Transpotation Power/s for Natural Heroes?




Variation on the standard code rant. The OP clearly has no idea how hard it was to implement the degree of customization/pose alteration we have now, nor how long we had to wait for it. Even now, it's not a simple thing.

The character in my avatar is Science origin, and all of her powers come from that... except for Recall Friend, which is defined as a gadget which lets her retask the city teleportation grid for site-to-self transports. Can I actually brandish this gizmo in an animation in-game? No. So I use my imagination.

I have several natural characters. While one is "naturally" superhuman, the others are baseline humans with training and access to off-the-shelf firearms and other technology: one's an ex-Sky Raider, one's an Arachnos soldier, and one's a modern ninja. They get around with jetpack, jetpack, and jump pack, respectively. I had the first for years before the devs got around to actually putting jetpacks in the game; before that, I (and everyone else) had to pretend. And on the last, I used her Mayhem zero-G pack until it wore out, then bought Super Jumping and said it was actually the same thing.

This game cannot be all things to all people. At some point, you're going to have to step up and put in some effort, let something slide, use some of that imagination and suspend your disbelief. Because I'm warning you now, if you can't, then the contradictions and absurdities which the mechanics of the game force on the world/setting will drive you insane very quickly.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



This is worth repeating. Several times.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post


Saying "This is easy to do in an MMO because I do it in Maya" is like saying "I can fly the Space Shuttle because I know how to ride a bike."

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



A few points to address.

Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Okay, in general animating a figure to move differently, actually working with maya 2010, isn't that big a deal.
Standard Code Rant aside, no, one animation isn't. The problem here isn't about remaking ONE animation, it's about remaking ALL animations for EVERY character model. And character models do not actually share animations between them. Their animations are usually very similar, but each is hand-tweaked to fit that model.

I am just curious though, what about the new pistol power sets movement animation, hail of bullets? I could be wrong, but this seems like a VERY different movement animation, like the ninja run ability.
You're mixing terminology here. "Movement" in the sense of the motions of different parts of the body is distinctly different from "movement" in the sense of locomotion around the world. You'll notice that Hail of Bullets roots you for the duration of the power, disallowing all translational movement. Also note that Hail of Bullets starts from the Combat stance and ends in the Ready stance that all of your movement animations start and end at.

City of Heroes uses what I like to describe as a "hub" animation system, from a purely uneducated point of view. You have a series of "stances" that every animation in the game has to start from and end in. The ones people are most familiar with are idle, combat and ready. Idle is out of combat, combat is the one you get for initiating combat and ready is usually what you end in after an attack. Assault Rifle held up vs. held down, to put a concrete example. However, there are more than that. For instance, most two-handed and left-handed weapon share the same basic stance, most right-handed weapon share another, assault rifles and such have their own, unarmed have their own as well, I believe. And ALL of this is duplicated while flying.

Hail of Bullets is not an offender in this case, because it starts from combat or ready and ends in ready. No other powers are supposed to start in the middle of executing Hail of Bullets. By contrast, what you are suggesting IS an offender, because what you are suggesting is a brand new basic state which will require its own host of stances. While on your bike, you will need to have animations for movement in all direction, and probably alternatives for combat animations, as well. You will need animations to start off a stance "on bike" and end at a stance "on bike," which will necessitate a new copy of every animation that's usable with a bike. And not a minor tweak of it, either, not nearly like what it was with Shield Defence.

The reason for this hub setup is so that animations flow smoothly from one to the next. For instance, if you have Hack, Slash and Slice, you would need nine animations if you wanted to flow from one directly to the other. You would need Hack -> Slash, Hack -> Slice, Hack -> Hack, Slash -> Hack, Slash -> Slice, Slash -> Slash, Slice -> Hack, Slice -> Slash, Slice -> Slice. Now introduce one "stance" that all animations start and stop from and you reduce the number of animations needed to 3: stance -> slash -> stance, stance -> hack -> stance, stance -> slice -> stance. Much, MUCH simpler to make.

Always remember that when trying to devise new animations for the game.

Great observations, as I did see this restrictions in animation, but I didn't think it was because doing such was a nightmare for their system, I just thought it was because they had more important things to do.
It's a nightmare because of how many animations there are in the game and how many of them end up needing to be tweaked by suggestions like these. BABs has quoted numbers on the order of 1600, if my memory serves, and just shields had them go through hundreds, about 20 per day if I remember correctly, JUST to get shields to work with JUST melee attack powersets. It's a serious undertaking, and one you're going to need some serious convincing to even place under consideration.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



We need BaB..

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc