Still dont understand.

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Ok, I have to ask the same question iv asked before, but ill ask it in a diffrent way.Maybe ill get more then flamming this time around.*crosses fingers*

Now, what I want to know is why people stick to Mids, and why they only stick to Flavor builds that 1 Min/Max suggjests to another?

I get flak from other players and booted from teams before missions begin, as well as have minor to cases of extreem biast when I play something that they dont commonly see when it comes to builds.Lets not forget a snarky player that belive your combonation is horrible and lets you know they feel that way.Reguardless if the combo is good or not.

I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.

I know this subject acctually angers people, and everyone wants to belive they are individuals, but im still not understanding how thats a possiblity when almost everyone plays mostly the common builds that everyone else does?

When I see 20 Blasters ranging from level 1 to 50 under Atlas.With common or identical combos and looking like a Mercinary re-hash, or Hit Man likeness.All with the Dual Pistols Primary, and 1 of 2 Common Secondaries like Energy Melee or Mental Manipulation.It makes me ask why.

I see more then I care to count in Fire/Kin controllers.We dont even have to get into that one.Its self exsplanitary already.

Most the Scrappers and Tankers I see anymore are basically Willpower or Shield Defense with either Super Strength, Mace, or Fire Melee when it comes to the Tankers, and Elec Melee and Fire Melee mostly for Scrappers as common now days.

I see on forums where people say things along the lines of "Worthless joke build." and its oddly a very nice combonation.Like Ice/Sonic on a Controller, and Storm/Elec on a Defender.These builds arnt jokes, nore are they bad.I have these builds and they are awesome.

Why do people push more then half the power sets in the game back so feircely when they are alot better then they belive them to be?

Is it a fear of the unknown?

Im curious.
? Eh, just don't see it man. Must be your server.

Also keep in mind how many people have already PLAYED these lesser common powersets in the past and just don't use them as often now. Newer sets will always have higher represintation. Better sets, will always see more use, and some set are just alittle better then others. Some are just easier to use. They'll be more common. It's just how it is. Don't assume because you'd see me running my new Fire/Shield scrapper around that i'm a trend follower. I've already leveled 7 scrappers before her. Spine/Invlun, my first. Kat/Invun Claws/SR. MA/Regen. You just don't see them as often, i've ran them for YEARS and now the fire/shield is my new shinny.

DP is NEW. Of course we'er playing it. Doesn't mean we don't have Elec/Elec or Nrg/Nrg blasters or Fire/Devices laying aorund. We'er just using the new shinny's. We've played the old stuff. If it's new to YOU, knock yourself out! We may even have some advice for you if you ask nicely. If you just want to see more veritiy... eh, don't know what to say. It's an old game. Lots of us have all these creative alts you want to see, we just don't run them as often cause we have new projects.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



I haven't used mids yet. Paragon wiki was where I learned all about io's, set bonuses and such. (ahh the day where I slotted a full posi set into 6 moves, 1 piece per move, pfffhahahahaha)

I'd like to use it sometime for the mathmatical side of things though. Maybe I'll tinker around with it tonight.



First off, I apprechiate everyones replies, comments, and flames towards my spelling, as well as assumptions that im the problem when it comes to being team kicked.As I dont commonly talk at all in game unless im looking for a team in the first place.

Secondly, yes I play on Freedom.From what iv been understanding its the main server that has these problems with other peoples attitudes.

Now 1 of you asked what kind of odd builds im playing to get me kicked, or looked over when people are making teams.Ill list a few of them to give you a understanding of my play style.

But first, id also like to address someone elses comment about claiming I had a Ice/Sonic build, and commented in another post that I didnt have one.You are correct, however, I recently made that same build after commenting on that combo, then commented in this post about having it.Because I do.

My uncommon builds are.

Dark/Dark - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Cold/Ice - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Earth - Dominator
Ice/Sonic - Controller
Traps/Rad - Defender
Spines/Invln - Scrapper

These are to name only a few.However Ill list off some builds that have been kicked from a team by the leader because of ignorance or Biast.Also id like to point out its not as often as it may have seemed when I first made this post, but it does happen some times.These kicks come before im even seen in action on these builds, and many times come with a /tell in the form of a insult, or someone simply not needing or wanting my type of build for there team.

The list of builds that was dissmissed before I was allowed to enter the mission, or was kicked the moment I entered a mission just by looking at my apperant powers are.

Fire/Fire - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Sonic - Controller
Sonic/Sonic - Defender
FF/Archery - Defender

There might be a couple more I may not be remembering off the bat, but these are the few builds iv been booted off a team with for 1 reason or another.

None of which are poor performers at all, or built horribly either.In fact, I tend to more then exceed the roll for the AT I tend to play due to blessings from the devs that cost me a few extra bucks, but none the less have contributed to making me a heavy team contributor on my builds, or allow me to solo with ease.

The biggest 10 dollar power I rave about is Ninja Run.I dont have to skip a thing in my builds by level 50.I can have easly every power in both my Primary and Secondary sets and still ahve room for the Fittness pool, minus Hurdle.If I want a Epic pool, then I just choose a power I dont need at all from my build and by level 50, I can have 3 Fittness Pool powers and 3 Epic Pool powers.

Powers like If I went with a Traps/ Defender, and skipped Web Grenade.I could take every other power after that in Traps, and have every single blast from my Secondary by level 38.Same for Tanks, Blasters, Scrappers, Ect.

I make characters that have a balance from there power sets.To me, being able to use most, if not all of my powers in my sets makes a more solid character then if I went to use a Mid's Program, or other pools for that matter.

My point is, the Mid's users may find comfort in the use of the program.I however do not.

Ill also point out that you are correct.I dont use IOs.I have yet to find the need for them.You Min/Maxers or none proclaimed Min/Maxers that use Mid's to Map out your character have found your way to play the game.I cant say anything cross about that anymore.No point.

I will say that while you may be a exspert at spelling, Mids, or just being that person who uses Assumptions to make someone look like they have a problem.I have went and learned the game from a diffrent stand point.

Primary X + Secondary Y = Desired Balance.

That simple equation is the root of how I play.I dont go for Synergy most the time.I go for Balance in whatever feild of performance I wish to go.

Examples are very much like my Builds.Sit down and look at the builds Iv listed off, and with very little common sense, you know there function.No need for Mid's, or IOs, or heavy thinking.

As for my spelling?Ok, so?

If you dont like my spelling, then simply dont read it.If you find it a better use of your time by making fun of how I spell, then by all means, go right ahead.

I did find the graded spelling post to be rather humorous, and it was rather flattering to know someone will waste that much time on my post to make a *** out of them selves.

Anyhow.Im not sure I got the whole point here, but im certain I got some of the point accrossed.

By the way ClawsandEffect, when have you ever cared to not be kind?

I look forward to the future posts guys.Back to my art room I go.



Why would these get you kicked from a team? These builds are not as uncommon as you think they are btw.

Uncommon doesn't = subpar build btw. Uncommon is really based on what you see as you can't know every character combo on your server. I've seen everything on your list btw and I play on Infinity. Just so you know Storm/Elec was a FoTM many years ago.

I don't play on freedom, but I've never seen people kicked off a team based on builds. I've seen people getting kicked heavily based on attitude though. During normal PUG paper/radio missions though? Never seen people kicked based on builds.

As far as MIDS goes, its an option.

Does it help? I personal find it very helpful.

Helps you plan IOs and new builds, but as I stated it's an option. No where is it stated you *MUST* use this program to play the game. It's your choice. I'm a min/maxer and love the IO system because it lets me push my toons beyond design. Nothing wrong with not using IOs as its always been an option.

You need to stop separating yourself from the general population. I know several players who do not use MIDS and still use SO's. You pay your fees, play how you want. You seem to be placing yourself into a "selected" box while excluding and insulting everyone else.

Gonna list my 50s so I can make a point.

Brutes: Elec/WP, SS/Fire, SS/WP, Dark/Fire, Dark/Stone, Stone/Energy, EM/SR, Fire/Shield

Stalkers: Elec/Nin, MA/Nin

MM: Necro/Traps, Necro/Storm, Thug/FF, Thug/Poison, Merc/Pain

Doms: Fire/Psi, Mind/Energy, Plant/Fire

Corrs: AR/Rad, Sonic/Traps, Rad/Pain, Dark/Kin, Arch/TA

SoA: Huntsman, Bane, Fortunata

Tanks: Dark/SS

Blasters: Fire/Mental

Defenders: Rad/Ice, Dark/Elec

Controllers: Fire/Rad, Earth/Thermal, Ill/TA, Plant/Storm

Scrapper: DM/Invun

Are they common? I don't care, I have fun playing them which is all that matters in the end.



Any team that's dumb enough to kick a FF Defender is probably not a team you wanted to be on anyway. For me, it probably would be - bad teams are my entertainment.



So you don't so much have an actual issue with Mids, you have an issue with people who take pool powers? I mean, unless you're using a random process for picking your powers, you're still planning your build, same as anyone who uses Mids.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
That simple equation is the root of how I play.I dont go for Synergy most the time.I go for Balance in whatever feild of performance I wish to go.
then you're doing it right dude

I can't say I've teamed with each of the builds you listed, due to my redsidery, but their villain counterparts I've DEF teamed with before. Not that uncommon at all. I'd team with any of those combos.



Those people are inconsiderate jackasses.

Any AT played half-decently will roll over the Hellions, Maltas and Councils of this world.
I have a rule: let the person join the team and if they contribute, they can stick around. If they afk all mission or just don't do anything, they get a /t, if all they do is soak (unless it's an agreement between us) they get asked to leave.

Bring your FF/Dark, your AR/Fire, whatever you feel is fun at the time as long as you punch the bad guys and don't just leech.


The list of builds that was dissmissed before I was allowed to enter the mission, or was kicked the moment I entered a mission just by looking at my apperant powers are.

Fire/Fire - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Sonic - Controller
Sonic/Sonic - Defender
FF/Archery - Defender
There's nothing wrong with ANY of these.

Fire/Fire longtime game friend still rocks his Fire/Fire Tanker and farms Dreck with it, he still fairly tears stuff up. Good friend of mine has a Storm/Elec and he used to herd 5th Column in the day, it still pulverizes stuff; perhaps the issue here is people are afraid of knockback. Rad/Ice Blaster? It's a little offbeat but with the patch, fast blasts, - Defense from attacks...stuff is going to die. Earth/Sonic? Slows + holds + team buffs sounds like something I would want on my team. I have a Sonic/Sonic Corr and no one has complained about that. Defenderside will deal less damage but that's a lot of -RES, team buffs...and lastly the FF can give you an incredible amount of defense and Archery is pretty spiffy too.

It sounds like you ran into some elitists or people that just wanted cookie cutter builds. Short of your own behaviour, which I have no reason to doubt as this wasn't brought up, those powersets are all fine. Some people are just jerks. Just form a circle of friends that will appreciate your toons and go from there.

Good luck in the City!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Bear in mind that the following is a sweeping generalization. As such I may offend someone. Odds are, if I offend you with what I'm about to say, it doesn't apply to you and you've been caught up unfairly in my generalization. Accept my apologies and try to remember that it probably doesn't apply to you anyway.

Freedom has a lot of morons on it. Now, let me be fair here - every server has a lot of morons on it. Freedom has more players than most other servers, and so, by rights, we should expect to find a larger number of morons there, just by simple statistical proportions. However, it really feels like Freedom has more than its fair share or morons. Maybe that's because the sense of a community's... moronitude (yeah, I made that up) doesn't go up linearly with its actual proportion of morons. Maybe it's because a lot of moron players are also lemmings who instinctively flock to the greatest concentration of players. I don't know the full truth of it. I just know that while you can find morons on every server, they seem awfully easy to find on Freedom.

How you address the challenges described in my sweeping generalization have to be up to you. You can just one-star these people and use that to filter them out. You can try another server.

Whatever the case, you are probably falsely correlating people who use mids with the particular flavor of build biases you are meeting on Freedom. I know dozens of people who use mids and who would never treat a player like that. I know a few who couldn't build a character that could arrest its way out of a paper bag who think they know things they should kick from a team. Mid's isn't the problem.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Honestly, in 24 months playing before I left right after i14, I had exactly TWO distressing moments. And my playtime was like 85% Freedom / 15% Virtue.

The Freedom one was on a PUG Hess TF where the leader started arguing with a team member and nobody understood why (the team was doing fine). Then the leader kicked the guy, his buddy quit the TF because of this and for no apparent reason the leader herself quit shortly after. That left 3 of us in an 6-man mission with an AV... an Ice tanker, my mind/emp and a Ta/A def, we just couldn't finish the TF, couldn't handle the AV spawned for 6, especially since there was no SSK and both the tanker and the Ta/A def were sidekicked to the ones who quit. But hey, that's one person that freaked out and nobody knew the reason.

The Virtue one was on some story arc in the 20s where the leader thought he was leading a MoSTF. The Tanker was a bit slow so I started taking the alpha on my spines/dark and the energy blaster followed. We had no support and neither of us died, but the guy got angry because 'scrappers shouldn't take alphas' and 'the blaster shouldn't control the KB'. We tried to 'behave' but he went on annoying the blaster because of the KB (and he wasn't going nuts with Energy Torrent), I got annoyed waiting for the Tanker (he was really slow, I wasn't in scrapperlock, after all I had barely hit SOs) so both me and the blaster quit.

In another team there was a regen scrapper who dove on every pink mob before everybody else and died all the time, and kept yelling at my mind/emp to 'HEAL ME HEAL ME'. The leader thought I was doing a good job and kicked the scrapper.

And that's it, both my Freedom and Virtue experiences are very positive, including crazy stuff like a PUG Dr. Q TF that lasted 7 hours and we finished, in the end there were still 6 of us.

I don't consider myself a l33t player, but this game isn't hard (ok I found PvP quite hard but only did some arena kickballs where I felt lost and spent a lot of time in SC which I didn't find hard, and RV I had both good and very bad moments, but that was in i12, didn't bother trying i13 PvP because I'd have to change my builds a lot, and my ice/psi dom who relied in holds and slows isn't that effective now).

I've even received a lot of friend requests because I was told I was a 'great leader' and I don't think I was anything special leading teams. Even on Freedom SFs I assembled with my lolStalker (as I called my beloved Stalker before the i12 buff) I got friend requests in the end, and Stalkers were subpar on teams imo before the buff.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
The biggest 10 dollar power I rave about is Ninja Run.I dont have to skip a thing in my builds by level 50.I can have easly every power in both my Primary and Secondary sets and still ahve room for the Fittness pool, minus Hurdle.If I want a Epic pool, then I just choose a power I dont need at all from my build and by level 50, I can have 3 Fittness Pool powers and 3 Epic Pool powers.

Powers like If I went with a Traps/ Defender, and skipped Web Grenade.I could take every other power after that in Traps, and have every single blast from my Secondary by level 38.Same for Tanks, Blasters, Scrappers, Ect.

I make characters that have a balance from there power sets.To me, being able to use most, if not all of my powers in my sets makes a more solid character then if I went to use a Mid's Program, or other pools for that matter.
I have went and learned the game from a diffrent stand point.

Primary X + Secondary Y = Desired Balance.

That simple equation is the root of how I play.I dont go for Synergy most the time.I go for Balance in whatever feild of performance I wish to go.
So some of your point is that people who use pool powers rather than their entire Primary/Secondary are somehow playing their characters incorrectly?

I can't think of a character where I used the entire Primary *and* Secondary set without using PoolPowers and Ancillary Powers. The closest is my Katana/Regen where I didn't take the "taunt" equivalent.

And I don't think that Synergy and Balance are antithetically opposed playstyles and I can't see where that view comes from.

In my experience of rolling up alts, every powerset in the game has at least one power that I don't see my character using, so I skip it. And since you can pick 24 powers in total, but have 9 Primary, 9 Secondary, 16 Pool Powers (4 pools X 4) and 5 Ancillary Powers, for a total of 39 options, I tend to think that using Pool Powers was intended to be a valid method of playing your character.

I'm not min/maxxing when my Blasters take a travel power plus a couple powers from the Concealment pool plus the big 3 from Fitness. I'm creating a Blaster who can be sneaky (to help protect herself) who can Fly and Blast things tirelessly. Rail against Mid's all you want, but I've never even looked at that program yet decided that using 3-4 pools plus the ancillary pool was going to be the most fun way to play her. Just reading power descriptions and then testing them out (either on Test or on Live when I have a /respec available if I want to make a change) gave me that insight.

My 2 level 50's BTW are an Energy/Elec/Elec Blaster and a Rad/Dark/Dark Defender - not very FotM, but not useless in a fight either. I also have another Blaster, Scrapper and Corruptor in the mid40s and tons of other alts from level 2 on up. And, for the record, I also have Cold/Ice Defender and a Storm/Ice Defender and a Fire/Fire Tank and a couple of others you list as uncommon. I know I've seen others play those powersets, so I don't see them as all that uncommon.

I've never played on Freedom, but I keep seeing comments from others who do play there who state that your experience of being kicked for not being FotM or for being an "uncommon" build is not the norm and that in fact they have never experienced anything like it. I'm wondering if you are taking a couple of random odd choices by a couple of random odd team leaders and building a monumental problem out of nothing much at all.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Ok, I have to ask the same question iv asked before, but ill ask it in a diffrent way.Maybe ill get more then flamming this time around.*crosses fingers*

Now, what I want to know is why people stick to Mids, and why they only stick to Flavor builds that 1 Min/Max suggjests to another?
They don't. That's just your perception about something that annoys you. Just like you'll remember the 2-3 times in a year you're late to work cause of a black-out, without considering the 363 other days there wasn't any.

I get flak from other players and booted from teams before missions begin, as well as have minor to cases of extreem biast when I play something that they dont commonly see when it comes to builds.Lets not forget a snarky player that belive your combonation is horrible and lets you know they feel that way.Reguardless if the combo is good or not.

I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.

I know this subject acctually angers people, and everyone wants to belive they are individuals, but im still not understanding how thats a possiblity when almost everyone plays mostly the common builds that everyone else does?
You've encountered crappy players that can't adapt there play style. On the other hand, because you've experienced something doesn't gives you the right to pretend everyone who didn't is a liar or playing "normal" sets.

Most of the people who tell you they don't have this issue, have over 50 or 100 alts. They've probably tried every sets there is for there favorite AT, and tried every ATs.

When I see 20 Blasters ranging from level 1 to 50 under Atlas.With common or identical combos and looking like a Mercinary re-hash, or Hit Man likeness.All with the Dual Pistols Primary, and 1 of 2 Common Secondaries like Energy Melee or Mental Manipulation.It makes me ask why.[ /quote] Dual pistol is extremely new. Specialy if you consider that not everyone have access to it yet. It's normal for people to get a feel of the new set. It might offend you, but that's crazy. When i feel like eating an hamburger, i won't go check the statistique to make sure i'm "unique" enough by eating one today.

I love to play brutes. Wich mean i've tried to some extend, every single primary except BA and i've tried every single secondary. When KM will come out, of course i'll want to try it.

Why do people push more then half the power sets in the game back so feircely when they are alot better then they belive them to be?

Is it a fear of the unknown?

Im curious.
Only the crappy players do. I do have one question for you though.

Why do you push more then half the powers in the game back so fiercely, just because people enjoy them?

P.S. If you're still on freedom, you only have yourself to blame. People have been telling for months that it's one of the cause of your problems.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



I generally try not to comment or critique on someone's spelling/grammar/composition unless it's so bad that it causes problems with my ability to understand what is being said. However, this is a print medium and those who point out the fact that the OP's posts are replete with errors have a valid point.

No one really expects perfection in composition on an internet forum (well, most people don't), but by the same token if you throw together a really sloppy post then it reflects poorly upon you. It suggests a sloppy or disorganized thought process, or that you simply don't care enough about what you are saying to construct a coherent sentence. If you yourself don't care about what you have to say, why should anyone else?

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post

These are to name only a few.However Ill list off some builds that have been kicked from a team by the leader because of ignorance or Biast.Also id like to point out its not as often as it may have seemed when I first made this post, but it does happen some times.These kicks come before im even seen in action on these builds, and many times come with a /tell in the form of a insult, or someone simply not needing or wanting my type of build for there team.

The list of builds that was dissmissed before I was allowed to enter the mission, or was kicked the moment I entered a mission just by looking at my apperant powers are.

Fire/Fire - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Sonic - Controller
Sonic/Sonic - Defender
FF/Archery - Defender
Dark/Dark - Tanker - Not really that unique, and has tons of synergy.
Storm/Elec - Defender - Kinda begs to be rolled... and has tons of synergy.
Cold/Ice - Defender - Not unique at all... and has tons of synergy.
Rad/Ice - Blaster - Again, decent synergy.
Earth/Earth - Dominator - ...Seriously?
Ice/Sonic - Controller. - Great control, plus sonics -resists give ice a decent boost in damage...
Traps/Rad - Defender - ...Traps anything is uber.
Spines/Invln - Scrapper - Spines invuln was the original aoe scrapper. There were more invulns than regens back in the day. Nice ting about this combo, was that is was the only seconday that had a taunt component for scrappers, which made bunching up the mobs for a spine burst way easy. Not Unique, not off the wall, not gimpy.

Fire/Fire - Tanker - Heh, if you had said this in I1, or 2, I would tell you that I share your pain, however, then followed the fire tank golden age. The same people that wouldnt invite me to a team, were bugging me for pl's... ah karma.
Storm/Elec - Defender - Peeps dont like KB. They also feel very strongly about it. Talk to a nrg/nrg blaster.
Rad/Ice - Blaster - Again... Any blaster on the team is going to contribute. Just dont bite off more than you can chew... Then bring them back to the team... Screaming for heals... ah blasters... (to be fair, same can be said of scrappers)
Earth/Sonic - Controller - Best control in the game? Great! Extra resistance? Sure!
Sonic/Sonic - Defender - Extra resistance? Sure! Hit harder the more you shoot? Okay! One thing... Sonic has a bad rep mostly because it gives some folks a headache...
FF/Archery - Defender - Who the hell needs more defence anyway... oh, right, seeing as everyone and their dog slots to cap defence, maybe everyone...

There are very few powerset combinations that will not work. Course, most peeps on the boards already know this. I didn't learn how much a Darkity Dark Defender helps the team while teaming with them... Hell most anchors are the first to be targeted in teams anyway (my theory, they look different...) I learned here on the boards. Peeps here show a willingness to learn about the game, then teach people about it. You are ******** to the wrong crowd bub.



Fire/Fire - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Sonic - Controller
Sonic/Sonic - Defender
FF/Archery - Defender
If everything you say is true (about being kicked just by looking at the characters build), then it is just strait up ignorance of other players and nothing I've ever witnessed directly to say anything about. The Ice/Sonic 'troller is the only "odd" build to me, and definately not kickable due to powerset choices.

Now regarding Mids and me.

I use mids to look at all my power choices, figure out what I want to take and when, and how I want to slot it, what sets are available and what bonuses they offer.

Am I going for +Rech I can look at how many slots the power needs and if an extra 1% recharge is worth another slot, depending on what set I use. How much of a difference does 4-slotting this power make from 5-slotting. Mid's is a great tool to maximize the potential of a toon and its powers, without being a min/max fotm build.

While I do have some FoTM builds (Fire/MM and Elm/SD) these were both born out of concept. I had wanted a Fire/Mental character since first starting this game, so when Mental Manipulation was first announced for blasters I knew what I was making with it, I had no idea what powers would even be in the set however I knew I wanted to make one.

I originally never thought I'd make a Shield character ever (maybe a MA/SD) until I thought of a concept for an Energy Melee (EM)/Shield (SD) character using the Energy Shield costume part. I'm not a redside player so that left me with a SD/EM tank. When Electric Melee (Elm) was announced for Scrappers I already had my Elm/Nin Stalk, and new I liked Elm, so I re-rolled the concept as a Elm/SD, again before any had even been able to be made in game I knew what I was making.

Other then that my list of characters includes:
50 Nrg/Nrg blaster
50 Ice/Elec blaster
50 SD/EM Tank
50 Claw/Fire Scrap
50 Claw/WP scrap
44 DP/MM blaster
44 Arch/MM blaster(to compare to Fire/MM but never finished)
41 Fire/EM (Blue fire!) blaster
38 Nrg/Elec Blaster
38 Ice/Psi Dom
35 Ice/MM Blaster (put on hold due to the DP release)
34 Elm/Nin Stalker
28 TA/Dark 'Fender
24 FM/SD (to compare to Elm/SD and I liked Elm/SD better)
23 Dark/DP 'Fender

Thats everything above 22 I have, I don't consider a toon "alive" until SO range.

So I am far from a min/max fotm player, but have never found myself kicked from a team for build, only once was I asked to leave a tf and that was due to the leader thinking a second tank would be more useful on a respec trial then a second blaster, in which case I wouldn't have wanted to team with someone with that mindset anyway.

Active 50s:
Zero Defex: DP/MM//Mace Blaster
Mutant X-7: Fire/MM//Mace Blaster
Running my Kin/EA gloriously
Come on I21!!!
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
My uncommon builds are.

Dark/Dark - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Cold/Ice - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Earth - Dominator
Ice/Sonic - Controller
Traps/Rad - Defender
Spines/Invln - Scrapper

These are to name only a few.However Ill list off some builds that have been kicked from a team by the leader because of ignorance or Biast.Also id like to point out its not as often as it may have seemed when I first made this post, but it does happen some times.These kicks come before im even seen in action on these builds, and many times come with a /tell in the form of a insult, or someone simply not needing or wanting my type of build for there team.

The list of builds that was dissmissed before I was allowed to enter the mission, or was kicked the moment I entered a mission just by looking at my apperant powers are.

Fire/Fire - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Sonic - Controller
Sonic/Sonic - Defender
FF/Archery - Defender
Those are not builds. Those are powersets and archtypes.
A 'build' is the particular powers you've chosen from each powerset, your pool powers and the way that those powers are slotted.

And while I only play on Virtue, unless you're in a 'Master of' task force, or the team leader is looking to do a 'Speed Run' of something, or just wants top quality characters, or has actually advertised for something other than what you've brought:
[Broadcast] Team Leader: LGTF looking for buff/debuffs.
[/tell] Fire/Fire Tanker: Hey, you still need the help?
[Tell] Team Leader: Sure. Here's an invite.
[Team] Fire/Fire Tanker: Thanks for the invitation guys.
Team] Team Leader: What the hell? Didn't you read the bit where I asked for buff/debuff? Ugh.
Fire/Fire Tanker was kicked from the team.

Broadcast Fire/Fire Tanker: Team Leader is biased against uncommon builds! He kicked my tank for no reason!
I'm not saying that that is what happened, just that it may be a possibility, among several other possibilities.

Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
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Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Powers like If I went with a Traps/ Defender, and skipped Web Grenade.I could take every other power after that in Traps, and have every single blast from my Secondary by level 38.Same for Tanks, Blasters, Scrappers, Ect.

I make characters that have a balance from there power sets.To me, being able to use most, if not all of my powers in my sets makes a more solid character then if I went to use a Mid's Program, or other pools for that matter.
I'm glad that works for you and in general it's true that you can make a functional character that way. However that doesn't mean that it's the best way to make every character. Depending on various factors related to playstyle and your other set certain powers can be reduced to near uselessness at which point taking them becomes pointless. A good example of this is Ignite from Assault Rifle. If you've got a decent hold or immobilize power it's a lovely high damage (if slow) single target attack. However without a Hold or Immobilize it's a very small, short duration "afraid" patch. Not completely useless but a lot less useful (especially when you consdier the long cast time).

Personally my break point is 6 powers. If I'm taking fewer than that from either my primary or secondary then I take a long, hard look at my build since if I'm skipping that many powers then I'm probably missing the point of the set. Epics... well I normally take something from an epic pool but I rarely take 4 powers (my Blaster has four from Munitions mastery, but I only really wanted two of them, one of the others just has a cool animation and the last is useful as an IO mule).

As for filling up the power slots... well Leadership is my first choice (especially on Defenders) and I also like Recall Friend on characters that have Stealth (or the toughness to Tank Stealth).



Maybe some folks that didn't like your posts found out your global and formed a secret society in game just to invite your toons and kick them out of spite, and also stand in Atlas with all the same builds?

Other than that I got nothing. Those build you listed aren't sub-par, some not even uncommon. I think there are just people out to "get you."



Originally Posted by Nemu_ View Post
Maybe some folks that didn't like your posts found out your global and formed a secret society in game just to invite your toons and kick them out of spite, and also stand in Atlas with all the same builds?
That's it, I want your membership card back. What part of "secret society" did you not understand?



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
The list of builds that was dissmissed before I was allowed to enter the mission, or was kicked the moment I entered a mission just by looking at my apperant powers are.

Fire/Fire - Tanker
Storm/Elec - Defender
Rad/Ice - Blaster
Earth/Sonic - Controller
Sonic/Sonic - Defender
FF/Archery - Defender
I've never actually been kicked for build (as far as I know: I've almost never been kicked at all) but I know it happens. But if the playerbase is now kicking Fire/Fire Tankers or Sonic/Sonic Defenders or anything that possesses force fields, I'm becoming concerned that the biggest threat to long-term subscription numbers is a significant percentage of the playerbase becoming too stupid to feed themselves unassisted and dying of starvation.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Your posts make you seem a bit like a sociopath of a gamer. In other words, most of your posts always illustrate you as some kind of pristine martyr that is harassed and persecuted without relent by some flawed and angry mob. Normally when someone is always arguing that everyone else is the problem- that person is the problem. It's like they say, when you point a finger at someone else, three fingers are pointing back at you, and one is pointing at God.

My advice: stop allowing yourself to be consumed with what other people are doing in their homes with their own game time and personal lives. It is clearly ruffling your feathers and making your game experience less fun than it has been before. Don't allow other people to devalue your playing experience.

Stop trying to understand other gamers- you don't seem to be exactly receptive to tolerating views that contradict with your own. Why should anyone waste time trying to explain the merits or utility of MIDS when you have made it unmistakably and irreversibly clear that you despise the program and anyone that uses it? There is no point in having a conversation if you already have your mind made up about the subject.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
So some of your point is that people who use pool powers rather than their entire Primary/Secondary are somehow playing their characters incorrectly?

I stated how "I" play.Not how I exspect "Others" to play.

Im pointing out how easy it seems to "ME" when it comes to building a character.So I dont like, or apprechiate Mid's.Im not speaking for everyone else.

Also, me not liking Mid's shouldnt upset you, nore should it make you lose a minute of sleep at night.Same goes for my way of playing the game and building characters.

There are builds that can improve a combonation with Pool Powers.This however doesnt apply to all combonations.If I was saying what you just implied, then Id never take anything in the Fittness Pool.Which I do take with every character I make.

Id really like to know how people read so deeply into something thats not there.If you want to pick a fight with me, then by all means ask me to.I dont care for the word play with assumptions.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.
This is where you lost me.

Because no, I don't have an issue with how others create/build/play their characters (except for my Bro on one of his enumerable AR Blasters "#$%^& knock them into a corner!!11!eleventy-eleven!!11!!1" and I'm fully aware that he's likely lurking somewhere and reading this. *shakes fist*)

And no, I don't play FOTM. My first character, who also happens to be my first 50 is a Kin/Arch Defender and far from one of the most commonly played powerset combinations. I use Mids, but not on a regular basis and I think one of my 70-80 characters has a purple recipe on them somewhere.

Considering your reputation on the forums, and that you admit to getting booted for teams often, it leads me to wonder what the common denominator it here...



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Ok, I have to ask the same question iv asked before, but ill ask it in a diffrent way.Maybe ill get more then flamming this time around.*crosses fingers*
Don't count on that.

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded
Now, what I want to know is why people stick to Mids, and why they only stick to Flavor builds that 1 Min/Max suggjests to another?
People use Mids for the same reason they use a calculator; It's easier than writing everything down by hand. At the same time, one should be aware that Mids is *just* a calculator. There are many things it doesn't do that you should be aware of. You can't just trust the program blindly without knowing how anything is calculated.

People who stick to builds some other guy has proclaimed as 'the best for dps' are, ironically, not min/maxers. They are just people who would like to be using the most powerful set. They don't have the ability to calculate what that is, so they just take the word of another and roll with it. That's not a bad thing. Some people like to be the most powerful being in the universe. Other people like to play Ikaruga.

The problems start arising when they begin forming opinions around their adopted set as the 'best', because they were told it was the best. They have no real idea why it is, or what makes it that way, but hell if they don't defend it to hell and back.

Part of *that* problem is that the people who typically want to be the 'best' are usually insecure. They don't want to defeat the game so much as they want the admiration and respect that comes with their perceived accomplishment, so they can feel like they did something useful with their lives. They do this by declaring everyone else as inferior, as there can only be *one* best in their mind, and anything else must be put down, less it threaten their brittle little misconception of reality where they actually have a significant meaning. It's an interesting psychological defect, at any rate. For more cases of it, look up the word 'Patriotism' and enjoy the descending ride into the abyss.

With that out of the way, I had one last thing I wanted to address concerning why you receive so much scorn.

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded

I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.
I think you'll find that whenever you attempt to overgeneralize a group of people as something negative, and then pretend to be politely asking them what is wrong with them, that you will receive a rather negative response. This is possibly why most people dislike you.

I do like how you seem to characterize us all as evil, explain we aren't the lovely snowflakes we all think we are, but then proclaim that you are. It's like you kicked in a door to a party, told everyone inside they suck, and that you are the best **** in the world. It's kind of like you have a curious mental illness where you have some desire to be better than people, but instead of trying to actually do that, through whatever arbitrary way that someone might determine what makes them the best; such as playing a video game with the most powerful class, we have to just take your word for it.

Yes, some people are pricks, and I'm sorry they hurt your feelings by not letting you in their clubhouse of borrowed opinions, but that doesn't mean everyone is, and for you to claim such is insulting, to say the least. Furthermore, did you *really* want to play with people who have such an ignorant opinion of the game? I consider "r u heeler" a good indication of how to ruin my evening, not a missed opportunity.

In short, stop being a hypocrite and people will start being nicer to you. And stop making posts as thinly veiled attempts to win whatever argument you failed at wherever else you came from.

*EDIT* - And less it's used in some snappy comeback; Yes I'm a *****. I'm well aware of that. I haven't, however, dropped anyone from my party because I found their set up unfavorable. I don't even usually drop people who aren't very *good* at what they're doing. I drop people who have managed to annoy me by opening their mouth, or who spend most of the missions sitting at the entrance leeching experience. Basically, in order to get dropped by me, which is not something I hope everyone is striving for, you either have to be doing nothing, or less than nothing.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Post Deleted
I guess knowing is half the battle?

You don't get to start a thread obviously looking for an argument and then get all upset when you are supplied with one.

Grow up.