New GR Info This Week?




Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Or Issue 17 ( if they aren't the same ) or the Mutant Pack. Or pretty much any solid information about anything new in the game. Screenshots, hints, descriptions; something besides silence. For all we can tell, the new hires stole all the money for GR and fled to Uzbekistan.
I told you not to mention that publicly. Now how am I supposed to get the DEVs to keep letting me in on their inside info when you run around blabbing everything I share with you?

Just so everyone knows, apparently they already have the strike team in place to take down the Rogue new hires. Uzbekistan has agreed to extradite, the money should be back soon and Going Rogue will be back on track.

That is all.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Doughboy is making a public statement, where as all my friends for the most part quit and didnt tell anyone. But they told me on Facebook and Twitter.

For the same GD reason Doughboy did. Because this company doesnt release information enough to have people chomping at the bit...

Thats why...
pain, i have a somewhat related question for you, do you read the gaming magazine "game informer"? The reviews are hit or miss, but they had an interesting opinion piece written by a game developer this month (halo:reach cover)r that related to this somewhat, about communication and why it often is flawed on both ends of the spectrum, might be a worthwhile read for you. even if you dont subscribe to it, you should be able to find unwrapped copies at a gamestop.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I thought we were supposed to get some new info this week? I guess that's a bust.
It's about redesigned avatars?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I personally wouldn't be anywhere near as cranky about the lack of news this week if they hadn't dragged out the announcement on the Modified Rikti Invasions as long as they did. It feels like they're trying to distract me, and with my confidence in the development team already at an all-time low after four issues with negligible amounts of new story content, I am in no mood to put up with that kind of manipulation. My own account persists because I still enjoy the Mission Architect feature, but more importantly because I bought a subscription length that was, in retrospect, excessive. And also because, even with my intensely frustrated state with the development team, CO is still too big of a sack of crap to offer a viable alternative.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



I didn't mean to stir up a hornets nets, I just wondered when we'd get a new screen shot or something.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I didn't mean to stir up a hornets nets, I just wondered when we'd get a new screen shot or something.
As soon as they have something awesome to show us

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
As soon as they have something awesome to show us
At this point, a picture of a fire hydrant would do.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
At this point, a picture of a fire hydrant would do.
I think you'll be getting a little more than that - and pretty soon too

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think you'll be getting a little more than that - and pretty soon too
A fire hydrant and a dog, then. From that single screenshot we will talk and talk and talk about it for at least 20 pages.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
A fire hydrant and a dog, then. From that single screenshot we will talk and talk and talk about it for at least 20 pages.
You heard it here first folks! Going Rogue has dogs in it! That means they've got four legged skeletons!

(incase anyone can't tell, the above is a joke).



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
You heard it here first folks! Going Rogue has dogs in it! That means they've got four legged skeletons!

(incase anyone can't tell, the above is a joke).
But it isn't a joke. Some of those creatures from the Demon Summoning set look like they walk on all fours.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
But it isn't a joke. Some of those creatures from the Demon Summoning set look like they walk on all fours.
You heard it here first! Masterminds are not only getting demon summoning, but menagerie as well!

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
A fire hydrant and a dog, then. From that single screenshot we will talk and talk and talk about it for at least 20 pages.
No, it'll be more substantial than that - just be patient

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Chris_Zuercher View Post
You heard it here first! Masterminds are not only getting demon summoning, but menagerie as well!
That would cause too much lag in Pocket D on Virtue

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i literally facepalmed after reading this. Then after about five seconds i just started laughing.

i'd give the Magic Hate Ball another shake, but i don't really have any questions at the moment, just a warm glow of amusement.
Hahahaha...seriously man, you need to haul out the Tragic Eight Ball and give it a whirl, just to see its take on the matters at hand. Inquiring minds want to know! :^)

Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No, it'll be more substantial than that - just be patient

Are in the super secret double-closed beta? Because unless you are, you don't know jack ****.

I honestly can't tell if your optimism is real or put on, but either way it's annoying.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Are in the super secret double-closed beta? Because unless you are, you don't know jack ****.
Feminine intuition

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



What I'm hearing from the people I regularly associate with in-game is a growing sense of unease and boredom. Either one by itself is bad, but both together ratchet up their personal doom-con settings.

From my talking with them, they seem to feel (in general) that the servers are a little more empty and teams are harder to find/put together (note: it doesn't matter if it is quatifiably true, the perception is what matters to the player). The ones who frequent the boards tend to feel that the CS team is trying their damnedest to keep us distracted (the code giveaways, the contests, the hyping up what so far appears to be a non-event event with the Rikti) from the lack of information and new content/additions outside of the for-pay packs, which is a whole different kettle of fish depending on each one's personal take on mictotransactions. Add in the perceived drain and "ohhh new shiney" of CO and other MMOs coming out and they become a little uneasy that they're aboard a ship that may be slowly sinking and the captain and crew are keeping quiet about it.

Now, all of this may be true or just their perception of events, but in the sense of just the player, all that matters is that perception. Some fresh GR info, or an actual event (the Winter Event seemed to distract them for about a week hopefully the V-Day event will do much the same and have some new stuff) would go a long way to alleviating some of the growing boredom and uneasiness.

I can sympathize with them to a large degree. I would love to see some new info, something substantial on GR, or even a peek at the new "pay pack" or a special, new in-game event even if it used elements we've already seen (this Rikti thing with motherships like in the end-of-beta event). Anything to keep the interest/anticipation level high in the game itself rather than in side elements (like the contests and code giveaways).



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
I honestly can't tell if your optimism is real or put on, but either way it's annoying.
So... Optimism annoys you? Man, no wonder you're grumpy.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post

From my talking with them, they seem to feel (in general) that the servers are a little more empty and teams are harder to find/put together (note: it doesn't matter if it is quatifiably true, the perception is what matters to the player).
I really doubt it is just a matter of perception. I took a break from the game a few months back. At the time I left there were regularly ~1000-1200 hero players and ~500-750 villain players at peak times on Freedom. Since I came back there are rarely more than 800 blue and 400 red players during those same peak hours. I mostly play red side and the average lately seems to be ~300 players at any given time. And before people start talking about the server transfers, I was noticing the droppoff long before the holidays. I don't play the other servers anymore, but I would be curious if there has been an increase in any server population since the free transfers became available. Since I have never heard of any such thing happening, I have to believe there is some truth to what people are fearing.

Obviously, this is very un-scientific, but since NCSoft won't publish subscription numbers anymore, we can only guess what is really happening.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So... Optimism annoys you? Man, no wonder you're grumpy.

I'm grumpy because my Arizona Cardinals got there ***** handed to them tonight, but GG is just annoying regardless.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
Now, all of this may be true or just their perception of events, but in the sense of just the player, all that matters is that perception. Some fresh GR info, or an actual event (the Winter Event seemed to distract them for about a week hopefully the V-Day event will do much the same and have some new stuff) would go a long way to alleviating some of the growing boredom and uneasiness.
Personally, as far as I'm concerned, if I were on the fence like you describe, a new event would do nothing but chase me off. I hate events, I hate my game being ever so slightly interrupted, and if I'm on the verge, it's the little things that would get me to go. For instance, I got sick of the Winter Lord spam during the Winter event. I came into the event not caring about Winter Lords, and even though I tried to just not pay it any heed, by the end of the first day, I was already shouting "I don't care about your damn Winter Lords! Go to hell!" to myself. I imagine it would have outright SUCKED if I needed people for anything, seen as how they were all compulsively fighting giant snow men or skiing, but I was lucky enough to hate other people and keep to myself.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, as far as I'm concerned, if I were on the fence like you describe, a new event would do nothing but chase me off. I hate events, I hate my game being ever so slightly interrupted, and if I'm on the verge, it's the little things that would get me to go. For instance, I got sick of the Winter Lord spam during the Winter event. I came into the event not caring about Winter Lords, and even though I tried to just not pay it any heed, by the end of the first day, I was already shouting "I don't care about your damn Winter Lords! Go to hell!" to myself. I imagine it would have outright SUCKED if I needed people for anything, seen as how they were all compulsively fighting giant snow men or skiing, but I was lucky enough to hate other people and keep to myself.
While I can only speak to my impressions of those I associate with and the conversations we've had, I don't think most of them are "on the fence." I believe most of them are simply concerned that a game they like and still enjoy to some degree has become less enjoyable and is skewing towards no-longer-enjoyable due to a lack of content/new stuff/shinies/new stimuli. It's not that they no longer find the gam einteresting, they just find it less interesting and want something new to stimulate them, a response I myself share. Information to get them excited, even if the actual content is farther off woud go a long way towards "fixing" that. Anticipation is oft times as good as the event at making people feel good and excited about something (half the fun of Christmas is seeing all those presents and having no clue what is in them, making guesses and the like, even if what is in the box isn't that spectacular). A "new" event would do the same, as would the release of some minor content.

I've been in the game quite some time so the old events aren't that spectacular to me. The new additions are usually interesting, but I find myself coming up with personal "mini-games" with the older event content. For instance, this Winter Event I set myself insane goals to "win" the event for myself (for instance, take on the Lord of Winter 50 times on one character, accumulate 1,000 canes on at least 2 characters from each faction, get a gold medal toboggan run on a level 10, get the "blue only" badges from the event on all my red characters and so on). These mini-games made the older content more fun for me and gave me something new to do. But that can only go so far before even a "doable but insane" goal is acheived.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, as far as I'm concerned, if I were on the fence like you describe, a new event would do nothing but chase me off. I hate events, I hate my game being ever so slightly interrupted, and if I'm on the verge, it's the little things that would get me to go. For instance, I got sick of the Winter Lord spam during the Winter event. I came into the event not caring about Winter Lords, and even though I tried to just not pay it any heed, by the end of the first day, I was already shouting "I don't care about your damn Winter Lords! Go to hell!" to myself. I imagine it would have outright SUCKED if I needed people for anything, seen as how they were all compulsively fighting giant snow men or skiing, but I was lucky enough to hate other people and keep to myself.
Wow, now look who's grumpy

Personally I'd love to see more permanent mini-raid like events like the Lord Winter event in the game.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.