Do ppl use Broad Sword anymore?




My very first is a BS/Inv and after so many years and so many scrapper combo, I still play him to this day...



Broad sword give scrappers the ability to do what all the other sets can't. The ability to go across a mob's head with pure raw power! For those that have issue with others getting your kills, get in there and crush!! That is all.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



I have a BS/SD Scrapper myself named Kala of the Valkyrie. I'm not a huge number cruncher so I couldn't say if its better or worse than any other powerset but I wanted to create a Shieldmaiden and it fit. She solos very nicely and I have never been unhappy with her ability to get the job done. Hey someone said it once on another thread like this ANY powerset combination works with a Scrapper cause.. Its a Scrapper! Play what you like and have fun. :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Another Shieldmaiden toon here! I have her in the upper 20s and really love what is going on. Not sure if I will create another BS anytime soon since there are so many other primaries I want to try out but she does not lack in the putting the bad guys down department!



Originally Posted by GangstaBlade View Post
How is it numerically inferior?
Originally Posted by GangstaBlade View Post
The wording of that Werner used, make me think that he pretty certain, that he thinks and probably has some paper to back himself up that Katana is better, but I think BS is stronger.
Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Werner's statements are made from the position of someone measuring DPS, which is at its most meaningful when contending with large individual targets with a large individual quantity of hit points, such as Giant Monsters, AVs, and Pylons.

The ability to one-shot a trio of minions may be meaningless to the scrapper players who care about such thing, but that's not what most people mind. OP, you'll have a blast.
Well, here's basically what I mean.

These are the DPA (damage per Arcanatime) numbers for Broad Sword vs. Katana using unslotted Mids' average level 50 damage. Notice that five favor Katana, one is equal, and only one is in Broad Sword's favor. In practice, Katana usually beats Broad Sword on damage output. It's hard for it not to.

          Hack 71.28 > 60.45 Sting of the Wasp
         Slash 43.43 < 62.55 Gambler's Cut
         Slice 37.70 < 51.59 Flashing Steel
         Parry 36.49 = 36.49 Divine Avalanche
Whirling Sword 30.17 < 46.11 The Lotus Drops
    Disembowel 68.13 < 78.22 Soaring Dragon
 Head Splitter 74.60 < 82.83 Golden Dragonfly
Damage per endurance is mostly the same, but Katana puts out more endurance-efficient AoE damage.

          Hack 13.23 = 13.23 Sting of the Wasp
         Slash 13.23 = 13.23 Gambler's Cut
         Slice  9.92 < 11.29 Flashing Steel
         Parry 13.23 = 13.23 Divine Avalanche
Whirling Sword  6.74 <  7.02 The Lotus Drops
    Disembowel 13.23 = 13.23 Soaring Dragon
 Head Splitter 13.86 > 13.78 Golden Dragonfly
Katana's quicker attacks can take better advantage of procs, in particular the -resistance procs. With its high end chains, a single Achilles' Heel in Gambler's Cut tends to take care of your -resistance "needs". Broad Sword takes greater slotting compromises to pull of the same level of -resistance.

You might think that burst damage, which is valuable quite separately from DPS, would favor Broad Sword due to its higher-damaging attacks. And yeah, if your measurement of burst damage is simply how much damage the biggest attack does, sure, Broad Sword wins. But I think that you're going to stand there for your full animation time before you get that damage. So if by burst we just mean the highest single-attack DPA (damage per activation time here, as Arcanatime includes a delay AFTER the attack has done damage), Katana still wins.

Head Splitter 80.30 < 89.62 Golden Dragonfly
And if we mean anything more than a single attack, then the higher DPA (damage per Arcanatime) numbers of Katana continue to mount. I could probably assemble a graph showing which primary had the advantage at every clock tick. Katana would get the advantage first since the damage will occur sooner, Broad Sword would pull ahead when Head Splitter connected, and then they'd probably trade back and forth for a little while as each attack landed until Katana pulled firmly ahead due to higher DPS. I haven't bothered doing that, so perhaps it will show some sort of significant advantage to Broad Sword in some particular low time frame. I doubt it, though.

Now, in some cases, it's going to be a matter of whether that one attack kills the enemy, or leaves it alive for the next attack. And Head Splitter is more likely to "arrest" someone than Golden Dragonfly. But generally speaking, you have less wasted damage out of shorter, smaller attacks, so I generally consider that an advantage in favor of Katana. As long as I get good DPA, I want short attacks. They waste less damage (and in a derivative sense endurance) while plowing through spawns, so you'll plow through spawns faster and more efficiently with Katana than the comparative DPA numbers above indicate.

My understanding is that in PvP, attack damage is dependent entirely on the duration of the attack. I assume this is then affected by Arcanatime, so shorter attacks will tend to be penalized more than longer attacks. My understanding is also that you're very rarely chaining attacks together. In that case, I'd think you'd be best off with the longest animating, highest hitting attacks. So in that case, my guess is that Broad Sword is numerically better for PvP. But I haven't done any calculations because I don't care about PvP.

Broad Sword also has a couple of non-numerical advantages. First, it's the only sword primary that combines with Shield Defense, which, as mauk2 says, means "Suck it, katana!" I also understand that it has more weapon customization options.

And UberGuy is very right:

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Unless you're planning to make a career of soloing AVs and Rikti Pylons as fast as you can, the performance difference between the two really isn't large enough to care about. If you like the idea of BS or it fits your concept, you should absolutely roll a BS Scrapper. If you end up not liking it, it's definitely not going to be because it can't kill stuff.
So I'm not trying to talk anyone out of Broad Sword. I'm a min/maxer and I still like and play Broad Sword, even if it isn't the min/max choice. You probably won't notice the difference in practice unless you're measuring it by timing defeats or running herostats because it isn't a huge, glaring difference. I don't think I'm sensitive enough to notice the difference personally. In fact, if you notice anything, you'll probably "feel" like Broad Sword is doing better damage. Broad Sword DOES seem to "feel" that way to a great number of people.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



I keep making Broadsword, but I just find the animations boring, so I can never stick with it. Now, if they could give alternate animations that look fancier, I'd probably be all over Broadsword.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I have a 50 BS/WP called Thwak and in many teams since he is fully IO'd out he survives better than the tanks.

I fact I recently tanked a TF with him as the tank kept dying.

Parry is your friend and the shield defense won't change that. I wouls also put the chance to Knockdown IO in parry - it is fun to keep knocking an AV down



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I keep making Broadsword, but I just find the animations boring, so I can never stick with it. Now, if they could give alternate animations that look fancier, I'd probably be all over Broadsword.

So true.

And it's not like there's any shortage of sword styles out there. I'd freakin' love to have and Errol Flynn style set of BS animations, and even more I'd LOVE to have a set of Lichtenauer moves!

OMG, the possibilities! Schielhau, vom Tag, Ochs, Alber, the Mordenhau, Unterhau, or a Halbschwert animation! Have all five of the Master Stroke animations available for Headsplitter!

Please Devs! BS sux, give us better animations!



The problem with better animations is that they'd probably be longer animations too as a result, then everyone would complain about how incredibly slow BS had become.

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I keep making Broadsword, but I just find the animations boring, so I can never stick with it. Now, if they could give alternate animations that look fancier, I'd probably be all over Broadsword.
I deleted a few BS/Regens because of the animations. I got one to 50, IO'd it to the gills... and shelved it. My fire/WP is more fun.

Ice Ember



Broadsword definitely does not suck. I mean look at BS/SD. It does even more damage than Katana/SD! (that's because that combination doesn't exist)

I love Broadsword so much that I have three of them at level 50. One of them is Broadsword/Willpower and the other two are Broadsword/Shield Defense.

Yes, really.

If you don't like looking like you're swinging around a heavy, big *** sharp piece of metal at your enemies, then I don't recommend you play the set. The CRRRUNCH! sound and screen shaking you get out of it is just too much fun for me to let the numbers get to me.

As others have said, there is more customization for Broadsword than its sibling. Twice as much, actually.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

So true.

And it's not like there's any shortage of sword styles out there. I'd freakin' love to have and Errol Flynn style set of BS animations, and even more I'd LOVE to have a set of Lichtenauer moves!

OMG, the possibilities! Schielhau, vom Tag, Ochs, Alber, the Mordenhau, Unterhau, or a Halbschwert animation! Have all five of the Master Stroke animations available for Headsplitter!

Please Devs! BS sux, give us better animations!
Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
The problem with better animations is that they'd probably be longer animations too as a result, then everyone would complain about how incredibly slow BS had become.
No, the real problem with "better animations" is that they would completely miss Mauk's recommendation and give us Asian-themed moves because for some totally messed up reason people think Europeans don't know how to sword fight. Or they think that only Asian swords are cool. Or whatever.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Katana - DPS
Broadsword - Burst Damage

other than slightly longer animation times, I see nothing wrong with the set.



Originally Posted by GangstaBlade View Post
Stupid question but.... what does OP mean?
OP, depending on the person could be Original Post, or original poster.

Oops missed Gavin's reply to this. lol.

Liberty Server
Active Character: Canadian Firestorm
Fire/Rad Controller Level 50



The only issue I have with Broad Sword is the brain-hurting realization that it uses the exact same animations as are seen in Battle Axe and War Mace. (excepting Parry, of course.)

I haven't been able to stand any of those sets since... -_-;


Yes, it's petty and foolish. I can't help it. Most of those animations just look more 'ponderous' than 'powerful' to me, and trying to wrap my mind around using the same motions for fighting with a sword, an axe, and a mace... yeah...

It's a personal peeve, but it is the reason why I can't stand an otherwise completely successful character anymore...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
No, the real problem with "better animations" is that they would completely miss Mauk's recommendation and give us Asian-themed moves because for some totally messed up reason people think Europeans don't know how to sword fight. Or they think that only Asian swords are cool. Or whatever.


Given what we've seen of the new scrapper melee sets, with their rather crazy-looking "gathering chi" animations, and the 100 percent 'Gun-Kata!' animations of the dual pistols set, I guess I sadly have to agree.

Which is full of suck, because Lichtenaur moves are freakin' BADASS.

Here, check this guys videos out:

That's a static demo of Ochs. There's a TON more, and they would look TEH COOL.



I agree about the animations. I have a Broadsword/Fire Scrapper with those powersets simply because it had to be (the character is named "Joan of Arkansas.") The animations do look rather dated and its the main thing that keeps me from using that character despite liking the concept.



Okay, as an Arkansan born and bred, I wish *I* had thought of that name!

Joan of Arkansas. That's beautiful.

But onto the subject of Broadsword: You don't see us because we're off KILLING lots and lots of things.

My scrapper, Androktasia (BS/WP), is just this roiling ball of hoplite armor and sword. Swear to god, she's my own personal Tasmanian devil. Things just don't kill her, and everything within a five mile radius just dies when she gets moving.

Never thought I'd love Broadsword till I saw someone take one to 50, and even then it was about four years before I tried it myself. I regret I didn't try it earlier.

And now I'm about to build a BS/SD. TIME FOR MORE KILLING.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



BS is awesome! But it TAKES SO long to get interesting. here is my current life, parry, Build up, disembowel, headsplitter, slice, parry, hack,slash,hack,slash,parry, diembowel, parry, whirlwind, Buildup...and so it goes- you spend about 100 hours w/hack and slash...and the animation is SO SLOW...I genned my toon 4 years ago and abandoned him, but regen called me back and now he's level 44 or 45 and I'm glad I made if I could just find this mystical TF schedule for Virtue and do the ITF so I can get the Nictus sword...and yes...the Vanguard Katana is cooler than the broadsword...cuh-rap.



I actually really enjoyed the 1-50 with my BS/SR. Just since hitting 50 its done 1 TF and that's all really. It was fun to level but it doesn't have any lasting apeal to me. My Fire/Shield, DM/SR, Spine/Inv have all had over 300 hours of play time each since hitting 50 which put them just behind my main (Rad/Rad/Elec defender) and way ahead of any other alt I have.

I did def cap my BS/SR on route to 50 and when I dropped parry it was nice. But it still doesn't have the fun feel to me of my others. I love my Claw/Inv a lot too but she takes more clicking to play so only comes out when serious DPS is needed and the team's already filled with shield scrappers

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Originally Posted by Vesuius_Flex View Post
BS is awesome! But it TAKES SO long to get interesting. here is my current life, parry, Build up, disembowel, headsplitter, slice, parry, hack,slash,hack,slash,parry, diembowel, parry, whirlwind, Buildup...and so it goes- you spend about 100 hours w/hack and slash...and the animation is SO SLOW...I genned my toon 4 years ago and abandoned him, but regen called me back and now he's level 44 or 45 and I'm glad I made if I could just find this mystical TF schedule for Virtue and do the ITF so I can get the Nictus sword...and yes...the Vanguard Katana is cooler than the broadsword...cuh-rap.
Skip slash. Early you run Hack, Slice and parry broken up with either air superiority (if you will eventually fly) or Boxing (if you will eventually have tough/weave). That wide cone on slice is handy. Then when whirling sword comes in you should have a full chain.

I exemp mine down to level 14 for the oro missions regularly and have a quite functional time with hack, slice and air superiority. When I'm just a bit higher and have parry also, it's plenty easy.

My only complaint with the vanguard broadsword is that it is really a short sword. I like the size of the legacy broadsword and the rikti sword. And I really wish the vanguard broadsword was that scale. The vanguard katana looks too thin and delicate. Great for katana, not so much for broadsword.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

Given what we've seen of the new scrapper melee sets, with their rather crazy-looking "gathering chi" animations, and the 100 percent 'Gun-Kata!' animations of the dual pistols set, I guess I sadly have to agree.

Which is full of suck, because Lichtenaur moves are freakin' BADASS.

Here, check this guys videos out:

That's a static demo of Ochs. There's a TON more, and they would look TEH COOL.
Need to start an online anti-anime sword fighting movement to renew interest in Europeans styles =) And in French and Italian comic book art.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GangstaBlade View Post
The wording of that Werner used, make me think that he pretty certain, that he thinks and probably has some paper to back himself up that Katana is better, but I think BS is stronger.
I've been around long enough to know when Werner makes a statement, it's ironclad.

He doesn't have to explain himself to anyone who doesn't have the foresight to search for and read the man's posts.




Originally Posted by milehigh77 View Post
I've been around long enough to know when Werner makes a statement, it's ironclad.

He doesn't have to explain himself to anyone who doesn't have the foresight to search for and read the man's posts.

Well, thanks, but everyone can be wrong. I've been wrong numerous times in the past. Oftentimes, I'll say something based merely on an educated guess, even a hunch. If you want numbers to back it up, it's worth asking for them. If you want clarification, it's worth asking for it. Please don't take my word as Truth with a capital-T.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Next you're going to deny you're the reincarnation of Buddha, too.

You're not fooling anyone.