The New Video is Public Now




Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
Those were the "Chinese Jian" models from the Superbooster IV pack.
Ah. Missed that.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by VileTerror View Post
Thanks for the alternative link, Zombie Man.

I mean no offense to Melissa Bianco, but what she says actually rubs me the wrong way a few times. Her opener, and the "next level" bit.
What the heck was wrong with that?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
Did anyone else notice the Dominatrix statue at around 2:51? (Don't laugh at me, it took me a good five times to notice.) Unless the statue's a placemarker (bronze statue placemarker?), it would appear that she looks identical to her current in-game model. I'm hoping that this isn't the case, but I can't help but be a little worried.
Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
I like Domi's current look - easily my favourite of the Praetorians - so I'm happy if it doesn't change. Here's hoping they utilise the new whip animations from Demon Summoning to give her some cool new attacks though.
Yeah, I would be okay if she didn't get a total make over. Nothing wrong with the current model, in my opinion. And the idea for whip attacks is great, here's hoping!

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-Wow, did he just go on a 30 second tangent about lumberjacks?
Psh, no. That's for another game. He was talking about SUPER lumberjacks.

Also, about that "custom jump:" I think it's just an effect they added for nifty visual things in the video, not an actual customization. I'll be happy if that's not the case, but for now, I'm just going to assume it is.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Hmm, yeah, is that possibly one of the new "stance emotes" on display with the female holding her bow with arrow?
I posted a thread about this a while ago. BaB responded saying it was impossible. hopefully, he just meant "impossible until I make it possible in GR"

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Originally Posted by VileTerror View Post
I mean no offense to Melissa Bianco, but what she says actually rubs me the wrong way a few times. Her opener, and the "next level" bit. I suppose I shan't have anything to complain about, though, if this draws in some good subscribers.
A few things they said irked me a little too:

"CoH is a comic book that has been inserted into a MMO."

After much argument about the subject on the forums, I don't feel that's an accurate description of the game. I would say CoH is a MMO first and foremost with select super hero overtones nailed onto it or smashed up with a brick to fit inside it. Here the MMO conventions take precedence over comic tropes. This animal is way more likely to appeal to MMO fans and spurn comic fans, as I've observed with friends of mine who are one and not the other. Them trying to spin it the other way around is just going to lead to disappointment.

"We actually listen to our players"

When they feel like it, to select players, some of the time, with no clear indication of when they are or aren't listening. Now how about a Blade Runner quote?




It looks so pretty!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
"CoH is a comic book that has been inserted into a MMO."

"We actually listen to our players"
Both of these are true in terms of differentiating CoH from the average MMO. CoH has more comic book in it than most MMOs, and the developers of CoH listen to and communicate with the players more than those of most MMOs. (And as a result, I'm pretty sure they have more desk-induced forehead bruises than the developers of most MMOs.)

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2:00 - Why does Special Super Jump Guy have Purple Triangles like he's some sort of AV? Incarnate System perhaps?



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
It was the first thing I did notice

I like Domi's current look - easily my favourite of the Praetorians - so I'm happy if it doesn't change. Here's hoping they utilise the new whip animations from Demon Summoning to give her some cool new attacks though.

Really looking forward to this.
I too, wouldn't mind if her 'style' wasn't changed. I am just hoping that she gets herself a resolution increase to be on par with the rest of her dimension.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
"We actually listen to our players"

When they feel like it, to select players, some of the time, with no clear indication of when they are or aren't listening.
Actually, I think the devs strike a far better balance between listening to their players without being overly reactionary towards them than I've seen in most other MMOs.

Listening is not synonymous with obeying.

"CoH is a comic book that has been inserted into a MMO."

After much argument about the subject on the forums, I don't feel that's an accurate description of the game. I would say CoH is a MMO first and foremost with select super hero overtones nailed onto it or smashed up with a brick to fit inside it. Here the MMO conventions take precedence over comic tropes.
Actually, I do agree with this one at least in general terms, but that doesn't really in any way contradict the quote.

But its an MMO that has in many ways (for good or bad depending on who you talk to) discarded many MMO tropes that were considered canonical when the game was first released in favor of ones that are more consistent with its overall game concept. Its far more solo-friendly and far more solo-centric than is considered even healthy by many MMO observers, for example. That is something that is far more consistent with the comic book genre than the standard MMO playbook. The game is far less focused on gear for progression than most MMOs are (not unique to CoH, but you can almost completely dispense with gear in any form and still get to 50: SOs would put you generally well within the standard difficulty level of the game). It is still the standard bearer for player-driven as opposed to performance-driven appearance customization (functional and representational gear and outfits as opposed to "costumes").

It could do a lot more, but I don't think its fair to ignore how much CoH has bent the classic MMO rules to get to where it is now. Its something easy to take for granted.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
that was pretty cool.

I like how snazzy and professional the dev segments looked.
Same here. This was the first City of Heroes video I've seen, aside from the custom-animated trailers for each of the three boxed releases, that felt really, really professional to me.

Unfortunately, I think the comments in this thread imply that that's not what current players want. I hope Paragon Studios finds some way to get this into the hands of people who haven't seen the game.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Up in the Sky ?

it's a bird !

no it's a plane!

No it's a questionable super jump....Man!



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Both of these are true in terms of differentiating CoH from the average MMO. CoH has more comic book in it than most MMOs, and the developers of CoH listen to and communicate with the players more than those of most MMOs. (And as a result, I'm pretty sure they have more desk-induced forehead bruises than the developers of most MMOs.)
I don't mean any offense by this, but I'm wondering what other MMOs have you played. By no means is CoH horrible in listening to it's community, but it's not near the best in my experience. For awhile, I played EVE online. It wasn't my favorite MMO, but holycowomahgawd they listen to their playerbase. And I mean, they take it to the extreme. The players elect a small group of players to visit the CCP headquarters to talk to the developers in person. THAT is listening to the community.



Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
I don't mean any offense by this, but I'm wondering what other MMOs have you played.
Me, personally? Very few. However, let's be honest here: when listing features that differentiate a MMO with the general public as your audience, the baseline is World of Warcraft. In the public consciousness, that's what MMO means. So when reaching out beyond your existing audience, it makes perfect sense to talk about the ways that you are different from World of Warcraft: in this case, a comic book superhero theme, highly customizable appearance, and a friendly community with good developer interaction.

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Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
And I mean, they take it to the extreme. The players elect a small group of players to visit the CCP headquarters to talk to the developers in person. THAT is listening to the community.
That's one way to look at it.

Another is that they exclude the majority of the community and place the opinions of a handful of players they've befriended ahead of the rest and have given them special treatment and say in matters.

Yet another is that they've snagged themselves some Jr. community reps handpicked from the community. They don't even have to pay them; trips, tours and inside info help keep people in your pocket.

I say this speaking generally. I don't know EVE and its community from Adam. It's just a common tactic for larger companies conscious of PR. Look how Valve flipped those Left 4 Dead 2 haters with a simple tour of the studio.




Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
I don't mean any offense by this, but I'm wondering what other MMOs have you played. By no means is CoH horrible in listening to it's community, but it's not near the best in my experience. For awhile, I played EVE online. It wasn't my favorite MMO, but holycowomahgawd they listen to their playerbase. And I mean, they take it to the extreme. The players elect a small group of players to visit the CCP headquarters to talk to the developers in person. THAT is listening to the community.
From a technical perspective, I think Eve Online does an excellent job in communicating complex game implementation issues to their game community: better IMO than Paragon Studios does. However, the CSM is, I believe, a special case scenario. First, I don't think its necessarily all that much better in terms of communication than just PMing the devs here or seeing them in person at a Herocon, something *every* player can theoretically do either of as opposed to going through representatives. Eve Online is a larger game, though, with more complex game mechanics in certain respects, making such one to one communication more difficult than for City of Heroes.

And I think representative councils are extremely dangerous things to contemplate. Even though Atari bungled their first attempt, I think no matter what they did they would have gotten significant blowback from players asking why they had to go through intermediaries just to "make their voice heard." I think a similar problem could happen here if PS tried to make a player council. Eve has a player community that is socially primed to accept structures like that, given that the game is heavily focused on such player organizations. The stellar council is just a social extrapolation of other Eve player social structures. There's no such similar template in City of Heroes for that sort of thing, and it isn't therefore necessarily going to be as accepted.

I'm not that familiar with the CSM's operations, but I suspect we have more access to Paragon Studios than the CSM does with CCP.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The stellar council is just a social extrapolation of other Eve player social structures. There's no such similar template in City of Heroes for that sort of thing, and it isn't therefore necessarily going to be as accepted.
I'm just going to take a moment to imagine how the process for electing a player representative group would go in the CoH community.

... oddly enough, the only mental image I can conjure up is a room full of wailing infants.

(I'm the cute one in the ducky hat - crying just as loud as the rest, of course. :P)

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My impression of World of Warcraft:

Players: "I want to play as a magical humanoid lizard!"
Devs: "You can have Mohawk Grenades!"
P: "But I don't want Mohawk Grenades! I want a lizard-man!"
D: "You can have Mohawk Grenades!"
P: "But!"
D: "You can have Mohawk Grenades!"
P: "Fine! I'll take your %$! Mohawk Grenades!"
D: "You can have Mohawk Grenades!"

Yeah, City of Heroes is NOTHING like that!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Listening is not synonymous with obeying.
Nor is it the same as hearing, which is likely why they didn't make that claim.

But its an MMO that has in many ways (for good or bad depending on who you talk to) discarded many MMO tropes that were considered canonical when the game was first released in favor of ones that are more consistent with its overall game concept.
That is true, but you can't deny there room to be more faithful to the concept. Something that was progressive seven years ago doesn't hold up in this case. I argue they were more conservative than not and in my opinion still have a long way to go. I'll never deny CoH was a good first stab at adapting the genre, but that doesn't make it a great adaptation over all and I think it's misleading to call it a comic book inserted into a MMO.

The game is far less focused on gear for progression than most MMOs are (not unique to CoH, but you can almost completely dispense with gear in any form and still get to 50: SOs would put you generally well within the standard difficulty level of the game).
Not to start discussion about it, but you don't consider SO (or any) enhancements gear? They wear out/become outleveled, you slot them on your character and they improve your stats (at the power level). To me that's gear. Simpler than some other game's gear, but it looks/walks/quacks like a duck.

It could do a lot more, but I don't think its fair to ignore how much CoH has bent the classic MMO rules to get to where it is now. Its something easy to take for granted.
Like I said, I don't deny they got some stuff right. I just don't think that is enough to characterize the game the way they did. A MMO with some moderate super hero overtones and window dressing perhaps, but not a comic book inserted into a MMO.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Not to start discussion about it, but you don't consider SO (or any) enhancements gear? They wear out/become outleveled, you slot them on your character and they improve your stats (at the power level). To me that's gear. Simpler than some other game's gear, but it looks/walks/quacks like a duck.
Its gear, but I didn't say the game didn't have gear, just that it wasn't as focused on gear being critical to progression. And with the invention system, you can basically opt out of the gear rate race by the 30s if you want to, because you'll have non-expiring gear that is no worse than level 50 SOs by then for very little actual cash. Especially if you frankenslot stuff few people want: I was playing around with some low level alts over the weekend and finding that there are a lot of inventions you can get even in the teens that are relatively inexpensive and would serve nearly as well as a full complement of SOs would (level 20 dual aspect IOs give an aggregate 32% bonus: 16% to each of the two aspects assuming Schedule A attributes).

The great irony of the invention system is that its better for *both* gear fanatics and people who don't like gear. For those that do, there's plenty of pursuit items in there. For those that don't, there's plenty of non-expiring non-breakable superior-to-the-standard-stuff enhancements in there that let you exit the gear hamster cage fairly early in the game. I've found builds that just slot whatever you come across or happen to buy as you go along, that end up at level 50 with a hodgepodge mix of level 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 inventions play perfectly fine compared to pre-invention SO days. Better, in many cases, in fact, and for about the same or less total expenditure overall (including basic selling of drops).

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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