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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    You seemed to object to the "grind" invovled in unlocking it - that "grind" is very likely to remain the same when the slot does go live - it wasn't the reason it was pulled from GR.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    ^^^ This.

    ITF and Lady Grey aren't cutting it anymore, need 50 and "post"-50 content in the baddest way please.
    My woman has been saying this for a long time now, and all the people keep telling her is she is wrong.
    People keep telling her they are happy with the game as it is Now... and we dont need anything new for 50s to do, they dont want END GAME.

    Tis why she is so damn close to giving up on this game.
  3. Make your own sg... and make your own base, and just store stuff in it. Look at it like your super hideout, or your personal apartment.

    btw, no one said anything against this feature in the first place.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
    Do you play on more than one server? Your own base won't do you any good when you get a drop that you want on a character on Virtue, but you get it on a character on Freedom. This will save a lot of hassle in that kind of situation.
    Actually we have bases on 3 servers,even thoe we only play on Virtue. And on those 3 servers we have fully pimped bases on both blue and redside.

    When they did those free prestige give aways, we made alot of throw away characters just to play around and make bases...
  5. I imagine finding a normal team in Non-Pratoria will be EPIC. For atleast the first month.
    Have fun with that.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
    I like the new Forum PvP they're adding in Issue 17
    This isn't new, tbh I had no idea how aweful people are here until recently.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    skip[ping missions in something that is to be in the canon story of your character is characteristic of a mindset that is completely alien to me.
    Ya we have already done the long boring version of it 3 years ago several times. We are past that now. Its for speed and merits now.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    *Looks at the thread*
    *Calculates possible Explosion factor with any and all new news, on a scale of 1 to 10*
    *Comes up with 11*

    Let me be real with you. I have no interest in DP/DemonSummoning. I am really hoping that we get more than that. I play Tankers/Brutes Controllers/Stalkers. Which they are not doing anything with. So, when my wife made this post it was based off of what I was saying to her. Understand?
  9. It's better than a 9500 any day of the week.
  10. Let's be honest here. Buissness yada yada. We know that. No one is denying they are a buissness with numero uno being MAKE MONEY.

    I think honestly they should have announced FIRST what is IN GR... and then later announce payment plans.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    So surely the time to complain that one is being asked to buy something without sufficient information would be...when one *is* actually being asked to buy something without sufficient information. Either they'll release more information by then or they won't, but getting all teal deer about an entirely hypothetical situation a month ahead seems a little pointless.
    She isn't complaining. She is stating her concerns, as they have only hinted at what is to come, but they have surely stated how much it costs already. You obviously dont know my wife well. Getting all worked up over this game is her ANTI DRUG. I love it.
  12. If you go back through the last 1000 or so of GG's posts she has stated several times - like she knows its a fact - that it is 1 to 20 content. That is apparently what they said at HeroCon months ago. And she has pretty much been a skipping record drilling that 1 fact home.

    I have read many many threads/posts voicing concern over this issue. And many people have stated the same pew pew responce, that if you dont have CoX already, blah blah. This is NOT a stand alone game, yada yada...

    All of that compiled with the lack of true Dev responce on this issue, is why many people are worried that 1 to 20, is just going to be a dissappointment. Now certainly you read the part where she said she is already planning on buying 100$ worth of this expansion. Shelling out that kind of money for 1 to 20 content, would irritate most people. Especially since its in the beginning of the game, and only takes a few hours to get through, and will likely have a replayability of maybe 5 to 1o times, depending on each individuals altitis taken into account.

    Most people we know right now PL through the low levels to get Stamina all slotted up, and then start actually playing the game, which means they skip 1 to 20.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
    Steelie, you are INCREDIBLE.

    Laughed so hard I peed a little.
    Wow that's gross. I feel bad for your pants.
  14. It might be a story arc?

    But, honestly... I don't want City of
  15. My wife *Must Have* the boxed Collectors Edition. We have every boxed edition from this game. She also *Must Have* the Pre order...

    Why is it, she is going to end up paying 90 bucks for 1 games expansion?
    and that is TIMES 2 because I play as well.

    Who thought this plan out?
  16. I am pretty sure she was happy with this idea when she posted it. It's ok you guys think there are too many weapons. This is for fun section, and I believe... She thinks this set would be fun.
  17. Look, I am sorry and mean no DISRESPECT, but this is just Stupid.

    This is how it should be.

    Pre-Order Complete Collection 39.99$

    Get Power Sets early (When pre order code is applied)
    Get Goodies (when retail code is applied)
    Get 1 Month Free (when retail code is applied)

    Pre-Order GR Expansion 29.99$

    Get Power Sets early (When Pre Order Code is applied)

    Why does it need to be more complicated than that? Seriously WHY?


    Make it known now that you won't get the goodie pack until like 6 months after GR goes live. That would be incentive to have people just get the complete collectors edition...
  18. What ****in inflation are you people griping about? I go to the market and see the same stuff costing the same as before. Purples have always cost the knot. PvP IOs have always cost the knot. And crap has always cost nothing.

    Nothing has changed. Why is this such a big deal?

    If you cant afford it, you cant have it. If you want it. EARN IT.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
    I love when people say about broken stuff but never a helpful indeepth solution.

    love..sorry...i mean cant stand
    I am sorry, but, what are you talking about?

    I can't stand people always trying to be cute... when in fact they are just being ugly.
  20. The name would be like this:

    The Extrordinary Awesome
    Fire Man

    The Extrordinary Awesome
    Fire Man

    Whats the problem?
  21. It would be cool if we purple sellers had control over who we sold our stuff to.

    I wouldn't sell anything to whinebags on the forums, constantly knocking my playstyle.
  22. I havent seen anything that Farmers/PLers have done in this game, to really make me quit.

    People just like to complain about this topic.
  23. Why wouldn't your case? You aren't really making any sense. I have never seen a case that "wouldn't" accept a replacement power supply.


    Are you also saying this made for high end gaming computer from last year wouldn't fit a "real" made for HIGH end gaming graphics card?

    Did you get a Warrenty on your computer?

    Has it been less than 1 year since you purchased your computer?

    Since it was made last year I would assume you are not AGP...

    Don't even worry about a 9800... That card is likely going to run UM on the lowest settings. What you want is something more like the ATI 5700 series/5800 series or an Nvidia 260 or better.


    If it has been less than 1 year, and you have a Warrenty I would seriously call them up and ask them to explain to you why it is that you have a less than stellar GFX card. The people who sold you that GFX card... knew it was not a high end gaming card, you should see if they will upgrade you for free. Because basically they lied to you.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    It was the biggest, baddest computer I could find. The rest I looked at in the store were lower end compared to it.

    actually, Welcome to Newegg:
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    I was doing some checking, with that gfx card you dont even need 8 gigs of Ram. Your processor doesnt need 8.

    Just a question, but where did you buy your "high end" gaming computer? Who told you that those specific parts would go good together?

    It seems to me you could have saved the money on the 4 extra Gigs of RAM, and gotten a FAR better GFX card.