Still dont understand.

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Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Post Deleted
Actually, this thread has been mostly polite, and for the most part agreeing or at least sympathizing with at least part of your thesis. The problem is that you seem to have a combination of a very confrontational posting style combined with a very thin skin. For example:

I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.
I'm one of the people that claims not to have that problem (although I acknowledge it happens at some frequency) and I'm certainly not an FOTM player. And on the subject of Mids, long-time posters know that for a long time I advocated non-planner play: I myself never plan out builds as a level them up and until Mids came along I never recommended a planner even when asked as a matter of principle. But I was an early advocate for Mids simply because it was a full-featured and simple planner, and supported inventions which are a complex thing for the average person to otherwise contemplate. I *still* don't use Mids or any other planner to plan builds of characters I level, and I have a policy of not respecing a character before the late 40s - usually not before 50, no matter what goofy power choice mistakes I might have made.

So I recommend Mids to players looking for planners, but don't use it myself to plan leveling builds (I do use it to plan invention slotting for high level characters, when I do full-fledged invention builds - which is not all the time). I don't have problems being kicked myself, and I play all sorts of archetypes and power set combinations. I'm exactly the person that might sympathize with your position, if your position didn't include overzealously denigrating large segments of the player population just to try to make a point, *then* acting injured when other players call you on it.

You need to learn to take as much as you dish out. Learn to dish out less, or learn to take more. I would recommend the former over the latter, because here the sheep are packing heat.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I would recommend the former over the latter, because here the sheep are packing heat.

The resulting mental image just made my day.



QR : I use Mids to plan which powers to take when (actually I use SuckerPunch more because I'm on Linux in work and SPs builder works just as well for SOed builds). I'll do Mids builds too but the danger of them is always that they become Pie in the Sky builds which will never see the light of day. I tend not to bother commenting on peoples Mids IO builds here, other than something like "This power is great", because the things are too complex and most of them will never see the light of day anyway.

Only Mids IOed build I'm actually aiming for is my Ice/Psi Dom one, mainly because the bonuses I'm going for aren't the usual Domi ones of "Lots of recharge and lots of defense", so it's actually achievable for me.

I am a total Synergy ***** though, but prefer to try it with less explored combos. Some work well (Grav/Trick Arrow Controller), some less so (Stone Melee/Fire Brute, which ironically looked better in Mids due to an issue with Fury and Burn which it didn't highlight) but that's part of the fun. Some I just make because they're a cool concept (Claws/Elec Brute because it's so darn pretty and fun).

None of my characters have ever, ever been kicked. The Grav/TA did get lots of compliments in his 30s for being a great pure Controller on PuGs though.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I've never actually been kicked for build (as far as I know: I've almost never been kicked at all) but I know it happens. But if the playerbase is now kicking Fire/Fire Tankers or Sonic/Sonic Defenders or anything that possesses force fields, I'm becoming concerned that the biggest threat to long-term subscription numbers is a significant percentage of the playerbase becoming too stupid to feed themselves unassisted and dying of starvation.
People dance a jig when i show up sporting my ILL/Sonic or my FF/Archer. "Sonics?!?! SWEET!" Is the common reaction i get. Like every time. I have one of nearly every posssible Support powerset leveled to 50. Only one i'm missing is traps, and franky, i don't like traps, so eh, my OCD will have to deal with it. heh. But anyways, when i ask a team what they want me to bring, and list what i have... they accually rarely pick the empath. My Rad/Sonic, obviously, gets the most requests, followed by my bubbler, with the emp a close 3rd as a matter of fact.

I only have 2 tanks so i cant say on that end, (A softcapped to S/L/N/E Invlun/SS and an HP capped WP/BA) i know fire/fire are a tad squishy, but unless your trying to master an STF or something i can't think of a situation they can't handle relrtively well. And tricked out one's are just SICK. (most tricked out builds are.)

As far as blasters or scrappers go, damage is damage... I've NEVER, EVER seen someone shot down for being a "low" damage damage type. Like I said in my first post... I just don't accually SEE this problem the OP discribes in MY gaming expearince. Pugging on my server is basicaly bring whatever you want, whenever you want, UNLESS someones trying for a master tf, then they get a little bit picky, but not overly so.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
People use Mids for the same reason they use a calculator; It's easier than writing everything down by hand.
Only when you want to figure out the slotting for sets and stuff. Otherwise, when you just want to make sure you get your powers in a good order rather than just going by the seat of your pants every levelup, writing it down is far superior than alt-tabbing out to Mids all the time.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
People who stick to builds some other guy has proclaimed as 'the best for dps' are, ironically, not min/maxers. They are just people who would like to be using the most powerful set.
Also those who are just not good at building and who would just like to play - far easier, and less time-consuming, to go with builds pre-planned and tested by others, whether they're the current flavour of the month or otherwise. Of course, this type of player generally inquires about builds after they've chosen their power sets...



Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
Only when you want to figure out the slotting for sets and stuff. Otherwise, when you just want to make sure you get your powers in a good order rather than just going by the seat of your pants every levelup, writing it down is far superior than alt-tabbing out to Mids all the time.
That depends entirely on how many monitors you have. >.>

(Actually, I only play with one monitor, I just use a piece of shareware I've been using for like 10 years to force the respec window to stay on the top of the game when it has focus. I'm still on XP, and that probably won't work in Windows 7 without the game being in windowed mode.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
Only when you want to figure out the slotting for sets and stuff. Otherwise, when you just want to make sure you get your powers in a good order rather than just going by the seat of your pants every levelup, writing it down is far superior than alt-tabbing out to Mids all the time.
Meh, only when you have paper, pen, room on your desk, and don't mind sifting through 30 sheets (or more) for the character you're using at the time.

Edit: And as UberGuy mentioned, multiple monitors makes the choice obvious. I, however, alt-tab.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You need to learn to take as much as you dish out. Learn to dish out less, or learn to take more. I would recommend the former over the latter, because here the sheep are packing heat.
So sig worthy.

Active 50s:
Zero Defex: DP/MM//Mace Blaster
Mutant X-7: Fire/MM//Mace Blaster
Running my Kin/EA gloriously
Come on I21!!!
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.



What I have learned from this thread: Arcanaville is much nicer about it than I am when telling someone off.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post

For the FotM builds, why do people play them? Well, the particular powersets you mentioned are the most versatile, and can do most things well. Other powersets are more geared towards certain playstyles and have different tactics associated. Spines has a plethora of AoE attacks, but not much in the single target attacks. Electric melee however, has an even mix of AoE, Single target, and one extremely powerful PBAoE teleport. So, while it doesn't have the AoE power of Spines, it does everything in moderate balance.
Off topic, but this isn't true. Electric Melee is an AoE specialist. It's single target damage is poor.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Off topic, but this isn't true. Electric Melee is an AoE specialist. It's single target damage is poor.
It's a lot better than Spines

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I've been playing since 2006. I don't use mids nor do I do FotM builds (at least, not that I know... I don't pay attention). I've never once been booted off a team for any reason, much less for what build I have.

The closest thing that happened to me was I got a tell asking me if I was interested in an ITF. I said "maybe, as long as I can bring a friend" (was running duo with the wife). They then started asking me a bunch of questions about my powers, my build, and "what can you bring to the team" like it was a job interview. I told them to just forget it.

That's my one and only brush with build-snobbery in the past four years.
I rather just come up with my own build, then to use mids or any other type of build and i do just fine. However if you being kick off teams, maybe there something you doing wrong here what i do.

(1) always get health a and Stamina.

(2) Turn on your Toggles and Shields before you enter a mish.

(3) Bring Inspiration that can help you on a boss fight or to help with major problems
Healing, End recovery and Purples always come in handy.

(4) Never get ahead of the tank, let him take the Aggro.

(5) If you playing a tanker, make sure you get Taunt.

(6) Never get more then one Travel power, Sometime two is need, but i think you should get Just one, flight, Super Jump or Super Speed.Getting more then one power take up power Slots that might come in handy for better powers in you Secondly, Primary and Power Pool.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Wow that post was hard to read. Firefox and Google Chrome have built in spell checkers you know. I'm no grammar nazi, English is not my native language but ouch, reading that hurt my brain.

I always played on Freedom and Virtue and never got kicked because of my build, be it a dm/da scrapper, earth/sonic troller, dark/traps corr, em/nin stalker before the stalker buff, dm/ea stalker, whatever. I did PUG and channel TFs with all kinds of group setup and lots of powersets. I've seen a lot of unusual combos in Freedom and Virtue like say, MA/Dark Armor scrappers, Sonic resonance defs and trollers, loads of blasters with /fire, /devices and /ice secondaries and I've teamed with a lot of WSs and PBs, deleted my WS at 35 because I didn't enjoy the playstyle.

Just go hang out in AP in Freedom, there are all kinds of 50s with all types of powersets, same in Virtue's Pocket D.

Been leveling a DB/Elec and a FM/SD scrapper, both are squishy at level 25, and with both I 'tanked' for big teams because I had support. As long as you are a respectful player and don't do stupid stuff like aggro more than the team can handle, you'll be fine in most cases. I've just NEVER been booted because of my build on Freedom or Virtue in 26 months, blue or redside, even when I was playing Stalkers a lot and they were known as 'lolStalkers' (before the i12 buffs).

Freedom has enough variety, it seems you only pay attention to the FOTM builds which will always exist in ANY server.

Then again, I can't say I give you a lot of credibility since I've seen you post that you solo AVs without insps on a SO dark/dark defender and that your Fire/Fire tanker outdamages 'all scrappers'.

And Mid's is a great tool, whether you want to plan a build and IO it up to the wazoo or even just calculate the number of slots you want in each of your powers, especially useful for Warshades and PBs for example. Not everyone is trying to softcap defenses, stop thinking that the scrapper forums is a reflection of the whole game, most of my friends in-game don't even access these boards.

But I saw people telling you all that stuff already and you still question Mid's and say that everyone has the same builds, so either you're a troll or you just refuse to change you view on the subject, so why ask this again?

'Fear of the unknown', L-O-L. Nobody's afraid of trying powersets in this game except for new people who think they might be going for gimped builds with their first toon. After 3 months or so teaming / playing, any reasonable person won't be 'afraid' to try out a new powerset, knowing they can just delete the toon if they don't like it. Well since you fail at understanding basic things like Mid's utility even on SO builds (you don't need to use Mids to at least acknowledge it can be useful), I wouldn't include you in the 'reasonable people' category. And if you don't like Mid's, why do you seem to get bothered by people who use it? Nobody's forcing you to install it.

It's just a little program that helps you manage your slots since they're limited especially on SO/common IO builds without multi-aspect IOs, check if your end costs are okay, if your powers are well slotted for acc/dam/end/rech/whatever, if your set bonuses aren't over the cap in the case of IO builds, if you're chasing the right set bonuses when you wanna build for defense/recharge/regen/recovery/hp/etc, and for me, also a way to try to help people fine-tune their builds when I'm able to offer helpful advice.

No build is gimped except in 'srs business' arena PvP where you can make horrible horrible choices especially with the new system that made so many builds almost useless, like my ice/psi permadom who relied on slows and holds in i12, both are laughable now.

Well you CAN make a gimped build in PvE if you roll a petless MM or an Emp Defender with the Medicine pool and only one attack, but that's the player, not the powersets' fault.
I was talking about Arctypes like Fire/fire tanker, mace/Ice tanker and so on, I mean Arctype can be customize to fit any means and it really don't matter in pvp/pve what arctype you play, you can make anything work. I Played for Year with a Martial Art/Regen
in pvp and always kick butt.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Wow that post was hard to read. Firefox and Google Chrome have built in spell checkers you know. I'm no grammar nazi, English is not my native language but ouch, reading that hurt my brain.

I always played on Freedom and Virtue and never got kicked because of my build, be it a dm/da scrapper, earth/sonic troller, dark/traps corr, em/nin stalker before the stalker buff, dm/ea stalker, whatever. I did PUG and channel TFs with all kinds of group setup and lots of powersets. I've seen a lot of unusual combos in Freedom and Virtue like say, MA/Dark Armor scrappers, Sonic resonance defs and trollers, loads of blasters with /fire, /devices and /ice secondaries and I've teamed with a lot of WSs and PBs, deleted my WS at 35 because I didn't enjoy the playstyle.

Just go hang out in AP in Freedom, there are all kinds of 50s with all types of powersets, same in Virtue's Pocket D.

Been leveling a DB/Elec and a FM/SD scrapper, both are squishy at level 25, and with both I 'tanked' for big teams because I had support. As long as you are a respectful player and don't do stupid stuff like aggro more than the team can handle, you'll be fine in most cases. I've just NEVER been booted because of my build on Freedom or Virtue in 26 months, blue or redside, even when I was playing Stalkers a lot and they were known as 'lolStalkers' (before the i12 buffs).

Freedom has enough variety, it seems you only pay attention to the FOTM builds which will always exist in ANY server.

Then again, I can't say I give you a lot of credibility since I've seen you post that you solo AVs without insps on a SO dark/dark defender and that your Fire/Fire tanker outdamages 'all scrappers'.

And Mid's is a great tool, whether you want to plan a build and IO it up to the wazoo or even just calculate the number of slots you want in each of your powers, especially useful for Warshades and PBs for example. Not everyone is trying to softcap defenses, stop thinking that the scrapper forums is a reflection of the whole game, most of my friends in-game don't even access these boards.

But I saw people telling you all that stuff already and you still question Mid's and say that everyone has the same builds, so either you're a troll or you just refuse to change you view on the subject, so why ask this again?

'Fear of the unknown', L-O-L. Nobody's afraid of trying powersets in this game except for new people who think they might be going for gimped builds with their first toon. After 3 months or so teaming / playing, any reasonable person won't be 'afraid' to try out a new powerset, knowing they can just delete the toon if they don't like it. Well since you fail at understanding basic things like Mid's utility even on SO builds (you don't need to use Mids to at least acknowledge it can be useful), I wouldn't include you in the 'reasonable people' category. And if you don't like Mid's, why do you seem to get bothered by people who use it? Nobody's forcing you to install it.

It's just a little program that helps you manage your slots since they're limited especially on SO/common IO builds without multi-aspect IOs, check if your end costs are okay, if your powers are well slotted for acc/dam/end/rech/whatever, if your set bonuses aren't over the cap in the case of IO builds, if you're chasing the right set bonuses when you wanna build for defense/recharge/regen/recovery/hp/etc, and for me, also a way to try to help people fine-tune their builds when I'm able to offer helpful advice.

No build is gimped except in 'srs business' arena PvP where you can make horrible horrible choices especially with the new system that made so many builds almost useless, like my ice/psi permadom who relied on slows and holds in i12, both are laughable now.

Well you CAN make a gimped build in PvE if you roll a petless MM or an Emp Defender with the Medicine pool and only one attack, but that's the player, not the powersets' fault.
I was talking about Arctypes like Fire/fire tanker, mace/Ice tanker and so on, I mean Arctype can be customize to fit any means and it really don't matter in pvp/pve what arctype you play, you can make anything work. I Played for Year with a Martial Art/Regen
in pvp and always kick butt

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I rather just come up with my own build, then to use mids or any other type of build and i do just fine.
i come up with my own builds as well. Yes, i use Mids', but it does not decide which powers i will take, i do. (In fact, other than loading other people's builds into Mids', i don't know of any way to have it make a build for you.) Although i usually don't bother using Mids' to plan a build until the late 30's or so, and not even always then. i have a completely IO'ed out Dark/Ice Defender that i still haven't gotten around to reproducing in Mids' for those who occasionally ask for a Dark/Ice build or advice. (Dark/Ice seems to be a somewhat uncommon pairing for Defenders.) Of course i don't expect anyone to follow it exactly when i finally make it available, but it may spark ideas in others.

Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I was talking about Arctypes like Fire/fire tanker, mace/Ice tanker and so on, I mean Arctype can be customize to fit any means and it really don't matter in pvp/pve what arctype you play, you can make anything work. I Played for Year with a Martial Art/Regen
in pvp and always kick butt
Powersets are not archetypes, they subsets of archetypes, powersets of those archetypes, even. There is no Fire/Fire Tanker archetype, only the Tanker archetype. Just a nit that i'm picking for the heck of it. i mean it's not like you see the archetype list every time you go to this section, or even the word archetype at the top of every single page in this section, right?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I rather just come up with my own build, then to use mids or any other type of build and i do just fine. However if you being kick off teams, maybe there something you doing wrong here what i do.

(1) always get health a and Stamina.

(2) Turn on your Toggles and Shields before you enter a mish.

(3) Bring Inspiration that can help you on a boss fight or to help with major problems
Healing, End recovery and Purples always come in handy.

(4) Never get ahead of the tank, let him take the Aggro.

(5) If you playing a tanker, make sure you get Taunt.

(6) Never get more then one Travel power, Sometime two is need, but i think you should get Just one, flight, Super Jump or Super Speed.Getting more then one power take up power Slots that might come in handy for better powers in you Secondly, Primary and Power Pool.
1. Mostly. Though you can do without on some builds. Transference and Drain Psyche make it quite easy for some to avoid.
2. I concur.
3. I concur.
4. Nope. Tanks aren't the only people that can take an alpha. Heck, a good controller or dom can often keep the alpha from being fired.
5. Taunt is useful, but not every tank needs it to keep aggro.
6. Some builds don't have room; some builds do. A lot of people like to take Superspeed and Superjump, both of which have useful prerequisites.




Ok, I have to ask the same question iv asked before, but ill ask it in a diffrent way.Maybe ill get more then flamming this time around.*crosses fingers*

Now, what I want to know is why people stick to Mids, and why they only stick to Flavor builds that 1 Min/Max suggjests to another?

Well first of there is a reason people use Mids. Its an excellent hero planner. Before Mids existed I was writing down power choices and slot choices on pieces in notebooks. Keep in mind there was a time in the game when there were NO RESPECS which means if you messed it up.. you were STUCK with it.. no way to fix slots or power choices. Mids allowed players to see the choices one would make before they actually made them.

Mids does not suggest a build or tell you how to build your character. Its only a tool and it happens to be a very effective tool.

Secondly as far as FOTM or Min/Max builds and I will be upfront I believe this a bit of arrogance on your part because you often tend to put for this attitude like the way you do things or the way you make your characters is totally unique and different from everyone else.

First off you cant see a build. You can see AT and you can see power choices. You cannot see slotting. What SO's,IO's or HO's they have slotted. They way you use these slots and enhancements can change the way a toon plays.

You also have no idea how many toons on how many servers someone may have or may be playing.


I get flak from other players and booted from teams before missions begin, as well as have minor to cases of extreem biast when I play something that they dont commonly see when it comes to builds.Lets not forget a snarky player that belive your combonation is horrible and lets you know they feel that way.Reguardless if the combo is good or not.

I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people. Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common. I however dont.
The statement I have placed in bold is actually the type of arrogant attitude I am referring to.


I know this subject acctually angers people, and everyone wants to belive they are individuals, but im still not understanding how thats a possiblity when almost everyone plays mostly the common builds that everyone else does?
Again you have NO idea what everyone else is playing. You are seeing what someone ,ight be playing at that time.

When I see 20 Blasters ranging from level 1 to 50 under Atlas.With common or identical combos and looking like a Mercinary re-hash, or Hit Man likeness.All with the Dual Pistols Primary, and 1 of 2 Common Secondaries like Energy Melee or Mental Manipulation.It makes me ask why.
Well lets see. Dual Pistols is NEW.. No different than when Trick Arrow as new and there were people dressed like Archers running around.. Mercenaries use Guns.. Hit Men use guns.. Is it really shocking that in a FANTASY game people will live out a fantasy.. SHOCKING !!!

Now as far as secondaries Energy and Mental Manipulation are considered the best blaster secondaries and for good reason.


I see more then I care to count in Fire/Kin controllers.We dont even have to get into that one.Its self exsplanitary already.
Aleays have been a lot.. alwas will be a lot..

Most the Scrappers and Tankers I see anymore are basically Willpower or Shield Defense with either Super Strength, Mace, or Fire Melee when it comes to the Tankers, and Elec Melee and Fire Melee mostly for Scrappers as common now days. [quote]

Shield.. New.. SHield and Mace obviously go togther... Scrappers do one thing really really well cause damage.. is it a shock that Scrappers will take sets like Elec Melee and Fire Melee that do really good AoE damage ??

Personally I dont think any of your builds are that uncommon. I just believe you think they are

My uncommon builds are.

Dark/Dark - Tanker

Seen plenty of these.. Especially when they first became available. Most likely a lot of people leveled these and stopped playing them

Storm/Elec - Defender

Are you serious ??? You are very late to the game. Ive seen tons of these over the 60+ months I have played across several servers...

Cold/Ice - Defender

Not that uncommon. I have one at level 50 and I know Several people that have one as well

Rad/Ice - Blaster

Definitely uncommon.

Earth/Earth - Dominator

Earth/Earth is a new set and the villian poplation isnt as large.

Ice/Sonic - Controller
Traps/Rad - Defender

These two are somewhat uncommon

Spines/Invln - Scrapper

Not hardly.. Ive seen numerous one of these over the years...

You arent the only person playing or trying different builds.. Just because you dont SEE them doesnt mean they arent out there..

My builds that I consider Uncommon.. all at level 50

Grav/Kinetic Controller
Elec/Kin Corruptor
Arch/Devices Blaster
Ice/Storm Controller
Merc/Trick Arrow Mastermind
Fire/Fire Tank
Inv/Nrg Melee Tank
SuperStrength/SR Brute
Ice/Cold Controller

Try enjoying the game... and branch out from Freedom

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Oooh. Ooh me.

My most commonly played are:

Mind/Cold Controller. (the "Cold Reader")
Ice/Thermal Controller. ("Solar Winter")
Broadsword/Fire Armor Scrapper. ("Joan of Arkansas")
Pistols/Dark Corruptor. ("Oedipus Tex")
Ice/Radiation Controller. ("Radio Iceotope")
Force Field/Ice Defender. ("Pinball Blizzard")
Plant/Earth Dominator ("Lawn of the Dead")

I also have a Fire/Sonic Controller who is incredibly frustrating to play thanks to epic levels of endurance use and a poor ability to keep pets alive. Good luck with that Ice/Sonic.

If you haven't guessed I mainly pick powersets that fit whatever name my character happens to have. And yes I use Mids. I won't comment on the rest of the thread, because the OP and I have traded thoughts on this subject multiple times.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I was talking about Arctypes like Fire/fire tanker, mace/Ice tanker and so on, I mean Arctype can be customize to fit any means and it really don't matter in pvp/pve what arctype you play, you can make anything work. I Played for Year with a Martial Art/Regen
in pvp and always kick butt
Oh but I wrote that you can make horrible choices in 'srs bsness arena PvP'. No matter how you build a dark armor, Dual Pistols or an Assault Rifle toon, it won't be very competitive. And i13 made popular PvP builds like Ice/EM Tankers underwhelming (again, in competitive pvp) because of the defense nerf in Ice Armor's case.

Btw MA/Regen was always considered a good build for general pvp (I had a buddy who kicked butt with his MA/Regen before i13 - it's just that I didn't try i13 pvp much because my toons would have to be significantly changed and I was already in the process of leaving the game), but from what I've read (since I don't play regen) after i13, two of the most recommended primaries for PvP for scrappers are fire melee and MA (Spines was great in i12, I don't know now). So MA is considered a great primary even among the 'elite' PvP guys, and /regen is the secondary that, according to them, 'you almost never die if you play it right', on Scrappers and Stalkers.



Personally, I select powers for roleplaying reasons, and couldn't care less about min/maxing. My highest char is only lvel 28, but so far, I haven't got any negative remarks or been kicked from groups (I play on the Union server).

I do try to make a character feel "balanced", though. For most of my characters it makes sense to have a mix of offensive and defensive abilities.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
If you haven't guessed I mainly pick powersets that fit whatever name my character happens to have.
I do that too. For example, my character Silent Earth is a wordplay on Rachel Carsons book Silent Spring, which helped kickstart the environmental movement. So naturally, she has plant powers.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Mind/Cold Controller. (the "Cold Reader")
Ice/Thermal Controller. ("Solar Winter")
Broadsword/Fire Armor Scrapper. ("Joan of Arkansas")
Pistols/Dark Corruptor. ("Oedipus Tex")
Ice/Radiation Controller. ("Radio Iceotope")
Force Field/Ice Defender. ("Pinball Blizzard")
Plant/Earth Dominator ("Lawn of the Dead")
Those are some fabulous names. I can't decide if I like Cold Reader or Pinball Blizzard the best.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.