Sooo when is MA going to be adjusted?




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The problem is not the immobilize per se. The problem is putting the immobilize and the movement slow in the same power. If I were to take the stun from TK and the stun from Eagle's Claw and put them both into Cobra strike, so Cobra strike had three chances to stun the same target and those stuns didn't stack the "set" would have the same number of secondary effects, but they would be less effective. The same thing is happening to CAK.

Now, if every MA attack slowed, and CAK was the special attack that also immobilized, that would be different. Dark Melee has this property where Touch of Fear has both a very strong -tohit and a fear. Stacking -tohit on a target that is feared is less beneficial than the sum of the two effects, because a target that is feared is not attacking (or at least not attacking as much). But its clear Touch of Fear didn't pay extra for that effect: Dark Melee wasn't given a limited amount of Tohit debuff and "wasted" some of it on ToF: it was basically given an unlimited amount of tohit debuff to put into all the attacks in any way the designer saw fit.

But MA's secondary effects are very clearly limited. ...

I really like where you are headed with this. My favorite Scrapper primary is (and always has been) Martial Arts. I played it and loved it even during the "smell my foot" days.
But having just recently played an Energy Melee character up to level 16 over the weekend and then hopping back on my Martial Artist, I can definitely "feel" the difference. Having a chance to stun on every attack translates into ALOT of mobs getting stunned every fight, without me actually even trying to cause this. So when you play Martial Arts, the extra effects are kinda random and less valuable as "mitigation" then even the closest set for comparison (Energy Melee).

What if "Knockdown" was Martial Arts' special effect. Code in a chance to knockdown on every attack. It doesnt solve the problem you are illustrating above, but would make up for the lack of a "consistent" effect.

Oh I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea that Umbral brings up about taking a half second out of the "floating in air" animation of EC. I want my MA to be smooth and deadly, a veritable dancing death machine. The "hold" at the top of the EC animation is a little too much "crouching tiger" and not enough "bruce lee" for my tastes.




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
As for the reasoning behind the -Regen (which had an alter punch animation)...the martial artist is hitting a nerve point, stopping the flow of chi, causing a disruption in the tagrets regen.
So how does hitting a nerve point that makes the target move slower somehow prevent it from healing? You can't simply say "nerve point!" and be done with it, especially since the best power for that particular excuse to be used on is actually Cobra Strike (which would likely make it a power that people would actually take rather than completely ignore, depending on the grade of -regen applied)

Also, adding the -regen effect, only effects the HARD targets that make up very little of the game, but gives MA the distinction of being the ST DPS set, without really breaking the game.
Except that MA isn't the ST DPS set. It's simply one of them (Fire, DM, and MA are probably considered the nominal ST sets, though Fire is more of an all around damage set; MA and DM both share the position of heavy ST and utility focus with DM having more utility but less AoE and MA having less utility but more AoE). Giving it -regen without allowing other sets to have it allows it to pull ahead of virtually every other set out there while still being able to maintain the same AoE performance that the set already has (which, while low, isn't the lowest out there; DM is bad even by MA's standards). Something else to consider is also that -regen is a very quick and dirty way of getting through GMs. The only reason that you don't see Scrappers and Tankers killing GMs like trollers and defenders (and MMs, and blasters, and corrs) is because of a lack of -regen. Against a GM, that -regen is going to do a helluva lot more (thanks to higher base regen to debuff) and could quite easily push an MA/* into the GM soloing realm (which I'm pretty sure the devs didn't want happening with any AT).

Most of this comes from the fact that I don't think the devs should provide 1 set with a massive benefit against hard targets without providing it in some way to all others unless that set specifically needs that benefit to compete. The AH proc seems really great and it seems a bit unfair that only a few sets can slot it and only 2 of them can get much use out of it until you look and see that those sets can't really get up to "average" top end performance without it. -Regen in MA is pretty much the same only it's even more specific. I doubt the devs want to specifically turn MA into the AV/GM stomping primary (which it would be if it got any decent degree of -regen), especially when they're not even sure what kind of primary it's supposed to be.

If Scrappers were to get -regen, I'd prefer the -regen to be granted via a worthwhile ancillary power (i.e. screw the "3 times worse" rule that makes everything 6 times worse for a Scrapper because we have to deal with "3 times worse" and crappy AT mods) or an IO. If you really want a mechanism that augments performance against hard targets but not against other targets, it's probably smarter to consider -res: it's actually a useful secondary effect for things other than AVs/GMs though the only things it really is useful on is hard targets (because they have to survive long enough to see much use out of it).



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
So how does hitting a nerve point that makes the target move slower somehow prevent it from healing? You can't simply say "nerve point!" and be done with it, especially since the best power for that particular excuse to be used on is actually Cobra Strike (which would likely make it a power that people would actually take rather than completely ignore, depending on the grade of -regen applied)

Except that MA isn't the ST DPS set. It's simply one of them (Fire, DM, and MA are probably considered the nominal ST sets, though Fire is more of an all around damage set; MA and DM both share the position of heavy ST and utility focus with DM having more utility but less AoE and MA having less utility but more AoE). Giving it -regen without allowing other sets to have it allows it to pull ahead of virtually every other set out there while still being able to maintain the same AoE performance that the set already has (which, while low, isn't the lowest out there; DM is bad even by MA's standards). Something else to consider is also that -regen is a very quick and dirty way of getting through GMs. The only reason that you don't see Scrappers and Tankers killing GMs like trollers and defenders (and MMs, and blasters, and corrs) is because of a lack of -regen. Against a GM, that -regen is going to do a helluva lot more (thanks to higher base regen to debuff) and could quite easily push an MA/* into the GM soloing realm (which I'm pretty sure the devs didn't want happening with any AT).

Most of this comes from the fact that I don't think the devs should provide 1 set with a massive benefit against hard targets without providing it in some way to all others unless that set specifically needs that benefit to compete. The AH proc seems really great and it seems a bit unfair that only a few sets can slot it and only 2 of them can get much use out of it until you look and see that those sets can't really get up to "average" top end performance without it. -Regen in MA is pretty much the same only it's even more specific. I doubt the devs want to specifically turn MA into the AV/GM stomping primary (which it would be if it got any decent degree of -regen), especially when they're not even sure what kind of primary it's supposed to be.

If Scrappers were to get -regen, I'd prefer the -regen to be granted via a worthwhile ancillary power (i.e. screw the "3 times worse" rule that makes everything 6 times worse for a Scrapper because we have to deal with "3 times worse" and crappy AT mods) or an IO. If you really want a mechanism that augments performance against hard targets but not against other targets, it's probably smarter to consider -res: it's actually a useful secondary effect for things other than AVs/GMs though the only things it really is useful on is hard targets (because they have to survive long enough to see much use out of it).
Mmmm...truthfully, in my own play experience, with Shadow Maul, Soul Drain and Dark Consumption, I felt (this by no mean, means accurate, maybe Dragon Tail was up more often than I thought, compared to those 3 abilities in Dark Melee combined) that Dark Melee had more AOE. All perspective and playstyle based I would take it (look at the Super Strength thread, where others are comparing Foot Stomp to Claws 3 AOEs).

Here's why I'm okay with them giving one set -regen, and not the others. Mental Manipulation: Drain Psyche AND Psionic Assault: Drain Psyche.

There is only one set to take, to get -regen, in those ATs. You don't see any other set get the -Regen, when those sets do. So, what's the difference with MA having that effect and none of the other sets having it?

As for the reasoning...same thing could just as easily say the same nerve you hit to slow the targets movement, slows the target's regen.

However, you're right, maybe putting it in Cobra Strike would be better. I really hadn't thought about putting it in Cobra Strike. Same effect, increases the DPS on hard targets.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I can't quite prove that the devs overvalued the combination of immob/slow relative to each separately *because* of a belief in synergy that didn't exist, but I can prove all of the above, and within that context this is a reasonable assumption to make, and almost certainly true.
So, you can prove that, in the past, when the devs largely didn't know what they were doing and mostly just stumbled upon balance by happy coincidence, that MA was weak because the devs didn't know what they were doing?

It's completely pointless to bring up the old design of the set when the discussion is how to fix the set as a whole now. You may as well just cite how pre-nerf IH operated in a discussion about whether current */Regen should get debuff resists. You're pretty much doing this over and over again by simply stating that you talked to someone 3 years ago about this and already got an answer even though the entire paradigm has shifted in the intervening time, especially when there is a perfectly reasonable logical foundation for abandoning the archaic model that you still believe exists. The devs can change their minds. Apparently you can't.

The CAK model would work wonderfully as a model for the other powers in the set if the devs actually wanted to maintain the whole idea of "a diverse suite of secondary effects". As the devs know now, it's not so much a question of how many different effects you've got as it is what you can generate via the interaction of those various effects. If each power in MA operated using a different secondary effect pairing (one mez effect and a second debuff that is rendered irrelevant by the operation of that mez), then they could easily "over load" the set with secondary effects (which, as you have stated, was the primary reason why MA was given such paltry effects in the first place) and be confident that it wouldn't be completely borked.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
What if "Knockdown" was Martial Arts' special effect. Code in a chance to knockdown on every attack. It doesnt solve the problem you are illustrating above, but would make up for the lack of a "consistent" effect.

Oh I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea that Umbral brings up about taking a half second out of the "floating in air" animation of EC. I want my MA to be smooth and deadly, a veritable dancing death machine. The "hold" at the top of the EC animation is a little too much "crouching tiger" and not enough "bruce lee" for my tastes.
I would love to see more knockdown in MA as well but I fear that the dawn of Kinetic Melee will overshadow it even more in this department. But a big 'yes' to knocking my foes to the floor and a second shaved off of Eagle's Claw.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
But a big 'yes' to knocking my foes to the floor and a second shaved off of Eagle's Claw.
Half a second off of EC. Shaving off A full second would just be borked (95.6 DPA and a stun on a 12 second recharge coupled with Storm Kick?).



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Half a second off of EC. Shaving off A full second would just be borked (95.6 DPA and a stun on a 12 second recharge coupled with Storm Kick?).
Sorry, posting before my first cup of tea of the day.

Yep, just a little off the sides would suit me fine.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



It's i17

Regardless of some conversation with a dev back when the Funky Cold Medina was all the rage, CAK would be one of the last powers to be altered. Improved yes, but as a jumping off point to addressing the issues of MA? Not a chance

CAK is one of those attacks that works exactly like you expect it to.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Also, it could have a chance of knockdown. If I'm using a guy's head as a springboard, there's a good chance he's going to fall down. And when he does, it looks really cool.
That Stupefy Chance for Knockback I put in EC was the second best investment I ever made.

The best? A Stupefy Chance for Knockback in Cobra Strike.

Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs



MA is used in PvP more than it is in PvE, so asking for a tweak to a whole powerset to suit a PvE stance is just....... selfish.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



I'm going to post my standard fix for MA. Change focus chi to a persistant damage buff (something like rage, but doesn't have to be exactly rage).

Playing with secondary effects is fun and interesting conceptually. Even playing with the mechanics of the effects to make them more benifitial might seem to be of value. However, in a game where either through power selections, through builds, or through teaming, we're dropping the to-hit chance of badguys to very low levels, there's very few situations where I'd trade damage for more status effects, especially on a scrapper. The current state of the game is one where power isn't measured in wins and losses (we can all win in 99.99% of the tasks in this game)... it's measured in speed of success. For example, a 25 minute ITF is considered more successful then a 60 minute ITF. Even if you're not going for speed and you're attempting to kill everything, you'd rather do it in less time. In the last 63+ months of play expirience, I think I've been on a TF that failed 2 times... in both of those times, status effects from a scrapper would not have helped... additional damage from a high-end scrapper would have.

With that in mind, if you're on a toon that has low damage, it needs to have something else contibuting to the speed of success at typical tasks, or you'll be on an under valued toon.

This doesn't mean the only answer is damage. There could be some new new status effects that do something to improve speed of teaming. Just thinking quickly, if Martial Arts had an AoE debuff power that reduced the maximum attack range all affected enemies to 7ft, there'd be demand for MA toons to help herd groups of badguys into the kill zone range of a team's AoE attacks. I'm not saying that's a fix for MA... but what I'm saying, that's the type of "new" thinking needed to determine a way to improve an underperforming set. A set needs to increase success speed of some major aspect of the game or it's going to be percieved as weaker then other sets.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
That Stupefy Chance for Knockback I put in EC was the second best investment I ever made.

The best? A Stupefy Chance for Knockback in Cobra Strike.
My plan for cobra strike?

1: Slot purple acc/stun/rech, normal acc/stun/rech, purple damage proc, mako's proc, touch of death proc, stupefy KB proc.
2: Use uppercut animation.
3: Laugh maniacally.
4: Profit?

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



I would suggest if anything...

Focus Chi - (instead of Build up effect) - Increases the chance for Crits and %'s on proc chance for damage for x number of seconds.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
That Stupefy Chance for Knockback I put in EC was the second best investment I ever made.

The best? A Stupefy Chance for Knockback in Cobra Strike.
Eagle's Claw's animation suggests knockdown rather than knockback. Cobra Strike, yeah, I agree, looks like knockback.

Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
MA is used in PvP more than it is in PvE, so asking for a tweak to a whole powerset to suit a PvE stance is just....... selfish.
Does this make any sense to anyone?

Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
Playing with secondary effects is fun and interesting conceptually. Even playing with the mechanics of the effects to make them more benifitial might seem to be of value. However, in a game where either through power selections, through builds, or through teaming, we're dropping the to-hit chance of badguys to very low levels, there's very few situations where I'd trade damage for more status effects, especially on a scrapper.
In the game you're playing, secondary effects are trivial. Not everyone is able or willing to play that way.

Looking at the sets from the point of view of a leveling Scrapper running on there any other set (not counting Parry and Divine Avalanche) that has to sacrifice kill speed for consistent mitigation to the extent that MA does?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
I'm going to post my standard fix for MA. Change focus chi to a persistant damage buff (something like rage, but doesn't have to be exactly rage).
Please no. MA provides burst damage and because the attack's base damage isn't reduced to compensate for a persistent damage buff it makes full use of +Damage effects. Rebalancing the set to provide a persistent damage effects has several side effects that would be bad to add to an existing set:

~ +Damage is devalued both from sets and from friendly buffs.
~ MA loses burst damage

There are plenty of melee sets already with persistent damage buffs.

Playing with secondary effects is fun and interesting conceptually. Even playing with the mechanics of the effects to make them more benifitial might seem to be of value. However, in a game where either through power selections, through builds, or through teaming, we're dropping the to-hit chance of badguys to very low levels, there's very few situations where I'd trade damage for more status effects, especially on a scrapper. The current state of the game is one where power isn't measured in wins and losses (we can all win in 99.99% of the tasks in this game)... it's measured in speed of success. For example, a 25 minute ITF is considered more successful then a 60 minute ITF. Even if you're not going for speed and you're attempting to kill everything, you'd rather do it in less time. In the last 63+ months of play expirience, I think I've been on a TF that failed 2 times... in both of those times, status effects from a scrapper would not have helped... additional damage from a high-end scrapper would have.
While single target status effects are devalued in high end play, persistent defense buffs like Parry are awesome. MA could be given a self defensive buff as part of an attack, such as +defense as part of Cobra Strike. MA could also be given some utility as well to help it out.

With that in mind, if you're on a toon that has low damage, it needs to have something else contibuting to the speed of success at typical tasks, or you'll be on an under valued toon.

This doesn't mean the only answer is damage. There could be some new new status effects that do something to improve speed of teaming. Just thinking quickly, if Martial Arts had an AoE debuff power that reduced the maximum attack range all affected enemies to 7ft, there'd be demand for MA toons to help herd groups of badguys into the kill zone range of a team's AoE attacks. I'm not saying that's a fix for MA... but what I'm saying, that's the type of "new" thinking needed to determine a way to improve an underperforming set. A set needs to increase success speed of some major aspect of the game or it's going to be percieved as weaker then other sets.
MA would need a lot of changes to make it "valued" in a giant group setting beyond killing all the bosses. If you tried to make it into a group set then that generally means persistant AoE effects which completely change the set's current single target focus. I have to wonder if the devs would provide AoE debuffs without making the set pay even more in the single target department.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I would suggest if anything...

Focus Chi - (instead of Build up effect) - Increases the chance for Crits and %'s on proc chance for damage for x number of seconds.
Wait, didn't you previously state the opinion that changes that would kill MA in PvP would be bad?


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
CAK is one of those attacks that works exactly like you expect it to.
I kind of agree. Spending time messing with CAK while there are so many powers that need much more attention seems odd to me. It feels like the main concern here is that CAK doesn't neatly fit into some conceptual balancing framework, but in reality the power is not causing problems with MA.

Crane Kick's knockback, on the other hand, fits perfectly well into the conceptual design paradigm but the fact that I am kicking away targets I am trying to defeat with melee is a much bigger detriment to playstyle than the hodge podge effects stacked on CAK. I even was defeated once because I reflexively hit Crane Kick and kicked a Circle of Thorns Earth Mage out of the quicksand and couldn't get to him before he finished me and he only had a sliver of health.

The first fix should be to Eagle's Claw. After Cobra Strike is pretty useless. Even my lowbie scrappers can afford to take the time to put out a short stun. The sad thing is that the only area where Cobra is actually useful, detoggling Lts. with ToHit debuff auras, is negated by the very ToHit debuff you would be trying to eliminate.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I would suggest if anything...

Focus Chi - (instead of Build up effect) - Increases the chance for Crits and %'s on proc chance for damage for x number of seconds.
It's possible for the devs to alter the chances of aspects of a power occurring, but it's not likely that the devs would have that power globally alter the proc rates of IOs as well. They could, but it would likely involve a including every single one of those procs on the list of things that the power effects.

Having the power increase the crit chance isn't going to be particularly spectacular either. In order to make it provide quite the same oomph (assuming 95% +dam slotting) as 100% +dam, any power with a 5/10% crit rate would need to get an increase to 59/66% crit rate while the power was active. Of course, because it's not operating off of a +dam mechanic that causes dilution, on a team, you're going to get a lot better performance than that because you're augmenting all of the +dam you've got normally as well as any extra +dam your team is providing you with. By this same token, you're still not going to perform in the same way in PvP because you're trading controlled direct increase to damage (via +dam) for an increase to the random chance to deal double damage.

I highly doubt the devs would replace Focus Chi or any BU power that isn't integrally related to the function of the powerset with a power that increased the chance of an AT specific function within that AT (and, yes, critting is an AT specific function so that if the set were ever proliferated across to Tankers or Brutes, it would need to see a rather spectacular change).



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Does this make any sense to anyone?
MA sees a decent bit of use in Siren's Call PvP because of Eagles Claw's massive animation time providing it with a lot of burst damage potential, especially since it also allows you to follow up that heavy hit with more hits thanks to stuns (and how there is no more mez prot in PvP so you can guarantee that stun).

Someone trying to make a claim that the set shouldn't see a fix or variety of fixes because of PvP though, just seem even more selfish to me since it's pretty obvious to anyone that PvP is both used less than PvE but it's also not even remotely balanced in the first place.

Looking at the sets from the point of view of a leveling Scrapper running on there any other set (not counting Parry and Divine Avalanche) that has to sacrifice kill speed for consistent mitigation to the extent that MA does?
DM has to make some pretty massive sacrifices when using Touch of Fear, but that's partially mitigated by the presence of a decent self healing attack and the native tohit debuffs of the set.



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Wait, didn't you previously state the opinion that changes that would kill MA in PvP would be bad?
Increased Crit + Increased proc firing in PvP is better than inc dmg.

Proc damage is unresistable and Crit speak for themselves.

I don't think this would effect Ma badly in PvP

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I don't think this would effect Ma badly in PvP
It would however provide them with an untoward advantage and require some really delicate rebalancing just because you want to have that untoward advantage (because you don't want to be hit with diminishing returns) and enjoy the fact that the set does well in PvP expressly because it does so poorly in PvE.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
So, you can prove that, in the past, when the devs largely didn't know what they were doing and mostly just stumbled upon balance by happy coincidence, that MA was weak because the devs didn't know what they were doing?

Just because they didn't always know the consequences of what they did, doesn't mean they acted completely randomly. You just have to put the pieces together correctly. And my sounding board over the years have been the devs, both the current dev team and the devs that were here originally and are not here now. So yeah, I think the picture I've pieced together is reasonably accurate.

It's completely pointless to bring up the old design of the set when the discussion is how to fix the set as a whole now. You may as well just cite how pre-nerf IH operated in a discussion about whether current */Regen should get debuff resists. You're pretty much doing this over and over again by simply stating that you talked to someone 3 years ago about this and already got an answer even though the entire paradigm has shifted in the intervening time, especially when there is a perfectly reasonable logical foundation for abandoning the archaic model that you still believe exists. The devs can change their minds. Apparently you can't.
I mention the past not because I'm bound to it, but because the devs usually don't just wake up one day and do things completely differently. They have their own "cottage rules" regarding maintaining continuity of design. While they can refine their methods, they still have conceptual rules about things they generally don't discuss often except when they mention them as the justification for certain kinds of changes - or lack of changes.

In any case, the current picture of MA is still the same: it doesn't match its current conceptual design, and no one has yet created an alternate one for it to meet. And my original statement is thus still true: MA either needs a new conceptual framework to meet - and must then be redesigned to meet it - or it needs to be reengineered to meet its current one. I don't mind if the devs change their minds. In fact, for a long time I tried to get them to do just that: change the conceptual target for MA, to allow it to get features its currently barred from having. They've actually been resistant to that, which is why spend more time trying to adjust MA to fit its current conceptual model rather than proposing alternates.

Although I've been talking to the devs about MA for four years, this is not just some distant memory. The last time I (briefly) talked to the devs about MA was December. And I prod Castle about it pretty much constantly. So much so that (jokingly) Castle struck back with glee (although I can't explain how quite yet, that quote is an MA-related quote - but before anyone gets any ideas, it has nothing to do with an MA powerset change: no MA change is hinted at in that quote. Its about my *thoughts* about MA, not about MA itself).

The CAK model would work wonderfully as a model for the other powers in the set if the devs actually wanted to maintain the whole idea of "a diverse suite of secondary effects". As the devs know now, it's not so much a question of how many different effects you've got as it is what you can generate via the interaction of those various effects. If each power in MA operated using a different secondary effect pairing (one mez effect and a second debuff that is rendered irrelevant by the operation of that mez), then they could easily "over load" the set with secondary effects (which, as you have stated, was the primary reason why MA was given such paltry effects in the first place) and be confident that it wouldn't be completely borked.
Well, I don't know that. As the set intended to have the *best* overall secondary effects (which within this context means foe-affecting secondary effects by the way) it has a tremendous amount of leeway given the strength of secondary effects in other sets, particularly DM. Unless someone declares DM's secondary effects to be broken, MA is automatically granted enough latitute to at least reach DM's net overall effectiveness, which is the combined effect of all the tohit debuff in the set plus Touch of Fear. Right now, by any reasonable measure, that already exceeds the damage mitigative effect of all the effects in MA combined.

Lets line them up:

Immobilize: DM's has longer duration and higher mag (reliably).
Single target mez power: MA's is harder (stun vs fear) but DM's has over four times the uptime.

DM has a pervasive -5.625% tohit debuff (-11.25% in ToF) stackable (usually 10s duration)
MA has a 4.8s mag 3 stun, 10% 7.2s mag 2 stun, 60% knockback, 75% PBAoE knockdown.

Debatable, but all of the DM tohit debuffs are perma or better relative to the attack they exist in. MAs effects are stronger but not perma relative to their power's cycle time and usually less than 100%. No clear winner in the remaining basket.

Keeping in mind that as of right this second DM is supposed to be the utility specialist, its actually powers like Siphon Life and Dark Consumption that are directly part of its concept. Its getting damage mitigating foe effects as basically an extra over and above its set concept and beating the tar out of MA with them. And this is not just a paper exercise: its really obvious in-game that DM's secondary foe effects are very strong, and combined with Siphon Life DM has almost as much damage mitigation as some actual scrapper secondaries.

So actually, I'm really not all that afraid of adding significant secondary effects to MA. The set is so distant from any balance rails that its a rare moment when I really don't have to be as restrained on powerset suggestions as I normally am. By my estimation, its not just DM that trumps MA: arguably MA is numerically near last in effective secondary effects, and not even unambiguously second in foe secondary effects (separate from DM which is unambiguously better, its arguably no better than Claws in foe secondary effects).

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Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Regardless of some conversation with a dev back when the Funky Cold Medina was all the rage, CAK would be one of the last powers to be altered. Improved yes, but as a jumping off point to addressing the issues of MA? Not a chance
Its tempting to do it just to see you proven wrong again.

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This thread brings to mind something that has occurred to me before, but I'm not sure if I've voiced.

Knowing the numbers and being able to crunch them is a good thing.

But, when you start simply discarding entire powersets as worthless because their DPS doesn't meet an arbitrary amount, that's taking it a little too far. I hate to tell you this, but DPS is NOT the only thing that is important. Sure, high DPS sets tend to perform better when doing things like soloing AVs, but when you're just smacking minions and LTs around, who cares if you're not running the most efficient attack chain?

I like fiddling around with the numbers myself on occasion (though I don't take it to the spreadsheet extremes that some do), but at the end of the day the only thing that's REALLY important is the answer to this question: Is this set fun to play?

And if you're one of those people that only has fun playing whatever the highest performing set is this week, I don't know what to tell you.

(This post wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just felt like sharing my thoughts on the matter)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
MA sees a decent bit of use in Siren's Call PvP because of Eagles Claw's massive animation time providing it with a lot of burst damage potential, especially since it also allows you to follow up that heavy hit with more hits thanks to stuns (and how there is no more mez prot in PvP so you can guarantee that stun).
Yeah I figured that much.

Someone trying to make a claim that the set shouldn't see a fix or variety of fixes because of PvP though, just seem even more selfish to me since it's pretty obvious to anyone that PvP is both used less than PvE but it's also not even remotely balanced in the first place.
That's why it doesn't make any sense.

DM has to make some pretty massive sacrifices when using Touch of Fear, but that's partially mitigated by the presence of a decent self healing attack and the native tohit debuffs of the set.
Ah, I knew I forgot one. Even without using Touch of Fear though, I'll take DM's mitigation (reliably works on any foe except Green Mitos, doesn't sacrifice kill speed) over MA's (unreliable, inconsistent, pretty much never works on anything that you can't one-shot unless you sacrifice kill speed.)

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

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