Powersets we'd like to see but probably won't




Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
Pistol Assault.

Not bloody likely, but I think it could be super awesome. The melee attacks could be a pistol-whip for the lower damage one... for the higher-damage one, I'm picturing shooting them point blank, something akin to Mind Probe from the psionic assault set, only with a gun.
Not pistols, but apparently there were some rifle techniques taught in the past:


The buttstroke or butt-stroking, i.e., striking someone with the buttstock of a rifle,[1] is a common case of the use of a firearm as a blunt weapon. Buttstroke is among the major offensive techniques with the rifle and bayonet. [2]

The 1918 US Navy Landing-force Manual describes the following techniques of buttstroking:[3]

* Buttstroke I - Upward swing: Swing the butt up at the opponent's crotch, ribs, forearm, etc.,-using a half-arm blow or advancing the rear foot. Buttstroke I is essentially a half-arm blow from the shoulder, keeping the elbow rigid, and it can therefore be successfully employed only when the right hand is grasping the rifle at the small of the stock.
* Buttstroke II - Forward strike: If the opponent jumps back so that the first butt stroke misses, the rifle will come into a horizontal position over the left shoulder, butt leading; the attacker will then step in with the rear foot and dash the butt into his opponent's face.
* Buttstroke III - Downward cut: If the opponent retires still farther out of distance, the attacker again closes up and slashes his bayonet down on his opponent's head or neck.
* Buttstroke IV - Side blow: If a thrust has been made at an opponent and parried, the butt can be effectively used by stepping in with the rear foot swinging the rifle to the left and rear, so that the butt leads and is in front of the right forearm. Then dash the butt into the opponent's face, or against the side of his head or jaw. When the opponent is out of distance, butt stroke III can again be used. In individual fighting, the butt can also be used horizontally against the opponent's ribs, forearm, etc. This method is impossible in trench fighting or in an attack, owing to the horizontal sweep of the bayonet to the attacker's left.

The butt must not be employed when it is possible to use the bayonet effectively. The buttstrike methods will usually only temporarily disable an enemy, who must be killed with the bayonet.[3]
At that point though I wonder what really distinguishes that from a polearm.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
the fact that he word polearm causes teenaged boys to giggle less?
And "buttstroke" wouldn't?

Global name: @k26dp



A staff or spear powerset.



Shape shifting
Strechty (plastic man, Mr. Fantasic etc.)



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
A staff or spear powerset.
I think we'll get a staff set - but maybe not a spear, as it'd be hard to have you throw it, and then get it back.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think we'll get a staff set - but maybe not a spear, as it'd be hard to have you throw it, and then get it back.
Actually, I can tell you as a martial artist that you can do all kinds of moves with a spear without needing to take the risk of throwing it.

Being the nerd I am, I went into my backyard with a staff with tape on the end (to mark the "spear head") and practiced a bunch of moves that could be used. if I wasn't so shy, had a camera, and didn't look like an idiot, I'd probably send it as a youtube link to the devs to help with with ideas.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



* Bodily Function Blaster

* Power of Positive Thinking Defender

* Pool Noodle Tank Secondary

* Spaghetti Monster Master Mind pets

* Hentai Tentacle Beast Controller set

* Social Disease Corruptor (primary OR secondary, your choice)

* Jello Armor Tank Primary

* Bi*ch Slap Scrapper Primary

* Holistic Medicine Defender Primary

* "I'm Covering My Eyes So You Can't See Me" Stalker Primary

* Bondage Apparatus Dominator Primary

* Circus Clown Master Mind Pets (including the tiny car arrival animation)

* Looney Tunes Cartoon Hammer/Anvil/Piano/Etc Brute Primary

* Lycanthropy Brute... As your "Furry" bar increases you transform into the half-animal form of your choice.. ... ... I regret nothing!

* "There Is No Spoon" Controller Primary

* "There might be a spork though" Controller Secondary

* The Steelclaw Epic Archetype... Don't ask... just.... don't ask... really... it's for the best.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Actually, I can tell you as a martial artist that you can do all kinds of moves with a spear without needing to take the risk of throwing it.
If they call it a spear power, then people will want to throw it - just call it a staff power

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Disguise as a stalker secondary.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Sword Blast: They Devs probably know enough about how well that went over in BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger to not risk the endless RAGE in game.
Wait, are we talking about Sword Summoner or Musou Senshouzan? Because I only have a Beetles parody song for one of them.

Either way, we'll probably never see Electric Frog Control for similar reasons.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If they call it a spear power, then people will want to throw it - just call it a staff power
And why can't we get both spears and staffs?

Also, I think it would be more polearms than spears, which would include Dao spears, halberds, etc. etc. the bladed kind unsuited for throwing, and dammit, GG, why do we have to argue in every thread we come face to face in? Am I supposed to be your cheap, 90's-riffic anti-hero arch-nemesis. (By the way, if that's the case, than maybe we should, I dunno, pool our efforts together to stop the not-so-anti-villain who's gonna bomb that orphanage?)

But I hear there's good hope for Bee Summoning.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* Circus Clown Master Mind Pets (including the tiny car arrival animation)
oh now this I would love to see, along with the tier 1 pets acting like the 3 stooges, the tier 2 pets squirting water buffs/debuffs from a fake flower on their lapels, and tier 3 being a large elephant on a beach ball :P




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think we'll get a staff set - but maybe not a spear, as it'd be hard to have you throw it, and then get it back.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you're thinking of javelins, not spears. I don't think spears are designed to be thrown.

As for myself...

Chain Control for Dominators. Controllers can have it too, I suppose.
Martial Arts secondary for Scrappers.
Assault Rifle/Martial Arts hybrid secondary for Dominators.
Monstrous Claws as a melee powerset. Either that or some way for the regular Claws set to just use the hands like Mako does.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
An Aquaman run is always tragic

I like him, but I can totally see where the mockery comes from
Not in Justice League it wasn't. That has to be the most badass Aquaman there is.

Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
Dual Archery.
Well this could work, assuming you use crossbows and now a bow.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



For some reason, I've always entertained the idea of a Fire Stalker called Spontaneous Combustion. However, I'm really not sure how gimped/overpowered that would be.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Buggery~for all those priest AT's.

Hair attack/extension(think Mr.Fantastic/Medusa from the Inhumans)~for all the GG fanboi's and well GG.

Persuasion/Confuse blast~for the new politician AT.

Fast food obesity~melee powers include the Rosie jelly roll flop.

Hypochondria Drain~for controllers powers include "notice me I have a rare disease","troll",and "Aspergers defense".

Emoticon defense~for stalkers



I just have a powerset combo I can't get that I would like. One of my old GURPS characters is a Necromancer / Thief. So, I really need to be able to make a Necromancy / Dual Blades build, but I'd need mez protection and defense too.

The closest thing currently is Necro/TA.

I'd also love to have /Super Reflexes for Blasters.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I'd love to see some powers for Dominators that use technology and weapons rather than fantastical inherent powers.

Things like web and cryogenic grenades (with both single and AoE versions) as well as other technology-derived powers for a primary.

And 'Shotgun & Sword' for a secondary.
I say shotgun rather than pistol since it seems to better suit some of the cone and AoE powers you generally see in Dominator secondaries.

Though I'm not going to be holding my breath. ^__^



Grappling is a big one for me. I know the engine here can't handle it sadly.

Relatedly, an Aikido-style defense set.

Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Hypochondria Drain~for controllers powers include "notice me I have a rare disease","troll",and "Aspergers defense".
This is already in the game, for every AT. And it's all over the forums too. Making it official seems redundant.



Ecky-thump, the great northern martial art. Involves hitting people with a large black pudding.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



This one wishes to see Sniper Rifle powerset.

This one feels that simply having a sniper rifle as a costumizable weapon does nothing towards the want to create a sniper.

This one simply wants a set designed on picking off enemies one by one at a distance with the need of having to butcher an existing powerset just to get a weaker result.

This one does not know why this one is refering to this one's self as this one. This one may just be tired right now.
Regardless, this one always wanted a sniper set but has been disapointed in not having one.