Thank the Developers

Bill Z Bubba



Please, do not spam or post hateful or rude things in this thread;
that is not what this thread was started for. Be positive!!!

Hey, Paragon. I just wanted to start a thread to give the developers and other people that make this game as awesome as it is. You don't have to type articles; a few sentences should suffice. I think that a hundred people posting two sentences would be more meaningful to them than ten people posting a short story.

Honestly, I appreciate everything the developers do. I also appreciate fresh content, as it adds value to the game and the $15 opportunity cost becomes even more well-spent. However, I am also able to put myself in the mindset of the developers ("We add all of this new content to please the player base but then they act unappreciative and post negative comments about it. They experience the new content and then treat it as if it is nothing, since it is minor to them. We bust our a** for these people, yet they give us no respect") or something related to this.

For this, I think we need to make sure the developers know that their work is very meaningful to us. I feel they don't get the credit they deserve and even though it is their job to add new features to the game, they don't have to add as much as they do. (They could just add one patch every 6 months or whatever, but the game would just be like any other game. . .)

Anyways, just post your thanks and gratitude here for the people that make this game what it is. Take it away, guys!

My thanks:

Thank you for all the content you have released in previous issues (as well as the near-future updates that we are about to see soon™). I really appreciate the effort and enthusiasm you have shown this gaming community. Keep up the great work!



Originally Posted by ihaveabigproblem View Post
Please, do not spam or post hateful or rude things in this thread;
that is not what this thread was started for. Be positive!!!

Hey, Paragon. I just wanted to start a thread to give the developers and other people that make this game as awesome as it is. You don't have to type articles; a few sentences should suffice. I think that a hundred people posting two sentences would be more meaningful to them than ten people posting a short story.

Honestly, I appreciate everything the developers do. I also appreciate fresh content, as it adds value to the game and the $15 opportunity cost becomes even more well-spent. However, I am also able to put myself in the mindset of the developers ("We add all of this new content to please the player base but then they act unappreciative and post negative comments about it. They experience the new content and then treat it as if it is nothing, since it is minor to them. We bust our a** for these people, yet they give us no respect") or something related to this.

For this, I think we need to make sure the developers know that their work is very meaningful to us. I feel they don't get the credit they deserve and even though it is their job to add new features to the game, they don't have to add as much as they do. (They could just add one patch every 6 months or whatever, but the game would just be like any other game. . .)

Anyways, just post your thanks and gratitude here for the people that make this game what it is. Take it away, guys!

My thanks:

Thank you for all the content you have released in previous issues (as well as the near-future updates that we are about to see soon™). I really appreciate the effort and enthusiasm you have shown this gaming community. Keep up the great work!
I think orange text is just more fugly then text has a right to be.



Originally Posted by ihaveabigproblem View Post
Please, do not spam or post hateful or rude things in this thread;
that is not what this thread was started for. Be positive!!!

Hey, Paragon. I just wanted to start a thread to give the developers and other people that make this game as awesome as it is. You don't have to type articles; a few sentences should suffice. I think that a hundred people posting two sentences would be more meaningful to them than ten people posting a short story.

Honestly, I appreciate everything the developers do. I also appreciate fresh content, as it adds value to the game and the $15 opportunity cost becomes even more well-spent. However, I am also able to put myself in the mindset of the developers ("We add all of this new content to please the player base but then they act unappreciative and post negative comments about it. They experience the new content and then treat it as if it is nothing, since it is minor to them. We bust our a** for these people, yet they give us no respect") or something related to this.

For this, I think we need to make sure the developers know that their work is very meaningful to us. I feel they don't get the credit they deserve and even though it is their job to add new features to the game, they don't have to add as much as they do. (They could just add one patch every 6 months or whatever, but the game would just be like any other game. . .)

Anyways, just post your thanks and gratitude here for the people that make this game what it is. Take it away, guys!

My thanks:

Thank you for all the content you have released in previous issues (as well as the near-future updates that we are about to see soon™). I really appreciate the effort and enthusiasm you have shown this gaming community. Keep up the great work!
i like the post and everything, but you can not control what people post. i wouldn't be surprised if people did the exact opposite. other then that, like i said, nice post.



Go Devs!!

This game has been a lot of fun for me in the past and will no doubt continue to be for some time to come.

We've finally had a break in our doom-drought (take a look at those goofball AE-XP rage threads) but as usual that don't mean a thing cuz this game's got that swing.

Thanks devs!



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I think orange text is just more fugly then text has a right to be.
Originally Posted by ihaveabigproblem View Post
Please, do not spam or post hateful or rude things in this thread;
that is not what this thread was started for. Be positive!!!

Thanks for understanding.

Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Go Devs!!

This game has been a lot of fun for me in the past and will no doubt continue to be for some time to come.

We've finally had a break in our doom-drought (take a look at those goofball AE-XP rage threads) but as usual that don't mean a thing cuz this game's got that swing.

Thanks devs!
Thank you for your post.



I've been pleasantly surprised by the deluge of i17 / 18 & GR / i19 information and content coming given over the last 2 weeks or so. Thanks Devs.

I'm not so happy with some aspects of the game, which are more in NCSofts area rather than the Devs, but I'm looking forward to the next few issues, looks like they're ramping up their game a bit after a fair few relatively weak Issues.*



I think orange text is just more fugly then text has a right to be.
Please, do not spam or post hateful or rude things in this thread;
that is not what this thread was started for. Be positive!!!

Apparently stating your opinion about disliking a text's color is a hateful thing!



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post

Apparently stating your opinion about disliking a text's color is a hateful thing!
Well he did make orange run off and cry. Not a word about Yellow or Green but poor Orange gets all the abuse.
Poor orange.



Devs are doing good. I applaud them.

Having said that:




I thank them each month by not turning off automatic billing. And sometimes I send a PM when something particularly cool gets accomplished.

Be well, people of CoH.



For me, this is the best game I have ever played. Period. That is why I am on the annual subscription for my accounts because I have confidence that overall it will continue to be my favorite for a long time to come.

(This is not to say I like everything and agree with every decision they make but overall the good stuff crushes the bad.)

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I thank them each month by not turning off automatic billing. And sometimes I send a PM when something particularly cool gets accomplished.

It's like deep down, past the Artery of Incessant Cynicism... you're just a nice guy who likes people.



I show my thanks by holding all that they create as sacred... art to be revered and respected as it is and never to be ridiculed or parodied...



... wut?

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
It's like deep down, past the Artery of Incessant Cynicism... you're just a nice guy who likes people.

Be well, people of CoH.



I have to give my thanks to the Devs. I have been playing for what seems to have been years and I will continue to play until I possibly can. Computer after computer has been destroyed by this game, but it matters not to me. What matters is bliss, which this game is not in short supply of. As my signature says, the only failure this game has is failure to disappoint me.


The Cursed Sorcerer

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I thank them from my wallet. Extensively.

Originally Posted by ihaveabigproblem View Post
Please, do not spam or post hateful or rude things in this thread;
that is not what this thread was started for.
It doesn't matter what it was started for.
This is the interwebz! muahahahahahaha

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
guys, i just heard this thunderous roar of "NOOOOO" a few minutes ago, does anyone know what that was about?
anyhow, yeah people post threads like this every once in a while. Sometimes decisions can bug the community, but generally the devs are very well appreciated by the fans. I have been particularly happy with a few recent developments,(heck, im probably regarded as a kiss up at this point..not that i'd actually get anything for it, but hey, fight the power, scooter) and really, given my state of inertia as well as those decisions indicate that i'll be around for a looong time. i got my 69 monther a bit ago, so im probably as much a lifer as they get. now where's my mutant pack?



I've been playing here for nearly 5 years now, and from day one I have been astounded by depth of detail in CoH and CoV. Many's the time I've held up my patient husband who was already half-way out the door and on to the next mission, while I took time to sight-see, looking at PC screen operating systems, images flashing on villain base consoles, notes scribbled on whiteboards and posted on bulletin boards, shells on the beach, veining on fallen leaves (and scuffing through them), and hopping into watch-tower guard-shacks, just to see if you can really get inside them. (You can). This game's world, both blueside and red, is richly beautiful, wonderfully interactive, and just keeps getting better.

And I am constantly impressed by the addition of new content, new costume parts (although I'd still LOVE more costume slots; heck, I'd even pay for them!), fine tuning powers, adding missions, freebie perks, and above all being responsive to the players feedback and requests.

Devs of "City of Heroes / Villains", I salute you!



I would but I can't get into the Test Server. Dev fail!



Gotcha!... I made it into test finally. Plenty of love for devs.

"Oh, my..."



To the Devs,

Thanks for I-17.

Thanks for listening to the howls, thanks for knowing when to block them out.
Thanks for the fun, thanks for the adventure.
Thanks for the wonderful game that has consumed way too much time over the last too many years.
Thanks for letting us into that universe and letting us muck around it in.

Thank you Devs.

"Just as I knew all of life's answers they changed all the questions!" - Unknown (seen on a poster)
Sig characters appear in the Ch�teau Rouge thread starting from post #100
I Support Nerd Flirting! - Story/Discussion/Sequel



I've never seen a set of devs that spoiled their player base so much. They're absolutely awesome.

-Recruited under Arachnos' "Equal-Opportunity Villainy" plan-



While I am one that sincerely hopes you will one day respond to things that have been asked for for years, I do appreciate everything you are doing.

I-17 Was a great Closed Beta Experience, I loved every bit of it. Thanks Devs, and Thanks for inviting me to be a part of it.

[Edit] I look forward to I17 going Live, and even more so to GR!

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Thanks Lady Devs and Sir Devs for everything! You Roxorz my Boxorz!!!
