Angels vs Demons
Why are you capitalizing angels but not demons?
Anyway, masterminds are a redside AT, so I don't see them summoning angels any time soon. Even with GR around the corner.
Be well, people of CoH.

A B C d e f...
Because angels aren't supposed to be the sorts of beings who interact with mortals directly all the time. An angel-calling hero would have to be a singular entity (read: NPC) in order to even make sense. Angel summoning as a PC powerset would be chock full of unfortunate implications - if you want an epic divine battle, just make a character who is himself an angel.
I like this suggestion, because it gives me the opportunity to mention Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit.
I don't think it would be a good idea to actually implement though.
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This is a silly idea. Angels don't even exist in CoX.
I don't want to start a huge flame war and I don't really think Angel Summoning is a good idea for COH.. as mentioned solo pets aside summoning is mostly an MM thing (with exception like ILL, etc hero side as pets not minons) and unless they are fallen angels explain why they are working for a villain?
Biggest reason I see why NC Soft won't go for this is the whole Politically Correct thing.. Heaven forbid (did she just say heaven LOL) we have angels in game someone might take offense. Okay that said then explain why we seem perfectly willing to acknowledge the existance of hell through Demon summoning but not a heaven? Personally I really don't mind one way or the other and I love my DS/DM that thought just sort of popped into my head as I read this post. Unfortunately for the OP for the reasons I stated in paragraph one along with the whole PC issue I doubt you'll see angels in game any time soon. Hey do what the one person suggested and create a character that's an angel.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
...weeping angels...
Yeah I'm going to agree with Wendy here. In general video game companies try to avoid any explicit mentions of real world religions. Fantasy worlds have their own made up theology but for worlds in a modern setting the easiest solution is simply to avoid all mention of theology. For example there aren't (as far as I can recall) any places of worship whatsoever in Paragon City .
...Don't blink...
As for the reason. Demons are more "everything" I for instance don't recall an angel in greek mythology (my knowledge of greek mythology is a bit rusty however).
Angel could possibly set some people off "Angels have wings, angels don't have wings, my religion's angels would never do that".
Demon's are a little more generic.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Agree with BrandX, "demons" in comics often have no religious connection nor any to the Christian hell. A lot of times they're just extradimensional creatures of some sort, sometimes pretending to be "agents of the Devil" and whatnot.
Dec out.
Agree with BrandX, "demons" in comics often have no religious connection nor any to the Christian hell. A lot of times they're just extradimensional creatures of some sort, sometimes pretending to be "agents of the Devil" and whatnot.
Look at Manga, for instance. Open any Manga with a non-everyday plot and you have a bout a 50/50 chance or running into angels and about 1/1000 chance of actually having an explicit religion mentioned. Hell, Sephiroth himself apes an angel in his final form.
As well, angels never seem to stop game designers. Heroes of Might and Magic has always featured Angels, Archangels and occasionally Seraphims. And our own PlayNC designed the Kamael for Lineage II, who to my understanding are basically humanoid angels.
I feel there's easily room for angels in City of Heroes, even as Mastermind summons, because some of the coolest villains in general fiction are those who present themselves are saints and martyrs, using divine-looking power for the wrong cause. You don't even have to call it "Angel Summoning." You can just go with "Celestial Summoning" and start with something simpler, light elementals or preachers, only ending in one singular angel for the final henchman.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Yeah I'm going to agree with Wendy here. In general video game companies try to avoid any explicit mentions of real world religions. Fantasy worlds have their own made up theology but for worlds in a modern setting the easiest solution is simply to avoid all mention of theology. For example there aren't (as far as I can recall) any places of worship whatsoever in Paragon City .

But then again, War is beating equal ammounts of snot outta both sides of that fight, least he's not descriminating

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

the only thing nearest to angels is illusional tbh. but not so much.
This thread makes Castiel need a drink.
I don't want to start a huge flame war and I don't really think Angel Summoning is a good idea for COH.. as mentioned solo pets aside summoning is mostly an MM thing (with exception like ILL, etc hero side as pets not minons) and unless they are fallen angels explain why they are working for a villain?
Biggest reason I see why NC Soft won't go for this is the whole Politically Correct thing.. Heaven forbid (did she just say heaven LOL) we have angels in game someone might take offense. Okay that said then explain why we seem perfectly willing to acknowledge the existance of hell through Demon summoning but not a heaven? Personally I really don't mind one way or the other and I love my DS/DM that thought just sort of popped into my head as I read this post. Unfortunately for the OP for the reasons I stated in paragraph one along with the whole PC issue I doubt you'll see angels in game any time soon. Hey do what the one person suggested and create a character that's an angel. |
Personally, it might be nice to see some reference that there are forces of good in the game outside of heroes/PC heroes. To my understanding, the only good god in CoX lore canon is Ermeeth, the god who taught humanity magic and wanted to make humans equal to the gods. And it can be assumed he's been at least MIA since the end of the Mu Oranbegan war.
Oh, and Faathim the Kind too.
That brings up good cosmic forces in the CoX universe up to... Two.
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------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Since we now have "Demon Summoning", I would like to see something for Angels.
If the villains can call on demons, why shouldn't the heroes be able to call on Angels.
I think it would be a balance and also fun to see angels beat down some demons.