Transpotation Power/s for Natural Heroes?




I find myself stuck in the concepts of creating a natural hero. One that does not have any devices or unusual powers from magic, mutation, chemicals, etc.

With Viechles already out of the current question, as of 2008 at least, what new powers can we comfortably use or create to fit this origin of a natural hero?

Or is it possible to start re-visiting the subject with further options to customizable the graphics of transportation powers option here and possibly expanding, and just re-work the graphics of a current transport powers.

Edit: It just seems odd that we have this entire category of hero that has no transportation power to fit it in the slightest.

So I am basically asking for ideas, what do you have to solve this problem?



We have Swift and Hurdle, representing high levels of athletic training.
Or we (some of us, but not I) have Ninja Run.

I'm looking at an alternative to Superspeed, but with a skateboarding-like graphic, like that one Prestige Sprint (Slide, was it?). Until something like that comes along, though, you might be stuck with one of the above options.

Or, you could have a MOSTLY natural (for the bulk of his powers) hero who just happens to have a gadget or amulet of whatever for his travel power. Manticore, I believe, is a Natural hero, but tapped (hacked?) into the medical transport grid so he could Teleport. (As an example.)
Edit: I saw that line in your post "no devices or unusual powers...", but heck, I thought it had to be mentioned, since it's one of the options folks sometimes use for thier natural heroes. Even Batman who trains a whole lot (putting him towards Natural) uses a lot of gadgets (edging towards Tech).



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
I find myself stuck in the concepts of creating a natural hero. One that does not have any devices or unusual powers from magic, mutation, chemicals, etc.

With Viechles already out of the current question, as of 2008 at least, what new powers can we comfortably use or create to fit this origin of a natural hero?

Or is it possible to start re-visiting the subject with further options to customizable the graphics of transportation powers option here an possibly expanding, and just re-work the graphics of a current transport powers.

So I am basically asking for ideas, what do you have to solve this problem?
Use the power of your imagination.

Since you have already self limited by saying that your character would not use devices, even a swingline shooter is out of the question (vehicles would be out of the question, too, by the same limiting factor). Your only option is to take Swift and slot Sprint and Swift. Unfortunately, if you do the math, this will still greatly exceed the speed that a normal human can achieve, so even Sprint and Swift are unacceptable for a "natural" hero.

I have plenty of "natural" heroes who use the travel powers, thanks to the power of imagination.

Major A. Salt uses the city Mediport network to get around. U.S. Archer has an antigravity belt given to him by one of the many scientists he has rescued. The same internal energy that enables Lady Crane to punch out robots enables her to make astounding leaps.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
I find myself stuck in the concepts of creating a natural hero. One that does not have any devices or unusual powers from magic, mutation, chemicals, etc.

With Viechles already out of the current question, as of 2008 at least, what new powers can we comfortably use or create to fit this origin of a natural hero?

Or is it possible to start re-visiting the subject with further options to customizable the graphics of transportation powers option here and possibly expanding, and just re-work the graphics of a current transport powers.

Edit: It just seems odd that we have this entire category of hero that has no transportation power to fit it in the slightest.

So I am basically asking for ideas, what do you have to solve this problem?
This issue has come up every once in a while over the years.

The short end of it nowadays is this: "Natural" as an origin covers a lot more than what most people think. Remember that Superman would, in this game, be considered a Natural origin. Any member of his species that comes to our planet develops the same abilities, yet he can fly.

However, I know what you're talking about. You want a travel power for a normal human being. As such, you have a couple of options:

1) Roleplay a bit. Just because your character is a normal human being doesn't mean they couldn't borrow a cool pair of rocket or piston boots from a friend, giving them access to flight/SJ.

2) Slot for movement speed increases.

3) Grab hurdle and Combat Jumping, and use those (provides a decent amount of speed, if you're not in too much of a rush).

4) Buy the Ninja pack, and use Ninja Run to get around, especially if stacked with Hurdle or Swift.

Hope this helps!

Edit -> Drat! beaten to it!

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"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Manticore is a natural hero, and he uses Teleport



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
Use the power of your imagination.

Since you have already self limited by saying that your character would not use devices, even a swingline shooter is out of the question (vehicles would be out of the question, too, by the same limiting factor). Your only option is to take Swift and slot Sprint and Swift. Unfortunately, if you do the math, this will still greatly exceed the speed that a normal human can achieve, so even Sprint and Swift are unacceptable for a "natural" hero.

I have plenty of "natural" heroes who use the travel powers, thanks to the power of imagination.

Major A. Salt uses the city Mediport network to get around. U.S. Archer has an antigravity belt given to him by one of the many scientists he has rescued. The same internal energy that enables Lady Crane to punch out robots enables her to make astounding leaps.
The problem though with high-tech devices you break into the tech field. I just feel that these two are so similar that you can't really have a natural hero that is as effective as any other origin.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
This issue has come up every once in a while over the years.

The short end of it nowadays is this: "Natural" as an origin covers a lot more than what most people think. Remember that Superman would, in this game, be considered a Natural origin. Any member of his species that comes to our planet develops the same abilities, yet he can fly.
Yeah I had thought of that, but was not the focus of this thought process.



I find ninja run to be more 'natural' than the other options. Barring that, I use teleportation (Using a gadget) or flight. (With rocket boots.)

I'm still waiting for jetpack back elements for my natural characters, with jets that activate with flight.

In comic books, the traditional means are swinging and cars/motorbikes, but customizing current travel into these is odd. Could TP be changed into a grapple gun, with a tether being shot into nothing, the character 'whooshing' to the tp point ala shield charge? Maybe, but it would look odd, especially with the hover afterwards, not to mention the tether to nowhere looking odd. Superspeed could be tweaked to use a hover platform thing, or hoverbike? maybe, but it would look odd when the character activates powers or jumps, etc.

As such, you can use purchasable jetpacks, mayhem temp powers, or the jetboots/ninja run. The rest? I can't expect to see anything very much different than these.

*edit* As for the tech thing: every 'natural' hero uses technology for transportation at some point. The difference between a tech and natural hero is that the natural hero can do her/his thing on their own, the tech person's abilities are derived from their equipment. Anybody can use a gadget.



Some costume parts can help you with the roleplay in the current game.

Manticore has already been mentioned. He's a Natural hero, but he taps into the Emergency Rescue Teleport system to travel.

You can also get piston boots, which well, would help you run fast.

You can also get rocket boots... well.. which would help you fly.

Ergo, if you are stuck on being natural... there's ways around it with available costume parts. Sure, you might need to wait a day before your high level can buy the costume part and salvage and email it to yourself... but what's a sub 24 hour wait?



What defines "technology"? If you want to avoid every form of technology, then the only natural human character you can make is a Mrtial Arts/Willpower/Body Mastery Scrapper. And the costume must be naked. Because all weapons and clothing are technology.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
You can also get piston boots, which well, would help you run fast.
Piston Boosts animate with jumping, not running.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Piston Boosts animate with jumping, not running.
funny. I got an oily black smoke from them when running. Actually filed a couple /bugs on it till I was told it supposed to activate while running.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
funny. I got an oily black smoke from them when running. Actually filed a couple /bugs on it till I was told it supposed to activate while running.

Any time the character's feet leave the ground/touch again, they do a dust shockwave thing. This looks good with superjump or other such looks a bit odd when the character runs over uneven terrain and run from one plane to another that is inches below.



• All of my human natural characters who fly have Legion, I mean, anti-gravity flight rings.

• All of my human natural characters who superjump have Flubber, I mean, Increda-rubber soles on their bouncey boots.

• All of my human natural characters who superspeed have low-clearance rollerblade shoes that spark a lot against the pavement.

• All of my human natural characters who teleport are in denial about their origins.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
The problem though with high-tech devices you break into the tech field. I just feel that these two are so similar that you can't really have a natural hero that is as effective as any other origin.
Alright, then let's do this using two of the more well known "natural" heroes.

Captain America (Steve Rogers version, thanks to Bucky's cybernetic arm, I might qualify him as more tech than natural) - His shield was created using an alloy process that was not repeatable, using two "science fictional" metals (vibranium and adamantium). When Steve needed to get around, he used either a motorcycle (modified by Starktech to exceed the specifications of a normal motorcycle) or used an Avengers Quinjet (also Starktech) or S.H.I.E.L.D. transportation (mostly "superspy" tech level). Captain America's equipment definitely crosses into the "tech" arena without hurting his status as a natural hero.

Batman (Bruce Wayne or Dick Grayson) - Waynetech is so far beyond what is natural that it isn't even funny. All of the Bat-vehicles certainly qualify as high tech, as does most of his gadgetry. Using his cape, he can glide, and when he needs to cross the globe instantly, he makes liberal use of the JLA teleporter. In the end, Batman isn't defined by his high tech equipment, he is defined by his rigorous training and brilliant mind, therefore, he is a natural hero.

If you really want to do it the way heroes in the comic books who don;t have travel powers do it, you need to have a teammate with Group Fly who can carry you while they use their travel power, otherwise, you cross into your own, forbidden, "high tech" area.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
Captain America (Steve Rogers version, thanks to Bucky's cybernetic arm, I might qualify him as more tech than natural) - His shield was created using an alloy process that was not repeatable, using two "science fictional" metals (vibranium and adamantium). When Steve needed to get around, he used either a motorcycle (modified by Starktech to exceed the specifications of a normal motorcycle) or used an Avengers Quinjet (also Starktech) or S.H.I.E.L.D. transportation (mostly "superspy" tech level). Captain America's equipment definitely crosses into the "tech" arena without hurting his status as a natural hero.
Isn't Cap more Science origin, with the super soldier serum and all?

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Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
The problem though with high-tech devices you break into the tech field. I just feel that these two are so similar that you can't really have a natural hero that is as effective as any other origin.
No, it doesn't.

Origin = the primary source of your powers. Not "every single damn thing has to be ONLY this EXACTLY." A natural hero could still drive a car. Or take the train (technology) in game. Or buy a jetpack - very readily available in-game. Nobody in their right mind is going to gripe that "ZOMG that makes you tech!"

If "natural must be natural human (itself not true by dev provided in game examples, IE Kheldians, though I get your wanting to be 'as human as possible,') no tech, no help of any sort" is so locked in for you that none of that matters, use Walk and/or take Sprint off your tray, since even Sprint has you outdistancing cars without getting tired regardless of the distance.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
The problem though with high-tech devices you break into the tech field. I just feel that these two are so similar that you can't really have a natural hero that is as effective as any other origin.
Just think of it like this. Does taking the bus to work actually have any impact on what you use to actually do that work?

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Isn't Cap more Science origin, with the super soldier serum and all?
When the War on Drugs was a huge deal, there was an arc called Streets of Poison where the Super Soldier serum in Cap's blood began to fail, and Cap started to weaken. The idea being that the serum itself was actually a performance enhancing drug that was beginning to show negative side effects. At the end, Cap received a blood transfusion which cleansed the Super Soldier Serum from his blood. In the end, it was determined that Steve Rogers could have reached that pinnacle of health without the serum with enough time and effort, and the serum simply accelerated the process. From that time on, Steve needed to work just as hard as any other human at the pinnacle of fitness does to maintain his physical abilities.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Origins are a guideline, not a limitation.

My main is a Broadsword/Regen who uses magic to heal himself, and then natural talent to swing his sword around. He's a magic origin, but that doesn't mean the majority of what he does is magical in nature.

my AR/Dev is a 'natural' character despite having a robotic arm, leg, two robotic legs, a series of gadgets, and a giant gun. While these are all enhancements, it is still his mind and his skill that directs all of them, so as far as I care, he's natural.

The only time it starts being tech is when YOU say it is, and even then that's okay.

That said, I would really like a motorcycle some day~



I personally have found myself utilizing Ninja Run for some of my natural heroes. The constant Snidely Whiplash/Count Dracula pose while standing still with the power active can be rather distracting though and also tends to break the immersion for me.

It would be nice if Ninja Run allowed for some other poses/animations but I don't see the developers committing time and resources to upgrade a booster pack power. Still if there are nigh insurmountable obstacles to things like swinging or vehicles it would make sense to try and provide another non booster pack option for "natural travel" that doesn't break the game engine.


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Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
Alright, then let's do this using two of the more well known "natural" heroes.

Captain America (Steve Rogers version, thanks to Bucky's cybernetic arm, I might qualify him as more tech than natural) - His shield was created using an alloy process that was not repeatable, using two "science fictional" metals (vibranium and adamantium). When Steve needed to get around, he used either a motorcycle (modified by Starktech to exceed the specifications of a normal motorcycle) or used an Avengers Quinjet (also Starktech) or S.H.I.E.L.D. transportation (mostly "superspy" tech level). Captain America's equipment definitely crosses into the "tech" arena without hurting his status as a natural hero.

Batman (Bruce Wayne or Dick Grayson) - Waynetech is so far beyond what is natural that it isn't even funny. All of the Bat-vehicles certainly qualify as high tech, as does most of his gadgetry. Using his cape, he can glide, and when he needs to cross the globe instantly, he makes liberal use of the JLA teleporter. In the end, Batman isn't defined by his high tech equipment, he is defined by his rigorous training and brilliant mind, therefore, he is a natural hero.

If you really want to do it the way heroes in the comic books who don;t have travel powers do it, you need to have a teammate with Group Fly who can carry you while they use their travel power, otherwise, you cross into your own, forbidden, "high tech" area.
For conversation, the original Captain America was a science based, chemically induced super hero, like the original flash.



I have several "natural" characters that are Alien to this planet so their species natural abilities cover their travel powers. A few of the others cross into the sci/tech areas for theirs. Ninja run covers one or two of them.

Cars/Motorcycles, etc fall into the tech side. Not high tech, but still tech.

I'll echo McBoo in wishing there was a different standing pose for Ninja Run. I'll turn it off if I'm stopping anywhere for more then a moment because it just doesn't look right to me. But that's my quibble.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
funny. I got an oily black smoke from them when running. Actually filed a couple /bugs on it till I was told it supposed to activate while running.
Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Any time the character's feet leave the ground/touch again, they do a dust shockwave thing. This looks good with superjump or other such looks a bit odd when the character runs over uneven terrain and run from one plane to another that is inches below.
As Seldom says, falling a short distance (off the sidewalk, over the curb, and into the street, for example) counts as a jump for the game, and for activating Piston Boots. But just for clarity's sake, make sure you're not confusing the effects of Piston Boots with Winged Boots (the latter has an effect when you move at all).



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
I have several "natural" characters that are Alien to this planet so their species natural abilities cover their travel powers. A few of the others cross into the sci/tech areas for theirs. Ninja run covers one or two of them.

Cars/Motorcycles, etc fall into the tech side. Not high tech, but still tech.

I'll echo McBoo in wishing there was a different standing pose for Ninja Run. I'll turn it off if I'm stopping anywhere for more then a moment because it just doesn't look right to me. But that's my quibble.
Can you really do just ninja run effectively?

On ninja run, I lover it personally, but all my friends in my SG say you NEED an actual power.