Changed Defender inherent for i17

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
8 FF is slow. FF is an example of defs that don't stack well because after 2 of them they are entirely redundant.
They don't need to stack past the 2nd one (except as protection from defense debuffs). When you have an 8 man team where none of them have any fear, they can just charge and toss out AoEs. Even vs +2s 8 Nrg Torrents kills the minions, 8 Explosive Blasts ends the Lts. And Nrg is not the greatest AoE set.

Sure, 8 emps have the defense and then also +recharge, +recovery, +regen, +to-hit, +damage, +perception, some heals, as well as protection from sleep, fear, -perception, and confuse (hey, emps don't get end drain resistance! <.< >.> ). But all that other stuff is just icing, since the FF team will take about 10-12 seconds to wipe spawns as opposed to the Emp team taking 5-6 (mmm rolling nukes). Endurance could be an issue on the FF team. 10-12 seconds is not terrible.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
Yes, 8 Emps are slow. Compared to some of the other primaries that have much better synergy and improve what Defenders lack... damage. 8 Emps are safe, but Adrenal boost is still only up 50-75% of the time and it only helps damage in that you get a +Rech, which is nice, but not nearly as helpful as -Res or +Dmg.

Fortitude. Even on a weak team, everyone should have two. Three would be decent and 4+ would be skilled. Everyone on the team with +60% to 120% damage. Some of the defenders may even have Assault as well.

AB and Hasten become perma when you have AB. Even without Hasten, AB is just about perma (IIRC) when you have AB. Rolling Nukes. Since you have more recovery than the crash debuff, you can nuke and just carry on shooting and with AB your nukes recharge very fast.

Green Machine The Numbers of Green Machine

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post

Fortitude. Even on a weak team, everyone should have two. Three would be decent and 4+ would be skilled. Everyone on the team with +60% to 120% damage. Some of the defenders may even have Assault as well.

AB and Hasten become perma when you have AB. Even without Hasten, AB is just about perma (IIRC) when you have AB. Rolling Nukes. Since you have more recovery than the crash debuff, you can nuke and just carry on shooting and with AB your nukes recharge very fast.

Green Machine The Numbers of Green Machine
Interesting. I'll have to take your word on it since I haven't seen it in action. However, I'm not with you on the FF. It just doesn't stack. Yes, they are safe. However, 2 FF defenders and 6 DPSers will do better.

Which still goes to my point that any 8 people will do just fine. 8 FFers don't add anything to each other after the 2nd or 3rd defender, and even with their sub-optimal damage they can manage content.

I see the logic on the Emps; however, I'd have to see it as even a +60% boosted defender is still pretty poor. Rolling nukes on the other hand could be very good.

Consider that a defender with a 60% damage boost is still worse than blaster base damage. 120% would be an improvement on blaster damage, but how often can you keep all this up and how much does your damage suffer for it?

Fort has a 120 sec duration and a 2.27 sec cast.
AM has a 90 sec duration and a 2.27 sec cast.

To keep 4 up with AM you need to cast...
4x Fort = 9.08 sec
1 1/3x AM = 3.02 sec
Total 12.1 sec cast / 120 seconds = 10.08% buff time.
This does not assume any targeting time or moving to keep people in range

1 Fort = 25.6% damage buff = 89.3 = 64.1% blaster damage
2 Fort = 55.7% damage buff = 110.7 = 79.52% blaster damage
3 Fort = 81.8% damage buff = 129.25 = 92.8% blaster damage
4 Fort = 110% damage buff = 149.31 = 107.26% blaster damage
* The above assumes base damage only, IE no enhancements.
** It also assumes the blaster is not using AIM + BU in this chain, or the numbers get worse for the Defenders.

In reality, you have a hard time keeping 4 forts on people all the time. So you are better off having a 4 emps and 4 blasters. Keep the buffs on the blasters and they eclipse your damage by far. You don't even need to rolling nuke at that point. More damage and same survivability. That's my definition of not very stackable.

Anyway, this is getting more off point.

We've shown that any 8 schlubs, even with sub optimal stacking can make it through content. Normally, most of those 8 schlubs are doing DPS. Adding damage to defenders will not unbalance things at all as those same 8 people were already getting through the content just fine.

2 FF and 6 Blasters will tear through things faster than 8 FF and still be as safe. So since that team is fine for the game, giving those FF defenders some more damage so that when they aren't using their bubbles they can actually contribute is only a good thing in my mind. Even your EMP team will only be marginally more damage at .8 than blasters, so again, why is adding damage a bad thing?



Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
However, 2 FF defenders and 6 DPSers will do better.
I agree. I was not saying that 8 FF defenders are top tier. I was only countering this:
Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
8 FF, pretty bad.
8 FF defenders would be good. They would not be mind-blowing amazing, but they also would not be anywhere near bad (with reasonable power selections). If built as a team instead of just 8 PuGs, 4+ defender Assaults will put them into very good territory.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
Yes, 8 Emps are slow. Compared to some of the other primaries that have much better synergy and improve what Defenders lack... damage. 8 Emps are safe, but Adrenal boost is still only up 50-75% of the time and it only helps damage in that you get a +Rech, which is nice, but not nearly as helpful as -Res or +Dmg.
Fort is +30% damage and you have 3+ of them on you all the time. AB isn't up all the time by itself, but if you have AB from someone else it is.

You have 8 people doing double damage who never run out of energy, have high def and tons of healing, and can throw out their best attacks more often. That is a killing machine.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Fort is +30% damage and you have 3+ of them on you all the time. AB isn't up all the time by itself, but if you have AB from someone else it is.

You have 8 people doing double damage who never run out of energy, have high def and tons of healing, and can throw out their best attacks more often. That is a killing machine.
8 Defenders, doing double damage is still worse than 8 blasters who are using no team or personal buffs.

Now, they lack the defense/healing, granted. Energy is rarely a problem post Stamina. You have enough to wipe a mob, and it's back by the next mob. Usually. Of course if this is an issue (Fire/Storm, or some other end hungry set) you can IO around that.

So those 8 defenders are kind of more like 8 survivable, badly slotted, blasters who never use their self buffs. (IE 8 very hard to kill characters doing very low end blaster damage)

It's a killing machine because this game does not require you to have an optimal character or team to manage content. You can do just about anything in the game on a toon with just SOs.

Again, that comes back to my point. Adding damage to defenders doesn't unbalance anything, just as adding damage to Tankers didn't when that happened. Why? The game is not designed to need optimal characters and 8 reasonably competent players will manage 95%+ of the content in the game regardless of AT, slotting, or power selection.

Make defenders fun to play whether you are solo, duo, or playing 8.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
On top of that, those tankers will benefit from the same buffs and debuffs the defender is using, while not needing to spend any time animating those buffs and debuffs.
I can see where you're coming from, but the fact of the matter is that the viewpoint is wrong. Archetypes and powersets are balanced based on what is brought to the team, not based on who benefits from it.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
I can see where you're coming from, but the fact of the matter is that the viewpoint is wrong. Archetypes and powersets are balanced based on what is brought to the team, not based on who benefits from it.
I love how this keeps happening game after game too.

What will all the non-support characters do when people who like to play support roles, like myself, decide to play something else.

Ask yourself a question. In any Guild/Super Group etc... has anyone ever been asked/told to switch to their "insert needed support AT/Class here" because we need them for this mission/quest etc... ?

I "believe" that CoX is not yer ordinary MMO. Its the reason I returned to play after a 3 year absence. I also believe that it is not "done" and can be improved, tweaked, etc... to make it break even more of the "rules" that seem to plague every MMO. But I could just be too optimistic.




Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
8 Defenders, doing double damage is still worse than 8 blasters who are using no team or personal buffs.

Now, they lack the defense/healing, granted. Energy is rarely a problem post Stamina. You have enough to wipe a mob, and it's back by the next mob. Usually. Of course if this is an issue (Fire/Storm, or some other end hungry set) you can IO around that.

So those 8 defenders are kind of more like 8 survivable, badly slotted, blasters who never use their self buffs. (IE 8 very hard to kill characters doing very low end blaster damage
I'm sorry, but you are completely ignoring reality. A team of 8 Empaths means that you have (approximately) 3x fortitude, and at least 2x regen aura on you at all times. You also have AB on you 90% of the time (100% of the time if the Empath's have hasten or ~40% global recharge).

Yes the blasters will do about 17% more damage (assuming 95% damage slotting for both groups). But the Defenders will have softcapped defense, +100% recharge (90% of the time), mez protection, a huge to hit bonus (useful if you want to go up against +3s or +4s and aren't a /Devices Blaster), a huge regen bonus and healing. So the Defender team is several orders of magnitude tougher than the blasters and has the capability to go against +3s and +4s without needing to worry about hitting. They barely take any damage and the little they do take gets restored pretty quickly just from the regen buffs (or a quick heal other if necessary). Add in the fact that the recharge bonus means that the Defenders are probably actually out-damaging the blasters since they can use their AoEs a lot more often.

So yeah, a team of 8 Blasters has slightly higher damage, but the team of 8 empaths is significantly more powerful.

Oh and increasing Defender damage modifier to 0.8? The Empath team gets a 5% damage bonus over Blasters. So they'd be dealing more damage, hitting more often, and significantly tougher.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'm sorry, but you are completely ignoring reality. A team of 8 Empaths means that you have (approximately) 3x fortitude, and at least 2x regen aura on you at all times. You also have AB on you 90% of the time (100% of the time if the Empath's have hasten or ~40% global recharge).
Yes, which I acknowledged. The defenders are more survivable. At best they do slightly more than an all blaster team. On average they are 20% worse. That's a reasonable trade off in my book. Again all Emp's is not optimal. Say 4 emps keeping 4 blasters in a groove will consistently put out more damage than 8 emps and still have the same survivability. Which seems to be the intent of the character concept.

Yes the blasters will do about 17% more damage (assuming 95% damage slotting for both groups). But the Defenders will have softcapped defense, +100% recharge (90% of the time), mez protection, a huge to hit bonus (useful if you want to go up against +3s or +4s and aren't a /Devices Blaster), a huge regen bonus and healing. So the Defender team is several orders of magnitude tougher than the blasters and has the capability to go against +3s and +4s without needing to worry about hitting. They barely take any damage and the little they do take gets restored pretty quickly just from the regen buffs (or a quick heal other if necessary). Add in the fact that the recharge bonus means that the Defenders are probably actually out-damaging the blasters since they can use their AoEs a lot more often.
Agreed that it's tougher. However without a damaging secondary, the +Rech is really not a factor. The blasters should have a reasonable attack chain that minimizes down time. Also with the same hasten, and using their self buffs, they will continue to do more damage.

Hitting +3/4's is not a problem for any toon post 30's. At least not with any intelligent slotting. I have few characters that post less than a 95% hit chance without buffs/debuffs even against + enemies. It's just not that hard to hit in this game, by design.

They lack healing and will have more downtime. That's a given as well.

So yeah, a team of 8 Blasters has slightly higher damage, but the team of 8 empaths is significantly more powerful.
Realize that the comparison that was made was a fully buffed team compared to a vanilla attack chain from a blaster. No self buffs. No extra slotting. Nothing. Add in Aim + BU and the disparity grows.

Oh and increasing Defender damage modifier to 0.8? The Empath team gets a 5% damage bonus over Blasters. So they'd be dealing more damage, hitting more often, and significantly tougher.
Ok, so now (with .8) we're to the point that a tricked out 8 man team, buffing itself, can reach slightly more than blaster level damage and has some very nice survivability.

Where is the problem with that? Take a tank + 7 blasters. Tank takes alpha, blasters AOE spawn to death. Rinse repeat. Take a controller with AOE stun + 7 blasters. AOE death again. 2 FF defenders + 6 blasters. 2 sonics + 6 blasters. 1 kin + 1 tanker + 6 scrappers. All of those combination's have greater kill speed then this 'superteam'. All of them do more damage and have close to the same levels of survivability.

I'd still want to have or play a blaster in that environment because more people will be playing defenders to give me some insane damage boosts.

You've already told me that 8 emps are a rolling death machine. Which I agree (of course I think nearly any 8 player team of competent players is a rolling death machine) so does adding damage make them more of a death machine? Dead mobs are dead mobs. If they already are killing quickly, then adding another 23% damage is not going to make the mobs more deader.

It does however make it far more enjoyable for two defenders to play, or one solo. Or a defender and a tank. Because when you don't have you buffs stacked in just the right way... well then you are looking at serious time to kill Lt's and even some minions.

Last night I was playing a lowbie tank (lvl9). We had tank/tank/scrap/scrap/blast/blast/troller/peace. Rolled right along on +3 (the fender was a cold). Would a bunch of defenders made it easier? Probably not. Fights lasted a few seconds each, there were few to no deaths. Would a little more damage from the Ice have unbalanced the team. No.

Again, we've been down this road already with tankers. The same arguments came up there. People still play scrappers.



Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
Agreed that it's tougher. However without a damaging secondary, the +Rech is really not a factor. The blasters should have a reasonable attack chain that minimizes down time. Also with the same hasten, and using their self buffs, they will continue to do more damage.
Yuo are really underestimating the value of +Rech. Yes, Blasters will have a decent attack chain, but it will be mostly composed of single target attacks. Even Assault Rifle (the premier AoE blast set finds it hard to do only AoE attacks. Having more +Recharge means the Defenders are dealing more AoE damage faster than the blasters will. They also have their 3rd blast up more frequently which further increases their damage output.

Hitting +3/4's is not a problem for any toon post 30's. At least not with any intelligent slotting. I have few characters that post less than a 95% hit chance without buffs/debuffs even against + enemies. It's just not that hard to hit in this game, by design.
For an IO'd character yes, for an SO'd character without any to hit buffs or -def... not so much. You need 97% accuracy to get a 95% hit chance against +3s. Unless the Blasters are /Dev, heavily IO'd or have a couple of people running Tactics they aren't going to be hitting +3s anywhere near as well as the defenders.

They lack healing and will have more downtime. That's a given as well.
And downtime means less speed. If the Blasters are stopping to rest after every X spawns then they need to be moving through the spawns faster than the defenders to compensate.

Realize that the comparison that was made was a fully buffed team compared to a vanilla attack chain from a blaster. No self buffs. No extra slotting. Nothing. Add in Aim + BU and the disparity grows.
Actually it was assuming 95% damage slotting. As for Aim and BU they only really serve to front load the damage somewha. That is useful but they aren't a consistent damage boost. If combined with a nuke power they can be used to wipe most of a spawn but even with 8 Blasters it's hard to do that every spawn.

Where is the problem with that? Take a tank + 7 blasters. Tank takes alpha, blasters AOE spawn to death. Rinse repeat. Take a controller with AOE stun + 7 blasters. AOE death again. 2 FF defenders + 6 blasters. 2 sonics + 6 blasters. 1 kin + 1 tanker + 6 scrappers. All of those combination's have greater kill speed then this 'superteam'. All of them do more damage and have close to the same levels of survivability.
You are makign two assumptions here that I disagree with:
1. That the overall damage output of a blaster is better than the buffed defenders (I disagree due to the +recharge fo the defender)
2. That there is no downtime for any of these teams

It does however make it far more enjoyable for two defenders to play, or one solo. Or a defender and a tank. Because when you don't have you buffs stacked in just the right way... well then you are looking at serious time to kill Lt's and even some minions.
But it is also perfectly possible to buff defenders in a way that makes the solo and duo defenders more fun without increasing the potential of the defender team.



Sarrate says it all.

Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post

There are two reasons why Defenders are so hard to balance:
  • Not only are their buffs/debuffs extremely large, but they also all stack with one another. Due to this, Defenders (and pretty much all buff/debuff ATs) over perform on teams. The mitigation and damage boosts they provide can completely outstrip what others can do. It doesn't take a team of 8 Defenders to trivialize content - that can be done with less. For example, with just two Cold Defenders, you get:

    1) Soft capped defense for 6/8 memebers of the team.
    2) +MaxHP buffs for 4/8 memebers of the team without slotting
    3) Res to F/C/E and recharge debuffs
    4) Significant recharge, damage, regen, and resistance debuffs along with knockdowns
    5) Endurance recovery
    6) -Special debuff

    That's with just two Defenders. You could push it further by adding a Kin or Rad to the team. (There is also the possibility of making them Sonic Blast..)

    A bit of an extreme example, yes, but illustration that you don't need 8 Defenders for things to get absurd really, really quick.
  • The second problem is the variability of their performance. The Defender primaries vary wildly compared to all other ATs. While the performance between Spines and Dark Melee is pretty wide, it doesn't hold a candle to trying to compare FF and Kin. Suppose the devs want Defenders to perform at X plus or minus 10; so between X-10 and X+10. If ther difference between the top performing and bottom performing Defender is 18, then there isn't a lot of wiggle room. (The ideal in that case would be X-9 and X+9.)
What does this have to do with damage?

If Defenders already overperform on teams due to their primary, then adding more damage would only do one thing: make them perfrom even better on teams, the exact place where Defenders don't need help because they're already overperforming. (Remember, not only are the Defenders increasing the damage of the team, they are increasing their own damage, as well.)

With the large difference in performance as it is, universally increasing their damage is far more likely to push some combination into "too high" territory.
Many of the posts on the last two pages have been highlighting one side this equation or the other, but Sarrate marries them well.

It is possible, of course, to increase Fender solo Damage while decreasing Fender large-team Damage.

I'm not here to make you laugh.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Yuo are really underestimating the value of +Rech. Yes, Blasters will have a decent attack chain, but it will be mostly composed of single target attacks. Even Assault Rifle (the premier AoE blast set finds it hard to do only AoE attacks. Having more +Recharge means the Defenders are dealing more AoE damage faster than the blasters will. They also have their 3rd blast up more frequently which further increases their damage output.
But some of the blaster secondaries have additional AOEs in them. However, that does limit it to certain sets. Also, with just hasten, there should be enough AOE's for the blasters to wipe mob after mob with little work.

Still I will grant that this is something that I can only say based on experience and not with any hard numbers.

For an IO'd character yes, for an SO'd character without any to hit buffs or -def... not so much. You need 97% accuracy to get a 95% hit chance against +3s. Unless the Blasters are /Dev, heavily IO'd or have a couple of people running Tactics they aren't going to be hitting +3s anywhere near as well as the defenders.
Granted, every toon I have is IO'ed so my perspective is kind of skewed in that regard. However, even some mild IOing would get you to 95% all the time. Even with SOs, you are looking at high 80%s against +3s. To hit is a problem that is really, really easily solved. Which is something I've debated on Earth controllers. -DEF is not really all that useful in today's environment.

And downtime means less speed. If the Blasters are stopping to rest after every X spawns then they need to be moving through the spawns faster than the defenders to compensate.
I don't know if you PUG much, but yeah every now and then a toon will have to drop out for resting, but if you are rolling along, it's not that much of a problem post stamina. Say a few percent drop off at best?

Actually it was assuming 95% damage slotting. As for Aim and BU they only really serve to front load the damage somewha. That is useful but they aren't a consistent damage boost. If combined with a nuke power they can be used to wipe most of a spawn but even with 8 Blasters it's hard to do that every spawn.
Certainly, I wouldn't expect a nuke every spawn just as I would be skeptical to say you'll have 4 forts on everyone all the time.

Which when used with AOEs forms as a bit of mitigation if you are wiping things fast enough. Also with hasten you are looking at having them up 15-25% of the time depending on your +RECH from slotting. That's consistent enough to skew the numbers pretty far away from defender damage.

Here's the numbers simplified:
Defender base = 1 (36)
Blaster base = 2 (72)
Defender enhanced = 2
Blaster enhanced = 4
Defender capped = 5
Blaster capped = 10
*Note all numbers were taken from City of Data

So even if you are capped all the time, you are only doing a little but more than a blaster anyway. The team we were talking about was between 60% and 120%.

Which would be around 3 ish for damage with 95% damage slotting. That's a "killing machine" type defender team. Which I'm not disputing, I'm just saying that your average balanced team just just as good since the content is easy enough.

You are makign two assumptions here that I disagree with:
1. That the overall damage output of a blaster is better than the buffed defenders (I disagree due to the +recharge fo the defender)
2. That there is no downtime for any of these teams
Currently, I don't think that's much of a debate. I have a Kin/Rad who consistently gets out done by a Rad/Psy that I have in terms of damage. I can check this with hero stats and DPS. It's not really even all that close and I can live close to the damage cap on my Kin/Rad and have perma hasten with SS.

I did not account for downtime, which I will grant is a small advantage for the all defender team. However, all it takes is one defender or controller added to a blaster/DPS team and your numbers go out the window. Their damage is so much higher which is why balanced progress nearly as good as the all defender team.

Go back to the emp team. 8 emps does fne. 4 emps and 4 blasters does far better.

But it is also perfectly possible to buff defenders in a way that makes the solo and duo defenders more fun without increasing the potential of the defender team.
I'll certainly grant that. However, I'd like it to be in a manner that doesn't turn them into a jekyl and hyde abomination. In other words, I do fine solo, but in a 2 or 3 man team, I'm back to mostly neutered.

Still if there are other ideas then I'd be happy to see them too.

.8 or .75 doesn't impact the game in any meaningful fashion. People still will play other ATs just like they did when Tankers got their buff. The game balance stayed pretty much the same.



Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
8 Defenders, doing double damage is still worse than 8 blasters who are using no team or personal buffs.

Now, they lack the defense/healing, granted. Energy is rarely a problem post Stamina. You have enough to wipe a mob, and it's back by the next mob. Usually. Of course if this is an issue (Fire/Storm, or some other end hungry set) you can IO around that.

So those 8 defenders are kind of more like 8 survivable, badly slotted, blasters who never use their self buffs. (IE 8 very hard to kill characters doing very low end blaster damage)
You are wrong. You have been shown your are wrong. Get educated and then post again.

If you don't see how dropping an 800 damage nuke every 90 seconds and literally making a chain of aoes in between with all 8 people doing it is amazing then I'm not sure what to say. It is more like 8 very well slotted arch blasters that have regeneration secondary with perma instant healing.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
You are wrong. You have been shown your are wrong. Get educated and then post again.

If you don't see how dropping an 800 damage nuke every 90 seconds and literally making a chain of aoes in between with all 8 people doing it is amazing then I'm not sure what to say. It is more like 8 very well slotted arch blasters that have regeneration secondary with perma instant healing.
Good thing we are all just having a spirited discussion, however don't bother to support what you are saying. That's ok.

I've supported everything I've been saying with numbers. You've told me to get educated. I've been told to check reality.

I've played on superteams and I've played with all defenders. You are comparing the extreme of the spectrum against the median of the other side. Defender teams can be really good. I won't argue that. However, there is no getting over the fact that Defender damage is so low that even when capped it's barely better than a base blaster.

That doesn't count anything else that the blaster might have going on.

The 8 Emp team is probably better than I credit it. However, you are discrediting the fact that a blaster team doesn't need as many AOE's and has plenty to choose from to do the same thing. Sure, they can only nuke every 180 seconds, but they don't need to since they hit harder. If they have a single tank or troller, they can mitigate the alpha and do just fine.

We also haven't bothered to discuss that you can do many of the things your superteam can do with IOs. I can cap defense, get perma hasten, boost damage (to a much smaller degree) and many other things. Granted this takes time and money, but it is quite possible.

So when we come back to the damage equation, the Devs seem to allow for a blaster with perma hasten and soft capped defense. If a defender has some more damage all the time, and makes it really nice with some kind of crafted team, that's already something the devs seem to implicitly allow.

Nor has anyone responded the historical precedent set by tankers. Same gloom and doom in the forums. Same contention that you can't give them damage survivability. Yet no game melt down has occurred.



Originally Posted by Torrynt View Post
Granted, every toon I have is IO'ed so my perspective is kind of skewed in that regard. However, even some mild IOing would get you to 95% all the time. Even with SOs, you are looking at high 80%s against +3s. To hit is a problem that is really, really easily solved. Which is something I've debated on Earth controllers. -DEF is not really all that useful in today's environment.
Base to hit against +3s is 48%. Assuming no +to hit bonuses (and no defense for the target) you need two level 50 accuracy IOs to get an approximately 86% hit chance against +3s. Now given that most people like to 3-slot damage, this means you only have one slot left for recharge or endurance reduction. Conversely the Defender team only needs 1 accuracy SO (and could probably manage without that, but most people like one for safety).

Which when used with AOEs forms as a bit of mitigation if you are wiping things fast enough. Also with hasten you are looking at having them up 15-25% of the time depending on your +RECH from slotting. That's consistent enough to skew the numbers pretty far away from defender damage.

Here's the numbers simplified:
Defender base = 1 (36)
Blaster base = 2 (72)
Defender enhanced = 2
Blaster enhanced = 4
Defender capped = 5
Blaster capped = 10
*Note all numbers were taken from City of Data

So even if you are capped all the time, you are only doing a little but more than a blaster anyway. The team we were talking about was between 60% and 120%.
You've given Blasters a higher base damage than they actually have (they do 73% more damage than defenders, not double).

As for your assertion, you are forgetting to factor in enhancements. The team we were talking about was assuming 3 x fortitude which is a 93.75% bonus added to the 95% enhancement bonus.

Here are the actual numbers (using the scaled damage modifiers just because I prefer them):
Defender base: 0.65
Defender w/ Enhancements and 3x Fort: 0.65 * (1 + 0.95 + 0.9375) = 1.877

Blaster base: 1.125
Blaster Enhanced: 1.125 * (1 + 0.95) = 2.194

So the Defenders aren't quite doing Blaster damage, but they are pretty close.

Go back to the emp team. 8 emps does fne. 4 emps and 4 blasters does far better.
You might actually be correct, I was mostly using the 8 Empath team to compare to an 8 Blaster team since you were claiming that 8 Blasters were better. Defenders don't all stack to the same degree. For example if you've got an FF defender on the team adding a second one doesn't give you much (except maybe against enemies with a lot of defense debuffs). In the case of Empathy 8 Empaths don't bring a lot more to a team than 4 do. Four (maybe 3 with Hasten) Empaths can AB each other and use Fort to softcap everyone reasonably easily along with permanent RAs. After that there are better Defenders to add, for example a Kin to take everyone to the damage cap and some Defenders with good resistance debuffs (Cold, Storm, Rad, Dark, TA) to increase damage even more.

8 Empaths makes a nice baseline team since the math is easy but it's far from the best all defender team out there, in fact it's probably one of the worst. Personally I'd say take two Colds (soft capped defense and resistance debuffs), two Sonics (capped resistance to all but psi, AoE mez protection, more resistance debuffs), two Kinetics (capped damage, you could manage with one, but two makes it easier), two Radiation (more -Def and -Res also AM). It would be useful if a couple were running Tactics for the to hit bonus but there are probably enough -def debuffs to manage without.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
If you don't see how dropping an 800 damage nuke every 90 seconds and literally making a chain of aoes in between with all 8 people doing it is amazing then I'm not sure what to say. It is more like 8 very well slotted arch blasters that have regeneration secondary with perma instant healing.
In one of your posts, did you say Blasters dont do AoEs as well as Defenders ?

Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
You are really underestimating the value of +Rech. Yes, Blasters will have a decent attack chain, but it will be mostly composed of single target attacks. Even Assault Rifle (the premier AoE blast set finds it hard to do only AoE attacks. Having more +Recharge means the Defenders are dealing more AoE damage faster than the blasters will. They also have their 3rd blast up more frequently which further increases their damage output.
Ok sorry, It was not your post Frosticus

One of Torrynts Examples was a 4 Emp 4 Blaster Team. If I am not mistaken, those 4 EMPS could AB the Blasters who then use their OWN Nukes without crashes and I am pretty sure they would do More damage. Additionally, those blasters would be like very well slotted Archery Blasters that have a regeneration secondary and perma instant healing. Hmmm... Not seeing your argument winning over his. Besides, I dont see the relevance of talking about all defender, all controller or all anything teams. They should probably be taken into account by the developers when balancing the game, but "in-game" they are quite out of the ordinary, so dont really matter to me and most players. The facts are that defenders are the lowest population of the Hero-side ATs (not counting Khelds) and there are reasons for it. Should the game designers and developers decide to study this phenom ? Should they do something to make Defenders more appealing to a larger crowd without making them overpowered ?

For me the answer is a clear Yes. But I am biased. I really like Defenders.
I am sure the folks that fought for the Tanker changes felt the same way about their AT.
And they were right for feeling that way. Tankers are just fine now, and scrappers still outnumber them "in-game".




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
In one of your posts, did you say Blasters dont do AoEs as well as Defenders ?

One of Torrynts Examples was a 4 Emp 4 Blaster Team. If I am not mistaken, those 4 EMPS could AB the Blasters who then use their OWN Nukes without crashes and I am pretty sure they would do More damage. Additionally, those blasters would be like very well slotted Archery Blasters that have a regeneration secondary and perma instant healing. Hmmm... Not seeing your argument winning over his.
I don't recall where I said a 8 man team of emps is the most powerful configuration available. Just considerably more powerful than an 8 man team of blasters. Which was the point being debated.

Of course if some of them are emp/sonics then stuff gets fuzzy. But like Adeon said it is usually best to mix and match the force multiplication sets.

Ultimately though, you only need enough mitigation from the defs to handle what you encounter. For which, 8 of any defender is massive overkill (except maybe poor TA). Once you've achieved the necessary survivability it becomes a balancing act of offensive multiplication vs instant damage application.

ie. Defenders can boost damage to insane levels, but it takes time to apply things like freezing rain compared to a blaster hitting aim+build up before the fight begins.

The thing is that the game is so easy that numerous configurations can be considered extreme overkill. And it isn't an 8 man configuration that will set the speed bar it is very likely a configuration of two 4 man squads splitting up that would post the fastest times (possibly even two 3 person squads + a 2 person) because once again the survivability threshold is so easily attained.

But rest assured the original assertion that 8 blasters is on par with 8 emps is not even remotely true. Not with SO's, not with IO's.



How about when defenders are in teams they lose the damage bonus but get 30% bonus to healz instead




Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
You've given Blasters a higher base damage than they actually have (they do 73% more damage than defenders, not double).
You are right on that. Although I had seen in City of Data that 36.1 was base defender and 71 was base blaster. Not sure where that came from... however, your scales are correct, with the exception that you need to reduce damage by 10% to account for buff time.

So the Defenders aren't quite doing Blaster damage, but they are pretty close.

You might actually be correct, I was mostly using the 8 Empath team to compare to an 8 Blaster team since you were claiming that 8 Blasters were better. Defenders don't all stack to the same degree.
Before we got on this tangent, I did mention exactly this. I had a post where I mentioned which primaries I thought stacked well and which didn't. I wasn't to keen on EMP which spawned this side debate.

Also, my point wasn't that 8 blasters were better than 8 defenders, because that would be pretty hard as you have no alpha mitigation. Just that 8 blasters do more damage than 8 defenders. Add in any buffs, self or other and they do significantly more.

It was one of my justifications for allowing defenders to have either .75 or .8.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I don't recall where I said a 8 man team of emps is the most powerful configuration available. Just considerably more powerful than an 8 man team of blasters. Which was the point being debated.
More survivable, but I think we're fairly clear that any 8 blasters with no buffs of any kind still out damage them. That may not be true for all defender teams, but at least for this one it is... nor do I really want to delve into the permutations on perfect defender teams. Because in the end, you can take 7 blasters and 1 something and likely roll along just fine, even if you could come up with more optimal teams/combinations.

ie. Defenders can boost damage to insane levels, but it takes time to apply things like freezing rain compared to a blaster hitting aim+build up before the fight begins.
True and many times that time is not taken into account in DPS calculations. However, to be fair, you can cast Fort, AM, and so on before a fight too.

The thing is that the game is so easy that numerous configurations can be considered extreme overkill.
Ok this was what I was getting at with the 8 blaster team. For the most part you can take 8 of anything and as long as you can take an alpha, you will be just fine.

But rest assured the original assertion that 8 blasters is on par with 8 emps is not even remotely true. Not with SO's, not with IO's.
With damage, I still think in many cases it is still so. As I have mentioned before, survivability, no. Other issues are less important to the team.

Don't get me wrong, I love defenders and controllers. I have played only a handful of blasters in my years of playing. Defenders get the short end of the stick, period. They are one of the few primaries where they routinely don't get the benefits of their own powers. They have the absolute worst damage in the game even though they have a secondary as ranged offense.

Now you can make combinations of them perform well. However, you shouldn't need to. A defender should be playable out of the box, with anywhere from 1-8 teammates.

We've already agreed that any 8 schlubs can roll content. So will defenders having a 20%ish damage buff make that any more true? No. The content is already getting rolled. It does however, directly affect the person playing the defender and trying to level the character when teams are not available or even a small team.



As slight sideways note, regarding defenders and the differences between them, another thread (still on the first page as we speak) was discussing Defender solo speed with a specific interest in being able to do larger spawns. Keep in mind, the only defender I have ever tried raising the diff above x3 is my Empath. The new difficulty sliders were not available back when I played most of my Defenders.

Long story short, one response caught my attention Here:

Originally Posted by Wooden_Replica View Post
in terms of primaries, chose any of the 'offender' primaries that is Dark, Rad, Traps, & Storm, and some may argue TA. These are primaries that offer various forms of debuffs, control, and damage mitigation.....
This was in reference to which primaries soloed the best.

If you make a list of each primary and show which sets have Ally-only powers and exclude Heals and Rezz powers from that list you see some interesting coincidences

Cold Domination (Ice Shield,Glacial Shield,Frostwork)
Dark Miasma (none)
Empathy (Clear Mind, Fortitude, Adrenaline Boost)
Forcefields (Deflection Shield, Insulation Shield)
Kinetics (Increase Density, Speed Boost)
Radiation (none)
Sonic Resonance (Sonic Barrier, Sonic Haven, Disruption Field, Sonic Repulsion, Clarity)
Storm Summoning (none)
Traps (none)
Trick Arrow (none)

Notice all the powersets listed as "offenders" have No Ally Only buffs.
And if you list the sets by order of how many Ally-only buffs, the list seems to take on the order of worst to best soloers amongst the remaining sets;

Sonic Resonance (5)
Empathy (3)
Cold Domination (3)
Forcefields (2)
Kinetics (2)

Kinda what I have been saying all along. Powersets that cannot take advantage of their best buffs/debuffs dont solo as well. Ones that can use their buffs/debuffs can solo well and can actually (apparently) crank up the difficulty above +0/x3, which is something my Empath cannot do, even after spending 500-700 Million Influence to IO him out.
**and about 6 or 7 respecs to try different strategies**




Not sure what you'd be fighting that would be easy enough to not slow the blasters down either via insta faceplants or constant mezzing.

yes 8 blasters can produce similar damage numbers to 8 emp defenders. Depending on how you tweak the situation one or the other will emerge out on top. However, that fails to consider the blaster downtime, the fact that I've personally never build a blaster that can continuously spam attacks without endurance woes (they can be solved by powers like powersink, or drain psyche, but those take time and I just don't see a blaster team going into melee that much.

Even if we pretend the blasters are heavily IO'd they still have large gaps between aoes which unlike an perma AB'd team that can practically chain aoes.

It isn't a matter of a blaster just doing the same damage as the emp'd up defender. it's that in this case the defenders never slow down for anything. Anything. Nothing they face, short of Lord recluse can give them pause.

Whereas the blasters have to pick and choose what enemies they fight as a single matla stun nade can wipe the whole team.

Really though the content doesn't go difficult enough to show just how much better the defenders can be. The defs could probably take on +10's and keep on trucking. The same cannot be said for the blasters.

But ya when it comes to wiping out +2's on a team sure you won't notice the difference, but that doesn't mean it isn't there and that the devs aren't aware of it.

*that isn't to say I'm against a defender damage increase. I'd like to see something that actually gives them a small damage increase while alone or up to 2-3 team mates and gives them a small powerboost effect with 3+teammates.

Adresses the complaints of slow solo'ing and addresses the complaints of controllers being as good team players as them.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Sonic Resonance (5)
Empathy (3)
Cold Domination (3)
Forcefields (2)
Kinetics (2)

Kinda what I have been saying all along. Powersets that cannot take advantage of their best buffs/debuffs dont solo as well. Ones that can use their buffs/debuffs can solo well and can actually (apparently) crank up the difficulty above +0/x3, which is something my Empath cannot do, even after spending 500-700 Million Influence to IO him out.
**and about 6 or 7 respecs to try different strategies**
I might be playing a different cold and kinetics set that you, but mine solo extremely well and very quickly.

granted my cold/dark is not as fast as my fire/cold corr, but it really shouldn't be as it is leagues safer and offers considerably stronger team buffs.

My kin/sonic is sadly not as fast as my plant/kin, nor as safe, but that is almost entirely due to how overpowered controller epics still are (especially stone, I mean perma capped hp, s/l softcap, huge st burst, and good aoe). But pre epics the plant wasn't as fast, but was safer. I don't blame defenders for controllers being too good though.

A bit of a side track, but my storm/sonic kills bosses almost as fast as my BS/shield scrapper. And has the ability to single handedly change the outcome of a battle however I see fit (yes I can wipe a team if I want to haha). That is a very powerful feeling toon.

That said sonic could use some tweaks imo as thermal outshines it. Empathy can make a bad team gods. I just don't see why it should solo as well as other primaries. I think forcefields needs some tweaks as well. I'd give repulsion bomb a 20% -res, call it armor breaking or something.

The three sets that could use a boost across the whole game are FF, Sonic, and TA (imo of course). Sure there are things that could be improved on other buff/debuff sets, but they all fall within a pretty acceptable range of power.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Not sure what you'd be fighting that would be easy enough to not slow the blasters down either via insta faceplants or constant mezzing.
I have and had acknowledged that the defenders are far more survivable. That's not in real question. The contention was that giving defenders more damage makes blasters obsolete, which is ludicrous. It was not true when tankers got a buff and wouldn't be true here.

<snipped why defender team is better than blaster team>

Really though the content doesn't go difficult enough to show just how much better the defenders can be. The defs could probably take on +10's and keep on trucking. The same cannot be said for the blasters.

But ya when it comes to wiping out +2's on a team sure you won't notice the difference, but that doesn't mean it isn't there and that the devs aren't aware of it.
I'd argue +3's for most toons, but that's nit picking and opinion. However, this was my point all along. Adding damage to defenders doesn't matter since you can pick the least survivable team and they will likely roll right along through most of the content. Add in any sort of mitigation tanker/defender/controller, and they will crush any content. The content itself is easy enough that differences in power are mitigated since anyone can complete it easily enough.

*that isn't to say I'm against a defender damage increase. I'd like to see something that actually gives them a small damage increase while alone or up to 2-3 team mates and gives them a small powerboost effect with 3+teammates.

Adresses the complaints of slow solo'ing and addresses the complaints of controllers being as good team players as them.
Now that we're finally back on topic, I would rather see a situation where the defender plays the same in all cases. Look how up in arms people got over the PvP changes. Many of the comments were that their characters did not play the same PvP to PvE. If you have some kind of tiered solution, you run into the same situation.

At least that's what I think would happen. I suppose a sliding damage scale could work. It'd be kudgy, but might address some concerns. So .8 solo, .75 with 1 team mate, .70 with 2-3, and .65 with 4+. That might work, I'd rather a flat damage increase... but at least this would address most of the major concerns.

All that would be left to address is what a defender is supposed to do on a team that is already destroying the content without their buffs? Like when you go to use RI or EF and the mob is dead long before the animation finishes. On a team like that, your .65 is glaringly bad and your role should be supporting offense. They don't need your buffs as the mobs are dying so fast anyway.

P.S. My Kin/Rad did not solo quickly... there was far too much faceplanting for soloing quickly.