Tyrant background




the REAL kicker is that Tyrant is only a problem if he's planning to invade OUR world

poor guy is just never satisfied

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



I think the very fact that this supposed 'Hamidon' has such a different physical form compared to the one we are familiar with is more than just a cosmetic factor.

Indeed, its similarity to a Devoured and Cole (rather conveniently) managing learn a great deal about the Devouring Earth in that little psionic exchange makes me suspect the Hamidon Pasilima of Praetorian Earth may well be pursuing someone else's agenda....or dead.



Originally Posted by Alasdair View Post
I think the very fact that this supposed 'Hamidon' has such a different physical form compared to the one we are familiar with is more than just a cosmetic factor.

Indeed, its similarity to a Devoured and Cole (rather conveniently) managing learn a great deal about the Devouring Earth in that little psionic exchange makes me suspect the Hamidon Pasilima of Praetorian Earth may well be pursuing someone else's agenda....or dead.

Tyrant released hami into the wild himself? To get the general public behind him to enable to get him into power maybe?

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I am interested in the notion that Cole may have lost his mental duel with Prae-Hami.

After doing the high-level arcs, I'm still confident that Tyrant is a villain. Mind control, forced insanity, dimension-scale genocide, and soul binding do not a hero make!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Tyrant released hami into the wild himself? To get the general public behind him to enable to get him into power maybe?
Its the first thing I thought of when I read the bio. However, I hope that the writers did not go there, because its so much more interesting that Tyrant actually did take over the world because he thinks its for the world's own good, rather than being a straight-up mustache-twirling evil-doer.

Its really a very short, but very interesting stroll between being Superman and being Magneto (at least, the appropriately sane versions of those characters).

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Tyrant released hami into the wild himself? To get the general public behind him to enable to get him into power maybe?
Yes...apart from the 'released into the wild' part.

It's all too convenient.
He suddenly re-appears in time to deal with a threat that atomic weapons cannot stop. To top it off he is able to put on a fantastic show for the world (which is where he apparently gains his in-depth understanding of the creatures he is fighting.)

I'm leaning towards the idea that the Devouring Earth and our dear emperor are not the true adversaries they appear to be.

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---Disclaimer Ends---



Could be they came to an agreement. Hami would stop rampaging against the population if Cole kept them under control.



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
I understood it as Preatorian Hamidon being much, much more powerful than ours. The Devouring Earth have never overrun us so much that we'd feel the need to nuke them. I suspect that there may be a new end-game raid, to keep Preatorian Hami locked up wherever he is locked up in Preatorian Earth.
People keep saying they think GR is going to come with a new Hami raid, but that sounds really boring to me. If we're getting a new multi-team raid with GR I hope to see something competely different.



Okay, since there is no mention of Praetorian earth Recluse. . . Methinks, their Recluse = Hamidon???

Conjecture? Or does it fit to well since we havent seen anything about that universe's Recluse.



Originally Posted by thedarkeone View Post
Okay, since there is no mention of Praetorian earth Recluse. . . Methinks, their Recluse = Hamidon???

Conjecture? Or does it fit to well since we havent seen anything about that universe's Recluse.
They said at Hero Con that Tyrant killed the Praetorian Recluse.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by thedarkeone View Post
Okay, since there is no mention of Praetorian earth Recluse. . . Methinks, their Recluse = Hamidon???

Conjecture? Or does it fit to well since we havent seen anything about that universe's Recluse.
Hamidon is called Hamidon because the scientist that created the DE was called Hamidon. Or something like that anyway.

Either way, he can't be Recluse.

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Originally Posted by thedarkeone View Post
Okay, since there is no mention of Praetorian earth Recluse. . . Methinks, their Recluse = Hamidon???

Conjecture? Or does it fit to well since we havent seen anything about that universe's Recluse.
Right now our best guess is that their Recluse is dead, killed by Cole after they found the Well of the Furies. Also, "Hamidon" isn't just a made-up name for the big scary monster, it's the name of the scientist who turned into the big scary monster, Hamidon Pasalima.



I was a doubter before HeroCon, but at least one of the attendees reported that it was confirmed there, so I have moved to cautious believer.

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I'm leaning towards the idea that the Devouring Earth and our dear emperor are not the true adversaries they appear to be.
Its a tricky one because from what we gather, both of their end goals are completely different. One wants to rule the human population while the other wants to wipe them out.

One thing we can be certain of though, is that there is a LOT of betrayel going on in praetoria. So far, all 3 of the main characters have been betrayed in some form or another, so think its safe to say that there will be plenty more betrayels yet to come.

Quick lore question. Is it possible for parts of the hami to "fuse" with a human host? ala romulus style?

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Forgot about that. . . Well, maybe they changed their minds. Or maybe that is just a big cover. . . Or maybe. . .

Okay, forget it. I just want GR here now!



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
I was a doubter before HeroCon, but at least one of the attendees reported that it was confirmed there, so I have moved to cautious believer.
There's video proof too

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Quick lore question. Is it possible for parts of the hami to "fuse" with a human host? ala romulus style?
Hamidon, as we know him, is a gigantic single cell. Unless our Hamidon is capable of turning into something other than a single-celled organism, or the Praetorian Hamidon is something else (which he may be), he can't merge with a host.




Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
Could be they came to an agreement. Hami would stop rampaging against the population if Cole kept them under control.
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Hamidon Wars would also be a very useful way of Tyrant thinning out the superhero population
Those are a very plausible reasons Cole disappears for years, a new enemy sprouts up, is the only one to defeat it, and then uses it for his benefit. The only issue that I see is that the Hamidon hasn't ever, in primal earth, made a pact with anyone. Hell Hamidon even killed Woodsman and Woodsman was always trying to protect the environment. Praetorian Hamidon could be different so all of that is very likely.

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I always liked the Praetorian earth lore, probably because I ended up with a different version of half of it thanks to playing redside first.

Thanks to the way the CoX universe works, that being the ridiculous stereotypes of comics all being real, all of the universes they encounter are similarly planet-of-hats deals. The only universe that displays any real complexity is Praetorian earth. In fact, it's so drastically at odds with the simplicity of very nearly all of the rest of CoX that it really stands out. A planet of multiple motivations and deeds based on individual ethics and not universal notions of good and evil, where the heroes are imperfect and the villains complex?

Praetorian earth is, without breaking the fundamental game basis of Superheroes, exactly what a comic book universe would see if they saw our world.



One thing confused me a bit about this background. I'd always been under the impression, based on what we're told in "The Terra Conspiracy," that Hamidon Pasalima didn't become the Hamidon, the monster, until relatively recently. Is this an oversight, a change to the existing backstory, or a divergence between Primal and Praetorian Earths?

Oh, and another thing I found interesting: note that although Cole seems to have started off his super-powered career more or less as his Primal Earth counterpart did, there isn't any suggestion he ever used the Statesman identity, or any double identity at all, for that matter. It makes me wonder if super-powered beings traditionally have "super" personas on Praetorian Earth at all, or if it's just another manifestation of the general CoX setting's notion that many, if not most, super identities are publicly known. (By the way, that's always been one of my favorite aspects of the setting.)

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
One thing confused me a bit about this background. I'd always been under the impression, based on what we're told in "The Terra Conspiracy," that Hamidon Pasalima didn't become the Hamidon, the monster, until relatively recently. Is this an oversight, a change to the existing backstory, or a divergence between Primal and Praetorian Earths?
It's a divergence - Praetoria is not an exact mirror of Primal Earth - so not every character here has an exact mirror over there.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by PeteyCat View Post
Right now our best guess is that their Recluse is dead, killed by Cole after they found the Well of the Furies. Also, "Hamidon" isn't just a made-up name for the big scary monster, it's the name of the scientist who turned into the big scary monster, Hamidon Pasalima.
... It just occurred to me that Primal Earth's Hamidon Pasalima may be the direct descendant of Bolbox!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Its the first thing I thought of when I read the bio. However, I hope that the writers did not go there, because its so much more interesting that Tyrant actually did take over the world because he thinks its for the world's own good, rather than being a straight-up mustache-twirling evil-doer.
If you were determined to change the world for the better without having to do so by wringing it dry between your hands.. why not give the world a common enemy to unite behind you to deal with? It's in effect a bloodless coup. Or rather.. bloodless on your hands. As long as no one finds out the truth and you don't let your conscience get to you and you keep your eye on the prize, the only thing to keep you from your goal is what you've unleashed. You don't have to be moustachio-twirling, top hat wearing, monocle squinting evil for that (though that's an awesome look).

Think of it as thinning out the stupid from the herd. The only way you'd end up being evil is if in the end, you're not the one who writes the history about it.