Damage output?




Hm, well, not sure what to say here.

I've been playing my FF/Nrg Defender (many of you will be familiar with my prior commentary about his defensive attributes) to some success. Now L39, he's actually become fairly survivable (due to pools more than his own powers, mainly). The problem now is that he can't do enough damage. It may be that he's had this problem all along, but I've seen it rather more blatantly tonight.

I was playing my World War 2 arc below, and came up against the Elite Boss, Catburglar. It was actually a pretty fair fight, except that I couldn't do any damage. I'd get him down to about half health, using an entire tray of blues in the process, and he'd heal back to full health. That was WITH Sands of Mu and the Nemesis Staff in use. I hate to think how little I'd have done if I didn't have those.

This leads me back to the seemingly endless debate about Defender damage output.

Certainly, it seems that my Defender has too little. Even stocking the tray half full of reds, half of blues, I did too little. However, simply boosting the damage thorugh the set could be unbalancing when it's paired with something like Sonic, that increases damage output (either directly or by reducing the target's mitigation).

If I had been able to carry on fighting, I may eventually have worn him down (unless he got that one hit in, as he was able to do over 800 damage in a single hit, against my 900 health - which is ludicrously unbalanced, devs!).

Certainly, Defenders are using too much endurance for their offense. That should be addressed. I think a damage boost across the board is needed, but I'm not sure how much is appropriate, or how it should be implemented. Any ideas?



What is the custom EB's sets ?
And at what settings ?

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Haven't we done this enough times, Ultimo?

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
Haven't we done this enough times, Ultimo?
There is never enough times for this, we need the analysis against scrapper and blaster damage first.



FYI I won't get into Ulitmo's issues.
After running the first mission in that arc (That is the right one?) the boss you are talking about is a custom character Claws/Ninjitsu (I think caltrops, defense, hide and a heal).



Yes, Claws/Ninjitsu (based on one of my Stalkers).

I appreciate that this has been brought up before, but not by me. Snide comments will not foster any kind of productive discussion, and I ask that you refrain from flaming and think about the issue I'm raising.

The issue was that I was facing a foe I could never defeat under normal conditions. That the game allows this to happen is a problem, as I see it. Note also that the fact it was a custom foe is somewhat beside the point. This Defender would have an even HARDER time taking on many of the regular EBs and AVs on his own. In the past, he has proved uncapable of defeating a Rikti Bomb on his own (though, that was at much lower level).

The lack of damage output has been discussed at length before, I'm just bringing it up again following one further example of the issue.



And what powers from Ninjitsu does he have?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I appreciate that this has been brought up before, but not by me.

Snide comments will not foster any kind of productive discussion,
We've HAD productive discussion. You brought up your "issues," we provided ways to get around it, you disappear for a bit then come right back with the exact same deal after a month or two.

and I ask that you refrain from flaming and think about the issue I'm raising.
If you think that was a flame, you are greatly mistaken.

The issue was that I was facing a foe I could never defeat under normal conditions.
No. The issue is that you refuse to learn. Also, these were NOT "normal conditions." The foe in question is in a custom arc and is a custom NPC that you yourself made. You cannot blame the game for a problem that you put yourself into.

That the game allows this to happen is a problem, as I see it.
Allows what? You to make a foe that you can't beat with a poorly constructed, team-oriented, non-debuffing character?

Note also that the fact it was a custom foe is somewhat beside the point.
No, it is entirely the point. NOWHERE in the rest of the game is there an NPC that has Claws AND Ninjitsu. Heck, I don't even think there's any Ninjistsu NPCs, period.

In the past, he has proved uncapable of defeating a Rikti Bomb on his own (though, that was at much lower level).
How low? What powers were you running? How long did you wait? Details, please.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



So your custom EB Claw/Nin stalker you cannot beat? This does not seem to be a problem to me, you made him that tough and your complaining that defenders are too weak. That means nothing to me and everyone else.

To you bomb you need to give us more detail then, I cannot defeat it at lower levels. A lot of ATs cannot solo a bomb at lower level of "X-1".

So for your calling on buffing it was brought up rationale answers and you just repeat and spin around changing this and that not listening.



Ninja Reflexes, Danger Sense, Hide, Caltrops, Kuji-In Sha(Heal) are the ones that I saw while fighting him. So 26% defense to all positions and a 600hp heal. And FYI it is a Boss not a EB.



How much do yall want to bet that Ultimo is still using a build that any of us would consider total garbage for soloing?

Same old tired line of thinking. Build for soloing or quit trying to solo. Those are your choices. Don't like them? Tough.

Be well, people of CoH.



Ok, again, people are fixating on the example. I only described the situation so you'd have context, a reason why I'm posting this. The point is that the AT seems to have a problem doing damage. I started the thread to discuss THAT.

Rush Bolt:
The two threads you refer to were both about Defender DEFENSES. Comments about offense did come up, but that was not the point of those threads. I've commented on this in other people's threads. People have offered advice regarding defenses for my character, not offense.

Your first post wasn't a flame, but it was a snide comment. I was just trying to nip that in the bud so we can stay on topic and productive.

I'm very prepared to learn. However, I will admit I'm not easily convinced my own experiences are not happening. As I said, that situation is not exactly "normal" but it is something the game allows for, and as such should be accessible to everyone. Either way, it was merely the catalyst for the thread, not the subject of it.

ANYTHING the game provides as a challenge to overcome must be accessible by everyone, regardless of AT or powers. It makes no difference if it's PC or Dev content. If something can't be overcome, then there's a problem somewhere. I concluded the issue was the offensive capability of the class, since at it's base level, it could not overcome this and other threats (I refer again to the Bombs). Further, it's been brought up by others before.
It was a while ago (somewhere in the 20s as I recall) that I was trying to defeat a rikti bomb and couldn't. It's also happened against other foes (such as Black Scorpion and such, though in those cases, they typically did so much damage that my damage was not an issue. Either way, this is all beside the point.

He spawned as an EB when I played, and was healing for over 1100 each time he used the heal.

My build is still kind of beside the point. There's no build I know of using FF/Nrg that increases damage output. The only thing I might have that I don't is Assault, but those extra 2 points of damage are kind of irrelevant (I know, I exaggerate, but the point is it doesn't add much).
Either way, the fact remains that there seems to be considerable dissatisfaction with the damage output of Defenders.

Again, it's been discussed before that there's a problem with the damage output of Defenders, particularly those with no immediate buffs (eg. Kinetics) or debuffs (eg. Radiation). I'm just trying to start some discussion.

My contribution was that the discrepancy might start to be alleiveiated to some degree by reducing the endurance cost of the attacks. As it is, Defenders use roughly twice the endurance others do to inflict the same amount of damage. This means they run out sooner, having done only half the damage necessary. If they used less endurance, they could attack longer, doing the necessary damage, just over more time.

My question is, should the actual amount of damage be increased, and how much?



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
He spawned as an EB when I played, and was healing for over 1100 each time he used the heal.
Ok my defender can solo an EB with insps, but I made him for solo game, it takes time, but I built him like that. Aside from that this is you custom made EB you did with ninjitsu with the self heal.

Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
ANYTHING the game provides as a challenge to overcome must be accessible by everyone, regardless of AT or powers. It makes no difference if it's PC or Dev content. If something can't be overcome, then there's a problem somewhere.
From everything people have tried to help you it might be you doing this now, if you are having problems with your created content, which is custom made.

Also PC created content != accessible to all AT powers.

Finally to round all this up, not all ATs were designed to beat everything in the game. While there are a lot of exceptions to this rule, these people who are able to put a lot of time understanding their strengths and weaknesses and improved where needed to be unstoppable. From you history on this you post and mull on this constantly till the Devs do something to correct this. So no there is nothing totally wrong with defenders you just need to learn your limits and learn to bend them to your will.

For you, to inspire to do for a FF/nrgy



The point is that the AT seems to have a problem doing damage.
Wrong. YOU have a problem with the damage output YOUR defender has with the build YOU have given it.

We have already taught you how to build for soloing. You ignored that advice and are now back whining about the exact same issue.

Don't have assault? That's a 18.75% damage buff that you are ignoring. Do you have every attack slotted for ED capped damage? I doubt it. Do you have every attack you could take by your level so that you have a solid attack chain? I doubt it.

The problem is YOU. It is YOUR repeated refusal to accept that YOU are the issue.

If something can't be overcome, then there's a problem somewhere
And the problem is YOU, YOUR character, YOUR build, YOUR tactics, YOUR insp usage.

YOU are your own problem.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Wrong. YOU have a problem with the damage output YOUR defender has with the build YOU have given it.

We have already taught you how to build for soloing. You ignored that advice and are now back whining about the exact same issue.

Don't have assault? That's a 18.75% damage buff that you are ignoring. Do you have every attack slotted for ED capped damage? I doubt it. Do you have every attack you could take by your level so that you have a solid attack chain? I doubt it.

The problem is YOU. It is YOUR repeated refusal to accept that YOU are the issue.

And the problem is YOU, YOUR character, YOUR build, YOUR tactics, YOUR insp usage.

YOU are your own problem.
I not sure if I got all that info Bill...are you inferring Ultimo is the problem behind his Def?



I feel like this should be said here:

EBs were never intended to be soloable. WAI.

EDIT: Also this has to be said: if the defenders (or some defender builds, rather) are the only AT this applies to, they appear to be the best balanced AT in the game.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
ANYTHING the game provides as a challenge to overcome must be accessible by everyone, regardless of AT or powers. It makes no difference if it's PC or Dev content. If something can't be overcome, then there's a problem somewhere.
I strongly disagree with your statements here. There is (and should be) content that requires a bit more power and/or team-mates to overcome. And on top of that, you are trying to express that AE arcs should follow the same "balance" paradigm that regular game arcs (made by developers) attempt to follow. The big problem with this is the arc creator. YOU (plural meaning anyone making arcs) can make completely broken and un-beatable custom situations. You CANNOT talk about game balance in respect to AE arcs. Thats ludicrous. Anyone with a little knowledge of their character can make a custom mob that completely "Hoses" their AT and/or powerset.

He spawned as an EB when I played, and was healing for over 1100 each time he used the heal.
This proves my point above exactly. Thats alot of healing, and I bet any low-dps AT would have a serious headache with this.

My build is still kind of beside the point. There's no build I know of using FF/Nrg that increases damage output. The only thing I might have that I don't is Assault, but those extra 2 points of damage are kind of irrelevant (I know, I exaggerate, but the point is it doesn't add much).
I have always believed that Defenders got the short end of the DPS stick because of the state of the game shortly after launch, and further that with ED and GDN it just got worse, but the more I hear of your examples, the more I am convinced that you are attempting things that are not normal difficulty for your character's actual ability to defeat villains. Perhaps you dont like playing at the game's base difficulty. Or maybe you believe that if one character of Level "X" can do something, every character of that level should be "Equally" capable. This is not true in the game. And there are alot of reasons for it. I play defenders because I love playing a "Support" role on teams, so my only "Dissatisfaction" with defenders comes when I attempt to solo. And further this ability to SOLO has developed MUCH slower than other ATs. What my Scrappers can do at 25 is MUCH more impressive than what my defenders can accomplish solo. But turn the tables to teaming and its a "whole different basket". My scrappers uhm "Kill or get Killed" on teams, often at the same time it seems. My Defender can make even a crappy team smell like a spring day. And THAT's what I love about them. Would it be cool if they could solo better ? Absolutely. Does it look like this is gonna happen ? Well...

Either way, the fact remains that there seems to be considerable dissatisfaction with the damage output of Defenders.
This last statement should tell you something though. If you are that unhappy with defenders, play something else that matches your expectations for the game.
I can guarantee that no developer will care whether you cannot solo a custom arc, and think thats a logical argument for how this AT needs a boost.





Build and tactics aside, fact remains that defender secondaries work far from the "regular" ratio of efficiency for shared powers which at release pretty much was 75% across the board - except for defenders, getting shafted both in damage/endurance spent compared to this norm from their secondary and seeing controllers getting full "bang for the buck" for some powers in the shared primary. This has shifted even further since buffs to blaster damage, and also includes corruptors to some extent.

Personally, I consider it unfair that those with the weakest blasts also suffers the greatest endurance costs compared to any other shared powersets. Changing these across the board is easily accomplished with a straight multiplier to all endurance costs for defenders (End mod: (0.65/1.125)/0.75) = 0.7704) and corruptors (End mod: (0.75/1.125)/0.75) = 0.88889) respectively, and would in my opinion help improve quality of life for soloing defenders. Plinking away at a hard target would still require the same amount of attacks - but only costing a normalized amount of endurance.

Secondary effects may be great in some powersets (yeah, sonic) but the only factor giving actual rewards in this game is straight damage, which also is the primary purpose of a blast. That is why I consider it reasonable to normalize against that power aspect alone. Things may be functional as is, but am I the only one wanting the same efficiency per endurance point spent for my defender as other archetypes with shared sets get?



Originally Posted by Evilmeister View Post

Build and tactics aside, fact remains that defender secondaries work far from the "regular" ratio of efficiency for shared powers which at release pretty much was 75% across the board - except for defenders, getting shafted both in damage/endurance spent compared to this norm from their secondary and seeing controllers getting full "bang for the buck" for some powers in the shared primary. This has shifted even further since buffs to blaster damage, and also includes corruptors to some extent.

Personally, I consider it unfair that those with the weakest blasts also suffers the greatest endurance costs compared to any other shared powersets. Changing these across the board is easily accomplished with a straight multiplier to all endurance costs for defenders (End mod: (0.65/1.125)/0.75) = 0.7704) and corruptors (End mod: (0.75/1.125)/0.75) = 0.88889) respectively, and would in my opinion help improve quality of life for soloing defenders. Plinking away at a hard target would still require the same amount of attacks - but only costing a normalized amount of endurance.

Secondary effects may be great in some powersets (yeah, sonic) but the only factor giving actual rewards in this game is straight damage, which also is the primary purpose of a blast. That is why I consider it reasonable to normalize against that power aspect alone. Things may be functional as is, but am I the only one wanting the same efficiency per endurance point spent for my defender as other archetypes with shared sets get?

You are not alone

I also agree that if my blasts do half the damage of another AT, its simply logical that the cost should be less as well. Tankers, iirc received a endurance cost reduction on their attacks for the same exact reason. I have been waiting for the Defender discount for quite awhile. To the point that I have even suggested that defenders get a stacking bonus effect similar to blaster's inherent, but instead of dps increase, we get a endurance global reduction. Sure would make soloing easier. Would also be nice on teams.




Originally Posted by Evilmeister View Post

Build and tactics aside, fact remains that defender secondaries work far from the "regular" ratio of efficiency for shared powers which at release pretty much was 75% across the board - except for defenders, getting shafted both in damage/endurance spent compared to this norm from their secondary and seeing controllers getting full "bang for the buck" for some powers in the shared primary. This has shifted even further since buffs to blaster damage, and also includes corruptors to some extent.

Personally, I consider it unfair that those with the weakest blasts also suffers the greatest endurance costs compared to any other shared powersets. Changing these across the board is easily accomplished with a straight multiplier to all endurance costs for defenders (End mod: (0.65/1.125)/0.75) = 0.7704) and corruptors (End mod: (0.75/1.125)/0.75) = 0.88889) respectively, and would in my opinion help improve quality of life for soloing defenders. Plinking away at a hard target would still require the same amount of attacks - but only costing a normalized amount of endurance.

Secondary effects may be great in some powersets (yeah, sonic) but the only factor giving actual rewards in this game is straight damage, which also is the primary purpose of a blast. That is why I consider it reasonable to normalize against that power aspect alone. Things may be functional as is, but am I the only one wanting the same efficiency per endurance point spent for my defender as other archetypes with shared sets get?
Not a threadjack, this is what I've been saying, but people prefer to focus on me and my build for some reason.

My build is set up for soloing, and has the best possible damage output short of Assault (which was just burning up Endurance). In fact, because of Sands and the Staff, my damage output is GREATER than normal. If it's MY problem and all about ME, why has this exact topic come up over and over for years?

Finally, if EBs are not solo content, they shouldn't be in solo missions (unless I override that in my difficulty settings).



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Not a threadjack, this is what I've been saying, but people prefer to focus on me and my build for some reason.

My build is set up for soloing, and has the best possible damage output short of Assault (which was just burning up Endurance). In fact, because of Sands and the Staff, my damage output is GREATER than normal. If it's MY problem and all about ME, why has this exact topic come up over and over for years?

Finally, if EBs are not solo content, they shouldn't be in solo missions (unless I override that in my difficulty settings).
Ultimo_ I think you tend to take comments too defensively.
There are different levels of constructiveness in people's responses too, so if someone is deliberately being rude or callous, just ignore it. But one reason I keep coming to the forums is that I have LEARNED alot here. From guides, from veteran responses, etc..
And I personally choose to give back whenever I can, because no one forced Veterans like StratoNexus, Dr.Mike, Laughing_Man, Balanced, Bill_Z_Bubba and countless others to come to the forums and share their wisdom. But they do just that.

So, I am willing to keep trying to help you and not out of any kind of mean-spirited purpose, but because I know that behind your Avatar photo and one-word Forum name is a real person that enjoys this game. If you didnt "Love" this game, you would not waste your time coming here again and again, correct?

1) EBs are NOT solo oriented content. I have beaten them with Scrappers and Blasters with regularity. But fail to beat them with Defenders, Controllers and even Tankers with equal regularity. As much as I wish it to be different, changing this would involve "toppling" the house of cards of "game balance" that exists. No amount of wish or want will make this better, so I choose to move on and focus on what I can effect.

2) Defenders are ALOT better than I first believed. Its simply going to take more time and effort to realize their potential "SOLO" than other ATs. Can other ATs realize even greater success given the same investment in time and influence ? Oh Yeah. But I "know" that my defender brings ALOT more "suvivability" to ANY team than a Scrapper. As much as I chafe at this form time to time, this was the way they made the game. IF I could solo a "Tiny" bit better, I would be happy, but as many have pointed out to me, any increase that makes Defenders better at solo "could" come hand-in-hand with a nerf to their team role. Many folks would be very unhappy with that.

3) You are suffering from the choice of your primary, much as I have. My first 2 defenders were FF/Rad and Emp/Rad. Little did I know how different they are from the debuffing sets and was sorely "unimpressed" with Defenders from the start. When I opened that shiney box back in 2004 and read the 5 ATs, Defenders were the one I wanted to play.
And here we are 5 years later, and BOTH these primaries (Emp and FF) are, for the most part, weaker and unchanged. (The change to Repulsion Bomb gives me hope that Empathy could still see a small boost of some kind). but the point I want you to accept is that Forcefields does not have the same soloing tools of say "Radiation", so is weaker in that respect, but on a team Forcefields is MUCH more powerfull, especially as the difficulty goes up AND is also MUCH more easy to play in providing team defense. I love radiation solo, but I Hate it on teams, because most every person will not take that extra fraction of a second required to NOT KILL MY ANCHORS.

Its all about balance, and you chose Forcefields. That choice means that you will not reach the Heights of Solo play of other ATs, or even other Defenders that dont ryhmn with "Empathy", but what you can do for a Team is absolutely amazing.
I "Know" this, because I have seen it. Thats the balance we accept, or dont accept.
And I dont get to make that choice for you, only for myself.

Good Luck Ultimo_




I have to agree with Bill here. This whole problem could be solved by grabbing and using a Shivan temp; you're trying to solo an Elite Boss with a subpar soloing AT (generally), set combo (more specifically), and build (very specifically). Defenders are force multipliers and/or team supporters. My Sonic/Elec Blaster, which can solo AVs, has a hard time tanking the ITF; does that mean it's the game's fault? My Rad/Ice Defender, which can solo AVs, has a hard time farming the wall; does that mean it's the game's fault?

I understand that your greater point isn't this one specific instance of your FF/Nrg vs. this specific EB; your point is that Defender damage, for the AT as a whole, is underperforming. However, you then state that both Kin/ and Rad/ characters don't have this problem. Therefore, the problem isn't with the AT as a whole. The "problem" is with specific powerset combos.

Within each AT, there are powerset combos (aided by smart IO slotting) which will allow you to "break the rules" of those ATs. If there weren't, Silverado wouldn't be soloing Giant Monsters with a Blaster. Iggy Kamikaze wouldn't be soloing the Master of the ITF following RWZ Challenge rules. Hell, I'm willing to bet either one of them could come up with a FF/Nrg build which could solo EBs with relative ease.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
ANYTHING the game provides as a challenge to overcome must be accessible by everyone, regardless of AT or powers. It makes no difference if it's PC or Dev content. If something can't be overcome, then there's a problem somewhere.

No, no, no, no.

This is false. Anything the game provides as a challenge to be overcome must be able to be overcome by someone. Not everyone. If you cannot overcome something by yourself, you're supposed to get a team to help you.

If there were a situation where the above was so pervasive that a majority of people across a majority of builds could not solo a majority of the content, I'd agree that it might be a problem. But that's not even remotely the case.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Ok, again, people are fixating on the example. I only described the situation so you'd have context, a reason why I'm posting this. The point is that the AT seems to have a problem doing damage. I started the thread to discuss THAT.
I'm going to tell you something negative about the above quote. It's not an attack on you.

That is horrifically flawed logic.

You are making claims with this example as your evidence. Your example is terrible evidence. You are trying to do something that's pretty much outside the design limits of your AT. What's worse about it, though, is that players pretty regularly violate those design limits. People have offered you advice on how to better do that yourself, and you don't seem to give it any attention.

So you're to trying to do something you're not really expected to be able to do, not even doing things that you can do to improve your ability to do it, and then you're holding it up as an example of how flawed the AT is.

It's absolutely terrible. It's not an argument anyone with a lick of sense would accept.

If you want to argue that soloing a Defender is no fun because it's too slow, well, that's an opinion, but it's one you could probably get the backing of people who agree with you. But you're trying to back up your qualitative opinion with quantitative evidence, and that evidence is ... poor at best. Even the people who agree with your qualitative opinion aren't going to stand behind your evidence here if they're smart, because it provides people with contrary opinions too much ability to kick the legs out from under arguments founded on it.

If you want to post your opinion, then do that. Leave the examples out of it. You'll be better off.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA