Tyrant background




Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Really? I thought he used Super Strength attacks. Though it's hard to tell with some attacks, as there is some overlap.
Tyrant uses Energy Melee, at least he does in the game currently. He's got one Invulnerability power, several Energy Melee powers, one Energy Mastery power, Fly, inherent resistance, and PToD.

Statesman gets 2 Invulnerability powers, several Super Strength powers, two unique powers (Hammer of Justice and Zeus' Lightning Bolt), Fly, inherent resistance, and PToD.

Reichsman gets 2 Invulnerability powers, several Super Strength powers, 4 unique powers (Fist of Tyranny, Sap Will, Corrupted Lightning Bolt, and Aura of Domination), Fly, inherent resistance, and PToD.

Imperious is a copy of Statesman.




Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Hmm certainly going to be interesting especially if Arachnos Soldiers/Widows are allowed to change sides,
It's been mentioned that they will be able to; they just won't be able to start in Praetoria. Same for Kheldians.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Manticore has never had issues with which side of the law he's on, except in an altered timeline fixed by the Menders of Ouroboros.

Edit: Okay, he's shot States before. But he didn't do it because he was evil.

By sides of the law i mean he doesnt exactly stick to "this is the law, we must do things this way". He gets his objectives done by any means.

Im just being awkward

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Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
I had the same reaction when I first saw the concept art for Praetorea in the theatrical trailer (at the 1 minute mark). If the actual zone ends up looking like the art in that trailer, Paragon City will look like a slum in comparison.
And what would that make the Rogue Isles?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm sure Palpatine seemed cool at first too
Um....Darth Sidious is still cool GG.You just don't get it 'cuz ur a gurl and u have cooties.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
By sides of the law i mean he doesnt exactly stick to "this is the law, we must do things this way".
That' just 'cuz hes Chaotic Good, rather than Lawful Stupid like States.




Seems more than a bit like the original Squadron Supreme storyline. I suppose that's not such a bad thing. If you're going to be influenced by something in mainstream superhero comics, you could do a lot worse than Gruenwald's epic. It beats yet another Watchmen or Kingdom Come homage.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Tyrant uses Energy Melee, at least he does in the game currently. He's got one Invulnerability power, several Energy Melee powers, one Energy Mastery power, Fly, inherent resistance, and PToD.

Statesman gets 2 Invulnerability powers, several Super Strength powers, two unique powers (Hammer of Justice and Zeus' Lightning Bolt), Fly, inherent resistance, and PToD.

Reichsman gets 2 Invulnerability powers, several Super Strength powers, 4 unique powers (Fist of Tyranny, Sap Will, Corrupted Lightning Bolt, and Aura of Domination), Fly, inherent resistance, and PToD.

Imperious is a copy of Statesman.
Imperious is Statesman's past life



Oh my god.. Cole is a hero.. Well, from what I read. Still, "Praetorian" had such an evil meaning to me in the beginning - but then I think about its intended meaning and..

Loyalist forever.

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I take his actions and motives with a grain of sand. He may have began good, but a resistance doesn't form for nothing.



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
I take his actions and motives with a grain of sand. He may have began good, but a resistance doesn't form for nothing.
Exactly, while Cole might have meant well, consider that he has people who are MONITORING PEOPLE'S THOUGHTS and if you are born with powers of any kind, you are forcibly drafted into service, likely no matter how weak those powers really are.

And in both cases, you can get sent away and never heard from again.

There's martial law to keep the peace and then there's fascist tyranny.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Exactly, while Cole might have meant well, consider that he has people who are MONITORING PEOPLE'S THOUGHTS and if you are born with powers of any kind, you are forcibly drafted into service, likely no matter how weak those powers really are.

And in both cases, you can get sent away and never heard from again.

There's martial law to keep the peace and then there's fascist tyranny.

Consider how many times the people of his world have nuked the planet. Perhaps he HAS to monitor their minds to make sure they dont destroy themselves?

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You guys also have to realize this bio is written in a form of political propaganda that would make Hitler/Stalin/Musolini/BinLaden/Hussein/Castro/Chavez seem like heroes too.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
he has people who are MONITORING PEOPLE'S THOUGHTS
Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death.




the flailing tentacles and claws of the monster
Wait, what?

Since when does the Hamidon have tentacles and claws? He's a great big cell! He has mitochondria and things! And he doesn't 'lumber', on account of not having any legs!

I think that either wasn't the real Hamidon, or Praetorian Hamidon looks very different from our own. Either explanation could open very interesting possibilities. Maybe an end-game 'Hamidon' raid with a lumbering, clawed, tentacled Hamidon?

Of course, Praetorian Hamidon could just be a great big cell with a black goatee.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
That' just 'cuz hes Chaotic Good, rather than Lawful Stupid like States.
As an Emperor, he'd be Lawful Evil.

... yes, I am such a geek.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Wait, what?

Since when does the Hamidon have tentacles and claws? He's a great big cell! He has mitochondria and things! And he doesn't 'lumber', on account of not having any legs!

I think that either wasn't the real Hamidon, or Praetorian Hamidon looks very different from our own. Either explanation could open very interesting possibilities. Maybe an end-game 'Hamidon' raid with a lumbering, clawed, tentacled Hamidon?

Of course, Praetorian Hamidon could just be a great big cell with a black goatee.
I understood it as Preatorian Hamidon being much, much more powerful than ours. The Devouring Earth have never overrun us so much that we'd feel the need to nuke them. I suspect that there may be a new end-game raid, to keep Preatorian Hami locked up wherever he is locked up in Preatorian Earth.



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
I understood it as Preatorian Hamidon being much, much more powerful than ours. The Devouring Earth have never overrun us so much that we'd feel the need to nuke them. I suspect that there may be a new end-game raid, to keep Preatorian Hami locked up wherever he is locked up in Preatorian Earth.
Someone mentioned that the Preatorian Hamidon is probably a giant Devoured.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Personally? I want to read the other half of the story... but I think that's not going to be reveiled until we actually see GR - it'll be shown in the story there.

I say the other half, because we KNOW things are missing from this story. Like... a part neatly ignored in the Bio - we know Praetorian Cole still found the well with Richter... and murdered him there.

How about this: What was Cole doing for so long that he completely missed people nuking the world to fight the DEs? Australia isn't THAT cut off!

And Cole's defeat of a much different Hamidon through sheer willpower? Yeah... I'm casting my doubts there, too.

I'm pretty sure this Cole earned his name "Tyrant." I have suspicions about how things went down... but I do forsee that I need to budget in the price of this expansion in my future...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
I take his actions and motives with a grain of sand. He may have began good, but a resistance doesn't form for nothing.
Whether good or evil, whenever someone gains power or wealth, there begins a group that dislikes and distrusts them.
It's been around forever. Call it jealousy, fear or class warfare.
No matter how phanthropic the rich guy or benevelent the ruler, there will be a group against them.

Now when the powerful start earning that distrust and anger, then it really takes off.
Random example: In some workplaces, the most effective union organizer isn't the disgruntled employee, but the oppressive manager.



Now I'm conflicted, I used to have a giant man crush on Bear Grylls but after reading that bio I have a large man crush on Marcus Cole...

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Someone mentioned that the Preatorian Hamidon is probably a giant Devoured.
That makes a heck of a lot of sense. Claws, tentacles, lumbering... all there.

Sooo, the Praetorian Hamidon is a giant Devoured who also has psychic powers. Is it me or does that sound like something we'll be facing in the game some time?



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
That makes a heck of a lot of sense. Claws, tentacles, lumbering... all there.

Sooo, the Praetorian Hamidon is a giant Devoured who also has psychic powers. Is it me or does that sound like something we'll be facing in the game some time?

Well since they have it in capture, you can almost guarantee it'll make an appearance in an arc or a taskforce.

Bit like LGTF i'ld expect, but a lot more challenging [since that mission is far too easy, even for a weakened hami].

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