Knockback makes things epic
Yay knockback!
(Though I prefer being on the giving end than the recieving end. Plus, critters get to ragdoll.)
See sig
Getting backhanded by a clockwork prince and sent flying across the room to land on your *** is epic.
My name is Westley, and I approve of this thread.
Reminds me of when my dark/regen stalker was on a Mender Silos TF. The group was on the last mission, in Siren's Call, and we're taking on one hero after another.
Then we start piling in on Statesman, and I realize the guy has that rep for a reason. I don't know what hit me; all I know is a couple teammates and I were slugging it out with States on the drilling platform, there was a BOOM, and my guy goes flying clear off the platform and into the water. Astonishingly, it /didn't/ KO him (although I did have to hit Reconstruct). Good times.
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Back when -knockback IOs were introduced, I got carried away with the overall enthusiasm and started slipping them into my old characters. But then I realized that I missed being bounced around. Being ping-ponged back and forth in a room always brought a smile to my face and there's nothing like the shock of seeing yourself getting punted off a roof top. I haven't used a -knockback IO in any of my new characters for a while now and I'm thinking of popping out the other ones.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Back when -knockback IOs were introduced, I got carried away with the overall enthusiasm and started slipping them into my old characters. But then I realized that I missed being bounced around. Being ping-ponged back and forth in a room always brought a smile to my face and there's nothing like the shock of seeing yourself getting punted off a roof top. I haven't used a -knockback IO in any of my new characters for a while now and I'm thinking of popping out the other ones.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Knockback is fine.
Uncontrolled, thoughtless player generated KB is da debil.
Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
I don't think minions should have KB effects. That **** just gets stupid when you get knocked back before you even have time to get up. I think the devs should have saved the KB for bosses, but given them higher mag so they could potentially knock back anyone who hadn't taken special precaution, such as Acrobatics or an IO or two. It would have made KB more special and less aggravating.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
KB is cool...just not on a group where every minion has it.
And you know the mob I hate the most? It actually really only has one member; Void Hunters.
They give the Kheldian hunters a gun which does really high damage, and 100% knockdown, stupidly high accuracy and a chance to stun as well?!
I hate those things. I hate them with a passion. I still don't give a flying F about people going 'oh, they aren't hard anymore'. No; they just don't one shot you anymore. Now it's three shots, with a recharge that is ready to fire again by the time you get back off your backside. On a purpled out WS, sure, they're probably as much canon fodder as anything else. But not on a levelling WS or PB they ain't.
tl;dr Yeah, KB is cool. I do like it a lot. It does get annoying when every minion and there mother has it, though
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I don't think minions should have KB effects. That **** just gets stupid when you get knocked back before you even have time to get up. I think the devs should have saved the KB for bosses, but given them higher mag so they could potentially knock back anyone who hadn't taken special precaution, such as Acrobatics or an IO or two. It would have made KB more special and less aggravating.
You should play through the Mission Arc "The Death of The Philotic Knight", you'd have a BLAST.

Anyone who likes being knocked back should try fighting Night Star's or Siege's minions, then get back to me.

Still stings.
On Nightstar, KB saved my life! She blasted me off that rooftop, and out of harm's way, right before she nuked and took out 3/4s of my team.
Moral: it's not the fall, is the landing that kills you.
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
Still missing from the game: a whistling sound (like a bomb being dropped in a movie) when you fall a long distance.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Yay knockback!
![]() (Though I prefer being on the giving end than the recieving end. Plus, critters get to ragdoll.) |
I had a mission with my Ill/Kin controller one time that I was actually thinking about yesterday and which ties into this discussion. It was one of those missions dismantling Rikti bombs or something. I don't know the name of the map, but it's outdoors at some sort of factory or something. I had just used Inertial Reduction to leap up to the top of a building and had a quick fight. As the fight ended, the bomb exploded (I forget how the mission works... maybe there wasa a timer?). I was sent flying off the building and because of IR went rediculously far, hit another roof, bounced and continued fying away. I was blown probably half way across the map. It was incredibly awesome. I died after landing in the middle of some other Rikti, but I was laughing so hard it was totally worth it.
It could only have been better if I had ragdolled, with arms and legs waving all over the place.
Est sularis oth Mithas
This is why I love KB on my PB:
Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.
It's obvious which kids will grow up to like knockback and which won't. Some will be all meticulously placing figurines for combat and stuff, and others like to fling things into the air when they get the crap kicked out of them.
*sage nod*
Took a Fire/Mace tank into a fight with a whole map full of Cabal Sorceresses last night. Despite a Karma -KB IO in Combat Jumping, those bi... er, witches were flinging me all over the map.
Dealing Knockback = Epic
Being Knocked Back = Epic pain in the *&%$
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Y'know, in all this talk of Knockback, we're overlooking KB's kid bro- Knockup. Maybe not as flashy or wild as KB, but KU can be just as fun.
Not to brag (well, ok. Bragging...) I was playing my WP/WM tank on a Pug team doing Council mishes. I defeated one Council boss with Jawbreak just right to break the geometry, and his head got stuck in the ceiling. His ragdoll body just dangled down from the office droptiles. Delicious!
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
Yeah, to be fair, I did knock up quite a few Cabal Sorceresses last night.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Tell me you screencapped that.
Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.
Ok, I just recently got back to CoH from WoW (I'm playing both currently but don't log into WoW all that much anymore in favor of working on my spider), and I was noticing that I feel that boss fights feel MUCH more epic when you're getting knocked around.
I think I first noticed this in the COV end of beta where I saw probably 60 villains charging Statesman and then in two attacks a good portion of them are flying like they'd just been hit by Sauron in LOTR. Even in standard missions I feel like I'm having a more awesome boss fight when the boss just turns and punches me into a wall, even when compared to fighting somebody who will sock me so hard that were my blaster still how he was back in the old days my defiance bar would have been maxed in one shot.
Even better is a KB boss on a roof, like Nightstar. Going after her on the top of a building and then getting a force blast in my chest for my effort to fly off the roof and down 30 stories=awesome. Admittedly nothing will get me back to the awesome of the CoV beta ending because they just don't have bosses that you can fight like that (as in half a server vs one human sized guy).
Anyway, I had to get that out of my system :P Now back to work/looking up builds for my ancient Ele/NRG blaster and EM/Invul brute.
By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!