New GR Info This Week?




I thought we were supposed to get some new info this week? I guess that's a bust.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Unfortunately, any mention about getting info this week was player speculation. There will probably be plenty of people that say the same thing about next week *shrugs* the devs haven't announced any sort of timeline on getting us info, though one can hope that we would get some in Q1 because that's when they're hoping to get the closed beta going. Again though, that's not really a timeline. If they feel the need to push it back, they will.



And I honestly dunno if we'll be getting any info next week either. In addition to the two contests they've begun, the community team is apparently going to hit all the servers (EU included) with those special Rikti attacks. And it all smacks of them trying their best to keep us entertained and to keep our minds off the fact that there's a serious dearth of information, as well as a "dry spell" with regard to live client updates.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
And I honestly dunno if we'll be getting any info next week either. In addition to the two contests they've begun, the community team is apparently going to hit all the servers (EU included) with those special Rikti attacks. And it all smacks of them trying their best to keep us entertained and to keep our minds off the fact that there's a serious dearth of information, as well as a "dry spell" with regard to live client updates.
A double xp weekend would be a better idea IMO....

The first one in the year has usually been in January......I guess not anymore?
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



My annual renewal is due to happen Tuesday. I canceled.

Regular info releases about GR probably would have kept me paying until beta. C'est la vie.

I'll be back. Eventually.



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
My annual renewal is due to happen Tuesday. I canceled.

Regular info releases about GR probably would have kept me paying until beta. C'est la vie.

I'll be back. Eventually.
... And... the point of this was...

To make us feel bad for you?

To guilt trip the development team into talking?

To... what?

Well, whatever the point was, you failed. Please do not let the door hit you on the way out. Trying to hold a development team hostage for not talking works better when you just cancel your subscription and never come back.


Edit: Okay. Again, this is probably just better left at the snappy remark, but in the interest of new players browsing the forum who don't get the unspoken background, here it is:

My problem with the sentiment that the developers won't talk about Going Rogue is something that's worth quitting the game over stems from several different points.

The first point of data is that somehow future expansions will change the gameplay. Well, they will, but at the same time, they won't. If you like how City of Heroes plays, the underlying gameplay isn't supposed to be changing. You'll still click on, hit the number key, hit the key modifier with the number key, and so on just as you did before. Players will still buff, debuff, blast, tank, scrap, stalk, corrupt, dominate, control and so on, just as they did before. If you like that gameplay, if you like what the game does that makes it a game, then there's going to be no, to little difference, between City of Heroes Now and City of Heroes Post Going Rogue.

Yes, we do know that Going Rogue will let Villains play in Hero Zones and Heroes play in Villain zones, and allow players to change sides... and while this will increase the flexibility of what you can play and where you can play, it won't actually do a thing to change how you play.


The second point of data is that Going Rogue is ready. Well, just as a lot of players willingly choose to gloss over the Split in Issues that lead to Architecture Entertainment arriving with Issue 14 instead of Issue 13, and the rapid switch around as the devs juggled resources at the end of 2008 and through 2009, several players willingly choose to gloss over that the player base was not supposed to know about Going Rogue until the Fall / Winter HeroCon. The only reason we knew about Going Rogue before hand is that one of the marketing partners involved screwed up and sent out an email with the announcement several months before any news was supposed to be announced.

The result is that a lot of players, and by specific example here found in Doughboy, are advancing the schedule of Going Rogue's development by weeks, if not months, over where that development actually is. Many players are presuming that Going Rogue's feature and content list was already finalized as of the original email. Given what we know of the timing of the plans, it's actually likely Going Rogue's feature list wasn't finalized until shortly before HeroCon, or shortly afterwords.


The third point of data is that game development is static and predictable. We do know that some of what was shown off at HeroCon, specifically the UltraMode graphics, aren't actually tied to Going Rogue's release. Since the graphics engine is going out to all users, whether or not they bought Going Rogue, it's really more of a feature for an issue. If the Ultra-Mode engine fixes are good to go before the rest of Going Rogue is, the possibility has already been given for it to arrive separately.

Which is something that a lot of players willingly choose to overlook. Some coding tasks are more difficult than others, and some features that need to be implemented in code may only take a week or two to put together, while others could take months to bug-fix and implement in a working manner.

The case in point can be made just by looking at console games. Companies like Nintendo that set release dates after the product is in the bug-fixing / finalization stages, deliver higher quality games on a more regular basis. Companies like EA and Activision that set release dates before the product is finished deliver glitchy products, or stuff you just don't want to play.

A very good case in point for our own niche of the MMO market can be found in Champions Online. The release date for the game was set long before the game was even close to complete, and the resulting launch was a disaster. Infogrames is doing the same thing with Star Trek Online. The game is hardly complete, yet a launch is already set down and the development staff will be pushing out live code to retail on that date... whether or not the product is actually finished.


Speaking for myself, I enjoy the City of Heroes game. I enjoy playing the City of Heroes game. I enjoy teaming, and I enjoy task forces. That is why I pay a subscription fee.

I'm not basing my subscription on whether or not the developers tell me about what they are doing or planning. I'm not basing my subscription on whether or not the developers will implement a feature set I really want or don't want. Now, if they implement a feature set that changes the gameplay experience and makes it worse, then I will speak with my wallet and cancel. I'm not going to throw my hands up and storm off if I don't get Ribbon Control and Confetti Blast though... which is what I'm seeing in a lot of the I'm Quitting Posts.

Reminds me a lot of... this... actually: and


edit: and yes. I know this got hell-repped.

No. I'm not changing a word. When I'm right, hell-reppers can stuff it and deal with it.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... And... the point of this was...

To make us feel bad for you?

To guilt trip the development team into talking?

To... what?

Well, whatever the point was, you failed. Please do not let the door hit you on the way out. Trying to hold a development team hostage for not talking works better when you just cancel your subscription and never come back.
The point? To share why I just canceled my account and what might have prevented me from doing that. I went into much greater detail in NCSoft's exit survey I filled out after canceling. I'm not "holding anyone hostage". I'm simply not paying a recurring subscription fee.

I didn't post here to argue about it.



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
The point? To share why I just canceled my account and what might have prevented me from doing that. I went into much greater detail in NCSoft's exit survey I filled out after canceling. I'm not "holding anyone hostage". I'm simply not paying a recurring subscription fee.

I didn't post here to argue about it.
Honestly, if the only reason you were staying subbed is to get more GR news, then you should have canceled a while back because whenever news is released it's publicly available to all, no subscription required. There's really no reason to subscribe to a game you don't particularly care for or enjoy playing. You can always renew your subscription when GR goes to open beta if that's your only interest.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
The point? To share why I just canceled my account and what might have prevented me from doing that.
Why? We can't change that.

I didn't post here to argue about it.
So why did you post an "I quit!" post?



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Why? We can't change that.

So why did you post an "I quit!" post?
*shakes Magic Hate Ball*

Magic Hate Ball says, "Doughboy is a goober! Eat your pets!"

Magic Hate Ball is sort of a jerk, but at least it's less whiny than the Tragic Eight Ball.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... And... the point of this was...

To make us feel bad for you?

To guilt trip the development team into talking?

To... what?

Well, whatever the point was, you failed. Please do not let the door hit you on the way out. Trying to hold a development team hostage for not talking works better when you just cancel your subscription and never come back.


Actually I think you have it backwards. He's not quiting because of a lack of info, he's quiting most likely because he's bored with the lack of new anything in general. All he's saying is that more information would have convinced him to stay longer.



Actually I hope it is a surprise and they just open up GR beta that would make up for everyone being mum on the subject.

I just don't get why they haven't said anything,I mean they know through the forums,emails,msgs,etc that we desire info.Why keep quiet?



Doughboy is making a public statement, where as all my friends for the most part quit and didnt tell anyone. But they told me on Facebook and Twitter.

For the same GD reason Doughboy did. Because this company doesnt release information enough to have people chomping at the bit...

Thats why...



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Actually I think you have it backwards. He's not quiting because of a lack of info, he's quiting most likely because he's bored with the lack of new anything in general. All he's saying is that more information would have convinced him to stay longer.
No! It simply can't be as simple as that! It must mean something MOAR! Something NEFARIOUS! Something...




Wow. If I was bored with a game, I just up and quit that very moment. You folks honestly keep paying 15 bucks every month for a game you stopped having fun with just because of the slim hope of a new screenshot or some tidbit of info?



Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
Wow. If I was bored with a game, I just up and quit that very moment. You folks honestly keep paying 15 bucks every month for a game you stopped having fun with just because of the slim hope of a new screenshot or some tidbit of info?
um, yes...



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
um, yes...
i literally facepalmed after reading this. Then after about five seconds i just started laughing.

i'd give the Magic Hate Ball another shake, but i don't really have any questions at the moment, just a warm glow of amusement.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Actually I hope it is a surprise and they just open up GR beta that would make up for everyone being mum on the subject.

I just don't get why they haven't said anything,I mean they know through the forums,emails,msgs,etc that we desire info.Why keep quiet?
Because Marketing told them to, apparently. Positron, Castle, BaB and so on don't decide what info can be released; Marketing does.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Well, I suppose the lack of info can be viewed as good news in the sense that...there is SO much coming down the line. We know i17 is out there, we know GR is out there, we know there is another (presumably mutant) pack somewhere out there...add to that there's bound to be a dbl xp, a spring/valentines event...

sooner or later the dam is gonna burst and these boards will be giddy rather than cranky!

That's my 'glass half-full' report!

@Portland Underground



So, basically, Going Rogue info has become the new "I want it now!!!" has it? Hmm...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I see nothing to worry about. If the game was struggling I'd imagine the devs/marketing/whomever would be throwing info at the playerbase, but it's not so they don't. Besides, they need to hold back some good stuff so they can make a splash on Massively et al closer to GR's release.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So, basically, Going Rogue info has become the new "I want it now!!!" has it? Hmm...
Or Issue 17 ( if they aren't the same ) or the Mutant Pack. Or pretty much any solid information about anything new in the game. Screenshots, hints, descriptions; something besides silence. For all we can tell, the new hires stole all the money for GR and fled to Uzbekistan.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



It seems silly to continue to pay for a game you're not enjoying in hopes of learning more about upcoming content. The news will come regardless of whether your account is active, and the game will still play the same regardless of whether news has been released or not. Of course, if you're like me and still enjoying the game, then by all means enjoy.

That being said, yes, I'm awaiting news on Going Rogue with baited breath. Today my breath is baited with turkey.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

The second point of data is that Going Rogue is ready. Well, just as a lot of players willingly choose to gloss over the Split in Issues that lead to Architecture Entertainment arriving with Issue 14 instead of Issue 13, and the rapid switch around as the devs juggled resources at the end of 2008 and through 2009, several players willingly choose to gloss over that the player base was not supposed to know about Going Rogue until the Fall / Winter HeroCon. The only reason we knew about Going Rogue before hand is that one of the marketing partners involved screwed up and sent out an email with the announcement several months before any news was supposed to be announced.

The result is that a lot of players, and by specific example here found in Doughboy, are advancing the schedule of Going Rogue's development by weeks, if not months, over where that development actually is. Many players are presuming that Going Rogue's feature and content list was already finalized as of the original email. Given what we know of the timing of the plans, it's actually likely Going Rogue's feature list wasn't finalized until shortly before HeroCon, or shortly afterwords.

I agree with the majority of your post and your sentiment but I think you are wrong here. My understanding of the whole Going Rogue announcement being sent "early" was a matter of hours, not months. The marketing team sent it out late on night when it wasn't supposed to be sent out until the next day. They had the press release and other things ready by then.

If you have contradicting info that states the announcement really wasn't supposed to be made until Hero Con, please share, I'd really like to see it.

Also I just can't believe they would wait until Hero con to make that announcement. After all they talked about going into Beta during Q1 of this year, waiting until Q4 of last year to announce something that close to Beta, doesn't seem to jive for the release of a Boxed Expansion. That sort of thing is a big deal and they are usually announced with more than just 3 or 4 before things start rolling into Beta.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker