Cross Game In Game Trolling, Really?
You'd think so but actually no, it wasn't.
Personally I prefer the fresh clean taste of Game C.
But seriously - People are idiots, hopefully you are not, so ignore them.
Game C is good and it leaves one with minty fresh breath.
But yes, Morons are everywhere, I was just kind of in awe of this one. I believe Flaberghasted is a good word.
I've been seeing more and more of this. Most of the chatter in-game, aside from "grats" and "I'll join your ITF" and the like, seems to be about how terrible City of Heroes is, how bad all its features are compared to Game B (usually, but not always, World of Warcraft), how bad the graphics are, how stupid and/or pointless the story is, how writing bios on characters is dumb, how costumes are a waste of time, how anyone with less than a billion influence is a drooling imbecile, how all the servers are dead, and how the game is doomed.
And people wonder why I've become bitter about this game. The game is better than it ever was. The playerbase is gradually becoming dominated by unpleasant people of every stripe. At the rate we're going, I'm wondering how Going Rogue can possibly live up to its promise to revitalize the game. There isn't much the devs can do when all their players want to do is trash the game.
"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"
Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers
A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"
You know what's funny? I've never once thought CoX had poor graphical quality.
Complainers complain. It's their nature. I try to ignore them especially since the one in the OP is a stupid loser (his words not mine, he did say "everyone who plays Game A is a stupid loser" while playing Game A).
Not that I hear much of it in-game... in fact I hear very few complaints in-game outside of the "I wish they would change..." stuff.
You know what's funny? I've never once thought CoX had poor graphical quality.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
people forget that this game has a theme to it which means we cant have just anything in this game. where as some fantasy based games can add much more cos fantasy is widely open.
while yes this game does need improvements...they are currently on the way and in the works and people are sometimes just too stuiped to think this game has no future when it has more future then most other games.
so to the question...sadly i have seen some of it here and there outside and inside the game.

people forget that this game has a theme to it which means we cant have just anything in this game. where as some fantasy based games can add much more cos fantasy is widely open.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
tribalism is a standard factor of online gaming. My general take is that people who have to go around putting their competitors down apparently feel that the quality of the game they play isnt sufficient to make the case for playing it over this one. or they are teen-aged males, that usually is pretty much an automatic (you know perfectly well)-head card, and it was when i was one too. basically there is no real limit for how much people will act like morons online, given that they cant have the sense beaten into them for their stupidity, /ignore them(to my knowledge all online games have a variation of this function) and be gone, you are missing nothing.
I have seen in game complaining about this game before. A player EU side use to do it all the time. He would log in and just spout hatred all over a global channel. Complain their is no-one to play with then log. Luckily he is doing the right thing and leaving the game instead of complaining about it. Like Golden_Avariel said, complainers complain, and I'll never understand why they feel the need to so damn much!
I've hardly ever seen any actual bashing of CoH in-game, only a few doomsayers waffling on about the how the game's dying.
However, when I play Guild Wars, you practically can't move for people spamming about the supposed superiority of WoW.
Like Golden_Avariel said, complainers complain, and I'll never understand why they feel the need to so damn much!

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
You know what's funny? I've never once thought CoX had poor graphical quality. |
And, cmon, it's worth it to look a little less good if you can actually use a costume you designed yourself instead of doing something like Customizing a face (which nobody ever sees, because Helmets hide your face! gj) or LOOK AT THOSE GIANT SHOULDERPADS! WoW, HE MUST HAVE REAL LEET GEAR! or wearing ugly and mismatched armor because armor set A's chestpiece is good but armor set B's leggings are better than armor set A's so hey look at that you're wearing a bright purple breastplate but some fugly peagreen chainmail pants. Not that I haven't seen people with outfits like that in CoX

As said, some people just like to complain. I also understand that it isn't all that rare for game companies to pay people to talk in other games or on their forums about how awful the game is, and how great the other one is.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Is this happening on a specific server or something? I sometimes see people complaining that the game is dead (usually 30 seconds after spamming "LFT" in Broadcast -- I guess a full team of power-levelers didn't jump to pick you up, eh?), but I hardly ever see anyone doing what the OP describes. But there are only a few servers I can be said to frequent.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
However, when I play Guild Wars, you practically can't move for people spamming about the supposed superiority of WoW.
Likewise, one of the first things I do here on a new character is quarantine Broadcast in its own special idiot-hole.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I'm playing Game A today, running around finishing some quests, getting some items and gear built up.
I find my self in a main hang out area, tons of players running around, lag causing crowd, ya know? And among this group is a player from Game B. Spouting about how much Game A sucks(which he is playing) And Game B is awesome and Game A can't even compare, and everyone who plays Game A is a stupid loser for playing it. |
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I see a lot of cross game trolling on various forums, no big deal. In an open gaming forum, it's to be expected. However Ive never actually seen it IN a game until today.
To protect the innocent, guilty, whatever, I'll only use the generic titles of Game A and Game B.
I'm playing Game A today, running around finishing some quests, getting some items and gear built up.
I find my self in a main hang out area, tons of players running around, lag causing crowd, ya know?
And among this group is a player from Game B. Spouting about how much Game A sucks(which he is playing) And Game B is awesome and Game A can't even compare, and everyone who plays Game A is a stupid loser for playing it.
I'd expect this sort of thing on a forum, but actually in the game? I was kind of in awe, not that trolls exist but that they would actually troll about how Game A sucked so much, while playing it, and How much Game B rules and we all suck for not playing it.
anyone else ever seen this kind of Douchebaggery?
This is on topic because Game A is City of Heroes.