Changed Defender inherent for i17

Adeon Hawkwood



The numbers I've been tossing around have their damage output really close. From what I'm seeing defenders are actually ahead in raw damage for mature builds that utilize the stronger defender sources of +dam (assault, aim, souldrain, pbu). Which puts a lot of weight onto scourge. IMO it is too close given that defender forcemultiplication is significantly superior to corrs.

I'm fine if the dev's want the corr damage advantage to be back loaded I just think a small positive tweak to scourge is appropriate. I haven't examined it closely, but if it started taking affect at 60% hp rather than 50% it might provide the boost that is warranted while retaining the form of the AT.

I won't argue that scourge is very tangible, it is highly visual and even though most of it is wasted in overkill it feels very visceral and powerful. However, it isn't really that big of a damage boost over the lifetime of the toon when you figure we probably face ~90% minions.

Granted if every corr set had something as good as rain of fire that checks scourge with every tick and double scourges then this discussion would be unnecessary.

Prior to this change the only defender set that was superior to corrs for damage was sonic blast, post buff it looks like every set will be (excluding fire as the don't have it) once you factor in a complete build taking advantage of stronger +dam powers and stronger -res (for procs). I'm not really sold on the idea of defenders being on par with corr damage solo, while having a much easier time neutralizing targets with their powerful debuffs AND being considerably stronger than them in teams.

The traps/sonic/dark build I'm looking at in mids is a monster compared to the sonic/traps/soul lined up next to it. As in so much better than it you would have to really be excited about the corr version and/or the ppp pets to make such a sacrifice.



In my opinion, scourge does need a buff. I have a different opinion on what type of buff it should be though. One of the problems with scourge is that it favors certain types of powers over others. For example, it works very poorly with a lot of DoT powers such as ball lightning. Powers like this will merely get the power of each tic doubled, which often causes it to have no impact on gameplay as the enemy gets killed by another attack instead of scourge helping by killing the enemy immediately. Meanwhile, scrapper incinerate has its bonus damage front-loaded at the beginning of the attack.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
In my opinion, scourge does need a buff. I have a different opinion on what type of buff it should be though. One of the problems with scourge is that it favors certain types of powers over others. For example, it works very poorly with a lot of DoT powers such as ball lightning. Powers like this will merely get the power of each tic doubled, which often causes it to have no impact on gameplay as the enemy gets killed by another attack instead of scourge helping by killing the enemy immediately. Meanwhile, scrapper incinerate has its bonus damage front-loaded at the beginning of the attack.
I know what you mean. I actually stopped playing my dark corr project recently. Scourge was doing next to nothing for the toon because the damage is all long duration dots and each new attack checks for scourge at a much higher relative hp than if the damage were upfront.

I found I was often scourging things to death that gloom's slow dot would have killed anyway, meaning not just overkill damage on the scourge but an entire wasted attack. Even more prevalent in the dot aoe's.

I also agree that when these powers finally do scourge the critical should be front loaded rather than just doubling the dots, as you say like scrapper incinerate.

To be honest if I could I'd move the AT away from such a strong reliance on scourge, in some ways it reminds me of the gimmicky nature of old domination (though not so severe). I'm just unsure if the devs share that feeling or not. There are also those times where you are playing with a kin and having the ability to critical often is very nice.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Maybe if Scourge kicked in earlier on minions/lts?

Either way, given how long it took for Defenders to get this, I think Corrs won't be getting any Inherent love any time soon
Ya corrs aren't bad at all, they just need a little something more imo. But I was saying that long before this defender buff. This buff just makes the issue more apparent.

That said, we don't have the corr populace whining about damage like defenders did for various reasons:
- scourge, though not nearly as beneficial as most people think, is highly visual and powerful "feeling"
- corrs don't have any dog sets like FF or emp when it comes to delivering personal damage.
- a higher percentage of corrs actually play their toon offensively being the only full blast AT available redside. Whereas some defs barely attack, or skip some strong attacks altogether.

I think it is a case of the corr wheel not being nearly squeaky enough and corrs being nowhere near broken that we will see nothing for the AT until after the Cathedral of Pain is put back in. Defenders were in a similar boat in that they weren't broken at all, but their wheel squeaked so badly it was nearly a screech.

I think the dev explanation for the defender buff says it all. Pure whining got this change put into place. And while I say good for defenders (I play them too), its not how I prefer things to be prioritized.

"Due to concerns that Defenders inherent power Vigilance was "too weak" or "non-obvious" or "provided little benefit to the defender himself"



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I think it is a case of the corr wheel not being nearly squeaky enough and corrs being nowhere near broken that we will see nothing for the AT until after the Cathedral of Pain is put back in. Defenders were in a similar boat in that they weren't broken at all, but their wheel squeaked so badly it was nearly a screech.

I think the dev explanation for the defender buff says it all. Pure whining got this change put into place. And while I say good for defenders (I play them too), its not how I prefer things to be prioritized.
Many tart responses came to mind reading this Frosticus, but I decided that you are entitled to your own opinion of the situation.

So all I will say is... Ouch !

Even if I wasn't such a fan of the Defender AT, I think that I would be happy that the Devs took some interest in our needs and gave us something. If Corruptors need something as well (And I have heard many say that they do) then (if it was me), I would be "squeaking" on the Corruptor Boards. But Thats just me.




Unfortunately nowhere near enough people play Corrs or post on their boards to generate noticeable squeak >.> It seems to be one of the slowest moving boards. The same can be said for Stalkers, but a complaint of theirs was that they were useless on teams. The same cannot be said for Corrs

For people who run a lot of TFs, (like me), Scourge is a lot more beneficial because of the huge damage increase against all the big hp targets.

Before these changes, I preferred Corrs to Defenders because the buff/debuff strength difference wasn't noticeable to me in gameplay, but the damage difference was. Since I team a lot, this leaves Defenders in more or less the same boat as far as I'm concerned.

My other problem with the Defender inherent was/is that it's well, boring. You can't really see it working. Criticals, Containment, Domination, Defiance, Fury, Scourge and Assassination are all very visceral and tangible inherents. You can also play to maximise them. Incidentally, I happen to think they're the best designed Inherents in the game

You can't really play to maximise Vigilance. I find it to be very much a background process. That's boring to me.

Edit: Frosticus, I also thought it was pretty funny how they worded the Vigilance buff in the patch notes, lot of finger-quotes going on

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Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Many tart responses came to mind reading this Frosticus, but I decided that you are entitled to your own opinion of the situation.

So all I will say is... Ouch !

Even if I wasn't such a fan of the Defender AT, I think that I would be happy that the Devs took some interest in our needs and gave us something. If Corruptors need something as well (And I have heard many say that they do) then (if it was me), I would be "squeaking" on the Corruptor Boards. But Thats just me.
No, I won't do that. I run up an analysis send it to Castle or the appropriate dev and then I'm done with it. If they pander to unsupported vocalizations more than demonstrated data then I'm personally pretty handcuffed in the system. I've tried the whining approach a few times about changes in this game. It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

I apologize if I'm coming off as gruff, I do have a number of defenders and am looking at a couple others to level up.

The thing is the devs took a look and gave something to Defs but was there actually a need? The need is about as compelling as me complaining that my brute fury doesn't have unreal tournament style phrases attached to different damage levels.

I'll be the first on board if specific power sets were being examined to address some of the inequalities within the AT, but a global buff really doesn't address any of the issues that defenders have other than to spackle on some fresh filler in hopes the cracks won't resurface in the near future. A global buff like this benefits the defenders that were already strong at solo'ing far more than the defenders that struggle with it. And the defenders that were already good at solo'ing (basically everything but Emp and FF and elec blast) already solo'd well lol.

A FF/elec going from 70.5 dam at lvl 50 to 81 dam with the new buff isn't magically going to make FF users satisfied with solo performance once the shinyness of the buff wears off.

But my storm/sonic will take that same buff and go from ~115.6 dam to 133.4 dam with my tier 1. The buff is about 1.7x as good for my toon which already cuts through bosses as fast as many scrappers. My total focus, which is already devastating because of all the -res I throw out will go from 414 dam to 477.8 dam.

So I'll definitely be able to see and feel the buff on that toon. It is a major increase in my orange numbers. But I really don't see a FF or emp being satisfied with it in the long run.

Basically I'm not excited about the specifics of the buff because of all the defender whining about struggling to solo it wasn't a global complaint it was always specific to certain sets. But rather than address specific problems the Uncle Benz 2 minute instant rice solution was employed.


Posted's a pretty lazy fix.

My personal issue with the Inherent was that IMO, a good Inherent both rewards you for doing your job and helps you do it better. All the good Inherents do both of those things.

Old Vigilance rewarded you for not doing your job or doing it poorly and helped you not do it well even better. New Vigilance rewards you for not doing your job or doing it poorly and punishes you for teaming on a team-based AT. GG.

But hey, what do I know, I play Corrs all the time

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Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I think the dev explanation for the defender buff says it all. Pure whining got this change put into place. And while I say good for defenders (I play them too), its not how I prefer things to be prioritized.
My favorite part was the quotes put around certain phrases. I couldn't help but read it in a sarcastic, dismissive tone.
Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Due to concerns that Defenders inherent power Vigilance was "too weak" or "non-obvious" or "provided little benefit to the defender himself"
It was probably not intended to be dismissive and condescending, but it can be read to sound like, "There is no "real" problem with defenders, however, to quiet complaining, we made the most meaningless change possible that we felt would fool the most people possible."

But I might be bitter about this issue.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Eh, I don't think minions are really threatening enough for it to matter if we had Scourge, a 30% damage buff, or critical hits for that matter. They are going to die fairly quickly regardless of what gimmicks your AT has. Scourge is much more effective against more threatening targets, which is good because those are the targets I'm more worried about.

Corruptors have a damage advantage over defenders against targets that actually require more firepower, where as they remain relatively equal (in terms of damage) against targets that don't. Even with the defender inherent change, I would still much rather have Scourge, though I will agree that DoT's should act more like Rain Powers in relation to it, if only to balance the primary/secondary's within the Corruptor AT.

The thing defenders have that I am slightly jealous of on my corr is their higher buff multiplier. I don't consider the difference very significant when comparing powers such as Weave or Maneuvers, but when comparing something like Sonic Dispersion of Fulcrum Shift defenders gain a rather huge advantage.

I also think Defenders have relatively better epic choices, though Scorpion Shield is very nice in Corr's favor for defense building.

Overall I would say Defenders come out ahead of Corr's, not because of their inherit powers, but because Defenders buff values so much higher. That's originally why I thought they had a sort of sub-par inherit, but I guess I've been proven wrong in that regard.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post's a pretty lazy fix.

My personal issue with the Inherent was that IMO, a good Inherent both rewards you for doing your job and helps you do it better. All the good Inherents do both of those things.

Old Vigilance rewarded you for not doing your job or doing it poorly and helped you not do it well even better. New Vigilance rewards you for not doing your job or doing it poorly and punishes you for teaming on a team-based AT. GG.
I know a lot of the content on this game is easily trivialized by buff sets (Defenders in particular), which by the way makes the entire argument about the inherent even crazier, but believe it or not there are no few circumstances where a team may be taking damage that has nothing to do with how well you're doing your job, in which case the endurance discount may come in handy to keep your end going longer. Further, the very idea that anyone would seriously view it as 'encouragement not to do their job' assumes that any significant number of players are real jerks. Which may be true, but I prefer to think that is not the case.

I know this isn't a normal RPG, but there's a fairly common rule of thumb when it comes to interpretation there (and other places): If one interpretation is patently stupid or insane and one is not, the one that is not is probably the way to go. So are we to assume that Vigilance actually encourages anyone (by 'anyone' I mean any significant number of people) to 'not do their job well', or that the Devs assume the above circumstances are more commonly encountered than we do? The former is crazy-and-or-stupid, the latter is perhaps misguided, but reasonable. Do the math.

Further, and I know I'm not even remotely close to being the first person to point this out, you are not 'punished' for teaming. The extra damage when solo is a buff in the single most commonly complained about thing with Defenders, as far as I've seen over the years. When was the last time somebody posted "You know, I realize I turn any team I'm on into a totally absurd killing machine that trivializes virtually all the content in the game, but I'm really dissatisfied with my personal damage output on teams.", and wasn't just being sarcastic?

Defenders add more to teams than any other AT, aside possibly from Controllers (and that's another issue and set of complaints completely). They are not 'being punished' by not getting a damage buff that they get solo. You are not losing a buff as you gain team members, you are gaining a buff without them. You might see that as semantics, but it really isn't. The amount a Defender contributes on a team is not additive per extra members, it is exponential (no math arguments please, the point is illustrative not precise). The Devs are absolutely correct in thinking that Defenders do not need a buff when on teams of 4+ other players, and it's disingenuous at best to play it off like a 'punishment' that you don't get one.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I'll be the first on board if specific power sets were being examined to address some of the inequalities within the AT, but a global buff really doesn't address any of the issues that defenders have other than to spackle on some fresh filler in hopes the cracks won't resurface in the near future. A global buff like this benefits the defenders that were already strong at solo'ing far more than the defenders that struggle with it. And the defenders that were already good at solo'ing (basically everything but Emp and FF and elec blast) already solo'd well lol.
I am in total agreement with you on this one. I think the larger concern is the wide range of solo performance between Defender primaries. This is something that has been my argument for a long time. Considering that after 6 years, Empathy has not been changed (in a positive way) tells me that they (Devs) consider this set properly balanced. The same can be said about Forcefields, but that powerset has seen some small tweaks, which were probably more in response to the MAJOR impact that GDN had on the set. Much the same way SR recieved some small amount of attention after GDN.

We probably disagree mostly on the "definition" of Soloing "well". That's all.
I have played Dark/Electric and Rad/Electric and even though these sets handled missions relatively well (solo), they still were considerably slower than even the "worst" Tanker I have played. And Tanks are MUCH MUCH safer. So thats why you will see me often bring Tankers into the discussion when talking solo speed. Tanker solo speed seems (to me) a perfectly balanced AT. Slower but safer, providing a great group benefit but at the expense of reaching the top DPS heights of the damage dealing ATs. Defenders do not have the incredible "safety" and "durability" that tankers enjoy due to their "increased" group benefit. But should they also suffer in the "kill speed" area as well?? For me, I cannot prove that there is an imbalance, It just "feels" like Defenders pay a pretty large price for their "team awesomeness". Not to mention that when they are in their "awesome mode", it can feel more like "work" than "fun".

Sorry for the rambling




We probably disagree mostly on the "definition" of Soloing "well". That's all.
I have played Dark/Electric and Rad/Electric and even though these sets handled missions relatively well (solo), they still were considerably slower than even the "worst" Tanker I have played.
This is a very interesting point of perception. I'm unaware of comparative numbers between the two ATs when solo (how long it takes to complete the same mission, solo, for instance) but I pretty much completely gave up on soloing with tankers at low to mid levels. It seemed, to me, such a grueling task that I stopped soloing on tankers some time ago. Defenders are slowish as well, to me, but since I don't play Emp or Force Field never so slow as Tankers do.

Again, this is purely perception based observation, as I have no numbers to back anything up.



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
This is a very interesting point of perception. I'm unaware of comparative numbers between the two ATs when solo (how long it takes to complete the same mission, solo, for instance) but I pretty much completely gave up on soloing with tankers at low to mid levels. It seemed, to me, such a grueling task that I stopped soloing on tankers some time ago. Defenders are slowish as well, to me, but since I don't play Emp or Force Field never so slow as Tankers do.

Again, this is purely perception based observation, as I have no numbers to back anything up.

Well, one of the Key differences to me on leveling up a Tanker versus a Defender is actually building a "decent" attack chain. Defenders have a harder time in the early stages of the game, and there are "Vet" powers and "pool" powers that can "skew" this issue considerably. For the Most part, building a Tanker (melee concept AT) and adding in AS or Boxing, or even Sands of Mu, will be a very good benefit to an attack chain as well as staying within a concept build. Defenders OTH can also take some melee attacks to assist in building an early attack chain, but what if you prefer to stay "out of melee" or have a preferred concept to avoid these attacks.

When I soloed my Empath, my earliest attack chain was Charged Bolts, Lightning Bolt, Air Superiority and Boxing. They chained together well and allowed me to eliminate threats at a speed which helped while solo. I later respecced out of this chain, because simply, it sucked. But your options on defenders are limited at the early stages. AoEs are way too costly to be part of your chain and you dont have enough ST choices to avoid "wait" periods during solo combat. Those "dead" times between attacks are often punctuated with hospital trips. Hehe




I'm famous for playing an FFer, and I've never felt that my soloing was "slow".

Since I usually have greater tools to protect myself than other Defenders, I actually don't need to stop and recuperate very often at all, I can keep going like a one person steamroller.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Before these changes, I preferred Corrs to Defenders because the buff/debuff strength difference wasn't noticeable to me in gameplay, but the damage difference was. Since I team a lot, this leaves Defenders in more or less the same boat as far as I'm concerned.

My other problem with the Defender inherent was/is that it's well, boring.
I'm the opposite. I don't notice a huge difference in their damage (unless it's an AV) but I really prefer the defender's higher buff/debuff modifiers (especially on the ancillary personal armors). I do agree on the last line though. I'm quick to play devil's advocate whenever someone makes a vigilance change thread, but the best argument against vigilance is probably that it has little perceivable value or impact in most situations. I miss vigilance if I'm playing a mastermind because of their crazy huge costs, but that's about it. And there ARE ways of making vigilance more interesting without making defenders much more powerful. The idea I've been batting around for awhile lately is making their toggle buffs not suppress/turn off while held. Obviously, this favors some powersets more than others, but at this point I think that's an unavoidable consequence.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
We probably disagree mostly on the "definition" of Soloing "well". That's all.
I have played Dark/Electric and Rad/Electric and even though these sets handled missions relatively well (solo), they still were considerably slower than even the "worst" Tanker I have played. And Tanks are MUCH MUCH safer. So thats why you will see me often bring Tankers into the discussion when talking solo speed. Tanker solo speed seems (to me) a perfectly balanced AT. Slower but safer, providing a great group benefit but at the expense of reaching the top DPS heights of the damage dealing ATs. Defenders do not have the incredible "safety" and "durability" that tankers enjoy due to their "increased" group benefit. But should they also suffer in the "kill speed" area as well?? For me, I cannot prove that there is an imbalance, It just "feels" like Defenders pay a pretty large price for their "team awesomeness". Not to mention that when they are in their "awesome mode", it can feel more like "work" than "fun".

Sorry for the rambling
We may not disagree at all! If you notice Elec blast was front and center of the sets that I highlighted as needing some love.

With regard to the vigilance end discount I actually really liked it on my storm and (pre HL) cold defenders. Even when you are doing your job people will take some damage and they use a lot of endurance. I imagine I'd like it on a sonic as well. But the other sets either don't use very much endurance or have powerful heals which is where I agree with Silas that it is either unnoticeable or only effective if you ignore part of your role.



The other thing I sometimes think about is all the people that complain about FF and how it sucks to solo with. Granted.

But are they aware that by lvl 19 and still running on DO's (no IO's) they can give every single person on their team 42.5% defense to all but psi if they wanted to?

Not to mention mez protection and end drain protection.

I dunno, but if you want to protect everyone without having to babysit them all like a heal based set does FF is amazing. And not just protect them all, but easily give them 90% damage mitigation.

Why would a set that can do that be permitted to solo as well as some of the other sets?



Forcefields is pretty solid for soloing, because of the Mezz protection and very powerful defensive tools. In fact contrasting My Empath's road to 30 with my FF going to 30, they both have no tools for increasing their damage outside of Assault, but I found Empathy to have the edge prior to SO's, but after SO's its really no contest. Forcefield's Mez protection is such a helpful power while solo that it easily can solo better than Empathy with moderate defense combined with KB. Then, if you do like I have and take PFF, Aid Other, Aid Self soloing is really an excercise in "how long till I wear down my enemies".

On a team, I have a somewhat different opinion. My Empath "feels" much more complete as a support character. Buff as many as I can, AB who needs it most, fire Auras at opportune times (like right before an AV fight starts) and patch up the rest with heals.
With Forcefields, buff-up and hope everyone's green bars stay filled, cause I am gonna be going "offensive". Hehe, well I have medicine too, but that was more a side effect of wanting another layer of "personal" survival.




I consider soloing an FF to be somewhat akin to playing a Super Reflexes character. It takes time to build up all that defense, and defense is really only good in large amounts. But once you gather it all together, it's really good.



KB= Defense. Enemies aren't attacking you when they're on their butts. And you get one of the best KB powers in the game at level 2 if you want it.



Hmm...looking at this buff I think there may be something else impacted. Defender Duo's.

For example two sonic/emp defenders constantly casting Fortitude (while running assault) sounds fantastic. I'm sure theres a few other Duo's that will be pretty damaging combos when this goes live.

Has this been looked at or thought about at all, I wonder?

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Originally Posted by RiverOcean View Post
Hmm...looking at this buff I think there may be something else impacted. Defender Duo's.

For example two sonic/emp defenders constantly casting Fortitude (while running assault) sounds fantastic. I'm sure theres a few other Duo's that will be pretty damaging combos when this goes live.

Has this been looked at or thought about at all, I wonder?
Base damage + Fort + Assault + slotting = 245% damage

Adding a 20% damage buff to that is an 8% increase in output.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.