PvP, Badges, or Mission Architect? Which do you use more?

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Me, I'm all over the place. I tried to create MArcs but didn't really get anywhere, but that's not to say I won't try again someday. I like running other people's MArcs though, especially ones that are funny.

I have a badging character so I get down with that too. Last count my badger has 514.

I finally grew the stones to step into a PvP zone, BB, a few months ago, and it went without incedent. Then I got the stones to go to WB and that too went without incident. Then I got bold enough to go to RV, and got ganked by a team of 8 villains. But it wasn't as humiliating as I thought it would be. In fact, after that ganking I encountered my first lone player-villain, and lo and behold I whooped his a**! I couldn't believe it, but I knew then that I was indeed capable of doing PvP and since then I've never been scared to PvP again (though I don't do it much).




then far away in a corner is MA

then even further is PvP

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
For me,
Badges > MA >> PvP
I'm with the huggable cat type person, with the following adjustment:

Badges >> MA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[...]>>>>>>>>>>>> PvP

Is it possible to have PvP has less than zero? If so, I'll take it.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
For me,
Badges > MA >> PvP

Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
Think that was rather unnecessary.

Are you implying Badgers and users of the MA don't whine?
Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
If neither badgers nor MA authors ever whine, then "twice as much whining as both combined" is still no whining at all, isn't it?
Touché? Also, keep in mind all the useless crap that gets posted in the PvP section... say what used to be PWNZ and dUMB, among others. And before you get all mad... I know that there arer pointless threads and posts everywhere, it's just that when the OP uses post count as a metric those were the first areas that I thought of that would surely bump up that area.



For me, PVE > RP > Forums > MA >< Badges >PVP

I remember when I first joined, back in i4/i5 (I think I joined a week or two before i5), I was invited to do a bit of duelling in the Arena.

I was on an Elec/Elec Blaster (at lv 6!) and the other player was a Kat/Regen (also lv 6).

I had Hover (Hey, I was new!) and used it when I found this Scrapper AT was very good at hitting me hard and fast. It was on the Perez Park amphitheatre map. The other player got annoyed and told me to switch off Hover. I didn't, the duel was boring, and I said I was going back to doing missions.

For the other handful of times I have PvP'd (with one exception: a recent-ish RP PvP session) I have found the attitude of 'PvP'ers to have not really risen above my first encounter with the system.

In PVE, RP, MA, Badging, and the Forums I've been welcomed and had fun overall. I don't really get a welcoming vibe from PvPers.

And I don't consider sitting in the water in Siren's Call, waiting for lone Heroes to emerge from the base, and then ganking them, fun or requiring any real effort.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
And which communities are they "trying to get rid of?" Before you say "PVP," go read their comments about it where they say their goal was to grow the community and bring more people in. They weren't SUCCESSFUL, but that is what they were attempting to do.

"Lack of visible attention" is also not "trying to get rid of."

Go find specific dev actions and statements that are aimed at eliminating a community. The only ones you'll find, if you want to call them a community, are "abusers of exploits" and "RMTers."
Farming and PL'ing specifically. The majority of the subcommunities in this game are either actively encouraged (PvP, Badging, RP, AE) or ignored (Bases, Marketeers). The Farming/PL community (I lump the two together, since they are so closely related) is the only one where the devs actively try to discourage their activities. And before you respond with "the only thing they were trying to do is close exploits", think about it a little harder. There's quite a few things they've done that have nerfed the ability to farm/PL that were not exploitive in the first place.



For what little it's worth, for me it's MA > Badges >(>>>>>) PvP


MA - I made a couple arcs to amuse myself, and occasionally I take one of my 50s through either my own arc or try to find a non-farm arc for a fresh diversion from the standard content (or more frequently, for something so-awful-it's-funny). I don't use it for farming, and I can't be bothered wading through all the farmers to find or form a regular story arc team, so I only use it solo.

Badges - The only time I actively pursue a badge is if a) the title would really fit my character or b) it gives a tangible benefit *and* doesn't involve too much grinding (either because it just has low requirements, or because I've already almost met the requirements through normal play). So e.g. I'll pick up the Invader accolade redside since it's not out of my way to run each Mayhem mission on my way to 50 - I probably want to run most of them anyway, and they only take 5 minutes to blitz. I've never opened up Geas of the Kind Ones however as even on chars that spend some time in Croatoa, by the time I'm past that zone's level range I've probably not even got to 50% of the requirements met.

PvP - I PvPed a bit back when CoV first came out. I found I enjoyed it less here than in other games (usually games where PvP is the sole, or at least primary focus). So I don't PvP at all here anymore - there's other games I play for that. I do venture in to pick up a Shivan very occasionally, and a Nuke even more occasionally, but my timezone means I rarely have to worry about other players when I do.




While I'm not a big Badge-hunter, every character I make goes the extra mile to earn a few extra badges.
A few characters visit the MA (usually when I feel the need for a specific Rare Salvage and don't like the prices.) and since I've written three arcs I can't write any more without paying RL cash.
But PvP? The only thing my AoE-heavy builds are going to do there is possibly drop loot that will make the few PvP'ers there more able to whoop my behind harder. What's the point? I'll swing in there, quickly (and silently) grab a PvE reward and leave ASAP.



MA > PvP > Badges

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



My SG utilizes MA quite a bit for our weekly events. We have lots of splendid authors. I thoroughly enjoy using it to advance the SG and character storylines. It also helps us confront our own nemeses rather than those provided by the game.

I am also a badger, but only in the sense of a single hero and a single villain. Annnd I strive for Defeat [NonPvp], Exploration, and History badges primarily.

PvP is non-existent for me. I do not play this game for it nor have I played any game for it. Should things be worked on for it, yes, but the community has proven it is more PvE centric. Thus, PvP should have some focus, but only partially so.



I'm a lazy badge-hunter; I like getting them, but I don't go to extraordinary lengths to do it. I always grab the easy ones, like Exploration and History. If I'm in the right place at the right time for a Zone Event, I'll go participate. If I notice I'm getting close to achieving a Defeat badge, I might farm a little to push it over the top.

I dabbled in AE arc-making when it was first introduced (see sig) but got kind of burned out on it. I do play AE missions a fair amount, since some of them are pretty clever and the tickets are good for things like rare salvage.

I've never PvPed at all.

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
My Webcomics



MA all the way, but MA has 2 sections of the forums, just like PVP does. And when you combine them, we have 44,000 posts. And have not been around as long.



We know that there is a Mission Architect Team, consisting of Dr, Aeon and Black Scorpion.

I do not know whether there is a PvP team that is constantly working on PvP, but there may or may not be. If they also consist of two guys, it makes sense that it might be a while before we see the fruits of their labors (and they are probably taking their time analyzing the fallout from Issue 13).

I don't beleive there is a dedicated Badge team, but a few developers devote part of their time to badges (and it seems that one of the priorities of each issue is a handful of new badges), but it seems evident that Badges are not a huge time sink, being primarily text, a 'beacon' (or counter embedded in a task) and a badge graphic. Definitely not something as deep and complex as all of PvP.

Ideally, as the new hires settle into their roles, there will be room for a dedicated team (with overlap, surely) for each of the major aspects of the game.

If there isn't already.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I think Xanatos is making a good point though. The devs are dedicating a lot of resources at the AE and are about to double the number of badges. Are those areas that players think should be getting that attention?

There are lots of little subcommunities in this game. I think that is one of it's strong points. All of the subcommunities would like bug fixes, changes, improvements, etc. I think most people understand that they can't cater to all of these subcommunities every issue. But some communities get attention every issue and others are simply told about vague plans on the horizon.

In particular, the PvP and the Base subcommunities have been left hanging for a long time.
I am pretty sure the Devs know roughly what % of characters/accounts engage in PvP (regularly or at all) or have base building rights or have more than x badges or make/play AE arcs, just like they know what % of characters are Blasters, or take Stamina.

Personally for me it'll have to be

badges (since you can't avoid using badges, and I kind of like getting them) > AE (should really get round to publish a few arcs i have ideas for, and love the Guest Author arcs) >>>> PvP (can't even remeber the last time i entered a PvP zone)

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I'll play.

1. MA: It's a nice diversion from the main game. One of my characters became exclusively AE when it went live. I can see how the exploits were annoying.....you want a team to run a normal custom mission, and all everyone else wants to do is farm. Ugh.

2. Badges: Some for accolades, and just because I like having a large collection.

3. PVP: Ugh. Not in this game anyway. If I feel like some PvP, I usually only am decent in it when it refers to fighting games, such as Tekken 6, and tomorrow, Super Street Fighter 4. Gun games, not so much. PvP just doesn't work in this game, I'm sorry.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I can't help but wonder if the MA sub-community is even smaller than the PVP community, and the Badger community even smaller still. I think I'm right about this. There's only 25,000 posts in the MA section of the forums, whereas the PVP section has about 80,000 posts. The badge forum is even smaller...it's only 11,000 posts!

This means that the PVP forums/community is more than twice as large and twice as active as the Mission Architect & Badges community COMBINED.
Rather than counting posts, perhaps counting Posters would have been a more accurate measure.

If I use only my own perceptions, it looks like PvPer's are a much smaller group than the other two, although they are quite vocal. Unfortunately, some of the discussions that could be of benefit to PvP in this game (and thus to PvPers) are derailed early on, by vitriol coming from both sides. Either the PvE'ers throw out a "PvP'ers are jerks!" or the PvP'ers throw out "If you don't PvP, then you have no idea! Get out of the thread!". It doesn't matter who starts it, it just derails any possibility of getting anything done.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Originally Posted by Xanatos
I can't help but wonder if the MA sub-community is even smaller than the PVP community, and the Badger community even smaller still. I think I'm right about this. There's only 25,000 posts in the MA section of the forums, whereas the PVP section has about 80,000 posts. The badge forum is even smaller...it's only 11,000 posts!

This means that the PVP community spends twice as much time whining on the forums as the Mission Architect & Badges community COMBINED.
Lol! Only funny because it's true.

Painful for the same reason, mind you.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Oh, and for me it runs:

Market > Badges > PvP > Mission Architect.

You'll notice the direct relationship of the amount of time I need to be in-game to participate in any of the sub-games to that sub-game's importance in my play. I won't be wandering back into MA until it stops being a massive time-sink with minimus rewards that is constantly being jerked over by the devs.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.






Badges >>> Rearranging my sock drawer >>> MA >>> City Vault >>> PVP



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
3. PVP: Ugh. Not in this game anyway. If I feel like some PvP, I usually only am decent in it when it refers to fighting games, such as Tekken 6, and tomorrow, Super Street Fighter 4. Gun games, not so much. PvP just doesn't work in this game, I'm sorry.
ditto, add guilty gear and balzblue on those as well, though with the death of arcades and my pathetic internet speed, i havent gotten to do any competitive blazblue play. so a good player woudl toss me over the coals, but gg xx# relaod, that i can give some fights with.



PvP a million >>>>>>>other 0 !!!


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



Just cause I didn't make it clear before:

Everything else in game (especially pve wise) > pvp.

I only pvp between issues when I'm bored.

This was even more true when i13 dropped.

And lol, at the "responses are mixed".

No, they are not. Let's not try to pretend that the pvp community is larger than it is. Especially after i13.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



The Devs know who PvPs and how often. Ditto Mission Architect (and which missions they play). Badging is a little more sketchy, but the basica numbers are there to analyze.

I don't think the problem is that the Devs are under or overestimating the percentage of the populace that PvPs.

I think that after I13, they are rightfully taking their time to consider options, possible solutions and consequences before braving the minefield that is PvP changes again.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by The_Hegemon View Post
All three are fairly low on my list of fun things to do. It would probably look something like this:

MA > PvP > Badges.

I like MA, but the rewards system incentivizes farming over using it as designed. Ticket caps that vary by map size, specifically, was a really bad idea. It is also my experience that arc authors tend not to playtest their arcs much and the system makes it way too easy to crank a custom group's challenge level up to unplayable highs, so I never solo in AE unless I'm farming. Or if I'm in the mood to play a fully-IO'd level 50 character alone, which is rare.

But out of the three choices, MA is still the one I use most simply because I use it at all.

I used to care about PvP and would do it once in a while, but haven't been bothered since they changed the system. I used to understand it fairly well and could perform at mediocre levels against experienced players. I tended to win against other newbs. Now, I just don't get it any more and haven't yet decided to figure out how the new system works. I've PvPed maybe twice since the system's been in place and haven't really enjoyed it much.

I don't care about Badges and never have, except accolades.
This pretty much expresses my situation. I occasionally run MA arcs for a few levels to escape the tedium of doing a set of contacts for the umpteenth time, but that's usually discouraged by the difficulty I have finding decent missions in AE. I used to casually PvP a few times a week, but don't care to after the overhaul. As for badges, I think I saw one of those once. PvE > MA > PvP > doing the dishes > badges

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.