Desdemona vs. Infernal




Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Y'know that you get booted out of Praetoria at level 20, don't you? Which means there is a high chance that you will be fighting Desdemona (or Maelstrom) before or at level 20. Wouldn't that mean the future you would also be kicking her *** at level 20?
You make a very good point.

I vote for myself, and because I killed both of them, so does everyone else.



Originally Posted by Godpants View Post
Infernal creates a Burn patch.

Demon pets freak out and won't fight, even if they're highly resistant to fire.

Infernal bonks Desdemona with his axe.

Devs say Burn is WAI.

The end
That plan might work... unless all of Desdemona's pets can use Burn Patch as well! Mua ha ha!

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Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Now I kinda wanna make an AE mission and just pit the two against each other. You know, once Desdemona becomes part of the AE.

On that note, has there been a Statesman vs Lord Recluse mission in the AE? I'd be curious about the outcome.
I've seen this in AE. I forget the mission, but Statesman did win an awful lot.

I saw one AE mission where Romulus defeated Statesman, albeit with help from Nosferatu.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Psh. Of course Romulus would need help to defeat Statesman.

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Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Dude, reading over Desdemona's bio. She ALMOST killed STATESMAN, the most powerful hero in the COH/COV universe! Desdemona all the way!
You read it wrong.

Desdemona was fighting a demon and losing.

Statesman came in and saved her, but it left him wide open.

The demon took advantage of it. Statesman however helped Desdemona get the upper hand over the demon, and got control of it.

Desdemona would of never been put in the position of overpowering Statesman, if he didn't come in and save her first.

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Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Dude, reading over Desdemona's bio. She ALMOST killed STATESMAN, the most powerful hero in the COH/COV universe! Desdemona all the way!
And Squirrel Girl HAS beaten some of the most powerful characters in Marvel comics. Deadpool puts her up on-par with Iron Man and Thor. But... basically all she can do is climb trees really well and talk to squirrels.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Dude, reading over Desdemona's bio. She ALMOST killed STATESMAN, the most powerful hero in the COH/COV universe! Desdemona all the way!
And my Controller has done it. Is he the most powerful superhero in CoH/V?



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Dude, reading over Desdemona's bio. She ALMOST killed STATESMAN, the most powerful hero in the COH/COV universe! Desdemona all the way!
the comics never really matched the game

I still stick to what I said a few pages back as far as game mechanics go...

If anyone has ever made Lilitu and Infernal fight in CoV, you pretty much know what I'm talking about, since I've seen both outcomes. One being Lilitu kept Infernal at range and defeating him and the other with Infernal getting in melee, taking chunks of HP out of Lilitu, eventually defeating her. The damage from his axe is no joke, especially when it comes with fire DoT. I imagine this is how the scenario will always work out when fighting Infernal.



Infernal (Praetorian) has very high protection to immobilize, so no one's gonna be keeping him at range unless they're hoverblasting



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
And Infernal cannot control the demons that he binds with his power in his armor?
(I believe he can)

I think it is the other way. Infernal can only control the demons he has bound to his armor. If Desdemona can interrupt that she has the upper hand.

There is also another thing to conceder. Infernal is at least half Demon. Desdemona can control demons....



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
I think it is the other way. Infernal can only control the demons he has bound to his armor. If Desdemona can interrupt that she has the upper hand.

There is also another thing to conceder. Infernal is at least half Demon. Desdemona can control demons....

It's also about willpower. And Infernal's is stated as being nearly boundless. In essence, his update should make him an Axe/WP Brute (or tank w/e).



Boundless Willpower, in the context used, is nothing more than a phrase for flavor. Unless he can beat Blue Steel in a staring contest I am doubtful that his willpower is going to be any factor outside of a plot device for why he can control the demons to begin with.

That being the case, Desdemona has the same "Boundless Willpower" to control demons.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
It's also about willpower. And Infernal's is stated as being nearly boundless. In essence, his update should make him an Axe/WP Brute (or tank w/e).
FA/WP/Axe Tank. Infernal is a signature Hero, why not let him pick stuff out from the two primary sets?

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The battle had raged at first for hours... and then for days. The land scape of their battle field was littered with bodies and the shattered pieces that had once been full demonic form. Even now the minions of the two foci ripped into one another; each maddened beyond reasoning with their need to ravage, to rend their opponents limb from limb.

The war had erupted upon a small cluster of smaller islands just north of Talos's main land mass. Upon the southern beach of the lower of the two northern islets stood Desdemona while Infernal grimly held forth upon the peak of the southern most of the small outcroppings. It was to the larger bit of land between them that each summoned their minions from the Underdark. It was this island which had become cairn and conflict. The water in its center and just beyond its shores had long since become stained with the black ichor of those whom had fallen. The grass long since scorched away by the fires of their despite until even the stone foundation had weathered away beneath the fury of their hatred until what had once been a hill now barely cleared the waters around it.

Desdemona's face alternated stripes of black soot from her infernal summons and pale skin where the sweat of her labors had washed her flesh clean. Her expression was contorted into one of inhuman effort and a strangled groan of agonized effort crushed by the constrictions of her throat issued forth as she was forced to summon yet another wave of her minions. The effort cost her and she swooned momentarily as a wave of lightheadedness swept over her.

"How can he keep this up?" she murmured in a raw-throated whisper. "How could any mortal or immortal maintain this kind of effort?"

Infernal stood immobile upon the jutting outcrop of stone. His body evidenced no tremors. His breathing was smooth and controlled. There was no physical sign that his exertions had in any way hampered him. And yet... And yet the demonic forms that normally resembled nothing more than carved reliefs upon his armor had begun to writhe restlessly. It was as though those trapped spirits could feel their captor's weakening will and now began to struggle against the bonds that held them. Ready to burst forth not in servitude but in freedom. Ready not to launch forward into battle against the woman in the distance but to turn on their former Master... and to feed.

From the unmoved and unmoving figure a sephulcrul voice rose. "I must end this soon."

One would not approach the other except by their demonic pawns. It was not out of fear of the other's strength that they did this, but rather a question of their own vulnerabilities.

Desdemona could not look upon that hulking form with its burning axe without a sense of dread. She was an able fighter, but Infernal was not a fighter, he was a juggernaut of violence. She could not understand why he did not press that advantage.

Infernal already felt the weakening of his binding spells that contained the demons within his armor. He did not dare approach the summoning witch lest she also sense their unrest and use her own demonic controlling power to sunder them completely. In his mind he chanted a litany of prayers that she remain oblivious to this fatal flaw.

Talos had long since been evacuated, just in case the battle should overflow its tight containment on the islands. Upon its northern shore stood a small group of heroes; contemplating the scene before them.

"Okay, I'm starting a betting pool folks," Synapse said with a tight grin. "You need to predict when the battle is going to end and who the winner will be. The one who gets closest wins the pot. Any takers?"

The rest of the group ignored him.

"Listen, this is easy," Brawler said. "Psyche can go stun Desdemona while I give Infernal a gentle little love tap from behind. We separate them while they're unconscious and talk 'em down after the dust has settled."

"And risk the battle spreading from two people to four or even more? I don't think so," Statesman shook his head, his expression grim. "Our first responsibility is containment. We need to do everything we can to make sure this doesn't spread beyond that island chain."

"Then I believe we should act expediently," Positron said in a concerned tone. He had been analyzing the readings on his in-helmet computer display. "I'm not an expert on arcane energy but from this fresh data the constant summoning taking place is causing the dimensional barrier surrounding that central island to errode. If this goes on too much longer the barrier may shred completely and considering just WHERE they're summoning these things from..."

"Oh, hell," murmured Synapse.


Still none of them moved, unsure how to proceed against these primal forces.

Subtly a scent began to fill the air around them. The smell of the ocean had long since been lost beneath the heavy miasma of brimstone and sulfur from the battle. This was not a return of the smell of the sea, however, instead it was a gentle hint of Jasmine and clean arctic air. Statesman's head jerked upwards as his eyes widened.

"I know that smell," he said in a near whisper.

A shape moved among the heroes, through them and beyond. A green and black blur that left laughter and an echoing message behind it.

"If you want a job done properly..."

Above the battle a figure appeared, hazy and indistinct. And though the heroes on Talos were far removed, none the less they could hear that figure speaking as though she were standing right next to them.

"This ends NOW!"

A thick black cloud of rolling, clashing smoke had long since been born above the island. Now it seemed that shards of jagged ice began to rain directly from the center of that maelstrom. The battle field below was soon ankle deep in it and the demons there began to move more slowly, straining against the numbing cold that swept through them. The indistinct figure howled once more, a scream of unbridled power and command. This time a wave of kelvin frost swept outwards in an expanding sphere from the floating form and all the demons froze in place.

"Your senseless battle has nearly brought the gates of Hell itself to this Earth Realm!" The massive sledge of the voice's power caused waves to crest and break into white water upon the shores of all the islands. "You have both listened to the whisperings of the demons you thought to be your servants. The wretched mouthings of these damned souls have been lies! They have warned you that the other has fallen under the sway of a demon lord and has lost the battle to maintain their own self-will. These have been blatant falsehoods, but such were your egos that you were each certain that no other but yourself could possibly resist the blandishments of purest evil. In your pride you have both led this world to the brink of disaster!"

There was a long moment of prolonged silence during which only the ocean waves could be heard. It was strangely peaceful in its intensity; a soothing counterpoint to the sounds of battle that had assaulted their ears for so long.

Desdemona looked up, tears now competing with sweat to streak the soot from her face. Across the distance Infernal's rigid posture crumpled slightly, his massive shoulders rounding, his back bowing as if under some sudden weight.

Upon the island between them the demons vanished suddenly, leaving the icy prisons that had contained them to fall inwards upon themselves with the sound of breaking glass.

The two former combatants stared across the sea at one another for a timeless moment. Then, as slowly and gracefully as felled timber, they each toppled to the ground in a dead faint.

The floating form flickered and reappeared among the watching heroes on the beach.

"War Witch," Statesman said in greeting.

A smile formed upon the misty planes of her beautiful features. "Hello, Statesman," she said, her voice now of normal volume. "I thought you could use a little help here. You were all looking a bit stalled."

"How did you even know what was happening?" Positron asked. "I thought Croatoa was your usual haunt."

"No pun intended," Synapse interjected with an elbow to Positron's armored ribs.

"Let's just say that I am intrinsically attuned to fluxuations involving the afterlife," War Witch shrugged with slightly overdone negligence. "Being dead does have its advantages. And speaking of advantages..." She floated slowly above their heads. "I think I'll be going now. I'd love to help you clean up this mess but being immaterial makes picking up scattered demon limbs rather impossible. If it helps any, I do believe the last building at the end of Spanky's Boardwalk has an ample supply of brooms, mops and other cleaning supplies. Ta all!"

They watched as she vanished, leaving only her smile to linger, Cheshire-like, behind her.

"You know," Brawler said. "The next time I'm in Pocket D I may just punch that alternate reality War Witch... just on general princibles."

"Alright heroes," Statesman said, suddenly business-like. "Let's get those two to a hospital. Actually, better make that two hospitals... preferably in different time zones."

"Whoa! States!" Synapse said with stunned expression. "Was that a JOKE? Did our beloved and stern Statesy just make a funny?!"

"Synapse, you go get those brooms and mops Witch was talking about," Statesman said without even the barest hint of a smile. "With your super speed you should be able to get that island clean in an hour."

"Oh, come on!"

"Maybe two..."

"That is so TOTALLY not fair!"

"A day or two at the absolute most."

"Can't anyone in this city take a JOKE?!"


My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



And there's another episode of City of Heroes: The animated series written...

Seriously Steelclaw, give it a bit more backstory for the lead up to what caused the two to fight and make it into script format, you'd have yourself Desdemona's introduction episode right there...

Oh and keep up on the Deus Ex War Witch , she needs to be the new Blue Steel!



I believe you encounter Praet Infernal at a much higher level and thus, is one of the few praetorians stronger than his primal counterpart.
At least in game mechanics.

Also, nice stuff, Steelclaw.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
What's with this Preatorian Infernal v. 'Primal' Infernal? They both have the same powers.
Well, you can compare other things besides the powers. Like what situation they are in within the lore. Would that cause one or the other to have the upper hand? Hrm...

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Infernal's demons are pretty lame, let's be honest.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



You know I never got how they had two Infernals I mean Primal Infernal is already from another dimension, as is Praetorian Infernal, so that'd make Praetorian Infernal, Primal Infernals double from another... another dimension.

Of course that raises a question...

Where are Praetorian Rikti?

Since like Praetorian Infernal, they'd be from a fourth location, not Pratorian, or Primal or Rikti homeland but a seperate Rikti place...

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
You know I never got how they had two Infernals I mean Primal Infernal is already from another dimension, as is Praetorian Infernal, so that'd make Praetorian Infernal, Primal Infernals double from another... another dimension.

Of course that raises a question...

Where are Praetorian Rikti?

Since like Praetorian Infernal, they'd be from a fourth location, not Pratorian, or Primal or Rikti homeland but a seperate Rikti place...
See thats one of those headache multi dimensional questions your not meant to ask.

How I see it is that when Infernal was thrown into Paragon's Earth the circumstances could have gone in an infinite different ways creating infinite more dimensions. Only two of those possibilities is our infernal and the praetorian infernal.

There could be a primal earth exactly the same as ours where infernal didn't arrive, or arrived somewhere else or was found by someone else etc etc. So there could be other versions of the praetorian infernal where he fights for the reistance etc.

NOW with the Rikti, we only know one version of the praetorian earth. So there could be others where circumstances led to the rikti invading or coming and making peace etc.

Its the whole thing of infinite decisions/variables each leading to the creation of infinite number of earths some being nearly identicle some being completely different.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Oh geez. I forgot that Infernal is from another dimension. What the heck is he then, a Praetorian Nairotearp?

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm going to vote Infernal, just because I imagine everyone else to vote for Desdemona, for her bright shiney newness, and being a girl in leather.
You say it like it a bad thing!

Raven hair women in leather ALWAYS get my vote!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
You say it like it a bad thing!

Raven hair women in leather ALWAYS get my vote!
I'm surprised MORE people aren't drooling over Desdemona and her booty shorts. I thought she was going to be the new Ghost Widow in terms of fan favoritism for a while.

I'd say that I'd give Desdemona an edge in the fight. Although Infernal is a powerful demon binder, he's just bound demons to his armor and weapons to make them really strong. Desdemona is a sorceress and has put her skill towards controlling and supporting her demons as minions. Assuming that they can call up an even number of demons, Desdemona's will be on average stronger, because she'll be firing off her other spells (Dark Miasma powers).

Infernal has her utterly spanked in a straight up fight, but I think she has the resources to defeat his demons and outnumber and surround him, ensuring that he never gets into a position to use his demonic axe, and his armor is far from impenetrable.