Why make Tyrant reluctant leader?




Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Repeating the same unsupported argument over and over doesn't help either.
Well, it is supported

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
when you're outnumbered 100 to 1, you're pretty much screwed.
Nah, the aggro cap will keep them down to not even 1/5th that much!

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Except Tyrant is immortal, so there's no expectation that anyone is going to inherit his throne.

(Though I do recall some History Channel Special about an Egyptian Minor Nobleman who they did believe married his daughter after his wife passed away ...)
Bearing a child by your father wouldn't be quite such a problem, as the child would be on the same level as you paternally, but lower on the totem pole maternally. Also, younger.

As for the whole immortality thing... I was trying to answer a historical question, not a game lore one




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
No. In a monarchy government which passes power along bloodlines, you're going to get hooked up with your cousin or second cousin, not with your grandfather.

For one thing, if you had a child by your grandfather, your kid would probably be next in line for rulership instead of you.
True, the heir apparent will probably be his closest living descendant. However, as I recall, Dominatrix killed her mother, so that would make her it, no? However, it's a really good point that any of her kids by him would be closer descendants than she is. I hadn't thought of that.

Thing is, though, we don't know how Tyrant's government picks an heir. Historically, it tends to be based on relatives. But, if Tyrant's government is a meritocracy, and it certainly seems there's an aspect of that in there, then that might switch things up a bit, no?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the ones who die on the indoctrination program aren't always the weakest ones - just the ones who refuse to serve a dictator
Insubordination is a very dangerous weakness.



Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
Insubordination is a very dangerous weakness.
So only unquestioning obedience to the Leader is allowed?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So only unquestioning obedience to the Leader is allowed?
When it's military recruits who individually may have the potential to inflict more damage than a main battle tank and the nation is involved in an ongoing war for the very survival of humanity? Oh yes. Even in standard military services defying the law and the commander in chief is not allowed. Now, when the commander in chief is the one who writes the laws? Of course.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Maybe folks with potentially dangerous powers (to Tyrant) are also weeded out. Not necessarily zap-zap type stuff, but time travel and what have you...

Also, it probably keeps the supers population more manageable. Less variables, less loose cannons, etc. And, who knows, maybe it is that legitimately brutal because once you step outside Praetoria and such it really is that horrifically bad. I mean, we all know that nuclear radiation causes all sorts of fun mutations and such :P

Why look for one singular reason when there could be multiple reasons for it? One solution for many problems (and "problems").



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
Maybe folks with potentially dangerous powers (to Tyrant) are also weeded out. Not necessarily zap-zap type stuff, but time travel and what have you...
Talking of time travel, the devs said at Hero Con that you'd be able to flashback to any Praetorian content you missed - which means that there's either one or more pillars of ice and flame in Paretoria, or that the Menders will be able to issue Ouroboros portals to the superpowered people of Praetorian Earth too.
I'm sure Mender Silos would have a reason for doing this

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Talking of time travel, the devs said at Hero Con that you'd be able to flashback to any Praetorian content you missed - which means that there's either one or more pillars of ice and flame in Paretoria, or that the Menders will be able to issue Ouroboros portals to the superpowered people of Praetorian Earth too.
I'm sure Mender Silos would have a reason for doing this
Makes me wonder if the Menders would be considered horrible menaces, then.

Cole doesn't have control of *everything* after all. And I double a Mender will volunteer



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
\I'm sure Mender Silos would have a reason for doing this
It's a Silos plot!




Speaking of time travel, It's entirely possible that the Praetoria arcs we have now are from a future praetoria or a praetoria during/ directly after the Hamidon wars. yes, time travel and Dimensional travel, why not?

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Also, in the I11 trailer, Mender Silos says that there are "11 methods of time travel". The Pillar of Ice and Flame "grants us the greatest temporal accuracy while also being the most accessible to the super powered beings needed to alter the causality curve."




Wouldn't you keep the other 90% as a buffer though?

In Medieval total war I usually had several large groups of peasants, they were cheap but rubbish at fighting (during a peasant revolt my 80 armoured knights took on 400 peasants and dispatched them with ease) but I used them as a buffer so that enemy forces would hit the peasants first which would tie them up for a short time while my proper troops got into position or I'd simply tell my cannons to switch to canister shot and fire into the peasants which would take out some of my more numerous peasants but also a large chunk of the enemy

Surely that other 90% of superpowered people would be useful just to delay or tie up the Devouring Earth while your elite troops went and did their tasks, sure the ones holding the line aren't the 'best of the best' but they're going to take a few with them and then the elite troops can mop up afterwards.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Wouldn't you keep the other 90% as a buffer though?

In Medieval total war I usually had several large groups of peasants, they were cheap but rubbish at fighting (during a peasant revolt my 80 armoured knights took on 400 peasants and dispatched them with ease) but I used them as a buffer so that enemy forces would hit the peasants first which would tie them up for a short time while my proper troops got into position or I'd simply tell my cannons to switch to canister shot and fire into the peasants which would take out some of my more numerous peasants but also a large chunk of the enemy

Surely that other 90% of superpowered people would be useful just to delay or tie up the Devouring Earth while your elite troops went and did their tasks, sure the ones holding the line aren't the 'best of the best' but they're going to take a few with them and then the elite troops can mop up afterwards.
Without spoiling Redside Arcs too much, there's a character there who became a Greater Devoured and retained their super human powers. Even if the washouts weren't up to snuff, would you really want to give Hamidon some super powered DNA to add to his creations?

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To the original post: It's propoganda. Even if Cole is bloodthirsty brutal thug, he's probably smart enough to have a "reluctant leader" PR spin on his ascent to Emperor.

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Well, again, this is assuming he started off "teh 110% ebil tyrant" he is now. I'm still curious to see if the old Praetorian arcs get retconned or not to the characters aren't nearly so shallow.



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
Well, again, this is assuming he started off "teh 110% ebil tyrant" he is now. I'm still curious to see if the old Praetorian arcs get retconned or not to the characters aren't nearly so shallow.
They'll have to ar least change the maps - Praetorian Earth in the PI arcs doesn't look as clean as the GR version

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Without spoiling Redside Arcs too much, there's a character there who became a Greater Devoured and retained their super human powers. Even if the washouts weren't up to snuff, would you really want to give Hamidon some super powered DNA to add to his creations?
Add a self-destruct implant to all of them - it'd stop them being taken over by the DE, and it might also help keep them loyal

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Add a self-destruct implant to all of them - it'd stop them being taken over by the DE, and it might also help keep them loyal
Whose side are you on?



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Whose side are you on?
Her own?

Its actually not a half-bad idea, to be honest.

* The crazed, power-hungry Tyrant would find it practical on a variety of levels. Refuse the enemy a weapon, enforce discipline, turn anyone into a WMD, etc.

* Those zealous enough to join and survive might well welcome a chance to be 110% committed to the cause. Death to all that oppose Tyrant! Rawr! Kamekazi! We're two-dimensional charecatures you get to fight in arcs from levels 15-20! All hail Ming the Merciless! er...


* The reluctant leader Cole might not want to do it, but it makes sense given what almost happened. If the Devouring Earth were that difficult to defeat before, the last thing you want is for them to possess the powers of the elite 10% of superhumans who can survive the training program. Also, could you imagine the tragedy of someone being turned into exactly what they were fighting to protect their friends, their families and humanity as a whole from?

* The people fighting the Devouring Earth might have seen examples of this, and as such might actually want/request such a thing! No, seriously! "Kill me before I turn into one of those inhuman monsters."

or its a mixture of both...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The side of the angels
The angels? Or the Rouge Angle Satin?




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
The angels? Or the Rouge Angle Satin?
Satin's nice - but the non-fallen angels are my crew

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hail Seitan?