Desdemona vs. Infernal




Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Doesn't matter. You pick which flavor of Infernal goes to battle!

Similar to Necromancer Masterminds that have found ways to protect their undead minions from the Undead Slaying Axe, don't you think Desdemona has already planned through that a foe might destroy her control over the demons or even sway them against her? I mean, she does have the demon ward tattooed around her neck.
Ohh, good point. I would lean towards Praet Infernal since they would have an honest reason to fight.
When things start to look bad for Des, suddenly INFERNAL! bursts in and helps her, looking lovingly into their eyes as the Praetorian psuedo-demon falls, they fall too... In love.
Play sappy music, cue credits.

But as another note, I think it's mentioned that Lilitu is Infernal's mother, so it could be possible that Des could try to bind him, I don't recall fiery armor having confuse protection.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
she has a neck?
You would know if you bothered to look up a little bit.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Oh you rebel. C'mon now. Tell us what you really think.

Infernal can't just win because you think he is going to lose out on a popularity contest!
Okay in all seriousness.

Infernal. From all standpoints, he has the experience fighting demons, and has the experience period over Desdemona (which the game will of course over look, when we see her just come into the picture and taking down heros/villains that have been around and have the experience over her )

Her fire whip is at a disadvantage. Figuring Fire or Fire/Lethal Resist, he's Fire Armor. He's capping the Fire Resist and not all that bad on Lethal Resist (more so if he took Tough, and he looks like he took tough...though totally skipped on weave).

But Desdemona has her Dark Miasma -regen in HT (he has mez protection), Twilight Grasp, darkest night...all those goodies Dark Miasma has.

So...right now (exeperience be damned) looks like it might go either way (remember Infernal can blast too).

So what trumps it?

They're both their with their pets. Summoner and Summoner. 6 pets vs 6 pets.

Infernal: *laughs*
Desdemona: What's so funny?
Infernal: You've given me a fun ride, but it's time to stop playing.
Desdemona: Ha! We've been pretty evenly matched!
Infernal: *laughs again* It only looks that way.

*map floods with more demons than you can count*

Desdemona: *screams out in agony as the last thing you see is her hand sinking in a sea of demons*
Infernal: *looks up in the corner of the room and gives a thumbs up to the blonde, glowing blue eyed super heroine, with black X for a mask* Thanks for the advice, Brand.
BrandX: *smiles* When you cant beat em, OVERRUN their ***!

Thusly...Infernal wins.

But much like the DC vs Marvel comic that was popular voted to decide who wins, I can see the wrong one winning in the end.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Ohh, good point. I would lean towards Praet Infernal since they would have an honest reason to fight.
When things start to look bad for Des, suddenly INFERNAL! bursts in and helps her, looking lovingly into their eyes as the Praetorian psuedo-demon falls, they fall too... In love.
Play sappy music, cue credits.

But as another note, I think it's mentioned that Lilitu is Infernal's mother, so it could be possible that Des could try to bind him, I don't recall fiery armor having confuse protection.
I don't recall Dark Miasma having a confuse power.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Ohh, good point. I would lean towards Praet Infernal since they would have an honest reason to fight.
When things start to look bad for Des, suddenly INFERNAL! bursts in and helps her, looking lovingly into their eyes as the Praetorian psuedo-demon falls, they fall too... In love.
Play sappy music, cue credits.

But as another note, I think it's mentioned that Lilitu is Infernal's mother, so it could be possible that Des could try to bind him, I don't recall fiery armor having confuse protection.

I want this Broadway play written up by tomorrow! What shall it be called? "Can There Be Love In A Praetorian War?" Oh this is going to be a hit! A war of good and evil, burning passions amidst colliding worlds, a (demon) mother's fiery rejection of her soon-to-be daughter in law!

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I don't recall Dark Miasma having a confuse power.
It doesn't, but it's a play on game mechanics into story terms.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Yeah, but her whip will most likely do all Lethal. And Infernal has lollethal res.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the whip does fire/toxic, actually.

Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Although I do like Desdemona, I'd say Infernal would win.
The reason is already mentioned and I'd expect the battle to go something like this:
Anchorman in newsroom: ITS the BIG BATTLE OF .. err "Heroes". Lets see them in action. Infernal vs DEeesDemona!

Des: So it is a fight you want?
Infernal: Not really, but we have become forced to this... Not that I don't mind...
Des: Very well, lets get this over quickly then *summons demons*
Go get him my minions!
Infernal: Thank you Lady! *binds them into his armor*
Des: ... Wh.. Tha.. Thats cheating (as she sees the demons vanish).
Infernal: Will you surrender?
Des: ... n.. No! I still have my whip! Taste my fire! *Lets her Whip lounge towards Infernal and it hits. She expects to see him burn with pain. If there was any pain it is quickly gone.
Infernal: Thank you again Lady. *Is suddenly aflame of his own power* I did forget to be all big and menacing! *Slow, hard strides*
Now though it is my turn!
*Infernal spawns some demons of his own and draws his axe*
Des: ... oh.. thats not even fair!
Des: "Then again, this isn't fair either!"

*Infernal punches himself*

Infernal: "Ow! What?!"

Des: : "Never tried binding demons under the control of someone else into your armor before, have you?"

*Infernal punches himself again*

Infernal: "OW! Dammit!"

Anchorman in newsroom: "Well, that's an unexpected setback! Wil Infernal manage to override her control of his armor or...hey, what's she making him do-"


Infernal: "AHHHHHGH!"

Anchorman in newsroom: "Oooh, that's gotta hurt!"

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the whip does fire/toxic, actually.
If that's the case...Fire Armor and Healing Flames (toxic resist) for WAY more resistance.

Though, wouldn't Infernal binding them mean they ARE under his control now, whether they were under someone elses control before or not?

I'm also think he likely fought demons bound to another before as well, and then bounded them to himself, so it wouldn't work quite that way for Desdemona.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
He does both, actually. I just didn't want to put, "The demon summoner and the demon summoner and binder!" Doesn't exactly roll off your tongue.
According to Infernal's backstory, the alternate Earth he comes from practices demon-binding because it's the only practical way to prevent the Earth from being overthrown by demon. That implies to me that Infernal doesn't summon demons at all, at least in the game background. He just defends himself by binding the demons that attack into his equipment.

Now, in the game he does summon demons, but, well... yeah. They're also CoT demons. =/



Desdemona would win because Masterminds can 1v1 almost anything. One lousy Hero-rank foe would be a piece of cake.



There is something people seem to be forgetting. Desdemona can not only summon demons, but she can also control them. She was able to control a creature that nearly killed Statesman in a single shot. That is some power for you right there.

So, is her power strong enough that she could overcome the spells that bind the demons to Infernals armor and use them as a weapon in the battle? If nothing else it would nullify some of his power at the cost of her own.

Honestly I put my money on Desdemona. Trained by Ghost Widow in the Mu arts.

Now, in AE it would be a different story. Will have to see how her powers work in game to really tell.



They both control the demons they summon. They also have the ability to keep on replacing their fallen demons.

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Infernal. 102lb girls in corsets only defeat 250lb axe-weilding dudes in full armor as a plot device.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Infernal. 102lb girls in corsets only defeat 250lb axe-weilding dudes in full armor as a plot device.
Or else a wizard did it, and in this case it would be more literal than the phrase normally implies.



Well it's not like she is doing all the heavy lifting anyways. There are those summoned demons y'know. Those much more menacing demons, by the looks of the Hero Con slides.

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Well, Infernal has two axes. And one of them is on fire.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Infernal creates a Burn patch.

Demon pets freak out and won't fight, even if they're highly resistant to fire.

Infernal bonks Desdemona with his axe.

Devs say Burn is WAI.

The end



Now I kinda wanna make an AE mission and just pit the two against each other. You know, once Desdemona becomes part of the AE.

On that note, has there been a Statesman vs Lord Recluse mission in the AE? I'd be curious about the outcome.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the whip does fire/toxic, actually.

Des: "Then again, this isn't fair either!"

*Infernal punches himself*

Infernal: "Ow! What?!"

Des: : "Never tried binding demons under the control of someone else into your armor before, have you?"

*Infernal punches himself again*

Infernal: "OW! Dammit!"

Anchorman in newsroom: "Well, that's an unexpected setback! Wil Infernal manage to override her control of his armor or...hey, what's she making him do-"


Infernal: "AHHHHHGH!"

Anchorman in newsroom: "Oooh, that's gotta hurt!"
Damnit, beat me to the punch :P

But yeah. Difference between Demon binder and someone who actually controls the things. Wearing demon armour is cool, right until someone makes it punch you in the face...which it'd probably be happy about, due to all the crammed in angry demons isndie

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Infernal then takes a moments pause and concentrates, using his will alone. The armor goes "eek.. we obey"
Infernals eyes goes flaming red.
'Alright Des... That hurt. I'll defeat you and maybe then in your next reincarnation, I hope your made a demon. Then i'll bind you to my armor'
He swings his axe and charges Des.

(Noticed wiki:
Infernal: A master of demon binding and summoning from another dimension, Infernal's boundless willpower allows him to control the many fiends he has forced into his service.)

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
But yeah. Difference between Demon binder and someone who actually controls the things. Wearing demon armour is cool, right until someone makes it punch you in the face...which it'd probably be happy about, due to all the crammed in angry demons isndie
Obviously Infernal "controls" the demons bound within his armor because if they had the capacity to animate his armor and punch him in the face, they'd be doing it already. The fact that they're not would indicate that they don't have the option, even if corset-girl asks them to using her nicest voice.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Now I kinda wanna make an AE mission and just pit the two against each other. You know, once Desdemona becomes part of the AE.

On that note, has there been a Statesman vs Lord Recluse mission in the AE? I'd be curious about the outcome.

As I recall, Statesman wins everytime.



Infernal wins hands down, especially his Praetorian version



Dude, reading over Desdemona's bio. She ALMOST killed STATESMAN, the most powerful hero in the COH/COV universe! Desdemona all the way!

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