When that day arrives...




Also Sprach Zarathustra plays as the colossal FREEM! descends upon the city, crushing all beneath its Cyclopean sans-serif might.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Krogoth View Post
Nemesis Plot: He created Paragon City to keep Supers out of the rest of the world. All NPCs are Automatons, the Zig is a Factory, there are no children, the water is 4 ft deep and dyed to look deeper, etc. etc. To pay for it all our adventures are televised.

Face it we have all fallen victim to the greatest schemer in history.

We have a winner ladies and gentlemen!
I can actually see this being the perfect segue into COH2 if it ever comes around.
We all find out, Truman show style and break free. Once in the real world we notice everything looks more virbrant (better engine) and some things aren't like we remember, (new abilities not possible with this engine)

I like it.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
How about this:

-Massive combined effort from Praetoria, 5th Column, Nemesis, Zombies, etc. It just keeps getting worse and worse for us and then...

-The Rikti arrive, but not the warlike ones seeking to dominate our race, but rather the true leaders of the homeworld.

-But Rularuu reforms and starts a massive assault on everyone.

-Just when all seems lost Lord Recluse arrives with Arachnos to help the heroes and Freedom Phallanx repell everyone.

-Peace is restored and the War Walls come down. The heroes celebrate abolishing much of the evil the city had to offer. But somewhere laughter can be heard. Somewhere the plot... The Nemesis plot.... thickens.

+1 big time. Great idea. CoH2 would have new enemy factions and an updated combat and character creation system.



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
How about this:

-Massive combined effort from Praetoria, 5th Column, Nemesis, Zombies, etc. It just keeps getting worse and worse for us and then...

-The Rikti arrive, but not the warlike ones seeking to dominate our race, but rather the true leaders of the homeworld.

-But Rularuu reforms and starts a massive assault on everyone.

-Just when all seems lost Lord Recluse arrives with Arachnos to help the heroes and Freedom Phallanx repell everyone.

-Peace is restored and the War Walls come down. The heroes celebrate abolishing much of the evil the city had to offer. But somewhere laughter can be heard. Somewhere the plot... The Nemesis plot.... thickens.

Awesome idea. This would be an epic segue into CoH2.



An epic battle of legendary proportions. Take the top 20-or-so characters who took part in it and add them to the lore somehow, either through a finale comic miniseries or some mention/plaque/statue in the next game.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



The "Storm" Mender Silos talks about? Yeah, turns out he's not lying this time. But since people believe he is, the massive dimensional twisting that the Storm entails alters the histories of Marcus Cole, Stephen Richter, Belladonna Vetrano, Raymond Keyes, all of them such that none ever had any sort of unusual power. Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, and Oranbega blink out of existence, so that nobody knows them as anything but a work of fiction invented by a game company called Cryptic Studios...



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Rularuu invades, the dead rise, hell comes to earth, and heroes and villains join forces to fend them off.
Blackest Night!

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



I would want you all to bow down to me and praise me as your master..... >.> What?



What I'd like to happen on that day is "nothing." I still hope that if and when that day comes, they'll simply re-sell the game as a single-player standalone with classic multiplayer (and I'll buy that in a heartbeat) so I see no reason to wreck everything.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



All the signature heroes are called to meeting by Statesman, as it begins they are all suddenly held helpless in a stasis field. Statesman “powers down”, what he’s a robot?!?!

Lord Recluse enters the room, takes off his mask and laughs manically – What? He is Statesman, we’ve been lied to all this time and now his plan is complete. The world will never be the same again.

The streets are empty the citizens have all fled the city in terror, dark clouds rumble overhead, only the lesser known heroes are left to tackle forces which they cannot hope to defeat…


My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)

GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook



Why does everyone keep suggesting apocalyptic downer endings? Why can't heroes put an end to all crime in their city and live idyllic lives until the sequel?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



In a word...retcon. Rularuu reforms in the Shadow Shard and begins attacking Primal Earth. All of the Signature Heroes and Villains are quickly killed leaving it up to the players to defeat Rularuu. We of course defeat him but then discover that he is a vital part of the COH multiverse and with his removal that multiverse will reset itself.

COH2 launches set in the new multiverse where everything is familiar but everything is different. All the old characters and groups are there but their storys are retold with new twists and continuity errors are fixed.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Why does everyone keep suggesting apocalyptic downer endings? Why can't heroes put an end to all crime in their city and live idyllic lives until the sequel?
Idyllic lives lack realism and with crime what is there for anyone to do?

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)

GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Why does everyone keep suggesting apocalyptic downer endings? Why can't heroes put an end to all crime in their city and live idyllic lives until the sequel?
Excuse me, there are villains here, too. Yeah, I know, lolRP, but they can't just say "ha ha you just lost the game, suckers. We, hero MFs just own everything.". So yeah..



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Excuse me, there are villains here, too. Yeah, I know, lolRP, but they can't just say "ha ha you just lost the game, suckers. We, hero MFs just own everything.". So yeah..
Put an end to crime IN THEIR CITY. Though some cruel twist of fate, villains were shunted off in their own, separate city off into the distance. They can have idyllic lives, too, ruling atop their mountain stronghold, just... Not casting eyes at Paragon City. Maybe send them to Europe. Or Africa.

Point is, if the game has to end, why not leave it at a HAPPY end? Look at the Teen Titans cartoon, for instance. Every time it has ended, it has ended with the Titans victorious and everything safe. At least until another evil rises out of the ground. Personally, I'd be REALLY pissed off if the game just up and killed all of my characters out of spite, because it just couldn't end well. I'd much sooner they told me "Well, all of your guys are done now! They achieved their goals. You can't play them any more!" and shut down the servers, rather than killing them all out of spite.

Seriously, if we DO get a final end of ends, I want to get the GOOD ending.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I definitely would go for a good ending as well. Maybe through the use of the dreaded 'cutscene' mechanic, it would show a longish series of events reflecting Taskforces that put an end to each significant enemy group with climatic finishes, ramping up to the biggest threats like Rularuu and Nemesis for the final showdown.

Essentially I would like the end of City of Heroes to end as such that superpowered crime is suppressed or eliminated from Paragon city. And with their job done, the heroes of paragon go into retirement, and while it wouldn't be a utopia, maybe the PPD would actually stand a chance against crime without the need of Kheldians and powersuits anymore.

Perhaps it could be a bitter-sweet ending too. Statesman and Lord Recluse would clash one last time, leading to a mutual phase-out/elimination a la Captain America & Red Skull fashion. The Freedom Phalanx disbands or reforms and Arachnos goes bust (Might impact Ghost Widow's attachment to the world) so that the City of Villains becomes a true rogue state instead of a dictatorship.

In true heroic fashion, evil will never be gone forever, but you can 'finally save the world' for a temporary peace until the sequel starts where a new evil has arisen and super powered heroes would need to come back to fight it.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
for all of us to hang up our capes... and the servers brought down...

How would you like to see CoX go out?

Me?... Rikti.... massive invasion.... all is consumed and left in ruins....
Stop being an emo ... This game will never go down so stop those thoughts out..dont make me get chuck norris now



The saga of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles ends as the kid reading the comic turns the last page, closes the cover and carefully returns the colorful book to its storage bag and backing board...

... in the bargain bin.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Why does everyone keep suggesting apocalyptic downer endings? Why can't heroes put an end to all crime in their city and live idyllic lives until the sequel?
How is "Oh hey, turns out all of that was REAL!" a downer ending?



One final enemy, be it Nemesis (if it ever happened, he would be behind it. Am I right?) or who/whatever. All of the heroes and villains would be forced to work together and get rid of this ultimate evil. Maybe even Lord Recluse gone haywire with power, taking out Heroes and Villains in the process. Eventually when everything is done, there would be lots of damage done to the world. But in the midst of the destruction, all would unite in rebuilding the cities.

Since everything is at peace now, the supers would no longer be needed and go into retirement. The ending sequence would be a woman being surrounded by a large mob of nonsuper thugs. She would then clench her fists and punch one of them back into a wall, proving even if everyone is retired, they can never leave their past behind.

-sighs and closes book-
The End.



Originally Posted by Godpants View Post
The saga of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles ends as the kid reading the comic turns the last page, closes the cover and carefully returns the colorful book to its storage bag and backing board...

... in the bargain bin.
In many ways, that is *perfect*.

I sort of like the idea that they'll make a standalone version available that runs the server much like Neverwinter Nights does, and then let people who want to play keep playing with their friends.

I hope any of these are a long way off.

I'm such a geek. Some of my heroes have journals.