Demons are Live! How'd you do it?




I will try a DS/FF hero side MM when I18 hit the live server.



I'm pondering pairing it with Pain, Poison, or Thermal. I won't actually be doing anything but pondering it until GR comes out and I can avoid the doldrums of playing Redside.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I am running a DS/Therm on Open Beta right now and am really liking it. I may go with DS/FF when it goes live though. There are some skippable powers in /FF that would allow me to go with more of the DS/ attacks. Which are are very useful for MM attacks for a change.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
Wrong. I hate Speed Boost, to the point that I have actually kicked /kins off teams when I've been the leader, and quit otherwise. I will *not* remain on a team with a /kin who insists on Speed Boosting everyone. As far as I'm concerned, any recovery it may or may not provide is irrelevant.
What about the +RCH? :O That's what I love it for more than anything.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I dabbled with both dark and storm during the beta.

Out of the two, dark seemed to be the better choice, but I'm going with storm for conceptual reasons and because I figure that everyone else will be using dark.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
What about the +RCH? :O That's what I love it for more than anything.
Well with pets not benefiting from the rech of SB anymore, I can only think that it might be a balance issue with kinetics.

We have all seen fire/kins, could you imagine how a melee orientated pet set (Nin or DS) and kinetics would fit together. Super speeding pets, transferance, transfusion, Fulcrum Shift. Well you may get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of Kinetics for MM's, but on blance it may make it a bit tooo good.



Originally Posted by British Battler View Post
Well with pets not benefiting from the rech of SB anymore, I can only think that it might be a balance issue with kinetics.

We have all seen fire/kins, could you imagine how a melee orientated pet set (Nin or DS) and kinetics would fit together. Super speeding pets, transferance, transfusion, Fulcrum Shift. Well you may get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of Kinetics for MM's, but on blance it may make it a bit tooo good.
My post was to the posrter who said that SB offered nothing to them.

Now while pets may not get anything from the +RCH, I would think anyone and everyone else including MMs would get something from +RCH, even if it's debuffs/buffs coming up faster.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by British Battler View Post
Well with pets not benefiting from the rech of SB anymore, I can only think that it might be a balance issue with kinetics.

We have all seen fire/kins, could you imagine how a melee orientated pet set (Nin or DS) and kinetics would fit together. Super speeding pets, transferance, transfusion, Fulcrum Shift. Well you may get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of Kinetics for MM's, but on blance it may make it a bit tooo good.
Can you imagine the hassle of trying to target each pet to buff it?

Now I don't like the +speed of speed boost. I can deal with it these days though... if not playing a character who's base run speed is 33 mph just from passives.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
What about the +RCH? :O That's what I love it for more than anything.
What good does +rech do a Mastermind? If I'm playing a "proper" mastermind, I'd have no attacks, and except for Poison, most of the buff/debuff sets are either AoE or long duration. Pets can't use +rech effects at all. All that Speed Boost does for Zombies is make them run faster. And sprinting Zombies might seem like a good idea, right up to the moment they chase a runner into a pack of Nemesis snipers. On my non-MM characters, I tend to take Swift with a Run speed enhancement. Getting hit with Speed Boost makes so all I have to do is tap a movement key to basically teleport uncontrollably around the map. As far as I'm concerned, the power has no advantages worth enough to put up with the way it functions.



Decided to go with Thermal because I have never played one before, in fact have never played the MM set at all so this should be a fun new experience



Originally Posted by Humbler View Post
But... realize there is a bug with the enhancments on pets. The second teir pet gets both damage and resistance from Damage IO's and or Resistance IO's. You do not get the full damage bonus from the IO, but if you slot 3 level 25 damage IO's you will get 60% damage buff and 60% resistance. When they fix this bug my pets will not have the same survivability.
That bugs been around for a long time and works when you slot Range/Dam HO's into something like Thermal shields. IIRC it would require a lot of work to fix and isn't a priority. Slot at your own discretion, just don't be shocked when it does eventually get fixed.



I've made a Demon/Pain, and Demon/Storm. Respectively, the Master of Agonies, a mage who uses the mystic energies of pain to tear open gateways to hell and empower his minions. And Damia Hellsblood, daughter of a heroine named Stormlash with of course storm powers; Damia in teenage rebel mode went slumming in the darker occult circles, and at a demon summoning discovered that the demon in question was her real father. It turned out her mother had her own wild youth...although not as wild as Damia, once she started taking lessons from Daddy. Which, when Stormlash showed up following up leads about dark magic activity, resulted in a family reunion that went really, really poorly.

For the Demon/Pain, these are my tentative power choices:

Master of Agonies:

1 : Summon Demonlings, Nullify Pain
2 : Lash
4 : Sooth
6 : Enchant Demon
8 : Corruption
10 : Share Pain
12 : Summon Demons
14 : Health
16 : Hurdle
18 : Hell on Earth
20 : Stamina
22 : Suppress Pain
24 : Hasten/Crack Whip/Enforced Morale?
26 : Summon Demon Prince
28 : World of Pain
30 : Hasten/Crack Whip/Enforced Morale?
32 : Abyssal Empowerment
35 : Anguishing Cry
38 : Painbringer

I'm going to rely on Ninja Run for travel. The same goes for Damia:

Damia Hellsblood:

1 : Summon Demonlings, Gale
2 : Lash
4 : O2 Boost
6 : Enchant Demon
8 : Snow Storm
10 : Hurdle
12 : Summon Demons
14 : Health
16 : Freezing Rain
18 : Hell on Earth
20 : Stamina
22 : Hurricane
24 : Steamy Mist
26 : Summon Demon Prince
28 : Thunder Clap/Whip Attack/Hasten?
30 : Thunder Clap/Whip Attack/Hasten?
32 : Abyssal Empowerment
35 : Tornado
38 : Lightning Storm

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I'm curious why people are choosing hell on earth as soon as it's available, it has a 10 minute cooldown and seems like it would be a bit of a waste until you can get some decent recharge slotted.



Lacking a /Thermal MM and seeing the theme I made a Demon/Thermal. Then gave her a name which means "Gifts from below" which is also an alternative to Pandora and now I just wait for GR for new content to level thru.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Scotsmania View Post
I'm curious why people are choosing hell on earth as soon as it's available, it has a 10 minute cooldown and seems like it would be a bit of a waste until you can get some decent recharge slotted.
Well, you can by 22.

Getting it at 18 means you can slot it up, take Stamina at 20 (assuming you need it) and have both slotted with 3 recharge for HoE and 3 Ends for stamina at 22.



Whips plus pain domination, the character concepts seem obvious to me.

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



First one is /dark.

The others will roll in Going Rogue to make certain forumites QQ when I dance emote my demons and zombies in Atlas Park.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Last night I made a DS/Thermal and got her all the way to lvl 6 !!! WOOT.
Seriously though, I chose thermal because I didnt have one already and it goes thematically. I made an evil pirate who was captured and enslaved by a good witch and was forced to save the innocent. At death she was refused from hell because of her goodly acts and was banished back to earth, taking with her some heat (ie Thermal) and an animated demon tail. So far this is the most fun ive had with any prestamina char ive ever made.

As for powers personally I dont feel the patron powers are all that great for MMs (except the shield), so im skipping them on this char. So there is plenty of room to take most of the primaries, secondaries, fitness, travel and still get some leadership. Honestly if there is anything this game has a lot of its powers.

IMO MMs benefit least from +RCH and I never slot for that. As for Hell on Earth just triple rech it and have it up every five minutes, that twice a mish.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
What good does +rech do a Mastermind? If I'm playing a "proper" mastermind, I'd have no attacks, and except for Poison, most of the buff/debuff sets are either AoE or long duration.

You can never have enough caltrops, or web-nade. It's nice to use acid mortar etc every spawn or 2 instead of every 2 or 3.


Tar patch. /drools/



Originally Posted by anonymoose View Post

You can never have enough caltrops, or web-nade. It's nice to use acid mortar etc every spawn or 2 instead of every 2 or 3.


Tar patch. /drools/
/storm also comes to mind

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
/storm also comes to mind
I had storm and dark in beta....the thing that stands out between the two though is that demons is a more melee oriented set and in the end fluffy goes really well with that (as does the rest of dark for the most part). Hurricane\tornado\lightning storm..not so much. There isn't a whole lot that I could find, when it comes to synergy, that storm offers a melee set like demons.

Just my opinion though....freezing rain is really the only thing that I can think of that would really be useful (and steamy mist to boost elemental resistance). As FOTM as it may be, to me, demons\dark goes really well together.

For me, because I HATE having to buff my minions every 4 minutes, I'm going to be doing either pain or dark (probably both). Poison is REALLY attractive for noxious gas on the demon prince, but not sure if I could wait until level 38 for that.

The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?



I am kinda stumped, and frustrated.

The thing is ... I don't actually like the whips. Yeah, I know. But I just don't like them. I played with them on test. Whatever. And yet the -res seems un-skippable from a min-maxy perspective. Its just too good to be able to add in some -res with the whips. Since I'm used to building my Masterminds in a certain way (for some secondaries) ... fitting in even one whip attack throw a major kink in my stride.

I am interested in many of the secondaries. I like Storm, Traps, Pain and Darkness, probably in that order. I've never made a Trick Arrow Mastermind, so that tempts me as well. Force Field is also tempting. Hrm.

If I were to go with a secondary that gave me room for a whip attack, I'd go with Traps or Pain. Pain might be best. I can heal, but I don't like absorb pain, so I might as well take Corruption or something like that.

Man, I am so stumped.

Also, I have the ability to 3-box if I really want to. So, I'm kinda tempted to do Traps and FF x2. Or another possibility would be Pain + FF x2. Another tempting combo would to run 3 Demon/Pain masterminds together or 3 Demon/Storm.

Ah heck, I dunno.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



You want recharge, especially for /Dark and it's gonna be a beast even without taking any of the -res attacks. I know; contrary to popular opinion, once u factor in the falloff from going against higher level mobs, the -res from the attacks really isn't that much considering everything else u need to throw out. Besides, Tar Patch + pet attacks is plenty for that and will be recharging almost every 30 seconds. Howling Twilight every 60 seconds, Web Cocoon + Petri Gaze being able to hold bosses and all wrapped up with your softcapped S/L defense. Shadow Fall + the 4 damage mitigation pet IOs + Maneuvers to give ur pets a total of about 20% positional def and 40% resists to Eng/Neg/Psi to cover the only resistance hole they have.



I've been sitting on a good name but lacking just the right character to take advantage of it. A DS/Poison would be perfect. Tweak the power color set a bit and it might as well be balefire as poison the MM is dishing out. Debuffing on top of debuffing sounds like a good idea on paper.

So that's where I'm headed I think. We'll see.



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
That bugs been around for a long time and works when you slot Range/Dam HO's into something like Thermal shields. IIRC it would require a lot of work to fix and isn't a priority. Slot at your own discretion, just don't be shocked when it does eventually get fixed.
In Beta this was a stat only bug. the shields don't actually get the +res bonus. It shows it does on the enhancement screen, but when you look at the demon's attributes they get the base number (unless you had actual resist enhancements in it).

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point