Why do we accept the ENORMOUS performance drop in this game?




Originally Posted by PerfectStorm View Post
One of the things that people forget is that the $15 a month subscription fee gives us ONLY access to the game servers whenever they are available for play. While the money collected in game sales and subscription fees does go to operations and expenses, there is never any guarantee that anything will be perfect or even nearly so - as a matter of fact, the TOS (that we agree to every time we play the game) explicitly states that conditions of game play may change at any time without notice.

I'm not arguing that lag and dc's are not aggravating and frustrating, or that the devs should not make an effort to fix issues such as these. But to argue that you pay for hardware upgrades - well, no. You don't. You pay for access to the game servers with the game as it is.

While that is techniqually true you'd be crazy to think anyone would actually pay a monthly subscription to a game that isn't upgraded on a some what normal basis.



Here's one ...

Originally Posted by Spazztastics View Post
They have had 6 years to adress this issues. Long enough.
If they have to design an entirely new engine then do it. If they have to swap their own servers then do it.

Doe eit, doe eit noooeeew! (Arnold Swarzenegger accent)
Granted, the "Do it now" part seems to be an attempt at humor, but the sentiment is spoken clearly with the other statements... and it is only one post


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



Originally Posted by PerfectStorm View Post
Here's one ...

Granted, the "Do it now" part seems to be an attempt at humor, but the sentiment is spoken clearly with the other statements... and it is only one post

plus 1 for you



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
At this particular time, UberGuy, especially considering Ultra mode and the possible performance ramifications that might come with it...

I would consider it damn near reckless of the dev team NOT to move some priorities around and get overall performance issues dealt with ASAP.

Otherwise, when open beta for Ultra mode hits and performance is even worse off for everyone enabling it, (especially for those of us that just dropped $1250 on parts,) it might be very bad for this game.

At the least, it will be a marketing nightmare. "Introducing Ultra Mode! Be sure not to enable it even if you have Deep Thought as your PC unless you enjoy 10FPS in Grandville."

Now that's a rather doomy statement. I'm hoping for a different outcome. However, in the Army I was taught to hope for the best and expect the worst.

I'm sticking with that for now.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i think the devs are planning to improve performance in the ITF by removing the capes from the romans in i17, BABs even stated somewhere (cant find the post atm), that there is a significant performance drop when more critters or players are using capes (i think he said with 100 critters that have capes theres a 97% decrease in performance)
this is absurd...



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I have some vague recollection of someone talking about extraneous polygons in terrain or buildings or some such. It sounded like something had vertices that either didn't form polys, formed backfacing polys, or otherwise added computational load without visible benefit. These were cleaned up in GV and performance improved some. However, I have no idea where that was from, or if it was even a dev claiming it.
Y'know the scary thing? I actually understood all that >_<
Animation degree ftw

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
WoW with it's low graphics requirements isn't exactly useful for performance comparisons. It's like saying "When I'm on the freeway with 500 other cars I can keep up with them perfectly fine and even pass many of them. When I get on the race track though everybody is passing me. Obviously this is a flaw in the track surface that needs to be fixed."

WoW isn't a niche game like CoX. It has such a huge audience that it deliberately keeps it's graphics requirements at rock bottom just to keep the masses subscribed. CoX on the other hand continually upgrades it's graphics so that a machine which will work great today will work horribly 4 years from now.

And if you think the WoW graphics are good on high settings then take the time to actually look closely at them next time you play. Note that many of the clothing items are not actually separate pieces attached to the model but rather just a surface drawing on the character base. You can notice it most with the belts. Actually look at them and you can see they are just drawn onto the character's body.
You know that this isn't true right? Blizzard has been very efficient to keep on upgrading their graphics over the years. Just take a look at the graphics between WoW, Burning Crusade and WOTLK. It's a huge difference from player models to mobs to buildings and landscapes.

Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
And if you look closely at CoH player models, you'd also notice that most of our costume parts are drawn directly onto the body, just like in WoW. (That's anything in the Tight or Tight With Skin category for chest/hips, anything in the Smooth/Bare category of gloves, and a lot of foot options.)

And I can add in that I could run The Matrix Online (until it was shut down) without any problems with the rig I had back in the days. MXO's graphics was a lot more detailed then CoX and more intense to draw up. A lot of players had problems with getting MXO to run at good fps when it was new, because of the requirements was too high and advanced for a lot of the old technology that we had back then. It was a game that was before it's time. You talk about clothing separated from the body.. well just take a look at good old MXO!
Heck, I can mention that even Star Wars Galaxies ran like a charm for me when it prospered.

Now I'm playing a 6 year old game on new hardware that run SF4, LoL and WoW without any problem and in CoX which again is a 6 year old game I have conn lag issues during big maps and in an almost empty Pocket D!? Explain!

Edit: missions didn't lag today *yay!* a Pocket D populated by 5 player characters still lags though... It might have something to do with the light effects or it might have something to do with the npc characters... I don't know yet..

So is it that strange that I am worried of the lag that may come with Going Rogue..?



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
While that is techniqually true you'd be crazy to think anyone would actually pay a monthly subscription to a game that isn't upgraded on a some what normal basis.
True - and, even though some of the problems are not fixed, the game is upgraded on a regular basis... so they are meeting their requirements plus.

Overall, I'd have to say that the CoX players and Devs have a much better relationship than some other games I play. The Devs talk to us, and take our complaints and bug reports and discussions fairly seriously. Many other games - not so much. For one of the games I play, the "joke" is: no matter what the problem - no matter how widespread - no matter how clearly it's server-side issues ... it's your ram.

My feeling is that if it were easy to fix these things that have plagued some of us, they'd have fixed them.

Also, how many different players do the ITF? Is it a majority of the player-base? My guess is that it is not. That, combined with the fact that the TF mission in question is playable, even if it's not ideal, says to me that it might be prioritized a bit lower than some other issues that affect more people more of the time. Triage for programming bugs tends to be: if it breaks something critical, it gets priority over other stuff. If there is a work around, it might get a little lower in the priority list, but it will still get attention. Sometimes stuff comes up that is found while researching a major problem or putting in the groundwork for further development that they discover will be simple to fix or implement, and that might get slipped in before major stuff is fixed.

It's sort of like life. If you have to clean the garage, and when you start moving stuff around, you notice that the latch on your big toolbox is a teeny bit askew and that's why you haven't been able to get it to latch right for months, you might take a few minutes and a pair of pliers to just bend it back to the right angle and, voila one small problem fixed before the major priority project for the weekend! You can then work on the 2 day garage cleaning project.

At the end of day one, all you can report to your spouse that you fixed the latch on your toolbox, but the garage is in mid-shambles because often, cleaning projects start out with pulling a lot of stuff out of places and that makes it look worse than it did before you started... By day two, you may have fixed a few more little things in the process of finishing up the garage. Hopefully, by the end of day 2, you have a bunch of little things and the one big one done... but sometimes, the big project is bigger than you thought and it's going to take one more weekend.

But next weekend, you have to take the family to visit your in-laws for someone's birthday or anniversary and you can't finish the garage until the following weekend. Or you get a huge storm, and there's water leaking into the basement... which makes the garage project a lower priority than getting the water out of the basement... It might be a month or more before you get back to working on the garage, and then some of what you did before has likely been undone by other people shoving stuff out of the way, and you have to start back a few steps earlier than where you really left off ...

Your spouse is not very happy about where you are with the garage-cleaning project at all now, but you've been doing the best you can with the time and the tools that you have.

Yeah, it's kinda like life... and most of the time, it's stuff that can't be avoided.


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



Originally Posted by Addicted View Post
For a while now I"ve been curious into certain matters in this game that just seem absolutely absurd.
On my mind currently is the amazing degradation in performance that we seemingly accept blindly in the zone of Cimerora/ ITF maps specifically.
Would someone please explain why a company/game currently celebrating it's 6 year condones such lousy care of its own game?? My real purpose of this thread is to seek out information that would allow anything to be done about such a beautiful TF/SF performance increase. I mean it's one of the latest advances in the game and plays worse than the first ever TF in 2004. Not to mention it is one of the best experiences as far as I'm concerned, well, if you have a great imagination to mentally negate the visual lag it is.

P.S I"m a huge fan of this franchise. I'm not attempting to cause trouble- I'm just surprised about certain things that have gone on and continue to.
Sounds to me your system is under performing and not the game. I have no Lag Issues in ITFs and not in the 3rd Mish.

I use to lag then I bought a new system added in more RAM and a new Video Card, I have no ITF issues.

When was the last time you upgraded your system and depending on your ISP from Digital Cable to DSL from living in the city to in the rural areas and even your local node is a problem.

Have you checked your speed connected to the internet?



Originally Posted by Addicted View Post
P.S I"m a huge fan of this franchise. I'm not attempting to cause trouble- I'm just surprised about certain things that have gone on and continue to.
Protip: If you use capital letters in the title then you're probably causing trouble.

On the subject at hand: I experience little to no lag in an ITF under normal cirucmstances, except for a couple of weeks ago when I was having internet problems and ran an ITF while using my iPhone to connect to the net. This suggests that (for me, at least) lag is connection-dependant.



I would suspect that a large part of ITF lag comes from the style of gameplay that people engage in as well. Like UberGuy has stated, large amounts of critters in AE farms don't exhibit the same lag that last mishes of the ITF can show, so I would gather that it is some specific power that is causing the CPU loading to go through the roof.

I would also believe that each instance of any mission/map/zone is partitioned with a maximum amount of resources available to it as well such that any such resource hogging won't affect other zones.

It would be interesting to take a dev along for the ride to see if they can witness/profile the type of lag that everyone seems to be upset about. It's obvious that not everyone has issues with the ITF like the complainants here have noted. As well, putting resources towards fixing this particular issue means that other issues do not get addressed either, so I would guess it's either get your new shinies on time or wait so they can fix this stuff first.



Originally Posted by Spazztastics View Post
Now I'm playing a 6 year old game on new hardware that run SF4, LoL and WoW without any problem and in CoX which again is a 6 year old game I have conn lag issues during big maps and in an almost empty Pocket D!? Explain!
Without a detailed look at various things, its hard to say for sure.

What I can add is almost every time my wife complains about lag and the like, the video drivers on her PC need an update.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by PerfectStorm View Post
True - and, even though some of the problems are not fixed, the game is upgraded on a regular basis... so they are meeting their requirements plus.

Overall, I'd have to say that the CoX players and Devs have a much better relationship than some other games I play. The Devs talk to us, and take our complaints and bug reports and discussions fairly seriously. Many other games - not so much. For one of the games I play, the "joke" is: no matter what the problem - no matter how widespread - no matter how clearly it's server-side issues ... it's your ram.

My feeling is that if it were easy to fix these things that have plagued some of us, they'd have fixed them.

Also, how many different players do the ITF? Is it a majority of the player-base? My guess is that it is not. That, combined with the fact that the TF mission in question is playable, even if it's not ideal, says to me that it might be prioritized a bit lower than some other issues that affect more people more of the time. Triage for programming bugs tends to be: if it breaks something critical, it gets priority over other stuff. If there is a work around, it might get a little lower in the priority list, but it will still get attention. Sometimes stuff comes up that is found while researching a major problem or putting in the groundwork for further development that they discover will be simple to fix or implement, and that might get slipped in before major stuff is fixed.

It's sort of like life. If you have to clean the garage, and when you start moving stuff around, you notice that the latch on your big toolbox is a teeny bit askew and that's why you haven't been able to get it to latch right for months, you might take a few minutes and a pair of pliers to just bend it back to the right angle and, voila one small problem fixed before the major priority project for the weekend! You can then work on the 2 day garage cleaning project.

At the end of day one, all you can report to your spouse that you fixed the latch on your toolbox, but the garage is in mid-shambles because often, cleaning projects start out with pulling a lot of stuff out of places and that makes it look worse than it did before you started... By day two, you may have fixed a few more little things in the process of finishing up the garage. Hopefully, by the end of day 2, you have a bunch of little things and the one big one done... but sometimes, the big project is bigger than you thought and it's going to take one more weekend.

But next weekend, you have to take the family to visit your in-laws for someone's birthday or anniversary and you can't finish the garage until the following weekend. Or you get a huge storm, and there's water leaking into the basement... which makes the garage project a lower priority than getting the water out of the basement... It might be a month or more before you get back to working on the garage, and then some of what you did before has likely been undone by other people shoving stuff out of the way, and you have to start back a few steps earlier than where you really left off ...

Your spouse is not very happy about where you are with the garage-cleaning project at all now, but you've been doing the best you can with the time and the tools that you have.

Yeah, it's kinda like life... and most of the time, it's stuff that can't be avoided.


100% agree that's why Im still playing, the only thing I think is these problems do need to be brought up every now and then so they are not forgotten and I don't know why some people get defensive when issues are brought up.



Originally Posted by Spazztastics View Post

Now I'm playing a 6 year old game on new hardware that run SF4, LoL and WoW without any problem and in CoX which again is a 6 year old game I have conn lag issues during big maps and in an almost empty Pocket D!? Explain!

Edit: missions didn't lag today *yay!* a Pocket D populated by 5 player characters still lags though... It might have something to do with the light effects or it might have something to do with the npc characters... I don't know yet..

So is it that strange that I am worried of the lag that may come with Going Rogue..?
That sounds like a combination of rig and net connection. Net connection plays quite a large part in it; I'm on Universiry internet of a not-so-good quality, and I know I get more lag spikes in general then I did back home. That said, they are rather rare, given my rig is packing a decent GFX card and some good crunch power.
I know I sure don't lag in Pocket D, put it that way.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Anybody seeing this kind of netgraph on ITF?



I don't really have time to read this whole topic but I can assure you that Paragon Studios HAS been looking into this. In at least one of the beta tests (early last year or late 2008 I think), we ran through the ITF to see if the fix helped anything. Obviously it didn't work out.

Maybe the Ultimate patch will steamroll over this bug. Maybe not. We'll just have to wait and see.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
That sounds like a combination of rig and net connection. Net connection plays quite a large part in it; I'm on Universiry internet of a not-so-good quality, and I know I get more lag spikes in general then I did back home. That said, they are rather rare, given my rig is packing a decent GFX card and some good crunch power.
I know I sure don't lag in Pocket D, put it that way.
As I said between playing CoX I play EQ2, EvE, WoW, (very little but it happens). I don't accept that CoX would be heavier on the load then EQ2 for example. And I assure you that SF4 is far more heavy on your computer when you have every single setting maxed out.

I can even play Crysis with everything on high. The problem is not my computer, everything in CoX is maxed out and I do not experience any issues with performance drops.
My problem is the connection to the server and in some maps like Pocket D. Pocket D got a strange lag when I turn the camera in a specific angle when I'm standing in a specific corner. It's in a corner in the hero bar. Somtimes I get delayed when I run over the dance floor but not always.

Comparing this to not have connection problems with any other MMO that I'm playing.
A problem with my router or something like that would have been an easy fix but i've already tried that out and there's nothing wrong with my router or my connection speed.
And again as I said before I am a EU resident that always play on US servers (stupid in a way but I have my reasons) and I have not experienced any lag in any other MMO. It's an issue that I have only with CoX.

Edit: running around the major cities in CoH yesterday I found that while standing behind some buildings (don't remember exactly which buildings) and turning the camera makes the game lag a little bit.

I may sound very negative but I do love this game. The lag is frustrating. And the "you shouldn't aggro too much mobs" is just dumb. Why is it my fault that the servers can't handle if you aggro too much mobs? If it's an custom AE map I can agree that the players is to blame, but now and then I lag if a tank in the team goes around aggroing 3 enemy groups on the same time and foot stomps on a regular mission with settings +4.



*too many. Sorry, I'm a grammar nazi.

And if it's that specific and that replicatable, /bug it. Sure it might not get seen to 'right this second', but it's like the graphical 'bugs' I found in Snake caves, where it looked like there were meant to be smoothing effects on a lot of rocks and there clearly werent (they were nearly square). I brought it up here, and Arbiter Kim PM'd asking me for more screenshots and details.

The Devs are just as keen as us to see every bug in game hunted down and terminated with extreme prejudice. Its just the fact they have other stuff to do, and deadlines and other things.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
*too many. Sorry, I'm a grammar nazi.

And if it's that specific and that replicatable, /bug it. Sure it might not get seen to 'right this second', but it's like the graphical 'bugs' I found in Snake caves, where it looked like there were meant to be smoothing effects on a lot of rocks and there clearly werent (they were nearly square). I brought it up here, and Arbiter Kim PM'd asking me for more screenshots and details.

The Devs are just as keen as us to see every bug in game hunted down and terminated with extreme prejudice. Its just the fact they have other stuff to do, and deadlines and other things.
The smoothing effects on some objects were broken a while ago. During this time, the hill in Talos (and other areas) looked horrible. Once BaBs said the fix was on Test, I compared Live and Test at the same time and saw that it was indeed fixed.. However, as many people found out... along with the "Talos fix", the tunnels (and other areas) have now broken. I put up detailed comparison pictures in the same thread BaBs originally responded in, and PM'd them to a few Devs.. and got no real response other than "we'll look into it again". Then the thread died. I think this was before Kim's time though. Maybe it's time for a redoux!

Edit: Here are the pictures I took at the time..

Talos before the fix

Talos after the fix

Tunnels before the "fix"

Tunnels after the "fix" (now broken)

After looking through the screenshots folder for the original pictures, I found the timestamp to be August 27, 2009. Keep in mind this was while the fix was still on test. It didn't go live until shortly after that.

Arbiter Kim: Join Date: 09-22-2009

I'm going to message Kim as well.

Here is the original thread..
Has anyone else noticed?



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Since you are authorizing this, would you like the devs send all the unhappy players to you when we get the next 6 month gap in content while they upgrade the core engine? (I'm sure they can CC you on all the bug reports, too). How about the complaints when they up the monthly fee to absorb the extra hardware costs (ongoing, not just up-front) to deal with performance without upgrading the engine?

I'm not saying I don't want these things too, but just saying "make it happen" isn't very realistic.
We have already had more than a years gap in real content. So I fail to see the difference. All we have gotten is 2 crappy TFs, a few ported sets, and the crappy AE. I would have rather they spent that time on fixing the game engine instead.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
We have already had more than a years gap in real content. So I fail to see the difference. All we have gotten is 2 crappy TFs, a few ported sets, and the crappy AE. I would have rather they spent that time on fixing the game engine instead.
Then why do you play the game? If you think what the devs do is crappy, how about you cancel your account and find something else to play?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Then why do you play the game? If you think what the devs do is crappy, how about you cancel your account and find something else to play?
Actually I am sort of doing that now. I am playing Aion for the most part because this game is pretty much dead till GR. I am only keeping an active subscription to test out GR beta when they finally start it. If it ends up sucking then I will finally quit CoX because there will be nothing else left to hold my attention in this game. The last time I actually logged in for longer than 30 minutes in CoX was like May of last year. That should tell you something right there. I been playing this game since the begining and its just progressively gotten worse in my opinion in terms of the quality of the content.

Content to me is new zones and arcs, not a few ported powersets and crayons for powers. I dont count the AE because what its turned into. So many arcs in that thing but almost none are worth doing due to the devs nerfing the crap out of tickets and making the critters give crappy rewards now. Dont get me wrong I didnt approve the AE power leveling but at the sametime the fixes they implimented were just not fair to the authors and totally hurt the AE to the point where alot of people abandoned it. That being said, my hope is that being able to play the other ATs on the other side of the game might be enough to hold my attention long enough for more real content to be created. We will have to see how it all works out in the end.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



To the OP

Killing lots of Romans is worth it.



Originally Posted by Spazztastics View Post
Edit: missions didn't lag today *yay!* a Pocket D populated by 5 player characters still lags though... It might have something to do with the light effects or it might have something to do with the npc characters... I don't know yet..
Pocket D lag is all about that transparent floor and the light effects. That place tanks my framerate far worse than the ITF does.

Originally Posted by PerfectStorm View Post
Your spouse is not very happy about where you are with the garage-cleaning project at all now, but you've been doing the best you can with the time and the tools that you have.
Storm, have you been watching me on the weekends again?