If +resistance IO bonuses were worth it...?

Adeon Hawkwood



...would you go for them instead of +defense bonuses?

It seems that every build I make, in order to increase survivability, the question always is Positional or Typed defense?

Defense bonuses are stupidly easy to come by and stack, whereas resistance bonuses are not only tiny to the order of worthless, but are so over the place getting a decent amount all around just does not feel doable, nor worth the effort.

For example:
3 slotted Cleaving Blow increases Energy and Negative Energy Defense by 1.25%. Three slotted Scirocco's Dervish increases Negative Energy Resistance by 3.13%. Following the loose rule that 2 res = 1 def, changing Scirocco to provide 2.5% resistance to energy and negative energy would be a start.

Likewise, place more +res bonuses around. There's plenty of room in those very low mezz protection bonuses (which also need a look at) and the debt prevention bonuses. Make them a viable option.

Assuming they made some modifications and paired the resistance bonuses on S/L, E/N, F/C, and bumped the values a bit, and made them more accessible, do you have some alts that would go after them?

If getting 30% resistance to Smashing/Lethal was as easy as it is to get 15% defense to Smashing/Lethal, would you be interested on some alts?

Or would defense prevail no matter what?

NOTE: I'm aware defense has the advantage of avoiding side effects. But there's also defense debuffs, which might make resistance attractive.



Supposedly 1 defense = 2 dam-res.

Would I like to be able to get at least half of the dam-res to all that I can get for positional defense to melee, range and aoe?

Ummm, yes.

Be well, people of CoH.



Depending on the avatar, I'd go for it in a heartbeat.

I already know what kind of punishment my Willpower and Fire tanks can take when using Peeble's Ring. Being able to have that resistance all the time? I'd take it.



+Resist bonuses are generally ignored by most because of the fact it has very little effect on toons overall. This is because of the huge difference between defense and resist damage mitigation.

A person with a base of 47% resist to lethal when hit with an attack that deals 100 points only receives 53 points of damage. That +3% resist bonus would only help drop that attack to 50 points of damage. However in the case of defense, if a player has 42% def to lethal and puts on a +3% def bringing it up to 45% def to lethal. That player now only has a 5% chance to even get hit with lethal attacks.

Even if +resist effects were buffed and given out on a larger degree, most people would still favour +Def bonuses. I'd consider it on my invun toons, not so much on my others.



Depends on the toon. For a lot of my toons not being hit is imperative because it means avoidance of the secondary effect the attack carries.

I'd likely build in a bit of resistance just to smooth things out, but generally not at the cost of recharge.



It would be nice to be able to cap resistances on my brutes and scrappers as easily as I cap defense. Some characters I would probably prefer it. Can't imagine it happening though, sounds like a ton of work.



Don't see it happening, but I would love it on some of my characters.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



For squishy characters like Defenders and Blasters I think I'd still prefer defense but for melee characters I can see some advantage in resistance if it was effective.

In terms of actually making it effective I think three things need to be done:
1. Replace all single resistance bonuses with double resistance bonuses (i.e. a Small Smashing resistance bonus would become a Small Smashing/Lethal Resistance bonus)
2. Increase the [url=http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Invention_Origin_Enhancement_Set_Bonuses#Base_Valu es]base value[/quote] of the double resistance bonuses from 0.63% to somewhere between 1.25% and 2.5%
3. Increase the number of resistance bonuses available either by adding new sets or replacing less useful bonuses in existing sets (*cough*debt protection*cough*)

As for why:
1. This is basically for the same reason typed defense bonuses were all doubled up, using IOs to build up 8 different resistances sucks, building up 3 or 4 is a lot more reasonable
2. As others have said 1% defense is worth more than 1% resistance, generally people use a 1:2 ratio so since defense bonuses have a base value of 1.25% resistance needs at least that to be comparable to typed defenses, personally I think 2.5% would be a bit to good in part because resistance bonuses tend to come earlier than defense bonuses so I'd probably use 2% as the base value.
3. There are a severe lack of sets with resistance bonuses in general. Even if the other two changes were implemented actually building up resistance would be hard withotu adding decent resistance bonuses in higher end sets.



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
+Resist bonuses are generally ignored by most because of the fact it has very little effect on toons overall. This is because of the huge difference between defense and resist damage mitigation.

A person with a base of 47% resist to lethal when hit with an attack that deals 100 points only receives 53 points of damage. That +3% resist bonus would only help drop that attack to 50 points of damage. However in the case of defense, if a player has 42% def to lethal and puts on a +3% def bringing it up to 45% def to lethal. That player now only has a 5% chance to even get hit with lethal attacks.
That's a mathematically suspect comparison because you're ignoring the fact that 42% def is MUCH MORE mitigation than 47% resistance. It's much closer to the (soft) cap.

Also, a 3% defense bonus is twice as strong as a 3% resistance bonus.

A more accurate comparison would be adding SIX percent resistance to a base of 84% (to reach the 90% cap Tankers get) against adding 3% defense to a base of 42% defense.

In theory, the mitigation looks equal. In reality, only one AT can hit the 90% resistance cap (heroside...not sure about Brutes) and yet they can all soft-cap defense; and defense does reduce the incidence of mezz stacking, which occasionally helps melee ATs and constantly helps squishies, so Defense still has a small edge., But it's not nearly as lopsided as your initial math suggested.

As far as whether the Devs would allow us to stack theoretical new resistance set bonuses when we already get defense, I have an idea for a mechanism that could balance that.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
In theory, the mitigation looks equal. In reality, only one AT can hit the 90% resistance cap (heroside...not sure about Brutes) and yet they can all soft-cap defense; and defense does reduce the incidence of mezz stacking, which occasionally helps melee ATs and constantly helps squishies, so Defense still has a small edge., But it's not nearly as lopsided as your initial math suggested.
Brutes and Tankers both cap at 90% (though Brutes get Scrapper-like base values for their powers). EATs (Hero and Villain) cap at 85%. everyone else caps at 75%.

However, note also that Masterminds distribute damage to their henchmen while in Bodyguard mode, after Resistance is applied. Bodyguard splits damage into 2 parts for the player, 1 part for each henchman in BG (so 70 damage with 6 pets in BG means 20 damage for the MM, 10 damage for each pet). So, MMs can combine BG's 'pseudo-resistance' with actual resistance, and could reduce their personal incoming damage by 93.75% (75% resistance with 6 pets in BG mode).

I believe the ghosts summoned by Necromany's Soul Extraction count towards BG, too; the ghosts all die after 300s and Soul Extraction recharges in 600s, so a high recharge build might be able to sustain 2 ghosts at once (assuming a zombie gets killed fast enough). That would let you get 8 pets in BG for 95% damage reduction when combined with 75% true resistance.

In practice, the henchmen tend to fall to AoEs faster than the high resistance could be useful, but in theory Masterminds get the highest damage reduction capacity in the game




imo, resist bonuses shouldn't be lower than 5% and would be considered "minor resist bonus"



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
It would be nice to be able to cap resistances on my brutes and scrappers as easily as I cap defense. Some characters I would probably prefer it. Can't imagine it happening though, sounds like a ton of work.

We need new sets full of +resistance, + damage, + recharge.

Minor +5-10%, Huge +10-15%, Ultimate +15-20% resistance bonus.



I'd still go for defense

Having 15% S/L defense is still better than having 30% S/L resistance, since the defense will provide mitigation against ALL attacks with a S/L component (such as Ice Blast, Fire Melee, Energy Blast, Dark Melee, Sonic Attacks, etc), while the 30% will only provide mitigation against S/L damage and nothing more

Though I can see how defense debuffs being so common compared to resistance debuffs can tilt the scale towards resistance



Well of course, if it was worth it I would do it. It is worth it after all.

On a more serious note, squishy characters without mez protection still generally benefit much more greatly from defense building than they do resistance building as they can decrease the incoming damage and amount they are mezed, while resistance would only decrease the damage. Ultimately, res bonuses would only be worth it for everyone if they also came with much higher levels of status resistance, not just by being bigger.

That being said, I would very much like it if my resistance based characters could raise their resistance to the same advantage that defense based characters can soft-cap their defenses.



"If these were worth using, would you use them?" Kind of an odd question.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Brutes and Tankers both cap at 90% (though Brutes get Scrapper-like base values for their powers). EATs (Hero and Villain) cap at 85%. everyone else caps at 75%.

However, note also that Masterminds distribute damage to their henchmen while in Bodyguard mode, after Resistance is applied. Bodyguard splits damage into 2 parts for the player, 1 part for each henchman in BG (so 70 damage with 6 pets in BG means 20 damage for the MM, 10 damage for each pet). So, MMs can combine BG's 'pseudo-resistance' with actual resistance, and could reduce their personal incoming damage by 93.75% (75% resistance with 6 pets in BG mode).

I believe the ghosts summoned by Necromany's Soul Extraction count towards BG, too; the ghosts all die after 300s and Soul Extraction recharges in 600s, so a high recharge build might be able to sustain 2 ghosts at once (assuming a zombie gets killed fast enough). That would let you get 8 pets in BG for 95% damage reduction when combined with 75% true resistance.

In practice, the henchmen tend to fall to AoEs faster than the high resistance could be useful, but in theory Masterminds get the highest damage reduction capacity in the game

* I've been wondering recently if Defense should have some sort of caps imposed too. Tanks, Scrapper, Stalkers and Brutes 45%, EATS 42.5% and everyone else 40% or so. Seems weird that Resistance Caps are applied differently between ATs but Defense isn't.

Of course there are a lot more Defense Debuffs in the game and less Defense Debuff Resistance so it's probably a wash.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
* I've been wondering recently if Defense should have some sort of caps imposed too. Tanks, Scrapper, Stalkers and Brutes 45%, EATS 42.5% and everyone else 40% or so. Seems weird that Resistance Caps are applied differently between ATs but Defense isn't.

Of course there are a lot more Defense Debuffs in the game and less Defense Debuff Resistance so it's probably a wash.
Actually defense does have different caps between ATs. ATs will hard cap at DEF somewhere between 175% and 225%, I think, off the top of my head. It's just that those values are totally irrelevant. Seems like one of those things that the original devs put in without realizing the actual end results.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Basically, the way I see it is this:

Having a 5% chance to take full damage from an attack will work in your favor FAR more often than a 50% chance to take 50% damage.

When you're in a fight, those reduced damage hits that are coming in will add up quickly. I cite as an example something like the RWZ Challenge. Trying to do that with defense is a LOT more likely to succeed than doing it with resistance.

For those who don't know, the RWZ Challenge is taking on a level 54 spawn of Rikti that includes at least 3 bosses. You are not allowed to use inspirations or temp powers.

They are +4 to you, meaning their chance to hit you is somewhat better than the 50% base chance of a minion. The bosses hit REALLY hard. Like, over 1,000 damage hard. So, they won't be missing very often and will still be doing in excess of 300 damage per hit after resistance is factored in, assuming 70% resist to that damage type. And there are at least 3 different damage types to worry about in a Rikti spawn: lethal, energy, and psionic. Odds of capping all 3 damage types on a single character are very slim at best.

Not to say that resistance isn't useful, but significant levels of defense become much more valuable than significant levels of resistance once you pass a certain threshold of difficulty in what you're trying to do.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



+resistance in sets would really help SR out a bit, I think.

As it stands, you can softcap SR easily, you can softcap Shields with a bit of work, and you can softcap Dark Armor with a lot of work. Layering the defense on top of resistance based sets has a multiplicative effect on survivability. I feel it shouldn't be a one way street, though. You should be able to layer resistance on top of defense based sets.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
* I've been wondering recently if Defense should have some sort of caps imposed too. Tanks, Scrapper, Stalkers and Brutes 45%, EATS 42.5% and everyone else 40% or so. Seems weird that Resistance Caps are applied differently between ATs but Defense isn't.

Of course there are a lot more Defense Debuffs in the game and less Defense Debuff Resistance so it's probably a wash.
This is a tricky subject. On one hand, Blasters probably shouldn't be able to hit the 45% softcap permanently with IOs... on the other hand, I know I've eatten 4 lucks on my Blasters to overcome hard fights (EBs, multiple bosses, etc). Without recoding, I don't think there's anyway to make a distinction between the two. While the former may be out of line, I don't really feel the second is.

My other concern with a lower def cap would be the interaction between def and def debuffs / tohit buffs. Right now, the softcap is 45% - you can have more def than that, but it usually won't do you any good. If there is a critter with +10% tohit (from say, Tactics), now you'll need 55% def to floor them. My concern is if def was hard capped at 45%, players would have no way to add extra def to compensate. That would make the Recluse fight in the STF very... "interesting."

("Interesting? Define interesting??" - "Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die!")



I probably would not go for resistance even if resistance bonuses were, say, twice bigger than defense bonuses and just as available, unless on alts close to the resistance cap, or already defense softcapped with capped DDR and plenty of room for other sets (SR).

I'd never shift the focus from defense to resistance unless the values for resistance were ridiculously high, though. What kills me ingame is more often than not debuffs/mezzes enabling high damage spikes rather than pure damage, defense helps avoid that while resistance do nothing about it.



You should be able to layer resistance on top of defense based sets.
And that right there is why I dislike how difficult it is to get DR.

As it stands, just about anyone can use IOs to become an SR scrapper. (Minus the DDR.)

Why can't folks use IOs in the same way to become an Inv scrapper?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I'd still go for defense

Having 15% S/L defense is still better than having 30% S/L resistance, since the defense will provide mitigation against ALL attacks with a S/L component (such as Ice Blast, Fire Melee, Energy Blast, Dark Melee, Sonic Attacks, etc), while the 30% will only provide mitigation against S/L damage and nothing more
Very true

Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I'd still go for defense
Though I can see how defense debuffs being so common compared to resistance debuffs can tilt the scale towards resistance
Since resistance based builds suffer from -def also, and are more likely to be hit by said -def power in the first place, and have no -def resistance, I would say the advantage is still with defense over resistance.



Originally Posted by moifus1 View Post
Since resistance based builds suffer from -def also, and are more likely to be hit by said -def power in the first place, and have no -def resistance, I would say the advantage is still with defense over resistance.
This. Defense is it's own sort of -def resistance.

DR demands you just take it and like it.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
* I've been wondering recently if Defense should have some sort of caps imposed too. Tanks, Scrapper, Stalkers and Brutes 45%, EATS 42.5% and everyone else 40% or so. Seems weird that Resistance Caps are applied differently between ATs but Defense isn't.

Of course there are a lot more Defense Debuffs in the game and less Defense Debuff Resistance so it's probably a wash.
I've flipped back and forth on this issue myself. It raises a lot of questions with no clear answers.

Like, why should a fire armor scrapper with no innate defense be allowed to hit 45% but my FF defender that is more or less defense based not be permitted that same luxury?

I think the only way to really balance the situation is to apply caps on a per powerset basis rather than per AT. ie Fire armor can hit 35% def and capped res, SR can hit capped over softcap def, but only 60% res. Or something like that. The issue of course is that you start shoehorning people into specific build directions. That of course is assuming you even want the sets within each AT to reach similar peak performance.

I dunno, crazy thoughts. I know softcapped squishies still faceplant in many situations so the lack of DDR is probably good enough. Like you said.