Super Booster V - Mutant Theme Costume Sets: Feedback




Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
How did you do this?
It's the Biolum head & chest with smooth shoulder pads, enforcer1 chest detail, large robotic "tech" gloves, enforcer belt, cyborg legs, boots and face detail... the gun, I believe, is a weapon for robotics masterminds.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
i tried... looks nothing like this. you can see the texture in all its gross details. I thought this was the application of green skin on blue glowing pattern
That toon is also female as well. That mask piece...isn't that from the natural pack? I can't remember.



Originally Posted by Rabid_Metroid View Post
Okay, the problem is that you're looking for "glow". They don't glow.

What they do is have spots that don't darken in darkness or shadow. In a dark setting, the color of these spots shows much brighter than everything around it, making it seem like it's glowing. In good/bright light, you won't notice anything at all.
Actually, to see the glow you need the shader quality set to "medium" or better. I was uncertain about their being no glow when I initially started testing on a non-ultra-mode machine. After testing on an ultra-mode capable machine the difference in glow and no-glow is noticeable, even in bright light.



I think I might just get it for the temp power, honestly it is going to be pretty hard to top the Martial Arts pack, it have great costume pieces, nice new emotes, nice costume change emotes and Ninja run. The Magic Pack was alright, but the Science pack had nothing to offer me didn't like a thing about it, I mean the size changing was tempting but not enough to really make me get it, might get it later on in life, but atleast this has a decent self effecting temp power.

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"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



The two new costume sets are really great and very well done but I would have liked to see something that had more generic appeal such as the addition of selectable overall skin textures and eyes as its own costume option. I also support the suggestion of making no ears a viable option. This would allow folks to create their own brand of mutant.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

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I was playing around and came up with this.

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



Subjective: The organic armor pieces are overdesigned. Not modular enough to allow for significant customization. They hit one particular note and that's it. Some of the best costume pieces we have can suggest a variety of times/materials/archetypes which people can take in different directions. These simply do not.

Better for Mutation:

Asymmetrical proportion sliders and Left/Right part assignment for the pieces that already exist in the game.

Cosmetic tentacles. Anything that wiggles. Like the animated tails we already have. Something for each costume slot (head, hair, eyes, gloves, shoulders, etc.)

Optional default "rest" and "sprint" body positions. This would allow for more "bestial" play without any sort of costume alterations at all. Something loping and gorilla-like, or a logical extension of the "/em crouch" emote we already have. Many of the NPCs already exhibit these traits.

Deeper "monstrous" options across the board. And not only in mammalian animalistic directions. What about the Toxic Avenger? What about the Leader? A human "fly" head? Squid-head Cthulhu stuff. Tetsuo from "Akira's" ending sequence. An actual Cyclops. Use your imagination. Hands for feet. Snail eyes.

And so on. I've enjoyed every booster pack to date. This one comes up short, in my opinion.



A bestial default pose would probably have to be part of a new power, like the prestige sprints. It's certainly more complex than I can see them whipping together during beta of this pack. Perhaps the theoretical beastie pack would have alternative sprint and walk powers that do what you want.




Objective Feedback: The costumes look interesting with the glowing effect. However the line between the secsions, such as crease between the head and chest looks horrible connecting to the matching chest type. The skin looks like it is supposed to continue and connect to the chest for BOTH of the current sets. These sets are specifically problematic with this all around the neck and it really cramps the quality of them in general.

The organic armor set would really look good if you made a claw weapon for them.

Subjective Feedback: I was really hoping for the animal pack with this set. While it might look slightly mutant like, it seems more like something else. It is not iconic by any means ether and is a bit of a disappointment.

I would like the glow effect colored separately from the other part of the skin, we have two colors we should use them. I would also like the glow effects to be able to be placed on other things as well. Monsterous hands would have worked really well with this, I think you have a lot of things that will be added for later though.



I think it needs to be stated again before this goes live, or else I fear it'll never happen.

Seperate Eyes from Organic Markings on the face option.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Objective Feedback: The costumes look interesting with the glowing effect. However the line between the secsions, such as crease between the head and chest looks horrible connecting to the matching chest type. The skin looks like it is supposed to continue and connect to the chest for BOTH of the current sets. These sets are specifically problematic with this all around the neck and it really cramps the quality of them in general.

The organic armor set would really look good if you made a claw weapon for them.

Subjective Feedback: I was really hoping for the animal pack with this set. While it might look slightly mutant like, it seems more like something else. It is not iconic by any means ether and is a bit of a disappointment.

I would like the glow effect colored separately from the other part of the skin, we have two colors we should use them. I would also like the glow effects to be able to be placed on other things as well. Monsterous hands would have worked really well with this, I think you have a lot of things that will be added for later though.

Second look, this looks alright... but not perfect, however.

This is not acceptable from a professional. There isn't even an attempt to make the head flow with the rest of the body. This should be fixed before release! See the back? The head looks like it should continue onto the back with the plating, this is eve more clear with the side view. However it just cuts off. I could understand if you made it tapper off at the scheme, but to not have it tapper off and not even connect with the matching body, that is some poor work if it is the final. If this is not fixed for the final I will seriously consider not buying this pack.



Is there a reason the swords arent showing up on test? I have access to the rest of the set but the bioorganic swords are a no show.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



Sorry for the late response; caught up in the 'next big thing'.

Originally Posted by Mystic_Cross View Post
It's the Biolum head & chest with smooth shoulder pads, enforcer1 chest detail, large robotic "tech" gloves, enforcer belt, cyborg legs, boots and face detail... the gun, I believe, is a weapon for robotics masterminds.
Yes. (Enforcer 2)

Originally Posted by Negate View Post
That toon is also female as well. That mask piece...isn't that from the natural pack? I can't remember.
Female, yes. But the face detail is Cyborg 2. I also made her rail thin.

As far as the coloring, I did the blueish-green skin and opted for a lighter blue for the bio coloring Going with a lighter shade of a similar hue can help the glow effect; there's a trick with the auras you can do as well).

My posted pics aren't high quality so all of the gory detail doesn't come out as crisp as it may be when you're seeing it in the creator on your screen.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post

Second look, this looks alright... but not perfect, however.

This is not acceptable from a professional. There isn't even an attempt to make the head flow with the rest of the body. This should be fixed before release! See the back? The head looks like it should continue onto the back with the plating, this is eve more clear with the side view. However it just cuts off. I could understand if you made it tapper off at the scheme, but to not have it tapper off and not even connect with the matching body, that is some poor work if it is the final. If this is not fixed for the final I will seriously consider not buying this pack.
Woh.... yeah, that is pretty bad actually.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post

Second look, this looks alright... but not perfect, however.

This is not acceptable from a professional. There isn't even an attempt to make the head flow with the rest of the body. This should be fixed before release! See the back? The head looks like it should continue onto the back with the plating, this is eve more clear with the side view. However it just cuts off. I could understand if you made it tapper off at the scheme, but to not have it tapper off and not even connect with the matching body, that is some poor work if it is the final. If this is not fixed for the final I will seriously consider not buying this pack.
yeah don't do this to paying customers.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Subjective :

I love the costumes they look nice, but they , like others have said, don't seem to match the mutant theme.

I was hoping for.. mutation type items, not a snake and a demon.

This may be the first booster I will not buy. already enough demons in my stable.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Woh.... yeah, that is pretty bad actually.
Don´t forget the seams on gloves and boots... What kind of "coming from inside" armor looks like a boot? But again, these seams are all around the other costumes, SPECIALLY in boot and necks. The transitions from torso to head always were problematic...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by Heehaw View Post
Better for Mutation:

Asymmetrical proportion sliders and Left/Right part assignment for the pieces that already exist in the game.

Cosmetic tentacles. Anything that wiggles. Like the animated tails we already have. Something for each costume slot (head, hair, eyes, gloves, shoulders, etc.)

Optional default "rest" and "sprint" body positions. This would allow for more "bestial" play without any sort of costume alterations at all. Something loping and gorilla-like, or a logical extension of the "/em crouch" emote we already have. Many of the NPCs already exhibit these traits.

Deeper "monstrous" options across the board. And not only in mammalian animalistic directions. What about the Toxic Avenger? What about the Leader? A human "fly" head? Squid-head Cthulhu stuff. Tetsuo from "Akira's" ending sequence. An actual Cyclops. Use your imagination. Hands for feet. Snail eyes.

And so on. I've enjoyed every booster pack to date. This one comes up short, in my opinion.
Man, these would be much more in the feel of a "mutant" pack than this Biodemon one... With things like this we could work something like Revenant, the original one, the evil undead monster from The Freedom Phalanx book. That would be nice.
Give us more options to work with the glows at least, please? To apply them in other skins besides the lizard one would be great... Organic armor should have a claws option too, that´s for sure. And both sets should work with Monstrous hands and Feet also, if this is to work as Mutant.

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by Trialtester View Post
Don´t forget the seams on gloves and boots... What kind of "coming from inside" armor looks like a boot? But again, these seams are all around the other costumes, SPECIALLY in boot and necks. The transitions from torso to head always were problematic...
Lets take a look

The gloves look better than the neck.

The boots don't look as bad as the armor neck.

Both the gloves and the boots seams could look better, but other gloves and boots tend to look about just as bad, so it seems to be a restriction with theeir system they have.

The connection between the gloves and the body here are a little off as well, worse than the gloves and boots of the armor, but not quite as bad as the neck.

Ah you can see some disconnect at the seam of the neck here. The veins clearly were meant to continue, but we didn't spend extra money just for this set, so the bio-armor set should be fixed before release!



I'm actually quite surprised at how bad some of the head-neck connections are. I woulda thought they could have ironed that out by now...

Although it wasn't until recently that Crab and Bane Spider PCs even HAD a neck, and even then someons really only gone and stretched the vertices so that theres not a looming great hole, and it still looks pretty bloody awful.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
The gloves look better than the neck.

The boots don't look as bad as the armor neck.

Both the gloves and the boots seams could look better, but other gloves and boots tend to look about just as bad, so it seems to be a restriction with theeir system they have.

The connection between the gloves and the body here are a little off as well, worse than the gloves and boots of the armor, but not quite as bad as the neck.

Ah you can see some disconnect at the seam of the neck here. The veins clearly were meant to continue, but we didn't spend extra money just for this set, so the bio-armor set should be fixed before release!
Well, I just said the necks have always been a problem... But yes, they should fix this before release as this means we are spending extra money. If they have the means to they should look on fixing that on other costumes too eventually.

And with the gloves and boots... Well, they´re not THAT bad. But what I meant for the Organic Armor is that they look just like that. Gloves and Boots. Something you wear, not something that grows from your flesh. If this is supposed to be a mutation than there should be an option where they would look like having skin, not fabric, underneath.

P.S. took off your images from quote to shorten post, as they are just above...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)