New GR Info This Week?




Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I believe Alpha stage has already started, and that some of you... Know what the Hell is going on... and you just sit on your butts laughing at all of us who just want some new info.

My interest isn't going anywhere, but my frustration level has already gone through the roof.
I agree with this. There have been some regulars absent as of late. The only one that still posts that I would suspect is Arcanaville. They said that 60+ mo vets, and those witht eh loyalty badge (I have both) would be in closed, and I and many I know are not (if it is going).

There are members of these boards that most time can't resist making snide comments, and much of what has been said lately attracts them like flies to poo. It is possible that they left, or are taking a break, but again I doubt it.

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Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
I'm considering starting a Twitter account just to ask OCR for info every hour that I'm home.
Only once every hour? Why waste the other 59 minutes??? Nothing else you are doing can possibly be more important!!!!!!

My two cents: As much as I hate the marketing people, they aren't doing a bad job. Giving us more info is a waste of time. Within one hour of giving us more info, three things will happen.

1. People will complain that this new info proves that GR will suck.
2. People will misinterpret the new info and claim that GR will contain features that it won't actually contain, and then when GR does come out they will say it sucks and the devs lied to us.
3. People will ask for more info.

The real problem here is that we don't want information about GR. What we want is to actually have GR. No amount of information will satisfy us.

Marketing will release info when it will have some impact. Star Trek Online is supposed to go live at the beginning of February. I think we'll probably get something right before or after that.

No matter what they tell us or when they tell it, there are a few things we can count on.

1. Whether you pay your subscription fee or not, you still get to read the same information about the game.
2. Going Rogue will come out eventually.
3. Nothing marketing does can speed up or slow down the actual development of the expansion.

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Here is the flaw Peter, they will at least be talking about GR, what they know about GR, and how excited or not excited they are about it. Right now we are talking about Marketing and how much they suck.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
....eyes Golden Girl suspiciously
I have absolutely nothing to do with the alpha stage - I'm not even a 5 year vet

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I agree with this. There have been some regulars absent as of late. The only one that still posts that I would suspect is Arcanaville. They said that 60+ mo vets, and those witht eh loyalty badge (I have both) would be in closed, and I and many I know are not (if it is going).

There are members of these boards that most time can't resist making snide comments, and much of what has been said lately attracts them like flies to poo. It is possible that they left, or are taking a break, but again I doubt it.
Eh, I'm nearly a 69 month Vet, not in Beta.

Still here, even after all this time!



You know, I was an EQ player from about a year after release and when they had the big graphical update--Shadows of Luclin, I believe--hoo boy, did that ever divide the community. Villagers with torches and what not, people feeling like their game was stolen because their creaky box couldn't keep up anymore, etc. Me, I just thought the new character models looked goofy, but I got used to it, and after a few months you totally forgot about it until you ran into an old zone that they hadn't updated the mobs in.

The point is, man do I love chocolate chunk cookies. Yuuuummy.

*edit* Board 'rookie' because I don't post often, but Week 1 veteran FWIW.



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
My two cents: As much as I hate the marketing people, they aren't doing a bad job.
They are doing a terrible job. As in, not doing anything at all as far as I can tell. Not advertising, not handing out information; nothing. A corpse could do what they have been doing.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I'd like some more info myself. My burning question is: new ATs? Don't really care that much about side-switching (though it's very cool, just probably means I get a couple corruptors), not really into dual pistols or demon summoning.

But, one thing: I've seen a lot of updates over the years around here, and while some have been right what I wanted (sonic powerset, weapon and power customization, power proliferation, quality of life stuff, costumes) and some have not (that one nerf, the other nerf, and that excruciatingly irritating nerf), overall it's been a pretty steady stream of mostly good stuff. Whatever's in GR, it's a big enough update to probably have something for most everyone, and it'll probably be pretty cool. It'll get here when it gets here. Why stress out over it? Play if you want to play. Do something else for a while if you don't. Maybe your room needs cleaning...

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I agree with this. There have been some regulars absent as of late. The only one that still posts that I would suspect is Arcanaville. They said that 60+ mo vets, and those witht eh loyalty badge (I have both) would be in closed, and I and many I know are not (if it is going).

There are members of these boards that most time can't resist making snide comments, and much of what has been said lately attracts them like flies to poo. It is possible that they left, or are taking a break, but again I doubt it.
Another 60 month vet here, and I can testify that I've received no e-mails notifying me of any sort of start date. Now, I'm not one of the above-mentioned super posters (I think I'm averaging about a post a day over the last 63 months) and lord knows I'm an awful beta tester. When it finally starts up, I'll be the guy telling them which bits of the spiffy new stuff does not work on my ollllld machine. So, if there *is* an alpha I'm certainly not in it.

But my memories from the last couple big builds (CoV, Inventions, Architect) is that the alphas consist of family and friends of the dev team. I really don't think there's a secret cabal set up and perking in the background.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
I'd like some more info myself. My burning question is: new ATs?
There might possibly be one new one - if that old marketing survey is accurate, then there might be a Spy AT.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by KestrelBlue View Post
Even if 60+ vets went into closed beta, with the NDA in effect they couldn't say they're in beta either way.
But there would be leaks I'm sure. If such a thing were going on, I'd expect to at least see people hinting at it.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Plus there are other non-NCsoft hosted websites which allow for discussions of what was seen in closed Beta if one knows where to look. Of course said websites don't actually have any info since closed beta hasn't started yet.

Still if you get caught breaking the NDA it's your own damn fault...just warning you people!



Originally Posted by KestrelBlue View Post
GoldenGirl - you flirt. Bring the razor blades.
Sef-harm is harmful to yourself - stick to the bad poetry

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I believe Alpha stage has already started, and that some of you... Know what the Hell is going on... and you just sit on your butts laughing at all of us who just want some new info.
*snickers* That would be cool, but no. As has been said, there are unofficial forums where info about closed betas usually gets posted, although if those doing it are smart they don't give enough details to be identified. Still haven't heard anything through those channels either, so i agree that it hasn't started.

Originally Posted by Darkfaith View Post
If there is an Alpha going on, it's got to be internal. When they get to the point where any of us gets to play it, or even the "Friends and Family closed beta" stage, it gets put up on Test...and it's definitely not up there yet. So the only ones that know what's happening with it at this point are developers, paid testers, and other employees of Paragon Studios (and possibly a 3rd party testing company, I don't know if they include that in internal testing as some companies do). So if you're refering to anyone in the player base knowing, it's highly unlikely.
If i recall correctly the City of Villains closed beta was on a completely different server than the Training Room. It's been a while, so i could be wrong. i'm hoping that a bit more info gets released prior to my getting a closed beta invite since i'm still waiting on more current suggested hardware so that i can start building my new system. i suppose i could go ahead with the suggestions given back around the start of the holidays, but this allows me some time to save more money.

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Originally Posted by KestrelBlue View Post
Besides, I would be a horrible beta tester... who am I kidding, "OMG! I'm in beta!" would be my only input for developers and I'd never find anything broken because I wouldn't stop chatting to look in the first place.

Never know, might find a rare chat bug

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
If i recall correctly the City of Villains closed beta was on a completely different server than the Training Room. It's been a while, so i could be wrong. i'm hoping that a bit more info gets released prior to my getting a closed beta invite since i'm still waiting on more current suggested hardware so that i can start building my new system. i suppose i could go ahead with the suggestions given back around the start of the holidays, but this allows me some time to save more money.
GR will be tested on a separate server - the normal Training Room will be open as usual.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think I just want a new that so wrong?

EDIT: And I would love to go back to getting those little clicky figures. I really liked the ones I got from the original CoH/CoV boxes.

@Portland Underground



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I believe Alpha stage has already started, and that some of you... Know what the Hell is going on... and you just sit on your butts laughing at all of us who just want some new info.

My interest isn't going anywhere, but my frustration level has already gone through the roof.
To the best of my knowledge, no testing of Going Rogue outside of the dev team is happening anywhere. In this particular case I believe its highly unlikely that they could start such a beta without me at least hearing about it.

For whatever its worth, I think its unlikely (possible, but very unlikely) you'll see a closed beta start before mid-February at the earliest. There's no point in conducting witch-hunts among the playerbase before then.

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Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I believe Alpha stage has already started, and that some of you... Know what the Hell is going on... and you just sit on your butts laughing at all of us who just want some new info.

My interest isn't going anywhere, but my frustration level has already gone through the roof.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
To the best of my knowledge, no testing of Going Rogue outside of the dev team is happening anywhere. In this particular case I believe its highly unlikely that they could start such a beta without me at least hearing about it.

For whatever its worth, I think its unlikely (possible, but very unlikely) you'll see a closed beta start before mid-February at the earliest. There's no point in conducting witch-hunts among the playerbase before then.
Arcanaville, you need to refine your algorithm for detecting troll posts.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Arcanaville, you need to refine your algorithm for detecting troll posts.
It wasn't a troll post.
However, this is what... the 9th or 10th troll post of a PP post this year.
You are off to a good start...



Originally Posted by Silver_Lobo View Post
It wasn't a troll post.
However, this is what... the 9th or 10th troll post of a PP post this year.
You are off to a good start...

Someone claiming that there's a super-secret closed beta going on, calls it alpha, and bases that claim on the absence of certain vets who are not absent is perfectly reasonable and not designed to get a reaction out of folks or getting a denial from rednames and thus phishing for info....

And what other posts of PP's have I responded to in any way "this year"?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Arcanaville, you need to refine your algorithm for detecting troll posts.
In this case, its not the first time there has been speculation about "secret betas" related to Going Rogue, and my name was mentioned in the thread, and I suspect there are forum lurkers with less experience with closed betas that might be reading and thinking there might be something to the notion.

For the record, the devs have never had a closed beta test that started in secret, and I don't think its likely they will conduct such a thing for Going Rogue. There's no specific upside to deliberately doing such a thing. Closed beta rules prohibit any participant from mentioning that they are in the closed beta until the closed beta is over** but beyond that the devs have never made any serious attempt to hide the fact that testing had begun on an issue. I'm not even certain they have the capability to do so if they wanted to.

As to the notion that PP is phishing for information from the devs, well my denial of a current closed beta is the closest that she'll get to that: the devs are not likely to jeopardize their jobs to satisfy PP's curiosity.

** Although in my case its fair to say I doubt anyone even bothers with the pretense anymore.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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