Transpotation Power/s for Natural Heroes?




Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
If you are standing still you are standing upright with the motorcycle between your legs. If you are moving then you raise up off of the handles till you are about upright and you leave the lower body on the bike.

It would probably look sort of unnatural (nothing to a degree we are not used to), but the bike would face the direction, while your upper half would be turned to the proper direction.

Considering how often this is seen in action movies, yes. Die Hard 4, SUV down an elevator shaft...
pay attention to the vehicles in the game and see how stupid they look turning corners and what not. and also, you do not understand how the game engine works or how it is coded. please do not assume that something is easy when it is not.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
pay attention to the vehicles in the game and see how stupid they look turning corners and what not. and also, you do not understand how the game engine works or how it is coded. please do not assume that something is easy when it is not.
I am learning 3D animation as of now (Maya 2010), and will be taking classes in game design this summer.

I would also suggest you stop assuming you know more than I do, unless you support your basis for knowledge.

A motorcycle in this fashion wouldn't be much more than an different item for the legs for super run...
Look at the cars in the game.
Look at the tech wings.
See how different they are?



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
I am learning 3D animation as of now (Maya 2010), and will be taking classes in game design this summer.

I would also suggest you stop assuming you know more than I do, unless you support your basis for knowledge.

A motorcycle in this fashion wouldn't be much more than an different item for the legs for super run...
Look at the cars in the game.
Look at the tech wings.
See how different they are?

"Learning Maya" =/= "Knowing how to code City of Heroes. That is what the "standard code rant" is all about.

Just because you might know a little about how to use a popular program, a VERY LITTLE if you're 'starting' to learn animation... Remember that ANIMATION IS NOT MMO CODE. And it never will be.

You wanna make your own mmo - go right ahead. Until you've got all the experience to do so, maybe you should listen when those of us who've been around the game a long while, and have had the pleasure of talking directly with the devs, say things like "the devs won't do this because x and y". Because that's how the game works. Every game has different engines and expectations.

Maya is not a game engine. Hate to burst your bubble. It's a pretty animation program, and rendering things in it is keen. But it's not got a lot to do with programming powers or effects in this game. Live with that.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
I am learning 3D animation as of now (Maya 2010), and will be taking classes in game design this summer.

I would also suggest you stop assuming you know more than I do, unless you support your basis for knowledge.

A motorcycle in this fashion wouldn't be much more than an different item for the legs for super run...
Look at the cars in the game.
Look at the tech wings.
See how different they are?
as i have been around the game much longer then you have, i do have very good knowledge of what will work and what won't. and a motorcycle animation the way you are proposing it will look entirely stupid. you need to listen and learn from those of us who have been around longer then you and stop getting so upset when people tell you why your idea will not work.



I think the problem is the limited number of travel emote options. Fly with different skins othan wings and jetpack. Same powers, but with different looks.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Because we don't have jetpacks in working regular reality. So it requires super tech, so it is a tech power.
Um... Yes we do. We totally do. In fact, we had jet packs IN THE 60S! Sure, they couldn't fly as fast, as high or as long as ours do, but then real-world guns can't curve bullets and real-world swords can't cut plate steel, yet none of that ever stopped this being the status quo in City of Heroes. Oh, and real-world flesh doesn't absorb bullets as a form of nutrition.

And on the flip side, this isn't the real world. In Paragon City, teleportation technology is commonplace, levitation technology is sold at the corner grocery store, you can find energy weapons in toy stores and a lot of heroes have about 25 cybernetic hearts. Technology is commonplace. In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to think up a technology that is NOT contemporary to the world of City of Heroes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



And let's not get started on what happens to you if you drink Crey Cola.

"All Natural" my patootie!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Well perhaps your AT and powersets could shed some light on your options? For example, if you're a MA/SR scrapper, perhaps you could put 2 slots into Swift, Hurdle, Sprint, Combat Jumping, and Quickness. This would likely command a respectable amount of speed without any flashiness and as a nice side effect, not be subjected to the rules of in-combat travel suppression.

Looks like with 2 slots per each mentioned power, you can achieve 45.8mph run speed, 47.3mph jump speed, and 31.3ft in jump height. That's without any bonuses that might be granted by sets. That's not exactly terrible.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Because we don't have jetpacks in working regular reality. So it requires super tech, so it is a tech power.
Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
There is a distinction between super tech and normal tech. This line can be foggy with fictional rifles in this game, but rocket boots are clearly super tech in genre.
Sorry to come back to this, but I have to ask;

Do you never click the Go To Hospital button if you get defeated? You only ever use an Awaken or get a team mate to rez you?

Because the hospital teleport is very high tech, which you seem to feel would blow your 'natural' status...

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk
Wow that is interesting... I will believe it when I see it, but wow it seems really dangerous, a waist of energy, and generally useless in every day life of your modern citizen.
However, it's being used to refute your "wouldn't be available for heroes" and "Super tech" arguments, which again you dodge. Your character is either a registered hero (in which case you're closer to the military than police as far as the tech you'd potentially have access to, yes, even as a "natural") or villain (in which case, what do you care if they'd "let" you use what you just stole?)
If you are standing still you are standing upright with the motorcycle between your legs. If you are moving then you raise up off of the handles till you are about upright and you leave the lower body on the bike.
Please show any other example in game where this is done.
I am learning 3D animation as of now (Maya 2010), and will be taking classes in game design this summer.

I would also suggest you stop assuming you know more than I do, unless you support your basis for knowledge.

A motorcycle in this fashion wouldn't be much more than an different item for the legs for super run...
Look at the cars in the game.
Look at the tech wings.
See how different they are?
I dub thee "KittyKrusader the Second." That individual also "did some mod for NWN" and thus felt they knew everything they'd ever need to know for just HOW COH worked. They were, of course, WAY off.

3d animation: I can set scenes exactly how I want, have them render and work.

MMO: I have a wide range of model sizes of which I don't control, three body types, and thousands of animations (including those requiring the lower body to move and/or be in direct contact with the ground) to deal with - *just for starters.*

Originally Posted by Lightfoot
Let's talk about that, then. James Bond has always used theoretical tech 10-20 years in advance of what is readily available. In the late 60's, James Bond was using a jetpack to get around (From Russia With Love). While the Bourne movies don't use theoretical transportation tech, they certainly use surveillance tech at least 5 years ahead of what is on the market.

Most anime plays fast and loose with theoretical tech, too; the stealth suits in Ghost in the Shell, the androids in Gunslinger Girl, the gadgets of Lupin the 3rd.

If you are using movies and anime as your guide to what is "natural," I still don't understand where your goalposts are. I suspect that you don't know where your goalposts are either, except to move them further out as you are shown examples within your boundaries that you don't like.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
I have several "natural" characters that are Alien to this planet so their species natural abilities cover their travel powers. A few of the others cross into the sci/tech areas for theirs. Ninja run covers one or two of them.

Cars/Motorcycles, etc fall into the tech side. Not high tech, but still tech.

I'll echo McBoo in wishing there was a different standing pose for Ninja Run. I'll turn it off if I'm stopping anywhere for more then a moment because it just doesn't look right to me. But that's my quibble.
I do the same thing.

It's funny, I can see my characters run that way, it feels very comicy booky (not all though, for them I just dont use Ninja Run...but those ones usually have a travel power of another sort)...but the idle standing doesnt work for any of my concepts.

So I just toggle it off

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
If you are using movies and anime as your guide to what is "natural," I still don't understand where your goalposts are. I suspect that you don't know where your goalposts are either, except to move them further out as you are shown examples within your boundaries that you don't like.
IMO, a character’s origin should be associated with the major source of their powers. Travel powers can be related to a characters origin but do not have to be and should not define the nature of their core abilities.

The Hulk’s powers are of science origin and his super strength allows him to leap great distances. This is an example of an origin related travel power. To take away the super leap you would need to take away his super strength.

Spider-Man’s powers are also of science origin but he travels via the technological wonder of the web slingers which he designed. This does not make Spider-Man a technology origin hero since taking away his web slingers does not remove his strength, agility or Spider-Sense. (I’m talking the original irradiated spider origin story folks, not the Peter Parker with arguably impossible organic spinnerets)


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
IMO, a character’s origin should be associated with the major source of their powers. Travel powers can be related to a characters origin but do not have to be and should not define the nature of their core abilities.
And that's it precisely. (And why I said, above, that if a vehicle or motorcycle would be ok, I can't see why a jetpack isn't.)



Peacebringers are natural origin and they can fly and teleport as much as they want. Have a hero which can 'naturally' fly or run really fast for whatever reason =)



Is your character a Ninja? If so, take Super Jump. I do it all the time!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
I can't help but feel like you are just trying to poke holes in everything I say.
I am trying to poke holes in everything you say. It is the only way to demonstrate to you that your arguments lack a solid foundation

Ninja Run is more acceptable because it seems like the non-supernatural mooks of an anime, such as Ninja Scroll. Especially in compairison to Super Jump and Super Speed. While if you were trying to make a super hero character like from Lethal Weapon, even this would be too odd if true to the genre.
The ninja in Ninja Scroll are VERY supernatural. If you accept their powers as natural "ki training," you should be able to accept any of the travel powers as natural. The good ninja used Super Jump, if not outright flying, and could cross incredible distances in a short amount of time (Super Speed). At least one of the bad ninja could teleport through shadows.

Now I know where your goalposts are for action movies, at least (Lethal Weapon), which means that you consider things like the James Bond movies and the Bourne movies to be science fiction. If the previous statement is not true, why are you limiting your natural concepts to the lowest tech of all the action blockbusters, despite the fact that most of the tech in both the Bond and Bourne movies are at least in the developmental stage RIGHT NOW? Considering the advances in technology in the 23 years since Lethal Weapon came out, you might as well be complaining that helicopters are too advanced for your natural heroes because they didn't exist in Gangs of New York.

Grant it, as stated before, the game is designed to have these characters take missile hits, and still be alive, this takes a bit of overlooking or execution.
So, if you can overlook the fact that your "natural" hero can take a hit from a rocket in the face and still be at over 80% health, why is it so hard to accept that the normal tech level of the City of Heroes universe is (at least) slightly higher than our own?

Jetpacks, rocket boots, piston boots and teleportation technology are all relatively common in the City of Heroes universe. It should cause no disconnect if one of your natural heroes should decide to avail himself of this technology to get around. However, if you make the choice to live like the Amish, you don't get to complain that the cars of the heathen masses go faster than your horse drawn buggy.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
So, if you can overlook the fact that your "natural" hero can take a hit from a rocket in the face and still be at over 80% health, why is it so hard to accept that the normal tech level of the City of Heroes universe is (at least) slightly higher than our own?
I never assumed that my golden age, natural origin hero, Red Jackal, was taking a direct hit with rockets because it was fairly obvious he would not survive it. In my mind the explosion always happened relatively close and he suffered shrapnel, fire and concussive damage. Yes I realize that the animation shows Red Jackal actually being hit with a rocket but to quote Adam Savage, "I reject your reality and substitute it for my own."


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Wow that is interesting... I will believe it when I see it, but wow it seems really dangerous, a waist of energy, and generally useless in every day life of your modern citizen.
Personally I think it will be a very long time before (and if) we ever see them as being affordable to the average person. The danger factor is probably the biggest reason they won't be mass marketed. I predict someone would need to get some sort of pilots liscence to operate one. Also the jetpack only has a 30 minute fuel supply. To me that's just long enough to forget to watch the time because your having too much fun and short enough to run out of fuel and fall to your death.

So for the time being these things will probably only be bought by the rich and stupid.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Personally I think it will be a very long time before (and if) we ever see them as being affordable to the average person. The danger factor is probably the biggest reason they won't be mass marketed. I predict someone would need to get some sort of pilots liscence to operate one. Also the jetpack only has a 30 minute fuel supply. To me that's just long enough to forget to watch the time because your having too much fun and short enough to run out of fuel and fall to your death.

So for the time being these things will probably only be bought by the rich and stupid.
Initial market, most likely:
Police/SWAT type teams.



So is my Bots/Thermal mastermind, whose robots and rifle are made of completely ordinary (though highly advanced) electronics, and whose fire shields and buffs are genuine magical spells... is she Tech or Magic origin? I go with Tech here, since that's what her primary is and we can't have dual-origin heroes. Pool powers are such a minor percentage of a character's abilities that I almost never even consider origin in relation to them.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
We have Swift and Hurdle, representing high levels of athletic training.
I'll back the Fitness Pool. What's more Natural than to be fit?

I have a character that got along fairly well with just the Fitness pool until the GvE jump pack came along (makes going vertical easier) and the various teleports, fight, and jump packs when they came out.

I guess the OP is going for Super Strength or Martial Arts with Willpower (or possibly Regen if the SFX colors were turned off). I don't know any other sets that would make a character look like they were completely Natural and not using some kind of devices (that includes axes, swords, rifles, pistols, etc.) or powers (ice, fire, electricity, darkness, etc.)
If this is the case than Fitness definitely fits in with those power sets.

Does this mean that the OP will refuse tps to missions?
I guess they are out of luck on refusing "mystic fortune" at this point.



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
I am trying to poke holes in everything you say. It is the only way to demonstrate to you that your arguments lack a solid foundation
Sounds more like you are getting some cheep fun winning the internet.

What would be wrong having a more appropriate transportation power of a natural human? It is even addressed very fondly in the staff of power mission arch.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Sounds more like you are getting some cheep fun winning the internet.

What would be wrong having a more appropriate transportation power of a natural human? It is even addressed very fondly in the staff of power mission arch.
In lightfoot's defense that is part of the purpose of the suggestion fourms. Poking holes in ideas is supposed to help people perfect an idea, and look at it from a different perspective. It's easy to get tunnelvision and overlook something that might be glaringly obvious to another person.

unfortunately not everyone is as diplomatic about it as others are.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Initial market, most likely:
Police/SWAT type teams.
Yeah those are probable markets, but the company is also supposed to be getting ready to take orders from private civilian parties later this year.

Martin Jetpack is currently accepting enquiries from commercial customers. Please place your initial enquiry through this site and we will contact you directly.

It is expected that early orders for sales to private individuals will commence late 2010. If you would like to register your interest in purchasing a Jetpack for private use, please do so through our contact page. We will note your details and contact you when pre orders are being taken.
But for the forseeable future I think the private sector will be a very small market.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Sounds more like you are getting some cheep fun winning the internet.
If you can't handle having arguments against your idea made, or problems with your idea or viewpoint pointed out, don't put them in a discussion forum. The point of this IS to poke holes, not be heaped with praise for every single letter that comes out of a poster's keyboard.

You've been given legitimate responses you are choosing not to accept. Or you're completely ignoring or dodging.

What would be wrong having a more appropriate transportation power of a natural human?
We ARE giving you "appropriate transportation powers of a natural human." Natural humans walk, use the train or use some sort of assistance. In the COH world, the only vehicle - other than the tram - is a jetpack, which has been shown not to be all that much of a stretch to be used.

Hell, if you want, you can handwave using superspeed to get to missions as just "fast forwarding through the boring walk-everywhere parts of the movie."

Given the faster-than-the-cars speeds reached just with sprint (not to mention the unlikely leaps and speed of ninja run,) if you want to restrict yourself to "just a natural human," you're going to be taking a while to get anywhere since you'll only have "non sprint speed" and "Walk" available.