Still dont understand.

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Duncan_Frost View Post
I can understand not wanting to team with you in some situations. For example, at the moment I'm running a gimmick toon that's only taking power pools past level 6. He'd absolutely weigh down any team he's on, so I don't blame anyone for kicking him off.
Even with something like this, I suspect most people would be OK as a 7th or 8th person in a team which is already reasonably balanced. Now, sure, if I'd asked for a tank, and got one built like this, I might kick, but if I'm just asking for whatever, and you tell me beforehand that your character is a gimmick build, then I'll take ya



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I see on forums where people say things along the lines of "Worthless joke build." and its oddly a very nice combonation.Like Ice/Sonic on a Controller, and Storm/Elec on a Defender.These builds arnt jokes, nore are they bad.I have these builds and they are awesome.
The ice/sonic thread in question ( ) doesn't actually state that it's a bad or ineffective build. Merely "funny," which could as easily be "amusing" as it could be "strange." Maybe you're interpreting a bit?

It's also strange that you'd mention that you "have" such a build, though in the other thread you admitted (today) not having thought of it before.

While I've seen my fair share of fire/kins, I actually haven't grouped with one in awhile.

The min/max mentality is out there and strong, but not as common as you seem to make it. I think it's a case of selective perception on your part. Bottom line, try not to worry so much about the freedom of choice being exercised by other players. Just enjoy playing.




Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Kioshi and Thirty, a bit overboard don't you think? I know there were misspellings, but it didn't make it any less readable. At least Fire didn't use a wall of text.
Actually, for me it WAS that distracting... and it did impede me from understanding it. I am the type of guy who reads what is written... then stops to mentally fix the errors, than continues. This is a long process if someone doesn't know how to spell or use correct grammar. Apparently others also think that we should have some sort of unified, agreed upon, grammar system...



If some jerk only wants to play with the "coolest" builds then that's their loss.

Roll a DB/pain corr! FM/ElA brute! Mind/thorn dom! Man I love coming across crazy combos I've never seen before because it sometimes gives me crazy ideas for toons too! It's what makes our online world go 'round!



- You have the right to play this game as you like!
- You should have fun with the powers you like!
- People who kick people from teams because of powersets are idiots!

What I do know is that I pick my powers on concept. Fitting the toon I had in mind. That can result in strange comboes but I don't care about that.

After I picked the powers and look I will go to Mid's though. As I want to be sure I single out the powers fitting to my toon. And on what level I am best to take them. And what pool powers fit my concept the best.

If I am high enough and I like the toon enough I will spend time min-max-ing it. But not before.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Now, what I want to know is why people stick to Mids, and why they only stick to Flavor builds that 1 Min/Max suggjests to another?
Bub, If you can keep 15 different lvl 50 toon builds in your head, and know what you want to respec into, more power to you. Also, I know you dont use them, however, try to understand that more than a few people use IO's. Then try to understand that with IO's you can Min/Max in whatever way you want, there is no longer a cookie cutter build that people can agree upon any more.

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I get flak from other players and booted from teams before missions begin, as well as have minor to cases of extreem biast when I play something that they dont commonly see when it comes to builds.Lets not forget a snarky player that belive your combonation is horrible and lets you know they feel that way.Reguardless if the combo is good or not.
One, you play on freedom. Higher population = Higher chance of idiot encounters. Two, My guess, is that while teaming, you show as much social ineptitude as when you post. I doubt you get booted because you took fly, or whirlwind.

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.
Listen up, maggot. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I know this subject acctually angers people, and everyone wants to belive they are individuals, but im still not understanding how thats a possiblity when almost everyone plays mostly the common builds that everyone else does?

When I see 20 Blasters ranging from level 1 to 50 under Atlas.With common or identical combos and looking like a Mercinary re-hash, or Hit Man likeness.All with the Dual Pistols Primary, and 1 of 2 Common Secondaries like Energy Melee or Mental Manipulation.It makes me ask why.

I see more then I care to count in Fire/Kin controllers.We dont even have to get into that one.Its self exsplanitary already.

Most the Scrappers and Tankers I see anymore are basically Willpower or Shield Defense with either Super Strength, Mace, or Fire Melee when it comes to the Tankers, and Elec Melee and Fire Melee mostly for Scrappers as common now days.

I see on forums where people say things along the lines of "Worthless joke build." and its oddly a very nice combonation.Like Ice/Sonic on a Controller, and Storm/Elec on a Defender.These builds arnt jokes, nore are they bad.I have these builds and they are awesome.

Why do people push more then half the power sets in the game back so feircely when they are alot better then they belive them to be?

Is it a fear of the unknown?

Im curious.
Question for you: Why do you care?

Maybe you should worry more about what you are doing, and less on how people want to play with their $15. Or offer to pay their sub fee.



I came in here to post:

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
As far as the getting booted from teams goes:

If you're as arrogant and egotistical in the game as you tend to be on the forums, then I can't say it surprises me that you get booted from teams. It's unlikely that EVERYONE you team with is a powergamer to the point that your build is unacceptable, which means your personality is probably playing a part in it. Some of the things I've seen you post, had you said them to me in-game I would have booted you too, and probably put you on /gignore.
I think if I ever recognized you in game, Fire_Minded, I'd kick you off the team before you became a problem.

I play a human form PB that's never been kicked from a team. Even will all the "team friendly knockback" and the "gimped concept build."

I play a Dark Armor tank that's never been kicked from a team. It's about as far from perceived as "uber powerful and FotM" as it gets. That hasn't stopped me from getting on teams, and it hasn't gotten me kicked.

I'm pretty sure the problem here is you. Not your builds. Not your characters. Not your choice to avoid using Mids. You.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



More on the min/maxing side of things.

I set certain goals with some characters. I use Mid's to figure out how to meet those goals.

For example: I decided that I would like to softcap S/L defense on my fire/kin, and get a reasonable amount of E/NE defense as well. So, I open Mid's and figure out a few things. The first thing I ask myself is: "Can I achieve my goal without making the character unplayable?". I have already determined that for S/L defense the answer is "Yes". My secondary goal is reasonable E/NE defense. Since "reasonable" is not a set number it is up to me to determine a number for it. I came up with a build that achieves both things.

I used Stone Mastery on that build and took the following powers: Fissure (a targeted AoE stun that does decent damage, will do good daage while Fulcrum Shift is active), Rock Armor (a large part of my S/L defense), Seismic Smash (a very high damaging melee attack that is ALSO a mag FOUR hold, this one is a no brainer. It will deal almost 1000 damage with FS and Containment), Earth's Embrace (Since I'm short on slots I needed something here that doen't need a lot of them)

I feel no need to buy purples or PvP sets to consider a build good. I use Mid's before the character is level 50 just so I get an idea of what recipes I need to hang onto as I level.

Is that min/maxing? I'd say it is a moderate level of min/max. I'm not obsessed with having the best build I possibly can, but I DO want to meet the goals I set for myself with it, so I min/max it just enough to reach them.

If someone kicks me from a team because I don't have 5 purple sets in my build, I probably didn't want to team with that person to begin with.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Came in here to post this. I think if I ever recognized you in game, I'd kick you off the team before you became a problem.

I play a human form PB that's never been kicked from a team. Even will all the "team friendly knockback" and the "gimped concept build."

I play a Dark Armor tank that's never been kicked from a team. It's about as far from perceived as "uber powerful and FotM" as it gets. That hasn't stopped me from getting on teams, and it hasn't gotten me kicked.

I'm pretty sure the problem here is you. Not your builds. Not your characters. Not your choice to avoid using Mids. You.
Little confused Dechs. Were you talking to ME? Or agreeing with my point?

Kinda hard to tell there.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Little confused Dechs. Were you talking to ME? Or agreeing with my point?

Kinda hard to tell there.
Sorry. I meant that "I came in here to post what Claws already did."

Then I expanded from there. Any "you" in my post can be replaced with Fire_Minded.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Ultimately, people will play what they find fun. For instance, I'm not a big Defender fan, because there are only a few that have good enough solo-ability that they can fit the hours and time I can play (a lot of the time, I only play in short spurts, and never know when I can play for longer, so teaming is hard), but that doesn't mean I dislike Defenders.

Some people really enjoy farming. I would never do it myself (make enough inf for myself by playing my 50s regularly), but if that's what they want, then as long as they're not doing something outrageous, it's not my problem what they do (though I do understand the Devs wanting to crack down on obvious gaming of the system--it [i]is[i] their problem).

So if people want to use power builds, that's fine. Hopefully, those builds aren't detrimental to a team, or if they are, they aren't teaming. Otherwise, this game makes it very easy to make up for one slacking player or poor build when the others are good, so I don't see much of a problem outside of speed runs or Master runs, both of which should be advertised when doing so, and at that point, if they kick someone for a sub-par build...that's somewhat understandable (though being diplomatic about it should go without saying).



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Ok, I have to ask the same question iv asked before, but ill ask it in a diffrent way.Maybe ill get more then flamming this time around.*crosses fingers*

Now, what I want to know is why people stick to Mids, and why they only stick to Flavor builds that 1 Min/Max suggjests to another?
I can't speak for the whole CoX community, but I use Mid's just because it makes things easier. This is a superhero game, ergo I like my characters super and Mid's helps me do that. The immense number of different power/slot/IO set combinations you can put on one character would be pretty much impossible to handle without tools.

Of course, we could do it by hand, but why bother? Doing it by hand would just lead to a table of information similar to Mid's, but it would most probably not be as accurate or as easy to use.

I get flak from other players and booted from teams before missions begin, as well as have minor to cases of extreem biast when I play something that they dont commonly see when it comes to builds.Lets not forget a snarky player that belive your combonation is horrible and lets you know they feel that way.Reguardless if the combo is good or not.

I know alot of you on these boards claim you dont have this issue when you play with other people.Odds are, your playing what they play or whats common.I however dont.
Judging from your posts I highly doubt it's just the build that counts here. If you come into a team all guns blazing trying to gun down everyone else's "FoTM builds" or Mid's in general it's no wonder you might get kicked. Build elitists are scarce in this game because most content is so easy that you can do it with just about any build. Even ones that are deliberately gimped.

I know this subject acctually angers people, and everyone wants to belive they are individuals, but im still not understanding how thats a possiblity when almost everyone plays mostly the common builds that everyone else does?

When I see 20 Blasters ranging from level 1 to 50 under Atlas.With common or identical combos and looking like a Mercinary re-hash, or Hit Man likeness.All with the Dual Pistols Primary, and 1 of 2 Common Secondaries like Energy Melee or Mental Manipulation.It makes me ask why.
More than a billion different costumes. An exorbitant number of costume/build combinations. Add the possible stories related to these characters. Even if everyone playing this game used the same powersets and archetype, we could all have a different character meaning we could all be individuals.

As for using these common powersets... Well, as someone else already pointed out they're not used because they're common but rather the other way around. If you go and ask the average Bob to make a choice between getting a good car or a better car for free, what do you think he will choose? It's not that hard trying to predict human nature with simple things such as this.

I see more then I care to count in Fire/Kin controllers.We dont even have to get into that one.Its self exsplanitary already.
If the reasons behind people using FoTM builds are self-explanatory to you, why do you bother asking us?

I see on forums where people say things along the lines of "Worthless joke build." and its oddly a very nice combonation.Like Ice/Sonic on a Controller, and Storm/Elec on a Defender.These builds arnt jokes, nore are they bad.I have these builds and they are awesome.
"High end consumption. Low(er than average) Damage. No synergy between these sets." Does everything like that mean "worthless joke build" to you? It doesn't to me. They're - most of the time - facts that we tell people who are about to try these builds. If we see a build that will have problems with endurance we will point it out. At least from my experience, most people don't like having endurance problems. It's same with low damage. Things like that make you feel less super than the hero next to you.

We aren't saying that everything except the FoTM is bad. What we're saying is that you might not feel as super as the other heroes, that's all. If you're fine with that we have no problem with you playing the character. It's worse if the player themself has a problem playing their character because of a choice they could've avoided given proper information. This is also one of the reasons people use Mid's.

Why do people push more then half the power sets in the game back so feircely when they are alot better then they belive them to be?

Is it a fear of the unknown?

Im curious.
It's not fear of the unknown. It's a pursuit of easy gaming, in my opinion. Why choose a set when you could pick another one that does the same thing better and possibly something on top of it? I have played most of the powersets in this game, both the weak and the powerful and I, like many other players, have my favourites. Most of the favourites are powerful sets because they make me feel super which I think is everyone's goal when they're playing a superhero game.

P.S. Your disregard of grammar and proper spelling is quite annoying. English isn't my first language and I'm no grammar police, but I do pay attention to anything I write. If you want to be taken seriously, at least try. I thought this attempt (as the ones preceding it) was quite pathetic.

P.P.S. Excellent response to this, Thirty_Seven!

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



What is that word "Mids"? I tried urban dictionary and online dictionary with no help.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
What is that word "Mids"? I tried urban dictionary and online dictionary with no help.
Mids is the program we use to plan out or builds so we don't mess up, or so that we can make sure our Tank, etc, has slotting to help his S/L defense.

It's also a topic the OP has commented on in nearly all of his posts. He thinks those who use it are dumb.

I didn't use it for the first 4 months I was here. Now I look at my old toons, including my only 50 and think, "Holy crap, how did I survive?"

I'd never learn IO stuff w/o mids.



Thank you Postagulous that helped a lot.

Well I don't think it's too bad to use some helping designers. It's not so big difference if someone uses that or do respec. Result is pretty much same. Personally I like to build my characters like old fashion ways without any helpin programs.

I have one shield/axe tanker because shield was new power when I made that and I just like axes. I don't care if some build is littlebit better than other if that fits on my character concept. Oh and never kicked out of team.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Oh come on, zachary!

Surely you visited the EU forums before the merge? Midnights was one of you guys across the big pond! Admittedly, he's left the game and development of his program has been handed to other people, but I'm surprised you've never heard of it



Yeahh... I visited on forum but very randomly. Actually I made significant progress with my english very lately so it's not take whole day to read one post any more. Well I'm still using online dictionary but not all the time anymore.

I have heard something about character designers programs before but like I said I don't care so much to use them.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



In my slim experience, people like to make DP/NRG blasters (especially the "hit men" and "mercenaries") because NRG is the closest you can get to a melee/martial arts secondary for blasters. So all those hit men and gangsters and cowboys and detectives who want a 'natural' build but don't want a targeting drone circling their head or to be planting land mines go with NRG so they can at least roleplay punching Hellions in the face when they're not shooting them.



Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
Thank you Postagulous that helped a lot.

Well I don't think it's too bad to use some helping designers. It's not so big difference if someone uses that or do respec. Result is pretty much same. Personally I like to build my characters like old fashion ways without any helpin programs.

I have one shield/axe tanker because shield was new power when I made that and I just like axes. I don't care if some build is littlebit better than other if that fits on my character concept. Oh and never kicked out of team.
Oh, you're welcome.

I tend to goof around with a toon for the first 20 levels, maybe picking the order of powers with mids, but not really using it for what it's meant for, optimization.

My 50, Ink Girl, I thought was good. Until I put her into Mids. Using IOs can change everything. She had 3% defense and next to no resistance. Now she's got 70% S/L resistance and 35% ENFC [energy, negative, fire, cold] defense. She's incredibly powerful.

Now, back when I had a broken toon named Betty Gunbot, I refused to do a respec because I felt it stole her soul. At that time I didn't know about the second build. When I did, I second builded her and she was much better, but in the long run, I hate both Assault Rifle and Devices. She was at 33ish when I deleted her. I've remade her as a DP/Electric, and due to the lack of guides [ooh, guides are more important than mids!] I'm flying blind except for the data in Mids.

If nothing else, download mids to see that, oh, Archery's tier 1 quick attack, Snap Shot does 52.6 damage unenhanced. AR's burst 67ish. DP's Pistole 62ish. Etc. And if you pay attention, which most don't, getting a property enhanced over 80% is pretty wasteful. But, why not be wasteful

You can play this game any way you like. But when my Lev 41 katana/wp is the last one standing, surrounded by 12 Council with flame throwers, chain guns, etc, and I take no damage and my endurance doesn't drop. And after I kill them all I wait for the rest of the team to get back from the Hospital. When that happens, I'm glad I spent around 200m on her to get in shape. Also, she's a freakin' katana/wp. They're born gods.

Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
In my slim experience, people like to make DP/NRG blasters (especially the "hit men" and "mercenaries") because NRG is the closest you can get to a melee/martial arts secondary for blasters. So all those hit men and gangsters and cowboys and detectives who want a 'natural' build but don't want a targeting drone circling their head or to be planting land mines go with NRG so they can at least roleplay punching Hellions in the face when they're not shooting them.
I have a female robot who wears garish and skimpy clothing. She is DP/NRG because NRG is the best GTFO power there is. Just protection.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Actually, for me it WAS that distracting... and it did impede me from understanding it. I am the type of guy who reads what is written... then stops to mentally fix the errors, than continues. This is a long process if someone doesn't know how to spell or use correct grammar. Apparently others also think that we should have some sort of unified, agreed upon, grammar system...

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I'm curious. How do you know people who use Mid's are the root of your problem?

You manage to consistently rub people the wrong way on the forums. If you manage this so effectively in game, people might be kicking you primarily for that reason. If you are even half as good at irritating people in game and you have funky builds, they might be using your build as an excuse to be rid of you.

People like to do well. The core function we all try to do in this game is kick things butts. A good build kicks more butt. Trying to figure out how to kick more butt leads to thinking, thinking leads to analysis, realization that analysis can be complicated leads to creation of tools to reduce complication. Thus we have mids, which people who want to kick more butt sometimes use.

I think people who use mids are not your problem. I think you're deciding they're your problem, and refusing to let it go.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I'm getting the feeling the thing that's getting Fireminded booted isn't his build.

As for why I use Mids? I have certain expectations of my characters. Mainly, I want them to be able to solo -1/x8 missions without faceplanting. I find fighting off endless waves of foes to be one of the things that draws me to this game. It's not exactly a massive goal, but one that's hard to accomplish on particularly squishy characters with just SOs. So, I use Mids to figure out affordable builds that boost their survivability and effectiveness to that goal become easier. And I wouldn't say I'm particularly prone to making FOTM builds. My current active characters are a Fortunata, a Claws/Elec Brute, an Ice/Ice Tank, a Rad/Psi Blaster, and an AR/Ice Corrupter.

-Recruited under Arachnos' "Equal-Opportunity Villainy" plan-



Not sure what your issue is. I don't use character planners, and rarely use builds described on the boards. I don't much care that others may do so (unless they give me grief for not folllowing some criteria they think are important for a build).

Just as it is none of their business how I choose to build my characters, I am afraid I don't see where it is any of yours how others choose to do so.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



I use Mids' (and encouraged the use of Mids') quite simply because I like having effective toons. This doesn't mean that I'm going to allow their performance to dictate my power choices. I choose my power sets and then set about trying to see how I can use those power sets best.

I play exclusively on Freedom blueside. I team all the time. I don't have a single character that could be described as FotM (with the possible exception of my Fire/SD Scrap, but I chose that because it seemed like the least chosen Shield Scrapper when I did an informal poll). I have loads of builds that are decidedly off the reservation (I thoroughly enjoyed leveling my DA/NRG tanker), and I've never gotten kicked from a team thanks to my build. I actually get friend requests because I have incredibly effective characters that are using power set combinations that aren't FotM.

I do not believe that there are any sets that are so bad as to warrant immediate kicking from a team. I see many people that cry foul about Force Field, but I've got an incredibly potent FF defender. I see others cry foul about DA's ability to tank, but I've got a DA tank that, even in SOs, has tanked everything I've thrown him against (including several Shard TFs and everything needed to get all 4 of the passive accolades). None of them have been kicked from teams.

Now, what may perturb you, is that I do, in fact, lead a large number of teams on Freedom. I grab pugs, and I have no problem doing so. However, unlike some other people, I will not tolerate an idiot with a build and/or playstyle that is detrimental to the group or, at the very least, incapable of pulling his own friggin' weight. I create teams because they're more fun and more effective. I have no obligations to allow anyone to remain on my team. If anything, I have an obligation to the rest of my team (the other 5-7 people that I am running with) to make sure that anyone else I bring along isn't detracting from the team as a whole (such as soaking up xp without doing any work for it). I've kicked Tankers because they couldn't get aggro or needed loads of outside help in order to survive (generally because they didn't take their Taunt aura). I've kicked Defenders and Controllers that only took their attack powers or that refuse to use their support powers (on similar lines, I've kicked Empaths that only took their heals). I've kicked Scrappers, Blasters, and Khelds that couldn't deal damage.

When I invite someone to a team, I expect them to perform at a minimum level of effectiveness. If they don't, then I give them a couple warnings, often asking about specific power choices or power usages in tells. If they **** up catastrophically ("lol, my KB agg'd those 3 other groups and I wiped the entire team!") or they don't shape up, I'll kick them. It's not like I can't find replacements rather easily. I've kicked FotM fire/kins and stone tanks from teams because they weren't performing up to snuff. I've similarly kept storm defenders on team because they were excellent players. In fact, a number of my friends have Storm defenders (and other "bad" builds) that I would jump at the opportunity to invite to a team of mine because they're good players.

Remember, when you join a team, the leader is not obligated, nor should s/he be obligated, to let you be on his/her team. If you're useless or less useful than you should be, it is perfectly within the leader's right to kick you. This doesn't mean, at all, that you should be kicked just because you have an off kilter build. It does mean that, if you have an off-kilter build, you better be a better player to make up for it or you're simply giving giving the leader more reason to kick you, especially if you're a complete idiot that believes that everyone else is a sheep just because they attempt to be effective.