You want to know me?




Probably not a great idea, I doubt this will accomplish much more other than getting me flamed more but at least if nothing else I can say I tried to be diplomatic and I did attempt some sort of fix here. Frankly lately the forums have been a very hostile place, not just towards me but towards others. I don't know why, I guess it's just the nature of the internet. People just gotta be right and they've got to berate and try to make others bad so they can be, I'm down with that.. That's the internet, frankly I don't do it myself and even if someones out there flaming the crap outta me, insulting me left and right and calling me names and all sorts of stuff I don't meet it with the same behaviour, I just try to ignore it and move along. People breathe a lot into things posted on the internet, often times they construe some meaning or intention where there isn't one and frankly they have no place doing that because honestly how are they to know what a person meant, the tone they had, their intention in saying something or their emotional state when saying it when it's just in text? They don't.. But people still insist they do know and more often than not that ends up in endless flame wars.

I'm not gonna come in here and tote myself around all high and mighty claiming never to be wrong, I'm wrong plenty and I'll be the first to say I make my fair share of mistakes and misjudgments, but frankly I think people are being ridiculous on these forums and a lot of people are just looking for fights for the sake of fighting, talking out their rears and thriving off drama because they need to feel important about something. Is this straight forward? Yeah. Probably more straight forward than many people on this forum can handle, I'm probably being so blunt that people with a guilty conscience are going to be offended and try to flame me for it, try to insult me for it and try to make me look bad for it. Like I said, whatever. I try to ignore this.

I've said some things in the past that have been construed as 'racist', am I racist? No. I've said this, but I wasn't listened to. The same people I'm talking about who I told flatly to that I was not racist continued to ignore this and claim I was racist, this is an example of someone flaming me and just trying to make me look bad. It's foolish and immature behaviour.

Was my comment a little tasteless? Perhaps. I hadn't considered that people were so sensitive on this forum and so easily offended, I hadn't thought that they'd take it so seriously and take it so deeply. For that, I'll say I'm sorry. But I'm also going to say again, I am not racist. You know what I am? I'm a twenty three year old Australian born mutt breed Chan Buddhist woman. You know why I say mutt breed? Because I've got an interesting ancestry and family line, from French ( Acadian ) to Japanese, to Chinese, to Australian and even to some Irish but I am not racist. Despite a connection with all these cultures and a deep respect for many of them I can still make jokes about them. I make jokes about myself too, all the time. You know why? Because I don't take it seriously, because racism is something that's stupid and worn out and frankly even if I make a joke you construe as racist perhaps you should take a step back and reconsider. I'm making a joke about many times, my own ethnicity and I don't find it offensive, why do you? It's a JOKE. Okay, given.. Not everybody is gonna find the same joke funny but even so, why freak out about it? If you don't find a joke funny, fine. Move on. Don't spaz out and flame someone, spouting off slanderous and derogatory groundless accusations against them because you didn't like it.

I'm not a jerk, I'm really not. I'm laid back, I'm easy going and I don't like drama. You know how you know I'm telling the truth here? Cause every conversation that got too heated ( where I started to get flamed out of control ) I stepped back and said "You know what? I had my say, I'm gonna excuse myself now" and stopped posting in it. It's a lot better than staying there and arguing for a fort night about something that doesn't matter in the end anyway.

People get their feelings hurt too easily. You gotta remember, not everybody is the same. No, not everybody is gonna go by your opinion and sometimes people are gonna say things that may downright offend you personally, but you know what? That's life. Diversity is the great spice of life, all different flavours, cultures, people and humour. That's the point of the world, diversity because if everybody was all the same it wouldn't be very fun, now would it?

I make jokes some people find off colour from time to time, yeah. Do I think they over react to them when they flame me and go off the deep end over this stuff? Yeah, I do. That's my opinion, I'm allowed to have it. If you don't think you are, fine. But do me a favour and really think. Think to yourself, is this what is right? Arguing with one another, letting bad blood form and all this over a disagreement? A lot of these people act as if they're superior, well I got news for you. It takes more strength and will power to turn the other cheek and walk away from one of these little flame wars whilst others have their little go poking at you, spouting slanderous comments and accusations at you and just generally picking away at you than it does to stay there and just keep arguing.

I'm having my say here because honestly, I'd like to be a part of this community. I want people to understand, yeah. I voice my opinion, I voice my opinion pretty aggressively and I know I do. I'm entitled to that, just like you're entitled to disagree with me. But disagreeing with me and flaming me are two different things and I promise you right here and right now, you'll never see me flaming another person and I never will. It ain't my style. If I don't agree with you, I'll say I don't agree with you and I'll illustrate my reason for not agreeing with you and my logic and rationale for why I think you're mistaken but I will not call you names, I will not make slanderous accusations against you and I will not sit here all night arguing with you when the conversation has degraded from an actual debate to simple mindless bickering.

And for those of you that think you're just so smart and so superior, I've got a challenge for you to prove your worth. Shouldn't be hard if you're as great as you seem to think you are.. That challenge is this; it's a lot harder to get to know someone and admit maybe you were wrong about them and maybe they're alright than it is to condemn them on spot, decide you hate them and treat them like crap from that day fourth. Why don't those of you that think you're so much better actually try to get to know the people you disagree with? Not just me. You may find we're not so different and not so bad after all.. Heck, you may make friends with us. Isn't that a scary thought?

A lot of points are going to be touched on no doubt, I'm trying to be very thorough. Oh, as for me being a Buddhist? I never said I was a particularly good Buddhist, but I do try. I'm trying right here and now to mend wounds and ill feelings amongst people in the forums not just with myself but with others because that's what I do.

Think about it. Seriously think about it. Don't just open up the reply button and instantly start typing some diatribe about how venomous I am and how bad others are this, that and the other. Really consider.. Because I've admitted I was wrong in a lot of ways and now it's your turn.

Hopefully we can get a few hugs out of this and a few people will be just a little less bitter in the world. But, heck.. Even being a Buddhist, I'm a pessimist, I'm not expecting anything.



Look here, new person. I'mma just....put this into simple terms so you can grasp it like the pistol grip on a well made weapon.

This kinda **** is the equivalent of strippin' naked, paintin' a crosshair on your chest and screamin' "LOOK AT ME!"

Not everyone is gonna like you.
Not everyone wants to know you.
Not everyone gives a damn what you have to say.

But this kind of thing makes you a potential target for "the lulz" as some folks so eloquently put it. I ain't attackin' ya, darlin'. I'm just tellin' ya how it is. You might as well save your pretty words and your attempts to make amends with folks here because in the end, it don't mean a damn thing.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Why did I just have a mental picture of Kanye West?

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Probably because I said "I'mma."

I'm country. Deal with it.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
Re: You want to know me?
Not really? Welcome to the internets where people can show their true colours behind the safety of anonymity.



Oh actual topic: I think one of the biggest things you touched on in your first post is that you think its impossible to tell what a person is thinking through simple words alone and... well, I agree that it is harder to understand a person's meaning by words alone its not entirely impossible. I mean, why would we even have an option to reply. We're expected to read what has been posted and then decide on the proper reply. The issue arises when people misinterpret (Which can be for many reasons: cultural or regional differences, improper use of grammar/wording, lack of education/understanding on one side or the other, etc.).

Now, I think we'd gotten into a debate before which had turned a bit heated. I know I was rather upset because I misconstrued your post as an attack on my personal opinion, one I felt was due to a lack of information given on your part but, as others had jumped to defend you, or at least one that I recall, I think I might have been wrong. I'm simply used to being flamed myself and well, I have a terrible habit of expecting the worst from people. Either way, I probably should apologize for that incident. So... sorry, or something along those lines. I hate admitting I may have been wrong. -_-

Anyway, I guess my biggest thing to say is really, just watch what you say/type and just use a bit of good judgement. I like a bit of crass poor humor myself but until everyone knows you well, its probably not the best idea to use it... or, at least until you're sure the setting is right for it. I dunno where the racist topic came from but if you apologized (And the apology came off as sincere and not (Pfft, yeah. Sorry. Whatever.) and they still pushed your buttons... I dunno. Sucks, but that's the internet. Sorry people are ********?

You don't seem like a terrible person but judging from my few encounters with you here, you might be a bit short tempered to really be getting into discussion and throwing out your opinion in the 'short and simple' version. :/



No, no I don't want to know you. I do want you to leave.



Ok. I think both sides need to calm down. After reading through the thread that started this all I was pretty much reassured in my original thought of what happened. Jade, you REALLY need to watch what you say and look over how you say it. Yes, you are entitled to your personal opinion but spouting it off in an aggressive manner doesn't get anyone to listen to you about it.

secondly, I think you're getting saddled with the racism bit unfairly. I mean, I can't count the number of people I've heard making jokes about the infamous 'chinese gold farmers' that run rampant (Insert proper monetary system as applicable) and well, a joke is a joke. I personally felt you did poor on the delivery but that's just me. Though, you are getting hit rather hard with this and finding little sympathy because of your aggressive approach to the portrayal of your opinions on these boards.

Third, I can't stress how much you really need to look over how you word things. In one of your posts you used the phrase 'Look, kid' which, no matter how hard you try argue will 90% of the time indicate you have a higher personal opinion of yourself than the target you are referring to and... that does not make for a likable person. Really, I don't think your a bad person but you need to watch your emotions and watch you wording.



you missed the more intresting things they posted that have been forciably edited by Mod 8 as well as the OP's self edits to make it look like they aren't causing issues .



you may have recently missed her recently locked and I think deleted thread as well .



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
[...]forums and a lot of people are just looking for fights for the sake of fighting, talking out their rears and thriving off drama because they need to feel important about something.
I don't like drama.
Don't really know what's going on nor do I care. All I have to say is look closely at those two ideas, digest what they mean, then look back at what you just posted.

I don't remember which of the paths it is (it's 6, 7, or 8) but it specifically refers to looking at yourself/world with clarity and evaluating exactly how your perceptions can change you. Good opportunity if nothing else to train that path.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Hmmm. Ok. Well, I suppose I might have.



A couple people are getting the point of my post here. The point of my post here is to live up to some things I've done wrong, frankly I think that's a good thing. But I like how I'm being flamed nevertheless and it's being called things like, let's see.. What are the tags that have been added by flamers? "virtue drama" and "look at me! look at me!" very nice.

I think at this point I'm going to be a little more harsh and say, step back. Look at yourselves, those of you that are doing this. Now which of us is causing drama? I'm here trying to act maturely, fix this and apologize for earlier transgressions that may have offended others and those of you that have, returned and started flaming me for no reason.



Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
Look here, new person. I'mma just....put this into simple terms so you can grasp it like the pistol grip on a well made weapon.

This kinda **** is the equivalent of strippin' naked, paintin' a crosshair on your chest and screamin' "LOOK AT ME!"

Not everyone is gonna like you.
Not everyone wants to know you.
Not everyone gives a damn what you have to say.

But this kind of thing makes you a potential target for "the lulz" as some folks so eloquently put it. I ain't attackin' ya, darlin'. I'm just tellin' ya how it is. You might as well save your pretty words and your attempts to make amends with folks here because in the end, it don't mean a damn thing.
Well, I'd like to say I've tried to amend things is all it is. I know and believed as a pessimist that nothing good would come of this, so seeing many react as adversely as a pack of rabid hyenas to a wounded person is no surprise.

Frankly, I did try. At this point there's nothing more to say, so I'm going to walk away from it the same as I've done in the past and will continue to do in the future. I won't be the puppet of drama, I'm just going to keep my opinion more to myself in the future but I'm going to continue to post and I refuse to be driven out by people claiming drama when they're the only ones perpetuating it.

I fully understand not everyone is going to like me, trust me. That's why I can do this so easily. I both don't care but at the same time my reason for wanting to amend things is purely personal, as a Buddhist I'm required to at least make an attempt in an effort to grow as a person spiritually and mentally. If I don't have humility and forgiveness I'm just another egotist talking out my bum. I won't be that and I won't be a sell out.

Anyway, Virtue. Good or bad, I'm here to stay.



I think the main reason why people are still flaming you, especially in this thread, is because you decided to publicly post this apology. To be honest, if you felt like you had wronged other people, you could have simply sent them private messages to those people you have wronged... bringing it out to the public like this does have the appearance of seeking attention; it's akin to saying a nasty thing to a friend of yours and then going on CNN to apologize.

Don't get me wrong... being truly remorseful about what took place is fine. However, this situation really should have been dealt with privately.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Amateurs all of yooz.. seriously. Spartan is the only one even least bit impressive among you. I've had over 1500 posts lost, I shut down entire super groups entire 10 team alliances with 1 sentence.

"The pie sucks."

There now go spread chaos.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Jade... The way you word nonhostile intentions into passive-aggressive passages astounds me. You're right. Dropping this is probably the best idea you could have. Even if your intentions were good... you don't seem to be able to word things without coming across aggressive and insulting...

You don't try to compliment somebody's dress by saying 'despite being a fat F'er that dress looks good on you.' If you really want to reendear yourself to the community on these forums... try not insulting them and/or calling out their faults in the worst way possible. I mean, I'm trying to be levelheaded here but you really just come across as asking for it. -_-



Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
If you really want to reendear yourself to the community on these forums...
Here's a better idea... don't get too worked up about the folks on the forums anyway because in the long run they will have little to no impact on your gaming experience. Also, as you have seen by some of the responses, there are way too many folks who think entirely too much of themselves and their opinions on the forums, usually on account of some ridiculous notion of "forum celebrity" status. If I were you I'd just take it in stride, shrug it off and move on.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



JadeTora, as a person who generally likes your sound logic in your posts, I think you need to stop thinking so much about how some random strangers on an internet forum (or in-game) think of you.

The harsh reality is that in a few years, CoH will die, and so will the official forums. Even if that doesn't happen, over half the people who have taunted you and were taunted by you will have moved on to a different game.

All you can do is laugh and move on. Don't let your virtual status in a virtual community full of virtual people take your attention from your ACTUAL life, which, I hope, is much, MUCH more serious and in need of focus.

Thanks to anonymity, and misleading definitions of freedom of speech, and a high school notion of popularity, some people believe they're just superior to others, and that their opinions are facts that shall be passed onto others like holy words. That's the nature of not only these forums, but the nature of internet. You can either let it annoy you, or you can simply laugh at it and have fun with your virtual life!



Originally Posted by Knightslayer View Post
Haven't read the whole thread (only the first few posts ), but i can already say this is the equivalent of throwing something bleeding into shark infested waters.
It'll draw the attention of every troll, even those miles away!
Pretty much! *waits for a certain Goblin*




Who are you again?

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



I think I should at least say that I hope you aren't grouping me in as someone who flamed you. I don't recall ever doing so. Last I heard, Jade, you and I were having a discussion. Granted, a discussion in a thread that was ultimately locked... but nonetheless, a discussion! Not a flame war, not picking at wounds. Just a little game of point/counter point.

I'm also a nobody on these forums as well as in game so I certainly have no delusions of currently being a "cool kid", nor do I have aspirations to be so in the future. I don't believe myself to be somehow superior to you, or anyone. So I hope that wasn't directed at me at all, either.

Sure, you probably shouldn't have bothered posting this thread. As has been said, it's not really going to get anything done for you. Best thing you can do is just move on, play the game as you want, contribute on the forums where and however you see fit, and if that means some folks disagree with you sometimes, and on occasion even insult you, congratulations! You're experiencing human interaction and the diversity of opinion.

Enjoy your stay.

"I do what I want." -- Raine Heartfall
Hellgirl. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.




@ OP: lol chilz out D00d, youz b taken teh OMGINTERNETZBBQ TOOOOO SRSLY!!!!