Suggestion: Level 50 character auto-retirement

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I posted in your other thread.

In short, the day they take my nearly six year old main away from me is the day I quit the game.
QFT! My mains are the only things keeping my interest!



Originally Posted by LKN_351 View Post
what would be nice about this, as long as you have the choice to retire or not, that once you get to lvl 50 and choose to retire you get another character slot. im an altaholic and i play all of my toons but my two 50s often but cant bring myself to delete them so i have room to make another toon. i hardly ever use my 50s but i do use them when someone asks or i get bored and want to relive the glory days.

im not talkin like every time you hit 50 you get a new character slot but maybe the first time you hit 50 and unlock the EATs you get one or two new slots. that would be nice.
If your character is 'auto-retired' then I think that 'auto-deletion' would almost be mandatory. In any event, this (and similar) suggestions about 50's retiring, etc. would more likely have the effect of destroying the game. If it is a let down to anyone to Ding 50, and they feel the need to stop playing that character; well, there is a Delete button. If you need help finding it, send me a PM, and I will help.

And getting free slots for Dinging 50; not likely. Extra slots can be bought, toons can be moved to free up space, or as stated above. Powerlevelers would have 36 slot on a Server in no time with free 'Ding Slots'. Silly.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Lucky, I stockpile Hell No for such emergency times as there.

/e passes out Hell No to everyone who wants it.

Seriously, OP you can say you discussed this with people you've played with for years, but every player I know would laugh at you both in and out of game for suggesting it.



This is an incredibly rotten idea.
Do what you want with YOUR characters, but leave mine alone! *I* will decide if I want to keep playing a 50, retire, semi-retire, delete, or whatever.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Actually, this idiotic idea would cause me to PL even more than normal.

Think about it...keep the toons you want to keep at 49.5 with xp off (ok, no purples).

Then if as the OP suggested, you get a bonus when you retire a 50, I'll be cranking out 2 50s a day until I'm bored with the game and leave.

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Originally Posted by Negasorceror View Post
In a discussion with several other CoH/CoV players that I've been playing with over the years, we're looking for ways to keep the game fresh and keep interest going.
Good. Talking to your friends and finding common ground on an issue and speaking about ways to fix certain problems you all see is a good thing.

We were having a conversation about the possible downfalls to the Mission Architect system that players could exploit to powerlevel and miss the enjoyment and whole point of the game
Have you been to AE recently? They're pretty empty. They got hit by the nerf bat a few times. Can it still be exploited? Sure. But so can regular missions. I still see toons under 20 hanging out next to Castle looking for someone to PL them. Kinda like they did before AE.

Then the discussion turned to what happens to players when they get characters to level 50. We propose that in order to avoid, frankly, the "let-down" when you hit 50
What let down are you talking about? I don't know about you, but I strive for 50. I've gotten three toons to 50 in a little under 3 years. I got a fourth on the way, he's just turned 46. Every time I ding 50, I feel a great amount of excitement, and fulfillment. Obviously not everyone is going to be that way, but if getting to 50 is a let down then... why get that character to 50 in the first place?

That characters that have achieved level 50 get a certain amount of playtime and then move off to "retirement" or become "figureheads" or "paradigms" of some sort and are automatically retired, inspiring players to create new characters again.
Ok, I see what it is you're trying for here but obviously that's not the point of view most have. Also, I don't agree with what you're saying, but I do see the point you're trying to make. I work hard, and I get a character to level 50, and I get a short amount of time to play him at fifty but then he has so much prestige and honor(hero side) that he's beyond me, and becomes a 'role model' for other young heroes. But... I spent so much time working him up and he gets taken away from me? Beyond my control? Why? He's my favorite toon, and maybe I'm into PvP, and can still find enjoyment in that with him. Or just run through those missions that I missed on the way? There's still so much we could do together!

Of course, there would be special bonuses when heroes or villains do retire to new characters that are created, and be badges for retiring X amount of heroes/villains or a complete suite of archetypes.
Sooooo... what's to keep me from PLing a bunch of toons just to retire them and get the incentives/badges without having really played the game?

As many others have said "You can retire your toons however you want, but leave mine alone. I pay my $15 a month, and buy all the boosters, and whatever else they'll sell me. But if an idea like this went into effect, then I would say "Well I've paid you for the chance to play these characters, and now you're taking them away... so now I'll be taking my money back."

You're welcome!



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
Think about it...keep the toons you want to keep at 49.5 with xp off (ok, no purples).
Aside from the obvious, this right here is another reason against the idea.

Super rare "Purple" IOs were added to the game as an extra tier of power for level 50 characters to strive for. Only level 50 characters can slot purples, and kitting out a character full of purples generally takes a long time. If 50s get retired, then purples LITERALLY become useless.



No. Just no. I enjoy playing my 50's as much as I enjoy my lower-levels!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!




You and your friends need to stop eating fly agaric.



Originally Posted by PhoenixOfSyrinx View Post
Sorry; I just ran out of Hell No, but I did just receive a fresh stock of GTFO if you think that would do any good.
I moved past both of those and am currently eating up my supply of WTF!!!???

Quite simply: NO.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



This has to be a troll. No one could possibly be this stupi... What am I saying? This is the Internet. Of course someone could actually be this stupid. As others have stated, if you *really* don't feel that you should have access to level 50 characters after having spent months (or years) getting one, feel free to delete. After all, some people choose to play in a "true hardcore" mode where any defeat "requires" that they delete the character. (And as true zealots, every once in a while one of them will propose that this should be the default and required setup for every player in the game.)

If *you* don't want to keep a level 50 character, feel free to delete them. I'm perfectly happy with mine just as they are. (And in fact this is the only MMO I've played enough to even get to the level cap once, let alone repeatedly and with enthusiasm.)



This thread is great.

Seriously, I haven't laughed at so many great responses in ages
Ah, you fleshlings, always providing me some measure of amusement.
He wasn't serious, was he?
Was he?

*metallic clanging facepalm*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Aw come on, it wouldn't be all that bad guys!

As long as we could turn off exp at 49.
At least that would make the price of purple recipes plumet to insanely low levels.

And since everyone else has exhausted the supply of Hell No, I will go all Dr. Evil here and say...

"How about...NO!"



Not just no, but this suggestion makes no sense. There isn't currently a shortage of new toons being made, why force people to stop playing old ones? Also, the IO system directly incentivizes the playing and continued development of max level characters. A very silly suggestion.

Also: Let down? With more end game content then ever before and a potentially ever expanding crafted enhancement system? What let down?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



In a discussion with several other CoH/CoV players that I've been playing with over the years,
... um. Which... other players? Those in WoW and CO that would like to see City of Heroes die?



Guys, there's no reason to even say "no" to an idea like this. It's obvious that the OP just didn't think through the implications of what he/she is suggesting. It's equally obvious that this idea is epic fail on the scale that would rival SOE's infamous NGE.

This has been an entertaining thread to read though.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post

And since everyone else has exhausted the supply of Hell No, I will go all Dr. Evil here and say...

"How about...NO!"
Now, thats just scary...
I actually looked at this thread, saying that out loud Oo get outta my head!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Had to be a troll no response since the thread started.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Had to be a troll no response since the thread started.
oh, he responded in the original thread he made in Player Questions to say this:

Sorry for the mispost, I have found the "suggestions" forum and have reposted it there.
after 6 posters had already given a hell no . I'm not convinced he's a troll. I think the original poster is convinced that his idea is a good one, and can't understand why so many players who have been playing longer than a month are a little upset.



Where are people getting this notion that characters at 50 have reached the end of their careers and need to be retired? Characters are only ready to play after they're level 50, accoladed out and have a build complete with purples and PvP IOs. Getting there is just the trial period.



Ths is easily the worst idea I've ever seen suggested.

I've seen a lot of ideas that arguably may or may not kill the game. So far this is the first I've seen that would definitely kill the game.

Think about it. After all the responses here, it is quite apparent that the mass exodus would make SWG look like a small migration. Thousands of people would quit, maybe even tens of thousands, and our population isn't big enough to withstand that.

So you would have perhaps half the current playerbase leaving when they find out that the characters they spent hundreds of hours getting just so are no longer playable.

And you would get little or no new subscribers when word gets out that getting to level cap means that you're done playing.

So, if the devs decide one day "I'm tired of working on this game...let's kill it." this would be their best option.

The amount of sheer short-sighted, overwhelming, blatant STUPIDITY in this suggestion is mind boggling.

There is not enough Hell No in the world to sufficiently smack this idea down. If we use some F*** NO!!! we might be getting somewhere.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Had to be a troll no response since the thread started.
Can't say I blame him. If I got this kind of response to something I don't think I'd show my face again either.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
oh, he responded in the original thread he made in Player Questions to say this:

after 6 posters had already given a hell no . I'm not convinced he's a troll. I think the original poster is convinced that his idea is a good one, and can't understand why so many players who have been playing longer than a month are a little upset.
If that is the situation then, my poor bunny is in for some migraine's.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
This has to be a troll. No one could possibly be this stupi... What am I saying? This is the Internet.
ah the interent. where stupid finally reached an exponential growth phase.

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