IO Sets available to the power. Meaning, no running afoul of that tendril of the Cottage Rule.

Keep the anti-Fly and movement Snare properties, as well as damage, recharge, endurance and animation times constant ... and we'd have something competitive.

What say you ... Arcanaville?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
I doubt we'll ever get some kind of native -regen on a Scrapper simply because I doubt they'll ever give the AV killing AT (and, yes, I would label Scrappers as the "AV killing AT" because it's almost impossible to take a powerset pairing that can't be made to solo AVs well, with the exception of Spines/*). 150% -regen would turn into 22.5% -regen for a level 50 Scrapper on a level 50 AV, which equates to roughly 21.2 additional DPS for as long as the power lasts (assuming a Storm>CAK>Storm>Crane attack string, that's 117.5 extra "damage" for every iteration of the attack string).

The problem with adding any kind of -regen to a set is that it is completely useless against all but an exceptionally small number of entities in game (AVs, GMs, and some players in PvP). Adding -regen is pretty much specifically stating that you want the set to be better against those targets than anything without it and that the power should be better than any other option you could possibly have on the table.

Personally, I wouldn't add any -regen to CAK, but that's mostly because I'm not entirely sure I see how a kick to the shin is going to make something heal slower. Lingering Radiation and Benumb provide -regen because they are literally stopping the ability to heal. Drain Psyche provides -regen because you're pulling it out of your target. Crippling Axe Kick is, quite literally, kicking a guy in the shin.

If Scrappers were to get any -regen, I would go about doing so by adding it in an APP, but that wouldn't fit with Castle's method of simply providing useless ancillary powers to Scrappers, so I doubt that will ever happen. Barring that, I'd go for a proc that provided -regen, but, once again, that would require providing something more useful for Scrappers than Defenders or Controllers, so I doubt that will happen either.
I've personally always thought that the toxic in spines should be doing -regen, and still think it should.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
I've personally always thought that the toxic in spines should be doing -regen, and still think it should.
I'm not opposed to handing out low doses of -regen to some melee sets. It's not a major factor until you start giving it high numbers (like ~150%+). If you look at widows for instance they get a bit of -regen (iirc 25% on a couple powers). It's not a major factor, but does make things a bit smoother as the targets you affect (below high ranking foes) stop receiving ticks of health. It's nice if you hit something with a dot power and it doesn't recover some health running away and survive it.

I don't see -regen as a solution to any melee set problems, but as a layer in the process it could be a reasonably attractive tool.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I'm not opposed to handing out low doses of -regen to some melee sets. It's not a major factor until you start giving it high numbers (like ~150%+). If you look at widows for instance they get a bit of -regen (iirc 25% on a couple powers). It's not a major factor, but does make things a bit smoother as the targets you affect (below high ranking foes) stop receiving ticks of health. It's nice if you hit something with a dot power and it doesn't recover some health running away and survive it.

I don't see -regen as a solution to any melee set problems, but as a layer in the process it could be a reasonably attractive tool.
It would be situationally helpful, yes, but only if it's in addition to, not instead of, other buffs.

In everyday gameplay I don't see it making enough of a difference to make up for the set's other shortcomings. For Stupid Scrapper Tricks, yes. On a team, maybe, although your pitiful -regen would be nothing compared to what some of your teammates bring. In regular gameplay, especially at the high end....well there are Super Arachnoids. Everything else, you're over-killing anyway.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
It would be situationally helpful, yes, but only if it's in addition to, not instead of, other buffs.

In everyday gameplay I don't see it making enough of a difference to make up for the set's other shortcomings. For Stupid Scrapper Tricks, yes. On a team, maybe, although your pitiful -regen would be nothing compared to what some of your teammates bring. In regular gameplay, especially at the high end....well there are Super Arachnoids. Everything else, you're over-killing anyway.
Definitely agree
Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I don't see -regen as a solution to any melee set problems, but as a layer in the process it could be a reasonably attractive tool.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
it is also true that every single scrapper primary has an Immobilize of some sort.
Is that really true? I can't think of one in Fiery Melee...or Broadsword/Katana...or Claws...Really just Dark Melee's Midnight Grasp and Martial Arts' CAK.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Is that really true? I can't think of one in Fiery Melee...or Broadsword/Katana...or Claws...Really just Dark Melee's Midnight Grasp and Martial Arts' CAK.
Impale. Personally I believe every melee set should have an Immobilize of some sort but that's neither here nor there.

I still don't get why people are focusing on Crippling Axe Kick. It's clunky, but really changing it would do nothing to fix the set. I guess it could get a big boost to improve the set's performance, but if they did that then nothing would really change. The set would still use SK - CAK - SK - CK, and people would still skip all the other powers. The tier 9 would fall even more behind if CAK was improved and people would have even less reason to use EC.

I personally would rather have the set tweaked in a couple of areas. A total redesign makes me nervous. I already have MA characters that I am invested in. My preference is to save the cutting edge design ideas for staff/polearm and whatever other sets are coming down the pipe.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Impale. Personally I believe every melee set should have an Immobilize of some sort but that's neither here nor there.

I still don't get why people are focusing on Crippling Axe Kick. It's clunky, but really changing it would do nothing to fix the set. I guess it could get a big boost to improve the set's performance, but if they did that then nothing would really change. The set would still use SK - CAK - SK - CK, and people would still skip all the other powers. The tier 9 would fall even more behind if CAK was improved and people would have even less reason to use EC.

I personally would rather have the set tweaked in a couple of areas. A total redesign makes me nervous. I already have MA characters that I am invested in. My preference is to save the cutting edge design ideas for staff/polearm and whatever other sets are coming down the pipe.
CAK is already perfect, it has a slow effect which in pvp is super considering the travel suppression, it's already hard enough for Melee AT to catch runners and kiters.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Well my .02 INF

I like the set visually, I have fun playing the set. It feels like it does "underperform" compared to my other Scrappers. The only real issue I have is the long EC animation time. Even worse, when I miss with it.

Just lower the animation time on EC. It is really the only issue I have.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Well my .02 INF

I like the set visually, I have fun playing the set. It feels like it does "underperform" compared to my other Scrappers. The only real issue I have is the long EC animation time. Even worse, when I miss with it.

Just lower the animation time on EC. It is really the only issue I have.


My two cents then.

If the consensus is the only "right" thing to do to EC is shorten the animation, I'd vote for changing it completely.

There is precedent for this drastic step, indeed, MA has had animations completely changed already.

There must be SOME suitably awe-inspiring kung fu kick out there that only takes about 1.8 seconds to perform. I say let's find it and toss up some vids!



On any of the MA Scrappers I've made past and present, I have never taken these two powers: Cobra Strike and Crippling Axe Kick.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
On any of the MA Scrappers I've made past and present, I have never taken these two powers: Cobra Strike and Crippling Axe Kick.
Sadly, it might be the best attack outside of Storm Kick we have. The DPA might not quite be as high as Crane Kick, but then again I am not kicking my targets away from me.

Now that BAB fixed the animation and put the sound in the right place the attack flows much better than it's reputation from back in the day when it was mistimed and had bad sound placement. The alternate animation is not bad either; though it doesn't flow as well as it good because of the "wind up" with the fist to round out the longer time.

Without CAK what is your attack chain? Are you using Thunder Kick? EC?


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Sadly, it might be the best attack outside of Storm Kick we have. The DPA might not quite be as high as Crane Kick, but then again I am not kicking my targets away from me.

Now that BAB fixed the animation and put the sound in the right place the attack flows much better than it's reputation from back in the day when it was mistimed and had bad sound placement. The alternate animation is not bad either; though it doesn't flow as well as it good because of the "wind up" with the fist to round out the longer time.

Without CAK what is your attack chain? Are you using Thunder Kick? EC?
Hmmm...I use CK on my Martial Art Scrappers, and truthfully, the KB has never been a problem. It doesn't happen nearly that often.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



60% of the time, it happens every time.

I found Crane Kick to be the largest annoyance on my MA scrapper. I find it annoying like shout on my sonic toons (though in a slightly different way).

I want to use CK immediately because it is a high damage attack with solid DPA, but in doing so I will likely gut my damage because I have to run across the room to continue fighting them. I've found I either need to fight by a wall, or use CK as a finisher (like shout).

That means in many situations I have to eliminate CK from my attack chain (luts/bosses) or meet certain criteria such as having a wall or using ring of fire first, or leading CK with dragon tail (which makes no sense against a single target). If I don't meet that criteria the kb trends my dps toward zero.

I like the idea of kb on CK, but if you want to talk about secondary effects that have no meaningful place in the set you need look no further than the high mag kb on CK putting restrictions on attack scenarios that just shouldn't be prevalent.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
60% of the time, it happens every time.

I found Crane Kick to be the largest annoyance on my MA scrapper. I find it annoying like shout on my sonic toons (though in a slightly different way).

I want to use CK immediately because it is a high damage attack with solid DPA, but in doing so I will likely gut my damage because I have to run across the room to continue fighting them. I've found I either need to fight by a wall, or use CK as a finisher (like shout).

That means in many situations I have to eliminate CK from my attack chain (luts/bosses) or meet certain criteria such as having a wall or using ring of fire first, or leading CK with dragon tail (which makes no sense against a single target). If I don't meet that criteria the kb trends my dps toward zero.

I like the idea of kb on CK, but if you want to talk about secondary effects that have no meaningful place in the set you need look no further than the high mag kb on CK putting restrictions on attack scenarios that just shouldn't be prevalent.
It is annoying no doubt. One thing I've learned to do is let the enemy live. I Crane Kick and immediately shift select the next enemy and take them down while the first is getting up and running back.

It gets really annoying on the last rescued hostage when you mistakenly Crane Kick the last mob you have to defeat off the top of the factory map or something and then have to go chase them down into another spawn to finish the mission.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Personally I like the KB on Crane Kick and even slot it with a KB set. It's a useful mitigation tool. Usually, I either use it as a finisher or to get a bad guy to leave me alone for a few seconds while I cycle to a different target. I've got so much Recharge working in my favor (SR secondary) its not like I have to use CK to complete a chain if I don't want to or its not situationally advantageous.



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
It is annoying no doubt. One thing I've learned to do is let the enemy live. I Crane Kick and immediately shift select the next enemy and take them down while the first is getting up and running back.

It gets really annoying on the last rescued hostage when you mistakenly Crane Kick the last mob you have to defeat off the top of the factory map or something and then have to go chase them down into another spawn to finish the mission.
Solo: I do the same thing. I let them make their way back to me and deal with the other enemies.

Team: I'm a st specialist and as such usually going after high ranking threats. Having two bosses run around with 10% hp is just as dangerous as having two bosses at 100% hp. If I were an ma/inv or shield I would continue with the strategy of switching targets because they are going to be under a long duration taunt and will come back to me. Other secondaries, the risk of a squishy doing pretty much anything to get their attention is fairly high. Especially since I likely just knocked them out of range of the punch-voke tank or anyone else helping with agro control.

That says nothing of me knocking them out of my own preferred areas such as away from my rttc, or powersink, or damage aura, or dragon tail.

Crane Kick's high kb actually gives solid support for the idea of adding some -regen to the set. If the dev's really intend for us to switch targets after crane kick then it would be nice if said target didn't go and heal back some of that damage in the time it takes them to make their way back to us. Or the devs intend for us to have near zero dps due to knocking the target away all the time, which I hope isn't the case.

It also lends support to the idea of adding 2-3 seconds of -kb to CAK. That way you can combo in to CK without worry of zeroing future damage. Which as of right now if you lead with CAK into CK it takes even longer for them to come back to you due to immob and/or slow, which is further contrary to synergy. The short duration -kb would allow CK to still function as it does now unless you combo into it. win, win and would mean less disruption to powers if people like them the way they are now.

But then again I've been told
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Its tempting to do it just to see you proven wrong again.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm only implying that you have no idea what you're talking about.
by the all-seeing prophet, so I'm not sure why I'm even talking as this thread has already been blessed by her omnipotent vision.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
It also lends support to the idea of adding 2-3 seconds of -kb to CAK. That way you can combo in to CK without worry of zeroing future damage. Which as of right now if you lead with CAK into CK it takes even longer for them to come back to you due to immob and/or slow, which is further contrary to synergy. The short duration -kb would allow CK to still function as it does now unless you combo into it. win, win and would mean less disruption to powers if people like them the way they are now.
I have seen -KB in CAK suggested here before. (Hell I might have even made the suggestion.) It would be awesome to be the scrapper set that can group with Energy/ and other knockback heavy sets and be able to keep the mob in one place. Not to mention negating my own Crane Kick.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
(Hell I might have even made the suggestion.)
That was me and it was made in conjuction with providing Crane Kick with some high mag KU along with the KB and not giving CAK -KU.



bout adding a -15 tohit on EC unresisted and can't be stacked for say 10 seconds... hitting someone in the head should cause a bit of a double vision

And the animation on CK just screams like a KB to me... wish I could kick a baddy right through a wall....



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
That was me and it was made in conjuction with providing Crane Kick with some high mag KU along with the KB and not giving CAK -KU.
This is a great idea, and I would take it even further and consider adding -KB to one lower tier attack for every melee powerset. This would go a long way in lowering the KB "hate" that exists in the game. I love my KB, but when I am trying to beat something down in melee range, I would prefer not chasing it all over the map when the Energy Blaster decides to "let fly".




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
This is a great idea, and I would take it even further and consider adding -KB to one lower tier attack for every melee powerset.

This? This is genuinely good, original thinking. It adds more depth and strategy to the basic button-mashing of combat. "Do I want to move this foe, freeze this foe in place, or just hammer him?"

Can we get a Dev in here to poke around at this one?

For the Martial Arts example, if you want to knock a baddy away, you lead with crane kick. If you want to anchor him for the drubbing, lead with crippling axe kick. Lord knows it'd be easier to tolerate some of the less melee friendly combos out there with this as an added feature.

This could enhance melee toons and many others all at one go.

Thumbs up, gents!



Crane Kick's high kb actually gives solid support for the idea of adding some -regen to the set. If the dev's really intend for us to switch targets after crane kick then it would be nice if said target didn't go and heal back some of that damage in the time it takes them to make their way back to us. Or the devs intend for us to have near zero dps due to knocking the target away all the time, which I hope isn't the case.
The issue here is that the Devs didn't really take that into consideration at all when they made the set. Somewhat understandable, it's something that's been a part of the game since Day 1, so they had no real appreciation of how game play would develop and settle down.

The high KB attack of Crane Kick was an aesthetic choice, one of their ways of simulating "Movie-Fu" in the game. Which, while nice to look at, really breaks up the flow of battle, because the player IS forced to use this attack as a finisher only.

And yes, it has been suggested that CAK be given a -KB component before, but I don't think that will ever happen.

Personally, I'd love to see this changed so that the victim being thrown away acts as a projectile, too, carrying a narrow cone knockdown with minor smashing damage... but I think we'd have more luck getting this changed to a narrow melee cone ala Head Splitter/Golden Dragonfly. Even then, it won't change the detail that you can't reliably put this attack in an attack chain.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
Even then, it won't change the detail that you can't reliably put this attack in an attack chain.
Unfortunately it is a tough issue to tackle. The kb is visually great and it is even fun provided you can get past the negatives it brings. I personally wouldn't want to take the effect away from the power, but I would make it more reliable and increase it up close to 100% chance of occurring. I don't think you can change what CK does without taking a lot of the flavor away from the power. So ideally we shouldn't.

Despite the earlier misinformation, CK presents a much larger overarching issue toward MA as a whole than CAK. One that I'd solve with CAK as mentioned, but I remain open to ideas of course. I know as of now CK is one of the main reasons I went fire app and now include ring of fire in my attack chain. While not actually a terrible DPA attack if the target lives long enough for the long duration dot to complete it does tend toward lowering MA's dps even further if used (better than when the only option was web grenade). But it is still higher than if I have to keep chasing the target down.