How to slot Stamina?




Which gives you more "bang for your buck"? 3 slotted level 50 endurance modifiers OR 2 slotted level 50 endurance modifiers and a Perfomance Shifter:chance for endurance?

Is there a math whiz on this forum that can figure out which will generate more endurance over time and what the equivalent % is?

Thank you.



My favorite is a perf +end, a standard IO 40, and 2 more from the performance shifter set: end mod, and end mod/rech (or end mod/acc). (The IOs need to be level 40 to get into 'the red').

That nets you 95% end mod, a little extra kick now and again, plus bonus hit points. There is a really good planner here :

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That might be "best" but I only have 3 slots to work with. I need to know whether slotting the 3rd end mod IO is better/worse than slotting a Performance Shifter (chance for endurance) in that slot.



meh, I'm not sure about best, it's just what I would do. If you only have three, I would probably go with 3 level 35 or higher standard IOs, but I can't even come close to mathematically proving if that would be better than 2 50s and the +end.

I'm gonna watch this thread for a guru though!

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Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



I don't have math to back me up, but I can tell you that when I replaced a level 50 IO with the perf. shifter +end on my inv/ss tank, it feels like I have better endurance.

With double stacking rage and hasten, I occassionally had a a double crash, which dropped my end substantially. If that happened in the middle of a big fight where I was already at mid endurance, I could be in trouble. Before the performance shifter I would either realize my situation and slow down, or not realize it and lose a toggle or two. Since I added the +end IO I just keep on going. It procs often enough that I always seem to have enough to get the job done.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

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3 lvl 50 IO End Mods will give u better "bang for your buck" "over time". I do not know what the % is. Honestly I think the % difference would be quite small.



I've always been told that 2 50 IOs and the +End proc are a bit better than 3 level 50 End IOs. Or with 4 slots, 3 End IOs and the +End proc; the advantage of the +end proc is that ED doesn't affect it.

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This thread might shed some light, especially the answers from Muon Neutrino.

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Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I've always been told that 2 50 IOs and the +End proc are a bit better than 3 level 50 End IOs. Or with 4 slots, 3 End IOs and the +End proc; the advantage of the +end proc is that ED doesn't affect it.
Yeah, this is what I do. I don't have the exact numbers here but it does work out that, on average, the +end Proc is more effective than an end mod IO. It also has the bonus of working through power effects that prevent endurance recovery, like sapper's powers and such. It can come in real handy when it happens to hit in those situations.

I usually plan for 1 Performance Shifter proc and 2 end mod IOs



I like to use 1 IO, 1 Performance Shifter: End Mod, and 1 Performance Shifter: Proc. It gives an handy set bonus (as I often play stone tanks, or brutes who always need to get to the next target just that much faster)



I slot with 4 Performance Shifters.

Performance Shifter: Chance for +End proc
Performance Shifter: End Mod
Performance Shifter: End Mod/Acc
Performance Shifter: End Mod/Rech



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I've always been told that 2 50 IOs and the +End proc are a bit better than 3 level 50 End IOs. Or with 4 slots, 3 End IOs and the +End proc; the advantage of the +end proc is that ED doesn't affect it.
I'm sure that is fine for the last 3 levels of the character's career, but what about the majority of the character's time on patrol... Y'know, the first 46 levels, before you can slot level 50 IOs?



IIRC, it's also dependent on how many +Max end bonuses you have from sets and accolades since the higher your maximum endurance the more returns you get on each % of recovery. Still, most of my alts use the chance for end proc since it works even when recovery is debuffed and slot another 1-2 pieces from the set.

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If you can only manage 3 slots: 1 level 50 common IO, 1 level 50 Shifter End Mod IO, and the +End Proc is the best "over time" for the slots.

The +End Proc is better than a 3rd End Mod IO over a large enough sample time (hour +).
In a short timeframe (say any particular 5 or 10 minute period) it's inconsistent effect
cause it to be slightly worse, but only very slightly.

Remember, that 3rd IO (at lvl 50) is only netting you a 4% increase in actual recovery amounts (going from 45.8% recovery to 49.8% recovery).

On the other hand, it isn't a huge amount either way, and given the expected price you'll pay for the set IO and proc, just slotting 3 common IO's is usually more than enough.

(especially since if you're worrying about slotting stamina up, you've more than likely already set IO'd your attack powers and are getting a hefty end reduction on each of them anyway)

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Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
I like to use 1 IO, 1 Performance Shifter: End Mod, and 1 Performance Shifter: Proc. It gives an handy set bonus (as I often play stone tanks, or brutes who always need to get to the next target just that much faster)
This is a very typical slotting that I see in a lot of builds, I assume it's one of the best 3-slot options.

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Originally Posted by filcher View Post
Which gives you more "bang for your buck"? 3 slotted level 50 endurance modifiers OR 2 slotted level 50 endurance modifiers and a Perfomance Shifter:chance for endurance?
Answering just this question and ignoring the rest of the characters leveling career, etc - the two 50's and Performance Shifter are the best option.

Three SO's would get you around 95% on Stamina.
With level 50 IO's, two of them gets you over 80% and the 3rd one is mostly (like two thirds of it) wasted.
The Perf Shifter proc will get you approximately the same benefit over time as an even level (i.e. white conning) SO. I forget whether the proc was higher or lower, but it's within a few percentage points of SO performance (i.e. 33% boost).

Personally, on characters with END problems, I really REALLY try to scrape up an extra slot to get 4 slots in Stamina. I'll slot three level 30 IO's plus the proc and be good for the next 23 levels. If you definitely only have 3 slots and will use level 50 IO's, definitely put two end mod IO's plus the Perf Shifter.

Note: One other benefit of the Perf Shifter proc, which will not matter most of the time - it is NOT boosting your recovery. It is flat-out granting 10 pts of endurance. While it can not exceed your max endurance, if you are under the effect of a debuff or power (like a blaster who just nuked) that negates your recovery, this has no effect at all on the proc. It still works just fine.

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Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
I'm sure that is fine for the last 3 levels of the character's career, but what about the majority of the character's time on patrol... Y'know, the first 46 levels, before you can slot level 50 IOs?
Considering the OP is asking about level 50s in the OP, I think we're safe to assume s/he's talking about 50s. If you want to talk about something other than 50, you can start your own thread, of course!

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Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
I'm sure that is fine for the last 3 levels of the character's career, but what about the majority of the character's time on patrol... Y'know, the first 46 levels, before you can slot level 50 IOs?
Well, considering you can't slot Stamina till you're 20, I'd say it goes like this:

1-19: BIG FAT NADA! (Tough choices there, I know... )
20: EndMod
21: Two EndMod, one +End

So on, and so forth.

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Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
I slot with 4 Performance Shifters.

Performance Shifter: Chance for +End proc
Performance Shifter: End Mod
Performance Shifter: End Mod/Acc
Performance Shifter: End Mod/Rech
While the OP is looking to 3-slot, this particular option has several bonuses:

1) It approaches the ED cap for stamina.
2) It has the proc
3) The 4th bonus of the set is a 2.5% bonus to recovery, which comes out ahead of losing about 4% enhancement from generic IOs, and even further if you start adding +End to your build.

It's definitely worth it if you can spare the slots.

With 3 slots, I would only slot regular end mod IOs. The reason is that performance shifter grants 10 endurance at regular intervals, but that 10 endurance doesn't quite translate into 0.2 EPS unless you're consistently below 90 endurance on a 100 endurance build.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
While the OP is looking to 3-slot, this particular option has several bonuses:

1) It approaches the ED cap for stamina.
2) It has the proc
3) The 4th bonus of the set is a 2.5% bonus to recovery, which comes out ahead of losing about 4% enhancement from generic IOs, and even further if you start adding +End to your build.

It's definitely worth it if you can spare the slots.

With 3 slots, I would only slot regular end mod IOs. The reason is that performance shifter grants 10 endurance at regular intervals, but that 10 endurance doesn't quite translate into 0.2 EPS unless you're consistently below 90 endurance on a 100 endurance build.
Or, as stated above, if you use nukes or otherwise hit recovery debuffs which the proc gleefully ignores, but the third IO is shut down by.

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Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
With 3 slots, I would only slot regular end mod IOs. The reason is that performance shifter grants 10 endurance at regular intervals, but that 10 endurance doesn't quite translate into 0.2 EPS unless you're consistently below 90 endurance on a 100 endurance build.
If you're consistently fluctuating between 90 and 100 endurance, I'd skip the third slot altogether and slot something else.

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If I were consistently above 90 endurance, I'd skip Stamina alltogether, since I obviously have enough endurance management.



Yeah, but if you skipped Stamina all together, you probably wouldnt remain above 90 endurance for long... which just brings you right back to the same problem.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
I slot with 4 Performance Shifters.

Performance Shifter: Chance for +End proc
Performance Shifter: End Mod
Performance Shifter: End Mod/Acc
Performance Shifter: End Mod/Rech
Ditto. If I'm playing a Regen or Willpower I do that with both QR and Stamina. I usually slot Physical Perfection for regen, and throw the +End proc in there if I have an extra slot.

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