No news for a month?




Originally Posted by JDub View Post
I'm talking about new zones, events, factions, ATs, powers.
New event=Zombie Apocalypse (just under three months ago)
New? Faction... 5th Column was removed but came back due to popular request (probably doesn't count)
New ATs=Claw brutes and electric melee scrappers are new even if the power sets aren't

Going Rogue is "supposed" to have Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols

The MA system allows us to make any faction we want. The risk vs. reward for engaging the multitude of customized adversaries is debatable (biting my tongue), but it's still content that we can create at any time on our own.

Originally Posted by JDub View Post
Like I said, I'm pretty much over this game. It's gotten old and stale. Here is to hoping GR breaths some life into it for people like me.
When the act of mashing buttons for a virtual reward gets old for someone, it won't matter how many times a developer (any developer) puts a new skin on it. When you're at the point where your continued participation is based upon whether or not the next issue sucks for you, it's really already over. There's a song that goes, "Still I look to find a reason to believe!"

I think that when it comes to that point, one really needs a greater mental or physical challenge than a game can provide; something that he has to train to master that puts him up against a thinking entity like martial arts or (gulp) dating!

I stay around because of the longtime friends I've made in CoX. When I need more, I hit the gym instead. It's amazing how many women (real women) will walk up to you and actually wanna talk while they work out next to you. You can keep Desdemona! She can summon demons but she'll never let me spot her while she does sit-ups.

Mind you, I'm not trying to single out or pick on JDub. I just know a lot of people who said what he's saying now. They spend their time bouncing from game to game in search of fulfillment. I've known some of these people for over ten years and they're still trying to satisfy something that is unsatisfiable.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Here's the problem (and one that's as old as the game). Your definition of real content is not the same as mine, nor is it exactly the same as anyone else, including the Devs. You get bored by things that others have been looking forward to for years, and vice-versa. It happens. That won't make Going Rogue come out any faster.
Originally Posted by JDub View Post
Nope. Real content is actual...
Hmmmm, it's as if some people don't know how to read or something. Read his post again, for the first time.

He said that "content" varies by he who consumes it. And you go on to define content in your own way. I think that Power Customization is a wealth of content... why? Because it increased the number of character concepts I can realize in this game, which for me, is the only real "content" I need.

Do I like doing new missions with new ATs on new maps versus new enemies? You bet I do, but what I really like about this game is the literally millions of ways I can make an image of a character in my head come to life. And as long as I play this game, I will be able to do that.



I sympathize with JDub's comments. Don't get me wrong, I'm here for the long haul. But for me stuff like power coloring or revamped events don't offer the kind of replayability as a totally new powerset or AT, new mission maps, zones, etc. Even stuff like powerset proliferation wears thin, as welcome as it is. And I guess I'm one of the few players entirely unexcited by the return of the 5th Column.

I know how hard it is to develop software, so I completely understand the risks of crowing about a feature that has even the tiniest risk of not being released. My only gripe about GR is that I wish that Marketing would plan on a steady stream of "micro news".

I already posted about this in another thread, but basically even at this very early stage I'm sure they could scrounge up things like screen shots of new zones, screen shots of new NPCs, concept art, short essays on Praetoria, etc. It wouldn't take much to keep the buzz at a fever pitch.

If NCSoft's marketeers are anything like the marketing folks I know, they are constantly being commanded to use tools like Facebook and Twitter. Well, if they plan on doing old school "big reveals" every 6-8 weeks, those don't mesh with social networking. They would be better served by doling it out in small bites.

No matter, I'll stick around. News on GR will come when it comes, and I'll play it when it's eventually released.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
I sympathize with JDub's comments. Don't get me wrong, I'm here for the long haul. But for me stuff like power coloring or revamped events don't offer the kind of replayability as a totally new powerset or AT, new mission maps, zones, etc. Even stuff like powerset proliferation wears thin, as welcome as it is.
I'm on the other end, agreeing with people like Thirty_Seven.

Recoloring sets has opened up a lot of sets that I wouldn't normally play. I never bothered with Radiation until I could recolor it. I never had a concept or interest in making a character based on radiation, but when I could recolor them to be energy attacks of various colors, that "opened up" Radiation to me. I had the same thing happen with Invuln, as I'd always hated the black color redside. It's now mostly blue and white for me. I also immediately got a concept for Earth Assault and made a toon based on crystals. I'm also more willing to play some of my natural melee toons now that I can turn off their auras. I can make mages with green mystic electricity or a pyrokinetic with psychic pink flames. Power customization is content to me because it unlocked a ton of characters I would never have made or played before.

Revamped events give me new things to do. I did everything last year, so aside from earning badges I had no reason to run BNY content or participate in ToTing (though I did that for exp). But new event stuff means there are things for me to do and experience. Plus, new events is literally new content by the definition you guys give, so this one seems like the most likely to cater to your interests.

New powersets? Well aside from the ones "unlocked" to me through power customization, powers proliferated around gives me more ability to enjoy them on ATs I want. I could never get a Corruptor build with Cold Domination I was happy with, but once they came to Controllers I was able to make something I wanted to play. I've never had a concept I wanted to do for Stone Melee (and I hate Stone Armor), but I have a Plant/Earth Dom up to 41 now because I like that so much. And I know people who have taken advantage of sets winding up on redside that were previously blue only, because they really only play redside. To them and me, these are "new" sets and "new" chances to enjoy something we've never done before.

New ATs I wouldn't hold out for. New AT would require more work than any of this stuff I imagine. And we have a lot of bases covered already so it's hard to say what a new AT would even be, before you even worry about balancing and adding half a dozen starting sets.

New mission maps are always nice, but I wouldn't call that content. It's just a quick glance around to say "Oh neat," and then it's back to work.

New zones I feel are pointless, as we have a lot of zones already that we aren't using. And like maps, it's just a quick glance that says "Cool," and then you go do something else. And as interesting as Cim is, the only reason anyone goes there is for the ITF. If the ITF was put in another zone, Cim would be empty. I really don't want the devs to spend a thousand manhours to build a zone that has no reason to exist when we have plenty of zones already.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
New zones I feel are pointless, as we have a lot of zones already that we aren't using. And like maps, it's just a quick glance that says "Cool," and then you go do something else. And as interesting as Cim is, the only reason anyone goes there is for the ITF. If the ITF was put in another zone, Cim would be empty. I really don't want the devs to spend a thousand manhours to build a zone that has no reason to exist when we have plenty of zones already.
I agree with you to a point. To me "new zone" is synonymous with "new arcs" so yes, it's really the new content in the zone I like. I'd be just as happy to have them put new content in existing zones. But as the Herocon panels confirmed, the devs don't like doing tweaks or half measures in zones. They always say "if we're going to redo a zone, it'll be the Faultline treatment (total redo), which is only slightly less effort than a brand new zone, so we're going to stick with new zones."

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
New zones I feel are pointless, as we have a lot of zones already that we aren't using. And like maps, it's just a quick glance that says "Cool," and then you go do something else. And as interesting as Cim is, the only reason anyone goes there is for the ITF. If the ITF was put in another zone, Cim would be empty. I really don't want the devs to spend a thousand manhours to build a zone that has no reason to exist when we have plenty of zones already.
I don't know if a whole series of new zones are needed, but I think the problem with the zones is there is not much to do in them other than going to one mission to the next. I'm not sure if it's because the instanced mission are better for the game, but when you move through the zones it's very little going on. Sure you have mobs everywhere, but they aren't doing much either. There should be micro events going on all the time to give reason why Paragon City needs heroes and why the Rogue Isles is where villain conspire to do evil! The occasional monster or Rikti and zombie invasions is just not enough.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
But as the Herocon panels confirmed, the devs don't like doing tweaks or half measures in zones. They always say "if we're going to redo a zone, it'll be the Faultline treatment (total redo), which is only slightly less effort than a brand new zone, so we're going to stick with new zones."
I agree with them to a certain extent, and I know they've said this before. But they've had two successful revamps in the past, being Faultline and RWZ. They've also had very unsuccessful new zones, like Shadow Shard and Croatoa. There are examples in favor of and against revamps and making new zones.

I can see from one standpoint that they'd prefer to come up with new stuff rather than redo old stuff. So while I agree that that's a decent standpoint, I don't think this was a definitive answer meant to mean they'll never bother updating stuff again. Because some new zones fail, and at some point we'll have more zones than we know what to do with (blueside already does), and over half of them will be total ghost towns (blueside again). A healthy mix of revamps and new zones is the best way to go in my opinion.

Or, from another viewpoint, would you rather have 50 zones where 5 are used, or 20 zones where 15 are used? Of course, the optimist in us wants to say 50 zones where 50 are used, but there's no way people could divide their attention between that many zones. I also personally feel it's sloppy to have a dozen or more zones that nobody goes to as well. Or even zones that people only go to for one reason, such as Cim.

RWZ is basically one of my favorite zones, since it has content for both heroes and villains, a task force, a zone event, and plenty of story arcs to do for a wide range of people. It's an example of a great overhaul that went over really well, and the model to which future revamps should be done.

The Shadow Shard should be the next revamp, done in the same way. Give stuff for everyone to do, give some nice and friendly (and SHORT) task forces, with zone events and other things to do. The zone has a tone of potential and lore that were never finished. Now's a good time. Oh, and let villains in too.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.




I'm taking a break from CoX for a bit as I'm more than a bit tired of all the GR talk from players and none from the Devs/marketing. I look forward to playing GR, I'm just sick of players who can't or won't stop talking about it.

"When's it coming out?"

"What new stuff is there?"

"Why aren't we hearing more about GR?"

"I hear that we're getting a new AT!"

"Oh yeah, well I heard we're getting a bunch of new powersets too!"

"The graphics update looks awesome!"

...on and on.

I figure I'll be back once GR is released, if not before then since I would likely qualify for one of the beta waves. (60+ month vet and I stayed through the "loyalty" program phase)

I hope there is some serious info on GR coming soon from the Devs/marketing. I wouldn't mind cutting my break short if there is some serious, solid info about GR. Anything to lower the amount rampant speculation and whining would be great in my book!

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I also personally feel it's sloppy to have a dozen or more zones that nobody goes to as well.

Or even zones that people only go to for one reason, such as Cim.
Strongly disagree. Even if they never add anything else to Cimerora, I think it's an awesome zone. First, its size is a virtue. It's just big enough to run the TF and have a smattering of door missions. The town, the rolling terrain, the ships in the harbor, the bridge and fortress all add up to excellent zone flavor. It really looks/feels different than the rest of CoH. Even Croatoa has very similar architecture and terrain features that you find elsewhere; just a ton more forest.

And the zone being so small contributes to how great the ITF is. You never have to spend more than a minute traveling from one mission to another which terrific.

If they want to create more special purpose mini-zones like Cimerora, I'm entirely in favor of it.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
If they want to create more special purpose mini-zones like Cimerora, I'm entirely in favor of it.
Ditto. Especially if it has dinosaurs.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I understand they are busy working on GR, but I agree with those who are disappointed by the lack of updates recently. I thought the plan was to release things more frequently, even if they were in smaller bites? Even vague updates simply talking about GR on the website would help keep people interested - like a story every week or two about a certain aspect of GR, like a story talking about the resistance or the rise of marcus cole... anything...

And these holiday events can't take the devs all that long to throw together, lol (and if they do take a long time, maybe they should reconsider what they're working on...). How much brainstorming did it take to make the new GM a giant snowman and flip a couple words around to come up with 'lord winter'. How bout putting together a story arc or task force for each holiday event, even if you just use the ae system? Maybe have the final reward be a new io.

I still love this game, but there's no reason to not have timely updates at least to talk about what is going on, and maybe trickle out some new product more often. I love the idea of more cim like deals - small new zones with a unique task force - I still love doing the itf.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
See also:
"SSOCS" - aka Skills system. Which was chucked and replaced wholesale with Inventions... leaving the Universities sitting for quite some time with no purpose behind them.
Nictus EAT.
Yes, Statesman was/is a very persuasive talker. Unfortunately he'd tend to run his mouth about things his team couldn't live up to (or they couldn't do quickly--Babs *could* do powerset customization, it just took him a year+ or something working on it and it's still only partially done), which was when he began to stop communicating with the playerbase through the forums. I'm not so terribly sure how great a lead dev he is, but he knows how to drum up the investment for his projects.

One thing I hope to see they got done over break was getting the difficulty slider back in for TFs, just with the -1 Level removed. That's *all it would take*. Let us dial those enemies back on up if we want to, invincible ITF is good times!

I like the Shadow Shard. Back in Issue 1 (or 2?) when it was new it was BEAUTIFUL. Sadly the only people who could've really appreciated the grandeur of that zone had already quit CoH to go play WoW. The Shard was EQ's Plane of Sky as it was meant to be, and that was done before EQ2 released their Plane of Sky xpac. The problem was it was 4 tremendous zones with *no* *freaking* *missions* besides Kora Fruit tier3 insp farms or the copy and paste mission TFs that were made when Positron/Synapse's arduously long TFs were going to be the standard. There were supposed to be mole points to move around quick but they were hidden and unmarked on the map and there was actually only one...the jump thingies just plain don't work if you had any travel power turned on, or even swift and hurdle probably interfere with them--they should've just sent you flying on a predetermined jump path like WoW griffon routes...revamp them Faultline style and they'd be awesome.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I agree with them to a certain extent, and I know they've said this before. But they've had two successful revamps in the past, being Faultline and RWZ. They've also had very unsuccessful new zones, like Shadow Shard and Croatoa. There are examples in favor of and against revamps and making new zones.

I can see from one standpoint that they'd prefer to come up with new stuff rather than redo old stuff. So while I agree that that's a decent standpoint, I don't think this was a definitive answer meant to mean they'll never bother updating stuff again. Because some new zones fail, and at some point we'll have more zones than we know what to do with (blueside already does), and over half of them will be total ghost towns (blueside again). A healthy mix of revamps and new zones is the best way to go in my opinion.

Or, from another viewpoint, would you rather have 50 zones where 5 are used, or 20 zones where 15 are used? Of course, the optimist in us wants to say 50 zones where 50 are used, but there's no way people could divide their attention between that many zones. I also personally feel it's sloppy to have a dozen or more zones that nobody goes to as well. Or even zones that people only go to for one reason, such as Cim.

RWZ is basically one of my favorite zones, since it has content for both heroes and villains, a task force, a zone event, and plenty of story arcs to do for a wide range of people. It's an example of a great overhaul that went over really well, and the model to which future revamps should be done.

The Shadow Shard should be the next revamp, done in the same way. Give stuff for everyone to do, give some nice and friendly (and SHORT) task forces, with zone events and other things to do. The zone has a tone of potential and lore that were never finished. Now's a good time. Oh, and let villains in too.
^ This gets my /signed every time.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



For those who think its bad marketing I think its bad marketing not having any updates for all the peeps that are tired of boredom and thinking of leaveing, which is alot of us. it would be nice to have a update on how far they think they are and maybe little things that they know will stay/work with GR, or maybe another vid to get peeps excited about it again, maybe get couple of more peeps joining the game b4 GR ehh? maybe im wrong but thats how i feel(log on for 5 mins and ask myself why do i still pay $15 for then log off)

As of GR i so hope it wont brake the game. I dont believe they should add another world to scatter more peeps around unless they are trying to add a crazy amount of peeps, or trying to get everyone to gray, why would i wanna pay for a Issue if all that its purpose is so i can bring my vills to blue and add another world for a little extra content. they should also add more ATs, maps powers, etc to all sides. I just believe they should of just made COX2, its just seems like they cant do much more to the game to help it with out a MAJOR revamp with out making it feel like i did when i started playing COH for the first couple years i played. Maybe i just need to find a new game to play but i dont wanna, like most of us we put to much time and money into it XD, (sorry this should of been posted under diff thread but w/e)

Im sorry if coming off like i hate the game just isnt fun anymore, not excited about GR, and sleepy atm(thats why im posting lol) but anyways YES they should tell us something, dosent need to be big or nothing but just give us atleast a little update plz? But hey maybe they arnt worried about it because its gonna be the greatest thing thats gonna happen to COX, i so hope so



Originally Posted by christopher44 View Post
For those who think its bad marketing I think its bad marketing not having any updates for all the peeps that are tired of boredom and thinking of leaveing, which is alot of us. it would be nice to have a update on how far they think they are and maybe little things that they know will stay/work with GR, or maybe another vid to get peeps excited about it again, maybe get couple of more peeps joining the game b4 GR ehh? maybe im wrong but thats how i feel(log on for 5 mins and ask myself why do i still pay $15 for then log off)

As of GR i so hope it wont brake the game. I dont believe they should add another world to scatter more peeps around unless they are trying to add a crazy amount of peeps, or trying to get everyone to gray, why would i wanna pay for a Issue if all that its purpose is so i can bring my vills to blue and add another world for a little extra content. they should also add more ATs, maps powers, etc to all sides. I just believe they should of just made COX2, its just seems like they cant do much more to the game to help it with out a MAJOR revamp with out making it feel like i did when i started playing COH for the first couple years i played. Maybe i just need to find a new game to play but i dont wanna, like most of us we put to much time and money into it XD, (sorry this should of been posted under diff thread but w/e)

Im sorry if coming off like i hate the game just isnt fun anymore, not excited about GR, and sleepy atm(thats why im posting lol) but anyways YES they should tell us something, dosent need to be big or nothing but just give us atleast a little update plz? But hey maybe they arnt worried about it because its gonna be the greatest thing thats gonna happen to COX, i so hope so
I feel the same way. I have continued to pay monthly, log in everyday/every other day, and most of the time immediatley log out. Really, I feel like I'm on the brink of leaving. I even tried Champions for a couple months, but left that after I hit the grind after 10 lvls. That game needs a bit o work. I think my boredom comes from the fact that the rest of my SG is gone. I am the lone caretaker of a dead SG on Protector. I have waited but 6-9 daily players have turned into me logging in to pay rent.



"(log on for 5 mins and ask myself why do i still pay $15 for then log off)"

Same here Chris. Been doing that for almost a year now. I haven't cancelled my monthly subscription out of laziness to be honest. Think I'll go ahead and do that and come back a few months after GR is out. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I fall in love with the game again.

This is the only MMO I have ever played, and for the first two years I loved this game. The problem is I can't find any MMo to take it's place. I've been bored with this game for so long now, but I hang on because I miss having a game I really love to play. I'm hoping either GR makes this game feel fun and new again, or I find a new game soon that excites me like this one did once upon a time.



I'm not sure I understand how learning information about something that won't even be in the game for another 3-6 months will stop you from canceling your account until then, or logging in to play the game NOW.

I want info too, but it's not going to make or break what I'm doing NOW. I'm just impatient.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Well said, Dispari.

Personally, I may only play once or twice a week these days, but I've also got a ton of Xbox 360 and DS games to keep me occupied, plus regular social engagements a few nights a week.

I'd LIKE more info about Going Rogue, but the lack of information won't affect how I play the game now, nor will a sudden flood of information cause me to play the game more. The only thing that's going to affect how and when I play City of Heroes is the beta schedule.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I've personally been distracting myself with my PS3. I'd like some news too, but as previously stated, Marketing is very careful not to announce anything until it's in the final proposed build, due to past foul-ups.

That being said, if I became so tired of waiting for GR that I stopped subscribing, making a death knell about it would be the last thing on my list. Nor would I post disparagingly about the game (which personally has kept me entertained for over five years) or use back-handed threats of moving to the competition (or insinuate that the majority of the game's population will do or is doing the same).

To an extent, it's certainly not the sentiment to which I disagree, because I would love just one small speck of news in regards to GR (it wouldn't even have to be mind-blowing). But the tone and entitlement of some posters is, IMO, reproachable.

For the record, the current record holder for time between issues is between the release of Issue 6 and Issue 7, which was 222 days (source). It has been 115 days since the release of Issue 16 and today. So we are far from breaking that record.



Originally Posted by JDub View Post
"(log on for 5 mins and ask myself why do i still pay $15 for then log off)"

Same here Chris. Been doing that for almost a year now. I haven't cancelled my monthly subscription out of laziness to be honest. Think I'll go ahead and do that and come back a few months after GR is out. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I fall in love with the game again.
I'm not sure what GR will offer that will make that big difference for you (plural you, not specific you -- I've heard a few people saying things like this). The game won't fundamentally change. You might have access to a few new ATs, if you're one of those that has only ever played red or blue side, but you'll still be playing with the same powersets (except for the 2 new ones), still gaining the same powers, still fighting more or less the same enemies, etc. Yes, there'll be a honeymoon period while everyone runs through the new story arcs and new zones, but in the end, it'll still be the same game.

Yes, it would be nice to get a new tidbit or two, though.

(Not bored of CoX yet myself. Too many characters to play with!)



I feel it's a bit much not to release any additional info since Hero Con. Honestly, that doesn't bug me too much. The big issue is what will GR contain. This game's high repetition is wearing on me but I do enjoy many aspects of it. GR will need to have much more than shown at Hero Con, IMO. A lot of the GR features revealed at Hero Con were 'fluff' type additions.

We didn't get details on side switching - will the missions be using the same old maps and be something like the tasks we need to complete to join the Midnighter's Club? That is tiring for the umpteenth time. The new area looks decent but, at first glance, it seems like....another city....don't we have a large one of those already lol.

Anyway, I am hoping there is much more to GR than revealed. Some new systems, game mechanics etc would be wild.

Oh, and maybe a recipe price cap (dependent and varying on recipe type) might be nice. It would be nice to, one day, actually be able to afford to put a full purple set in one toon.



Guys, check out my new sig!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Guys, check out my new sig!
Patience? How long will that take?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.