Rumours about an electricity control set - any truth to them?




Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
From what we heard from Hero Con, I thought that it was confirmed as coming soon(tm)?
Well, the story apparently did get relayed to someone somewhere, even if someone jumped to a conclusion (or else spoke prematurely).

Your HeroCon thread still lists Electric Control as "upcoming" in the misc features section. I guess that should be changed now? And with this new info, should we get a Dev to check all the rest of info on that page? I know BABs posted later in that thread to correct the misconception about the doves, and I assumed other Devs had checked the info as well (since for months, that was the go-to thread for GR info), so I figured everything reported was legit. Now it looks like that's not the case, and so I'm wondering what else in that list may have been either misunderstood or misstated.

BTW, Orion Star -- not a dig at you at all. You were great in compiling that info, even if apparently nobody from NCSoft thought to verify that everything got reported here correctly. The big problem there, I think, was that from October until only recently, your unofficial thread was the ONLY place that the con-divulged GR info was compiled. Turns out, something that we'd thought had been confirmed since October was just a rumor.

My suggestion for next week: With PAX East coming up, I worry about something similar happening. I'd like to see either, a) right after the con, NCSoft update the official page with the very same info given at the con, or else b) when they return to their offices, the Devs should go through the Con threads to verify that everything was reported correctly, so as to nip this sort of rumor in the bud?

I for one was quite excited about the "upcoming" Electrical Control, and more than bit bummed to see it's been reduced to rumor status after been seemingly confirmed for so long.




I think I've teamed with that Insect/Trick arrow guy.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Sunstorm worked on Electric Control as a training exercise when he first started working for us. The set is currently sitting in the spreadsheet I have set aside for such things. It was a good effort, but by no means ready for release, and there hasn't been any announcement of us working on the set at all.

I'm not ruling out Electrical Control as a set, but it is only one of several sets that are in the wings waiting for the thumbs up to proceed with.
I now have an image of a giggling Castle and BaB "training" new staff by tasking them with ridiculous powerset assignments.

Castle: "Okay chum, to learn the ropes you're going to make...let's see now...(giggle)...a Clouds/Coffee Machine Defender! Now get to work!"

BaB: "No no, he should make a plastic cup/Imagination Tanker!"

Castle: "You there! Make me a Harley Quinn/Philosophy Mastermind! And make it snappy or you're FIRED!"

"Telephone answering machine/Department Store Corruptor!"

"Decimal Point/Burglary Blaster!"

"Disappointment/Gazelle Dominator!"

"Narcolepsy/Ethanol Warshade!"

etc etc...

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
"Disappointment/Gazelle Dominator!"
I have a lion scrapper that would make a perfect nemesis for that. If not catch gazelle, disappointed!

I'd like to see electric control too, but any disappointment in finding that it's not coming soon is balanced by the fact that there are apparently a bunch of other powersets being attempted. New powersets are very, very shiny.

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Sunstorm worked on Electric Control as a training exercise when he first started working for us. The set is currently sitting in the spreadsheet I have set aside for such things. It was a good effort, but by no means ready for release, and there hasn't been any announcement of us working on the set at all.

I'm not ruling out Electrical Control as a set, but it is only one of several sets that are in the wings waiting for the thumbs up to proceed with.
Thank God, put Water Control at the top please. There's more than enough electric already.



I was really looking forward to Electric Control because even though I haven't been around as long as others, I can still appreciate that Controllers and Dominators haven't had a new primary set since the release of CoV (ignoring the proliferation of Plant to Controllers and Earth to Dominators as they technically weren't new sets).

In short: As long as Controllers and Dominators get a new primary I'm satisfied.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Still holding out hope it'll turn out to be Water, Insect, Time, Atomic, Air, Chaos, Light, Fate, anything really.
Whoa, hey wot? Fate control... what would that even be? Like some kind of epic guidance councilor or parole officer? You don't beat up or subdue enemies, you literally rewrite their lives, reforming them into model citizens.

Atomic control could be cool. Alchemy control if you prefer something less scientific. Basically Dr Manhattan. You could transmute matter, turn air into wood, water into lead. Turn an enemies clothing into iron so they cant move, or the ground under their feet into pudding. It could be the Duel Pistol of control, letting toggle between solid, liquid and gas for your attacks, depending on the situation.

I always figured Storm = air control and Ice = water control.

Chaos control would only work on dinosaurs and people dressed in khaki. ^_^

...wait for it. You'll get it.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
Whoa, hey wot? Fate control... what would that even be? Like some kind of epic guidance councilor or parole officer? You don't beat up or subdue enemies, you literally rewrite their lives, reforming them into model citizens.

Atomic control could be cool. Alchemy control if you prefer something less scientific. Basically Dr Manhattan. You could transmute matter, turn air into wood, water into lead. Turn an enemies clothing into iron so they cant move, or the ground under their feet into pudding. It could be the Duel Pistol of control, letting toggle between solid, liquid and gas for your attacks, depending on the situation.

I always figured Storm = air control and Ice = water control.

Chaos control would only work on dinosaurs and people dressed in khaki. ^_^

...wait for it. You'll get it.

I was just pulling stuff out of the air, but Fate Control could be in the vein of Future/Luck/Fortune/Serendipity. It's been suggested a few times as (and IMO would make a great) Buff set.

I like your concept for Atomic Control. On one of these threads a long time ago we'd postulated that Atomic Control could be the Dual Blades of Control sets, allowing you to mix and match powers together to achieve various effects. It's a conceptual partner for Radiation Emission that would also work well with several other secondaries.

Water Control <> Ice Control, IMO. Especially now that we can color powers, Water stands out to me as a particularly interesting set because there's no other set with that "fluid" look. I can see a lot of concept characters it would enable.

I don't really understand your comment on Chaos Control, but it's ok because I just made it up. In a literal sense it would just be controlling chaos, basically allowing us to justify whatever effects we decide that entails.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I was just pulling stuff out of the air, but Fate Control could be in the vein of Future/Luck/Fortune/Serendipity. It's been suggested a few times as (and IMO would make a great) Buff set.

I like your concept for Atomic Control. On one of these threads a long time ago we'd postulated that Atomic Control could be the Dual Blades of Control sets, allowing you to mix and match powers together to achieve various effects. It's a conceptual partner for Radiation Emission that would also work well with several other secondaries.

Water Control <> Ice Control, IMO. Especially now that we can color powers, Water stands out to me as a particularly interesting set because there's no other set with that "fluid" look. I can see a lot of concept characters it would enable.

I don't really understand your comment on Chaos Control, but it's ok because I just made it up. In a literal sense it would just be controlling chaos, basically allowing us to justify whatever effects we decide that entails.
I believe it was a Jurassic Park reference. The chaos theory mathematician played by Jeff Goldblum.



How about the DEVS stop with the power prolif and just make new ones.



I havent messed around with customising Earth Control, but wouldn't this make a really good candidate for Molecular Control already in that you're basically creating solids and gasses around your opponents?

Is it possible to make, say, your hold look like crystal and the immobilise look like rock or metal or something else?

Ive got a 50 Earth Controller. I'll have to have a play with this some time.



How about Magnetic Control?



Gah! I was really looking forward to Electric Control more than Dual Pistols and demon summoning...I guess I can't quiet up and's going to kill me though. also Ice and Storm is not water control. That's like Saying Thermal Radiation is Fire Control O_o.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
I havent messed around with customising Earth Control, but wouldn't this make a really good candidate for Molecular Control already in that you're basically creating solids and gasses around your opponents?

Is it possible to make, say, your hold look like crystal and the immobilise look like rock or metal or something else?
Yes; I have several Earth/ control users who do that. I also have one named Crystalmist, Earth/Cold whose backstory is "molecular control" more or less; her powers are supposedly "utility fog" nanite clouds condensed to various densities.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
How about the DEVS stop with the power prolif and just make new ones.
I'd bet that proliferation is done because everything has already been made, they just need to rebalance it all to fit the new AT. With the current primaries and secondaries Controllers only have the possibility of having four new secondaries (Traps, Dark Miasma, Poisons and Pain Domination) whilst Dominators have no possibilities for new primaries or secondaries yet they do have one Assault set without a corresponding primary. So if Sunstorm made Electric Control in the same way that he made Earth Assault, both as a way to get used to the system, then it's likely that Electric Control would be released in a proliferation to both Controllers and Dominators along with Traps for Controllers.

So just because there are proliferations it doesn't mean that new sets can't be included. This was the case for Mental Manipulation, Electric Assault and Earth Assault in the last two rounds of proliferation. Seeing as Sunstorm also made Earth Assault and he made it out of existing powers, then the Electric Control set he made would most probably be the same.

On the whole though, they are running out of things to proliferate anyway.

Also, maybe Marketing is telling Castle to squash the rumours!



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Gah! I was really looking forward to Electric Control more than Dual Pistols and demon summoning...I guess I can't quiet up and's going to kill me though. also Ice and Storm is not water control. That's like Saying Thermal Radiation is Fire Control O_o.
No, I don't think it is. You could argue that Storm is the collision of various elements, like air, water, gravity, electricity, etc, but Ice = water. Perhaps more importantly, its water that most video cards can render without bursting into flames.

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Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
No, I don't think it is. You could argue that Storm is the collision of various elements, like air, water, gravity, electricity, etc, but Ice = water. Perhaps more importantly, its water that most video cards can render without bursting into flames.
I agree with you there..if they did an exact water powerset your computer would implode. Still though I love water rarely even see it in anime or video games and if you do they are weak....which is Ironic because water is a universal solvent and it teh eleetz.



I think Poisons managed to get quite a nice, watery feel on some of the powers. Recolour those powers as an aqua blue colour and it looks quite close to what a water set could be like.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I agree with you there..if they did an exact water powerset your computer would implode. Still though I love water rarely even see it in anime or video games and if you do they are weak....which is Ironic because water is a universal solvent and it teh eleetz.
I'm guessing you must have watched "The Lightning Thief" as well?

Yeah. Water control would be really nice. What would the damage be primarily, smashing, cold, or toxic?



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
I'm guessing you must have watched "The Lightning Thief" as well?

Yeah. Water control would be really nice. What would the damage be primarily, smashing, cold, or toxic?
They are LATELY starting to use's a shame that they are now JUST starting to picking up the ball. Yeah, I know about Percy Jackson :P. I also know they screwed up the movie but that's for another forum/thread lol.

Some examples of awesome water users are Kisami from Naruto and my favorite of all Katara from Avatar The last Air Bender. Seriously though there's not a recent RPG video Game out there in which the water user was considered to be Powerful.

I think water should be knockup or knockdown, smashing, lethal, DoT and disorient...wait I mixed up the wrong stuff...well you get the idea lol.



Be sure to check out the info coming out of PAX East this weekend. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Be sure to check out the info coming out of PAX East this weekend. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
About elec control? That'd be awesome, control and end drain, maybe finally an effective sapper in PvE



Electric Control

Kinetic Melee

Both in GR

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