Would you use an authenticator fob?




Would you use an authenticator fob to log in to COH if NCSoft offered one?

Authenticators are small, key-sized gizmos that generate a number in a predetermined sequence once a minute. The sequence is unique, so every fob can be uniquely identified by what number it displays at any given time. You'd use this number in addition to your password when you logged in.

The upshot of this is that the game gains 'Two Factor Authentication' for logins. If someone tries to crack your account, they need not just steal or deduce your password. They also have to steal the fob. Likewise, if the fob IS stolen or lost, you've usually got a brief amount of time to get in touch with the support staff and get your account locked down.

With recent security concerns being mentioned, this seems like it might be a good idea. Additionally, that other game has made them available for some time, and is starting to consider requiring them.

Authenticators do have their down-sides. I've been using one for a couple years in a corporate environment.

First, they're relatively easy to lose. Most folks I know keep them on their keychains. If said key ring is misplaced, you've got to locate it before using it.

While sturdy, the devices are not bullet-proof. They're vulnerable to damage. They'll survive just about anything you do to them in the course of normal usage, such as jingling around in your pocket with sharp objects, being dropped, etc. They're not quite so durable around small children, pets who like to swallow things, under foot, or at high temperatures.

My knowledge of how they behave in the wash is that any given fob has a 50/50 chance of surviving. They're fairly water-tight and usually do okay in the washing machine itself, but they can develop cracks over time that negate that. Drying them has a good chance to destroy them.

How would you feel about them if NCSoft were to offer them for use with City of Heroes?



If they were optional, it'd be ok. I personally wouldn't want to use one (I can lose my room key in a bag with nothing else in it >_<)
Optional: Understandable
Forced: Unacceptable

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I think that if CoH were to offer an authenticator setup, I would probably use it if they offered it as an iPhone app, as Blizzard has done. A fob, not so much...I have too many danglies to carry around as it is, but my iPhone is practically another limb for me.



Gadjet that I have to go purchase? No thanks.
Iphone App? Considering that I don't have (or want) an Iphone, No thanks.



First, the reason Blizzard is contemplating authenticators is with the popularity of Wow at 11.5 million people there have been many hacked accounts by gold farmers - we don't have that subscriber base, nor do we have that level of interest by gold farmers in hacking our accounts.

Second, while "its virtually a forgone conclusion" (sic) that it will be at some point implemented - even they say it may not be until Cataclysm. They're still working out the terms how to do it - offer free with tech support, phone based or what have you. And the bean counters need to weigh the support/time they already spend to fix accounts hacked would be equal to or less the support/time needed to restore authenticators lost/what have you.

So for you to ask in forums if we would use it if offered borders on inane. Such a system would be counterproductive and actually drive away customers due to annoyance factor alone, even other factors listed above aside. I'm sure the devs have already come to that conclusion.

*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf*
Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf*
I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf*



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Gadjet that I have to go purchase? No thanks.
Iphone App? Considering that I don't have (or want) an Iphone, No thanks.
Would you buy it if it were CoH customized?

The base gadget costs about $6.50. The WoW authenticators are basically that same gadget with a Warcraft-printed housing rather than the RSA housing.

Imagine if you could get the default housing with the Blaster Icon (or the AT Icon of your choice) in the convex shield area. Would it be worth the $6.50 then?



No. I have to use that level of security to access my work remotely. (I work for a bank.) I am reasonably careful with my passwords. I don't need this level of security in something I do as a hobby or for entertainment.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



$6.5? Well, if that was the only way to continue playing, then yes. Bonus points for being flashy/fancy/pretty straight from the factory. (Although less than 20 feet from my computer table is my WH40K paints/bits/etc., so I could fancy it up a bit.
I play from a static, secure location, so my only security concerns are against online foes. Pretty much no chance of losing or damaging the device.

If new players faced the prospect that playing this game required additional security hardware (no matter how cheap to buy and easy to handle), it would cause them to hesitate. Include in every boxed set and make available at the NCstore for mailing to your house?



I don't see them as necessary or even useful. People that can't be bothered with proper protection of their authentication aren't going to be any more secure with a gizmo like this.

People just need to stop doing stupid things that compromise their logins. The twit that logs in at an internet cafe with 3 people looking over their shoulder is no safer with one of these, it just takes the extra step of picking their pocket. They'll feel safer, but they are still an easily exploited twit.

In a corporate environment, or in online financial transactions, possibly more secure, but they have multiple levels of authentication... but an online game? No, not the slightest bit more secure than a good password properly protected from their own bad habits.

If this game ever required them to play, I'd seriously consider dropping my sub. I'd probably end up playing anyway, but I'd be none-too happy at carrying yet another useless gadget that makes other people feel more secure without actually changing the behavior that gets them exploited in the first place.



Blizzard can probably get away with charging every current subscriber an extra $6.50 or so for it, or by taking a slight loss for a month to give them away. One would assume they'd start putting them in the box from then on, or possibly having a new "starter" box with a fob in it to be placed on the shelf along side the expansions.

CoH as a single game probably couldn't get away with requiring every subscriber to have one. NCSoft as a whole might be able to, if they only required a single fob for all of their games.

As for the option to use one, I'd consider it if the fob was CoH-chic, since I'm a sucker for merchandising. If it was just a generic black or grey fob with nothing on it, I'd decline if I had the choice.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Would you use an authenticator fob to log in to COH if NCSoft offered one?
No. A friend of mine lost his WoW account to someone who used one of these things to lock him out of it (he regained his account and all items taken, so it was all good) but I've not seen them have any use.

Plus, I'd need to actually acquire one from PlayNC, which, being that I'm a US version player who lives in Europe, is neither cheap nor easy, and the added fiddle is NOT something I enjoy. Finally, we're not a game that's a prime target for account stealers, as the most valuable things on accounts (bonus packs and veteran status) cannot be traded anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I used to scoff at people that got their WoW accounts compromised until it happened to me. I had Firefox + NoScript and Avast, so I thought nothing would happen. I don't even remember going to any shady sites (and I use a different login/pass for websites), but the day before my account closed I was cleaned out. If I ever played WoW again I would probably look into getting an authenticator. I'm not sure about CoX though. It doesn't really seem like the CoX RMT companies are even close to being as aggressive as they are in WoW. I don't think the option would hurt at all, but I probably wouldn't use one.



With all the passwords I have floating in my head and the high extreme of security behind them, that comes with working with an ISP. I am using a very strong password and feel no need to have another fob to float around with me.



For a game? I hate external security apparatus ferociously enough for secure systems at work, where it matters enough to use them. Nope, not interested.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



A fob I could care less about. I play from 2 secure locations, so losing a fob wouldn't be an issue. Hell, if I can keep track of the 2 mini-USB adapter for my wireless mice, a fob the size of a 16G thumbdrive should prove easier than stealing a baby from a bunch of Redcaps.

If it were an iPhone/Smartphone/Droid App only, Hell No!*. I do not own, plan to own, or even give a Rikti's Backside about an iPhone/Smartphone/Droid. My phone is just that, a phone.

(unless NCSoft gives away a free iPhone with each fob purchased for $6.50)

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Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
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Scooped days ago. And if it were optional, I would consider using one. WoW uses these to great effect, and if a $7 fob prevented someone from hijacking my account, I'd be up for it.



I don't drag my PC around, so I'd leave mine at home. I'd be up for something like that, provided that the drain on computer resources is next to zero.

Optional is, however the best way to go.



Originally Posted by Tradok View Post
I don't see them as necessary or even useful. People that can't be bothered with proper protection of their authentication aren't going to be any more secure with a gizmo like this.

People just need to stop doing stupid things that compromise their logins. The twit that logs in at an internet cafe with 3 people looking over their shoulder is no safer with one of these, it just takes the extra step of picking their pocket. They'll feel safer, but they are still an easily exploited twit.
This is in fact not true. The authenticator does make accounts more secure, and someone who is a bit careless with their account information is not also likely to lose their iPhone or keychain.

In a corporate environment, or in online financial transactions, possibly more secure, but they have multiple levels of authentication... but an online game? No, not the slightest bit more secure than a good password properly protected from their own bad habits.
I've seen players who say this get themselves hacked.

If this game ever required them to play, I'd seriously consider dropping my sub. I'd probably end up playing anyway, but I'd be none-too happy at carrying yet another useless gadget that makes other people feel more secure without actually changing the behavior that gets them exploited in the first place.
Except it's not useless. The two step authentication at login means that people who get passwords and such can't get into the account. It means that someone who has a momentary lapse won't lose their account.

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Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I don't drag my PC around, so I'd leave mine at home. I'd be up for something like that, provided that the drain on computer resources is next to zero.

Optional is, however the best way to go.
Nothing extra for your computer; just an additional One-Time Password to enter when one logs in. The fob provides the OTP.



I'd get one if I could have a customized one that looks like a futuristic device made out of metal where you have to turn it on with a fake key and it makes the Ghostbusters Proton Pack start up sound.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



I bought my WoW Authenticator to get the Corehound companion pet. I figured I would add it to my account, claim my little guy, and then remove it...But it's actually not that annoying. I would totally use one for CoH.



Id use one if its optional, by all means, more so if theres a little toy inside that makes it more exciting



I would only use one if ncsoft send me it here, free of charges. I would pay for it, but not for: 1) transport fees. 2) Taxes (as there is one on electronic devices here on Brazil).

Otherwise, I am fine with enhanced security measures (as long as they are prepared to deal with those that cant use then with care without locking thenselves out of their accounts).

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



If it's optional, let those that want them, use them.

If it's required, I'll have two extremely secure accounts - since they'll be closed (with the stuff on them given away) and I won't care. I hated the old "Before playing, look up word 3 on paragraph 2, page 29 of the manual" stuff, and I'd find trying to track down some damn piece of plastic doodad annoying, as well.

When I worked at Lockheed Martin, they made sense to have. For a game, *I don't want the hassle.*