Tyrant background




Yes Recluse is dead.

However, that didn't stop our Ghost Widow.


Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
Praetorian earth is, without breaking the fundamental game basis of Superheroes, exactly what a comic book universe would see if they saw our world.
That is a spooky thought.... and disturbingly accurate.



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
Thanks to the way the CoX universe works, that being the ridiculous stereotypes of comics all being real, all of the universes they encounter are similarly planet-of-hats deals. The only universe that displays any real complexity is Praetorian earth. In fact, it's so drastically at odds with the simplicity of very nearly all of the rest of CoX that it really stands out. A planet of multiple motivations and deeds based on individual ethics and not universal notions of good and evil, where the heroes are imperfect and the villains complex?
That sounds like a great idea and you should make an AE arc based on it, but it is nowhere near the official story of Praetorian Earth.

Character index



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
I always liked the Praetorian earth lore, probably because I ended up with a different version of half of it thanks to playing redside first.

Thanks to the way the CoX universe works, that being the ridiculous stereotypes of comics all being real, all of the universes they encounter are similarly planet-of-hats deals. The only universe that displays any real complexity is Praetorian earth. In fact, it's so drastically at odds with the simplicity of very nearly all of the rest of CoX that it really stands out. A planet of multiple motivations and deeds based on individual ethics and not universal notions of good and evil, where the heroes are imperfect and the villains complex?

Praetorian earth is, without breaking the fundamental game basis of Superheroes, exactly what a comic book universe would see if they saw our world.
I respectfully disagree. Up to now, the way that Praetorian earth has been written, the Praetorians are nothing more than an amalgamation of DC's "Crime Society of America" of Earth-3, both in the fact that they are doppelgangers of the most powerful group of heroes in the prime dimension and that they are otherdimensional in origin, and Marvel's Squadron Supreme, in that the most powerful team of superheroes ended up taking over the world.

There are differences between the Praetorians and each of the groups I mentioned, which is why I said they are an amalgamation of the two.

This is not to say that the Praetorians are conceptually bad and I sincerely hope that they improve the execution of their stories in the upcoming expansion. However, up until now, the primary arcs in which these characters appear in the canon storyline are undeveloped at best and downright bad at worst.

Any narrative is only as good as its execution and there is nothing inherently more sophisticated about the Freedom Phalanx taking over the world versus the Freedom Phalanx defending the world. There are only our own biases about the simplicity of morality. Thus far, the stories themselves have not been particularly sophisticated and other than our imaginations, those are the only official things we have to judge the Praetorians by.

We can hope they will eventually achieve what you suggest, but they are in no way near there yet.



We can hope they will eventually achieve what you suggest, but they are in no way near there yet.
Have you READ the new bios for them? They are clearly THERE now! We're just waiting for it go to live/beta!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Have you READ the new bios for them? They are clearly THERE now! We're just waiting for it go to live/beta!
Thus far, unless I am just looking in the wrong place, I've seen one bio for one character associated with the Praetorians. Tyrant himself. And it was posted yesterday. Considering the even if you consider Hero-Con to be the point at which GR was to have been announced, you're still talking about a period of months to produce about 2-3 pages worth of text.

There are also 2 bios for characters completely unassociated with any Praetorian content in the past. That means they had the luxury of creating their bios from whole cloth. So basically, thus far, after months of lead time, the 'revamp' of the Praetorians consists solely of a rather sketchily detailed historical biography of Tyrant himself.

That sort of output doesn't exactly inspire confidence in me.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
It's been mentioned that they will be able to; they just won't be able to start in Praetoria. Same for Kheldians.

I was hoping they'd let us make them part of Pretoria. A Widow ends up being a Seer. The Solders end up being part of the Praetorian Guard, etc. Give them their own arcs. And have them eventually leaving and deciding to join the local closest approximation(Arachnos) Or give it up and be a hero. I'd likely give them their own non-arachnos costume bits and let the rest get unlocked later.

As for the Kheldians. I could see them being locked up underground, used as slave labor or maybe just stuck in giant tubes to be drained to help fuel the city. Breaking out and joining the rebellion or helping the State toss their former friends/family into the fire.

At least, that was my thought... I guess if they want each side to have it's own Epic classes, that's cool too



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Thus far, unless I am just looking in the wrong place, I've seen one bio for one character associated with the Praetorians. Tyrant himself. And it was posted yesterday. Considering the even if you consider Hero-Con to be the point at which GR was to have been announced, you're still talking about a period of months to produce about 2-3 pages worth of text.

There are also 2 bios for characters completely unassociated with any Praetorian content in the past. That means they had the luxury of creating their bios from whole cloth. So basically, thus far, after months of lead time, the 'revamp' of the Praetorians consists solely of a rather sketchily detailed historical biography of Tyrant himself.

That sort of output doesn't exactly inspire confidence in me.

you've seen only the information that they want us to see Think its safe to say that they wont leave the entire expansion lore/bios/mission txts etc to the very last minute

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
you've seen only the information that they want us to see Think its safe to say that they wont leave the entire expansion lore/bios/mission txts etc to the very last minute
Well, as I said initially, I hope that they execute the narrative well. I guess the question is whether I've really seen anything thus far to offer me anything more than that hope. Unfortunately, the answer right now is no.

The writing in this game has always been uneven, ranging from very good, (the Rikti war arcs, Oh Wretched Man, The Hammer of the World, etc), to very bad, (most everything produced in the first couple of years). If you look at the last couple of years, however, ever since the changeover to NCSoft, the best way to describe the content writing of this game is 'strangely absent.'

Meaning that there just isn't that much to judge them by since then, which sort of feeds my trepidation and my concern that, as far as storyline goes, we might just be at a point at which Tyrant's bio just may be all that they actually have at this point because they are concentrating so much on the graphical upgrade and the game mechanics portion of the expansion.

In reality, the history of Praetoria is the technologically easiest portion of the expansion to produce and giving us some of that history a page at a time over a period of months is not exactly a labor-intensive activity, but they haven't done it. It wouldn't have a huge impact on the actual gameplay of the expansion either, because knowing, say, what Bobcat's bio is will not really affect how the stories from 1-20 play out for the player's character.

In fact, it would also be a smart thing to do, because doing it would quiet some of the rumblings from the crowd concerning rumors that the expansion is going to be delayed or even cancelled. In the absence of anything new, people will invent their own news. And 99% of the time, the news they invent will not be good news.

The company could easily quell that 'news making' and keep their fan base satisfied that things are moving forward unless there is just nothing there to give us right now.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Meaning that there just isn't that much to judge them by since then, which sort of feeds my trepidation and my concern that, as far as storyline goes, we might just be at a point at which Tyrant's bio just may be all that they actually have at this point because they are concentrating so much on the graphical upgrade and the game mechanics portion of the expansion.
The people working on the story are not the same people working on graphics or game mechanics. They have a team of writers who have been working on the story. So I wouldn't worry.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Which is too bad because we're denied the chance to see Recluse as a good guy. Would have been interesting.

Why does nobody pay attention to me?

Our Ghost Widow is DEAD! A flipping ghost!
For that matter, so is War Witch.

What says that Praetorian Recluse isn't an active ghost?
I have yet to see anything that says otherwise.



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
What says that Praetorian Recluse isn't an active ghost?
I have yet to see anything that says otherwise.
There's nothing said otherwise. But in all the discussion about the Resistance and whatnot, no mention of Recluse is made (though they do mention Belladona Vetrano as a part of the Resistance, which was Ghost Widow's name before she died). And when we asked what Praetorian Recluse is up to, they told us that Marcus killed Stephan at the Well. Full Stop.




True, but that doesn't mean he's not floating around and doing something... does it?

Personally, I think it would be neat if Stephan turned out to be filling the role that Belladonna does in the universe we currently play in.



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
True, but that doesn't mean he's not floating around and doing something... does it?
It doesn't mean he is, either. Not every dead person is hanging around as a super hero (or hanging around at all) in the CoH universe. Thousands of heroes died during the First Rikti War, but you don't see them crowding Atlas Park, do you?

Besides, I think they said that Marcus killed Stephan before Stephan drank from the Well, so Stephan would have never gotten his powers. Both War Witch and Ghost Widow were super people before death.





We'll see.



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
Personally, I think it would be neat if Stephan turned out to be filling the role that Belladonna does in the universe we currently play in.
Standing around dressed in skintight leather?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Standing around dressed in skintight leather?
Gyah! *scrubs brain*




There are three Statesmen, two of which have eyes on taking over the world. I have a feeling Lord Recluse and crew are about to go into Critical Alert Status, 'cause three Statesmen is two Statesmen too many (maybe even three too many)!

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Technically, there's four. Imperious is essentially Past Statesman.

Also, wasn't the news about Recluse at Herocon basically "Richter died at the Well of the Furies... or did he?" with emphasis on the "or did he?" I suppose it's mostly just wishful thinking, but I'd love to see a Praetorian Stefan Richter.



So... who's War Witch's Praetorian counterpart, and is she dead too?



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Technically, there's four. Imperious is essentially Past Statesman.

Also, wasn't the news about Recluse at Herocon basically "Richter died at the Well of the Furies... or did he?" with emphasis on the "or did he?"
No - they said Tyrant killed the Praetorian Recluse.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yeah, that's what they'd like you to think! Can't trust those Praetorians on anything, you know.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No - they said Tyrant killed the Praetorian Recluse.
Gotta say that I think that's a bad idea to flat out say "There's no Recluse or Nemesis in Praetoria."

Someday Hero 1 or his successors may have a great idea for an event where we free the Praetorian Recluse from his imprisonment and someone on the forums will pipe up and say, "But Back in 2009/2010 you told us he was dead! The Devs are big fat liars!"

Never write yourself into a corner in a Comic or comic based game...

IMO, Manti did that in his Fodder for the Canon thread when he flat out said that the COV hero Warshade Romulus had no connection to the Romulus from The Imperious TF.

In one stroke he turned a potentially fascinating concept for the game-- that a major bad guy in the distant past becomes a good guy in the present-- into a case of "oh they're just too Nictus-related guys who happened to use the same name." Blah.

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Never write yourself into a corner in a Comic or comic based game...
There is no such thing as a corner in comics. As soon as the corner becomes inconvenient, it gets obliterated by an energy weapon.




I'm expecting to find Nemesis working as something like a janitor or maintenance man involving the Praetorian Clockwork in some way.

Then, when people least expect it, he takes control of the Clockwork in a bid for world domination.

It's always a Nemesis plot. Always.