How to slot Stamina?




Crikey! What do you people do with all that endurance? On any toon with willpower or regeneration, I skip Stamina. (On a WP tank, I might take Health for the extra regen, but still not Stamina.)

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The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Crikey! What do you people do with all that endurance? On any toon with willpower or regeneration, I skip Stamina. (On a WP tank, I might take Health for the extra regen, but still not Stamina.)
I like to herd huge rooms of carnies and watch the team collective endurance drop to the floor, while I stay nice and full of blue. Good times.

As to the original question, I think you're almost always going to get more noticeable return from 2 end mod commons and the Performance Shifter proc (or the PS proc and end mod + 1 end mod common).