Why make Tyrant reluctant leader?




Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Actually...for once...a very good point GG.
/em marks date on calendar.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
Take a stroll along the streets of Kings Row, where the Skulls bully hapless citizens, Vahzilok body snatchers lurk in every back alley and the Circle of Thorns perform arcane rituals on any hapless citizen that hasn't already been mugged or murdered.

To a right thinking citizen of Praetoria wouldn't Paragon City appear a terrifying and lawless place which could only benefit from coming under the benevolent rule of Emperor Cole?
Most citizens of Peoria would probably think that.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
Take a stroll along the streets of Kings Row, where the Skulls bully hapless citizens, Vahzilok body snatchers lurk in every back alley and the Circle of Thorns perform arcane rituals on any hapless citizen that hasn't already been mugged or murdered.

To a right thinking citizen of Praetoria wouldn't Paragon City appear a terrifying and lawless place which could only benefit from coming under the benevolent rule of Emperor Cole?
This is the great thing about how they're setting up Praetoria. It's really a world with alot of shades of grey, which is what Going Rogue is all about.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Praetoria is terrifying because you give up your free will to be safe, as long as you keep quiet, don't ask questions and get on with your life, probably occasionally give Mother Mayhem a hug and tell her she's pretty, you get to live your life in peace.

Paragon City is terrifying because everyone has free will unfortunately this means the criminal element is also more abundant.

Praetoria is proactive in stopping crime but to a degree which steps on the boundaries of personal freedom.

Paragon City heroes are reactive in stopping crime but as such there are risk that they went be there in time when you get captured by the Circle of Thorns/Carnival of Shadows/Crey agent bent on experiments/Malta agents who like lobotimizing super powered people and putting their brains into giant mechanical titans who gain a particular love for the 'macross missile spam' trope.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
We may have gone there first, but they're the ones that want to actually invade.

We're Stargate Command, they're the Goa'uld.
Actually, more like they are the Ori of Origin.

Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Pretending to not want a position of power is the first step you need to take in order gain the trust of the fools who will elect you. It's almost like a natural law by now.
Exactly - the whole "I wouldn't want the guy who wants power to have it" kinda thing.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But someone who is loyal to Tyrant wouldn't be classed as a Hero on Primal Earth.
No? Plenty of the loyalists (especially the "low on the totem pole" ones) no doubt are little more than the kind of police that help lost people find their way. Tyrant IS the elected (however it may of come about) rule of the world.

And do you truly think all the resistance members fight Tyrant because they think he's evil? Or because they simply don't like "The System" whatever system it may be?

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So disorderly thoughts would be wondering where a superpowered relation of yours had disappeared to? Or why the family of another superpowered person who disappeared also disappeared when they started asking questions about their missing relative?
That poor Jones family. After Simon disappeared, they ended up just up and leaving. I guess the memories got to be too much for them there. Here is to wishing them well!

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So disorderly thoughts would be wondering where a superpowered relation of yours had disappeared to? Or why the family of another superpowered person who disappeared also disappeared when they started asking questions about their missing relative?
Praetoria may be safe, but the rest of the world still needs people fighting for justice and order. Those people with superhuman abilities are true heroes, going off to god-knows-where, and doing what they can. And in some places, it's an uphill battle. In some places, stability isn't going to be achieved for months; maybe even years! Thankfully, Emperor Cole realizes just how hard it is on both the Super and their loved ones. That's why - when it's safe for them to do so - he makes accommodations for them to be together. And besides, sometimes it seems like Praetoria is the only place left where people are actually optimistic about the future. I think it's a good thing for people from here to go out there (when it's safe, of course) and spread some good will around.

You know, you ask some strange questions sometimes. And I'm not sure I like your tone when you talk about Emperor Cole. If not for him, most of us probably wouldn't even be here right now, you know! He's given us everything we could ever want or need. He saved humanity from destruction, for heaven's sake! And you question him? You accuse him of all sorts of horrible things?

*backs away slowly*

You know those "imbalanced" people I was talking about? Well, maybe I was talking to one of them! I hope the Seers know about you, because you need help, lady. Serious help.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



On a side note: It's really easy to slip into RP mode when discussing the ethics and societal structure of Praetoria.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Personally I like Recluse and his evil-evilness. He reminds me of Dr.Doom. Not every villain can be a morally ambigious "I don't know what is going on" puzzle.

Somedays, I just like my mustache twirling.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Most citizens of Peoria would probably think that.
I C wut U did there

Or citizens of Alaska. Thank goodness most Alaskan cities (towns*) have a low enough street crime rate that you don't have to worry too much about getting mugged on your way to the meth lab.

*When your entire state has a lower population than many major cities it's a little harder to justify calling any of your your population centers 'cities'.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Most citizens of Peoria would probably think that.
Peoria is close enough to Glendale and central Phoenix that they wouldn't blink an eye. I see those kinds of things all the time when I go downtown.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Tyrant and Recluse both seem to base their promotion system on that "survival of the fittest" idea - so they have some moustache-twirling stuff in common
Recluse yes indeed he forces that on you. Basic animal kingdom rise to the power shtick.

Tyrant, I really do not see that in him with the bio that we given out. He is looking for pure control in a constant state. He does this through (speculation of course) not just brute force but also through charisma which helps him get people behind him. So to the people we see a great figure that rises from the ashes to save the world. On the other spectrum we see a man using all connections, strength and cunning to keep things the way he sees, absolute control, of "peace".



In either way, it's pretty clear that when you side with Emperor Cole, you're meant to be a villain. Praetoria is basically "what if 1984's Oceania was ruled by Superman?" right down to the Thought Police/Psychic Friends Network. There's some semblance of moral grey because you're superficially safe in Praetoria, but you don't see people excusing Hitler only because he had some pretty awesome streets built.

In a sense, that makes even the Etoile Isles a safer place than Praetoria. In the infamous City of Villains, there's no need to watch your back because everyone's gonna be too busy to stab you in the front. In Praetoria, you never know when exactly someone's gonna rat you out to the authorities because you wondered why you're not allowed to leave the country.

On the other side, while we don't know much about the Resistance, and while there might be some moral gray going on with them (maybe they're willing to blow up buildings, killing innocent people in the process, just to end Tyrant's rule?), ultimately they'll still be the good guys by virtue of not sending death squads after you for political dissent.



Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Recluse yes indeed he forces that on you. Basic animal kingdom rise to the power shtick.

Tyrant, I really do not see that in him with the bio that we given out. He is looking for pure control in a constant state. He does this through (speculation of course) not just brute force but also through charisma which helps him get people behind him. So to the people we see a great figure that rises from the ashes to save the world. On the other spectrum we see a man using all connections, strength and cunning to keep things the way he sees, absolute control, of "peace".
At Hero Con, they said that promotion in Praetoria, at least amongst the Praetorian Guard, happens when you're strong enough to remove your boss, and take their place - that sounds a bit "survival-of-the-fittest"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



But they never said that "survival of the fittest" in Praetoria is literal like it is on the Rogue Isles. Again, from what we've seen and heard, it's more like "John is responsible for X. Jim is working underneath John. Jim proves that he'd be more capable than John of being responsible for X. Therefore, Jim replaces John and John finds something else to do." Now, we don't know what "something else" entails for poor John. I know some - like you, for example - would probably like to think that John is killed or something because TYRANT IS AN EVIL MEANIEHEAD. But we don't know. It could be that John takes over Jim's old position (provided that the person below Jim isn't capable of doing a better job of it than John) and that it really is just advancement via better performance with all the usual B.S. stripped away. Or maybe you're right, and Jim plants inflammatory anti-Cole propaganda documents in John's computer and gets John taken away by the authorities. We just don't know.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
At Hero Con, they said that promotion in Praetoria, at least amongst the Praetorian Guard, happens when you're strong enough to remove your boss, and take their place - that sounds a bit "survival-of-the-fittest"
So the one note where strength is a must to bring into the field to handle any type of commotion or lawbreaking. From one branch of Praetoria.

Compare this to the Isles; where you have to fight of everyone to make a living; rob from Peter and Paul to pay yourself.

That to me does not make them on the same mark of "Survival of the Fittest".



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
But they never said that "survival of the fittest" in Praetoria is literal like it is on the Rogue Isles. Again, from what we've seen and heard, it's more like "John is responsible for X. Jim is working underneath John. Jim proves that he'd be more capable than John of being responsible for X. Therefore, Jim replaces John and John finds something else to do." Now, we don't know what "something else" entails for poor John. I know some - like you, for example - would probably like to think that John is killed or something because TYRANT IS AN EVIL MEANIEHEAD. But we don't know. It could be that John takes over Jim's old position (provided that the person below Jim isn't capable of doing a better job of it than John) and that it really is just advancement via better performance with all the usual B.S. stripped away. Or maybe you're right, and Jim plants inflammatory anti-Cole propaganda documents in John's computer and gets John taken away by the authorities. We just don't know.
So to sum it up like businesses in RL how promotions work, your replace other people and they demote/fired person gets/finds a new job.



Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
So the one note where strength is a must to bring into the field to handle any type of commotion or lawbreaking. From one branch of Praetoria.
That "one branch" is a major factor in Tyrant's ability to rule his empire

So the most important support for his dictatorship practices a "survival-of-the-fittest career" path - and he seems to approve, otherwise, he'd have told them to stop

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
But they never said that "survival of the fittest" in Praetoria is literal like it is on the Rogue Isles. Again, from what we've seen and heard, it's more like "John is responsible for X. Jim is working underneath John. Jim proves that he'd be more capable than John of being responsible for X. Therefore, Jim replaces John and John finds something else to do." Now, we don't know what "something else" entails for poor John. I know some - like you, for example - would probably like to think that John is killed or something because TYRANT IS AN EVIL MEANIEHEAD. But we don't know. It could be that John takes over Jim's old position (provided that the person below Jim isn't capable of doing a better job of it than John) and that it really is just advancement via better performance with all the usual B.S. stripped away. Or maybe you're right, and Jim plants inflammatory anti-Cole propaganda documents in John's computer and gets John taken away by the authorities. We just don't know.
Well, going by the fact that the indoctrination program of the Powers Division having a 90% fatality rate, it does seem like Tyrant doesn't place such a big emphasis on human life

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Praetorian Police department are the "first line of defense against the Resistance" - if you choose them as a career path, you're going to be taking the evil path
Since when is preventing subversive elements from destroying your utopia an evil act?

Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
assuming the F&F beta has even begun
All parts of beta testing - including Friends & Family - is done on the Test server. If it's not on Test, it's not in any stage of beta yet.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
give Mother Mayhem a hug and tell her she's pretty
Mother Mayhem is pretty, and everyone likes hugs!

And without her Psychic Friends Network, we would have to worry about subversive elements plotting the destruction of all that is good.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, going by the fact that the indoctrination program of the Powers Division having a 90% fatality rate, it does seem like Tyrant doesn't place such a big emphasis on human life

I'm not 100% sure but I don't remember hearing "90% fatality", just that 90% of the supers are never seen in Praetoria again. Instead they are presumed to be off fighting the good fight abroad to keep everyone else safe, making the ultimate sacrifice, etc etc.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
All parts of beta testing - including Friends & Family - is done on the Test server. If it's not on Test, it's not in any stage of beta yet.
Not to say that that won't be true with Going Rogue, but City of Villains was tested on an entirely different server, with Test remaining available to everyone the whole time.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
Not to say that that won't be true with Going Rogue, but City of Villains was tested on an entirely different server, with Test remaining available to everyone the whole time.
In fact, I do believe they've said that it will be done this way again. Lets them have the regular test server for any [I/i]ssues that come up.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
All parts of beta testing - including Friends & Family - is done on the Test server. If it's not on Test, it's not in any stage of beta yet.
GR closed beta is going to be on a separate test server, according to Ghost Falcon

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I'm not 100% sure but I don't remember hearing "90% fatality", just that 90% of the supers are never seen in Praetoria again. Instead they are presumed to be off fighting the good fight abroad to keep everyone else safe, making the ultimate sacrifice, etc etc.
That's still a fatal option

Another possible thing I thought of, as part of the Powers Division indoctrination program, and based on the Roman theme in Praetoria would be some sort of gladiator fights - not public, of course, as that might spoil the public image of Tyrant
But at different stages of your training, you (as a "gladiator") would be put in some sort of arena to fight either a captured member of the Resistance ("criminal") or some of the Devouring Earth (wilde beasts) or fellow recruits on the indoctrination program (other gladiators) to test if you were good enough for the main tasks of the Praetorian Guard.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork