Champions Fears Us!
I could think of a lot more things like than those two things
Attache @ deviantART
Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection
And I thought that she'd never met a thread that she didn't like....

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I've never seen the Other Side as any real competition, so 'meh' to whatever they're whining about.
Hahahaha. And they were whining that CoH was copying them when power coloring came along...!
I will admit they have better chesticles.
What!? You know we were all thinking it.
I was looking through the CO forums for some good comedy, and i came across this post that was like... "Give us super HQs like the other heros based MMO that shall not be mentioned did, and while your at it, mission creation, again like the other MMO!"
I can smell the fear. Good Job Devs! |
Though, perhaps somewhat biased, I reckon it's fair to say that the CoX boards have never (or very rarely) been as bad for this as most other MMO boards.
Both CO and CoX are good games and different enouh to both have a place in the world - there's no real need for either to fear the other.
* including chess, monopoly and dodgeball.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Look at just about any game forums and you'll see posts asking for any feature ever featured in any other game* and just as many posts asking the devs not to develop the same feature...
Though, perhaps somewhat biased, I reckon it's fair to say that the CoX boards have never (or very rarely) been as bad for this as most other MMO boards. Both CO and CoX are good games and different enouh to both have a place in the world - there's no real need for either to fear the other. * including chess, monopoly and dodgeball. |
Dammit I want the ability for my character to buy Ailsbury Road / Mayfair / Park Place (delete where appropriate) and build a hotel on it.
Both CO and CoX are good games and different enouh to both have a place in the world - there's no real need for either to fear the other.
That said, I think having a direct competitor is a good thing (for both games). It fosters innovation and impells the developers to work harder and faster to make their product good. While CO isn't my cup of tea, I would rather that it stick around.
From what I've seen, CO serves the purpose of making CoH look better by comparison.
I considered playing CO...until I found out more about it and saw the graphics. Pretty much killed it for me.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
They're pretty defensive over there - especially when you bring up CoH. It amuses me and I think it's cute.
CO an okay game and has a lot of potential but right now it just has so many flaws that make playing it only tolerable in short bursts. Right now CoH is simply better. It has more depth, is more robust, and we can actually team over here. Teaming is non-existant in CO and I think that's killing that game. I mean, I like to solo too but when I do actually want to team I'd like to think it's actually possible.
I'm very very happy with the improvements to CoH that the devs have made. We spoke up and they listened to us. I don't get the sense that that's the case on CO.
Great job, Devs, and thank you.
I will admit they have better chesticles.
What!? You know we were all thinking it. |
And if you see any puns in the above, they weren't intentional.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.

If everyone in my world looked like they were made of Play-Doh then I'd fear the city full of people with fire powers too.
Our last major question was an obvious one that even came up in responses to the panel: what Paragon Studios thought about Champions Online. Far from being a matter of pointing and laughing, Bianco confessed that she herself didn't play, but there were people on the team who did. The team as a whole keeps a close eye on it, as it's their primary competition, but there's no ill will from the studio toward their former officemates. "We still have friends in Cryptic," she said, "and obviously we want them to have some measure of success." |
To be honest, CoX and CO are from the same company, so I doubt the competition really exists. If it would be from a forum of, lets say, DC universe online, then perhaps the post would have meant something.
Except that both are competing for the same customers. If one game sufficiently beats the other in quality, the loser will likely run out of business as its customers move to the better product. This may be compounded with upcoming DCUO.
These are games - assuming that the potential purchaser has the budget available they become a viable purchase/subscription whilst they are fun and playable.
Neither is so appalling that they are unplayable or particularly tricky or difficult to play. Neither is so bug-ridden that it stands out in the market of MMOs. So neither can really be said to be poor quality.
And on the fun side... that's subjective. There'll be people who prefer CO and people who prefer CoX. Neither is absolutely correct in believing the game they prefer is better, but both are no doubt correct in believing their game to be better for them.
Of course the number of people who would play an MMO is limited. The number who'd play a superhero MMO is further limited. The amount of money available for subs from this pool of potential customers is limited.
But, given that you can't absolutely declare one better than the other, the available pie is certainly big enough to sustain 2 games with different approaches/feels.
That said, I think having a direct competitor is a good thing (for both games). It fosters innovation and impells the developers to work harder and faster to make their product good. While CO isn't my cup of tea, I would rather that it stick around. |
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
To be honest, CoX and CO are from the same company, so I doubt the competition really exists. If it would be from a forum of, lets say, DC universe online, then perhaps the post would have meant something.
Didn't Cryptic left CoH when ParagonStudios bought it?

I was looking through the CO forums for some good comedy, and i came across this post that was like... "Give us super HQs like the other heros based MMO that shall not be mentioned did, and while your at it, mission creation, again like the other MMO!"
I can smell the fear.
Good Job Devs!