What's in yoouur tray 4 ?

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Most of my characters haven't used the 4th tray yet, but the ones that do usually dump miscellaneous temp powers in it.



Tray 4 rarely gets used on my alts. When it does, it gets put in a 5x2 block next to the other trays. Off hand, I can only name three that actually use it:
My Plant/TA Controller - Tray 4 holds patch powers that I key via binds, but that I still like to see the icons for so I know when they're recharged. It also contains Team Buff powers like Assault and Mystical Fortune for easy access.

My Peacebringer - Four holds useful but situational powers: QFlight, Pulsar, Gleaming Touch and a couple others.

My Warshade - Like the PB, it holds useful, but not immediately activated powers: Shadow Cloak, Nebulous Form, Extract Essence and others.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I use trays 1-3 stacked with tray 1 being the most stringently arranged (I hate having to use Alt# and Shift#), generally being full of my main attacks/heals/controls.

Tray 2 is generally reserved for situational and Long Recharge powers, such as AoE Holds, Pet Summons and things that need a Location Target; also Offensive Toggles.

Tray 3 is armor toggles and self buffs.

Then I have a seperate tray (which is generally tray9) that I use for Temp Powers and Accolades.

My Kheldians though also use Tray4 for Nova powers and Tray5 for Dwarf powers, which I use keybinds to swap to when activating/deactivating their forms.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
* Jump Pack
* Pocket D VIP Pass
* Base Transporter
* Ouroboros Portal
* Demon Pet (whichever looks-only pet happened to choose)
* Assemble the Team
* Self Destruction
* Mission Transporter
* Walk
* Ninja Run
Very, very close to my tray four

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
I've never used Tray 4 before..All my toggles/travel powers are bound and I've never had more attack powers than I had slots on the first tray @ 3@;;
I'm in the same boat. I have never had any click powers that I consider useful that wouldn't fit on one tray. Toggles and travel powers get keybinds, although I tend to follow a system for the binds.

This may well be the main reason I've never felt inclined to play a Kheldian.



Originally Posted by Godpants View Post
I'm in the same boat. I have never had any click powers that I consider useful that wouldn't fit on one tray.
What, really? Even a Regen Scrapper should go over that limit. 6 attacks, plus BU, Recon, DP, IH, and MoG. That's 11 clicks, all useful. That's not counting that I get Hasten on every character, and eventually get click accolades.

Do you not play Controllers, Defenders, Corruptors, Doms, or Blasters? Actually with the setup I use, I often end up putting a click or two (usually Domination/PB) on tray three when I play Doms.

You must play only toggle/auto heavy melees.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Well, I guess I'm a minimalist, then. Plus, I like keeping the screen clear. And yes, I have played the ATs you listed, but I was able to keep everything I felt I needed to monitor on one tray. Most of my binds are on the number pad, and I mean all of the number pad, including add, multiply, divide, etc.

It's a matter of taste, but I've found that there are always certain long-recharging powers, such as Liquefy or a Dull Pain clone, that don't merit a tray slot for me. I'll try the bind for them if the situation warrants, but if the power isn't recharged yet, oh well.



Tray 1: Attack powers
Tray 2: Defensive powers
Tray 3: APP/PPP and movement powers
Tray 4: Temp and Accolade powers

On my shade I use 8 trays though. I will have to screen shot it when I get home to see what all I have in them.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
It consists of:
* Jump Pack
* Pocket D VIP Pass
* Base Transporter
* Ouroboros Portal

* Demon Pet (whichever looks-only pet happened to choose)
* Assemble the Team
* Self Destruction
* Mission Transporter
* Walk
* Ninja Run

Have other folks done something similar?
Nope. All of the items I highlighted are BANISHED from any of my power trays in order to save space for other stuff. I access all of those items from keybinds which are standardized across all of my toons (and noted on a template which rests above the F1-F12 keys).

Many of my toons have nothing in tray 4 because I got rid of the repetitive items. On those that have stuff in tray 4, it's generally stuff not used often, like the Warburg missiles.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Accolades and vet reward pets.



Travel powers and extras, mostly. VIP pass, mission and other transporters, stuff with long refresh times, sometimes the pets. Having 63 months means a LOT of those get filled pretty quickly

Depending on the character, I'll have their melee / ranged on the top row, or the other way, for second row, because I like being able to know whether I'm attack chaining or what.

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All of mine usually end up looking something like this:

Well, as you can see, it's actually Tray 9, but the idea is the same. Actually being tray 9 is a holdover from before
we got the ability to have the extra trays open, since its easiest to toggle tray 1 to tray 9. And it's actually usually the 3rd tray I configure.
Tray 1 is attacks on the Left, Aim/Build Up/etc in the 'middle', and combat mobility (CJ, sprinte, hover) on the right. Tray 2 is buffs,
long term toggles, and Movement powers- basically the right hand side is for stuff that I want to stay on onc eive toggled it. My melee
characters usually put any Ranged attacks in the left side here, and vice versa for ranged characters. Tray 3 doesnt get added till I get
enough powers to need it, or im a MasterMind- it usually has summons and longer recharge powers. Tray 9 gets stuck between chat
and my other powers, and holds all my misc stuff, like the various vet teleports and the portable crafting table.
Self-Destruct gets put on 8 where I can't accidentally activate it (note to self, do not place it next to Rest- bad idea), but can access it
relatively quickly should the need arise.



I leave out most of the random junk and temp powers I never use, so my trays are pretty sparce. I could fit my stuff into 3 trays if I wanted to, but I like to have my teleporters off on the side.

Also, I hate reaching down the number row so I always stack my attacks (and a few support powers) on the left side so I can use Alt and Shift with only 1-4. Long recharging stuff and toggles are kept on the right.



I wonder if it really differs between number-clickers and mouse-clickers? I'm a mouse.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I remember awhile back I made a "Post your UI" thread, and there were massive discrepancies between number clickers and mouse clickers.

Edit: Dug it up



Typical setup for my shade with trays 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 showing. 5 and 6 tied to the macros. Otherwise my setup looks like this.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



i either stick random junk in tray 4 or nova/dwarf powers if playing a Kheld for my form switching binds, but then i generally have trays 8 and 9 stacked to the left of my three standard trays for utility powers, macros and other things not often used in combat.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



On my Warshade and my Peacebringer, tray 4 is my Dwarf form powers (I use binds to bring trays 3 and 4 into tray 1's spot when I'm in Nova and Dwarf, respectively). On my other characters, it's either not used or it's where I stick click accolades or vet powers like the base transporter.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Self-Destruct, Mystic Fortune, Reveal, Vet attacks, Walk, a couple of useful temp powers, and a "Grats!" macro.

I put all my teleport powers in tray 3, along with the VIP Jump Jet.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



My tray 4 is like that junk drawer that's hard to open and tangled with lengths of string, rubberbands and and that extension cord that doesn't work anyways and why the heck haven't we thrown it out already?

I delete Sprint on some toons, but end up tossing up there on others. Various temp powers from completed missions that I probably didn't even use much on said missions sit up there as well, maybe a pet macro or two (usually they displace something else like the GvE jetpack to 4 though). Sometimes my Ouro Portal goes up there, since it's a power I'm in no rush to get to when I want it. Sometimes my Self Destruct goes up there too - not really a good choice I know. I think a couple of toons still have Rocks or Snowballs from events past too.

On one toon I created a FIND macro to search out some hostages on a huge HUGE outdoor map (that's a mish I'll never run again, imagine what sort of ratings the devs would have gotten on that if they had put it in MA), and after that I put it up in his 4th tray.

Yeah, in otherwords I'm that organized about my 4th tray. "Hey honey, do you know where that one metal thing is? You know, with the funny bend and the thing?"



Pretty similar -
Team TP
Pocket D TP
Mission TP (on characters with it)
Mystic Fortune
Self Destruction (off waay in the corner.)
Temp powers - wentworth's TP, stealths, etc.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Generally, Tray 4 is where I put desirable temp powers that I don't want to risk accidentally clicking and using time/charges up. Temp pet summons, the Wedding Band, Combat Invisibility, etc. So it varies a lot from character to character.

As it happens, Tray 9 is where I put a lot of what you put in Tray 4. Being 9, it's one click away from Tray 1. In order:

Slot 1: Mystic Fortune
Slot 2: Veteran Pet if chosen
Slot 3: Self Destruction
Slot 4: Ouroboros Portal
Slot 5: Pocket D VIP Pass
Slot 6: Base Transporter
Slot 7: Mission Transporter
Slot 8: Empty or undetermined
Slot 9: Assemble the Team
Sounds similar to mine. Tray 4 tends to get the temp powers I don't want to use up accidentally (ring of pain, summon werewolf, etc), powers I don't want to click accidentally (self destruct, phase, etc), and teleports. Sometimes, on high level toons with lots of temp powers, I move these to tray 5 as well.

But in addition, I pull out a free-floating 4x3 power tray, place it just to the right of the regular power tray, and put my travel powers, rest, mystic fortune, and vet-pets there.




I could never get used to having the third tray visible. I made do with two, with stuff like my base teleporter and pocket D pass (convenience powers) in my third tray that I'd pop up when needed, until they gave us the ability to reshape and move trays. Now I have tray 3 scrunched to 6x2 and placed beside 1 and 2, with all those convenience powers readily available.

Tray 4 is where tray 3 should be, and I keep it hidden. It's got my AE commlink, portable workbench, walk, and often a bunch of junk I didn't bother to remove after a respec.

Like a lot of people, I have my attacks on tray 1, and toggles and long-recharge clicks on tray 2. Pretty much all of tray 2 is bound to the F keys, a holdover from when toggles would shut off when you were mezzed. I have a system, so if I run out of room I can improvise pretty easily.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Tray 1 is usually single target attacks and controls - basically anything short-recharge as I activate powers from the keyboard. It may have area attacks/controls too if the archetype/powersets I'm playing has the next tray full of other things (like debuffs/buffs/heals).

Tray 2 is usually debuffs/buffs/controls/heals and maybe area attacks too if I'm playing a Blaster/Brute/Scrapper/Stalker/Tanker that already has Tray 1 full of attacks and doesn't have much else to put on Tray 2.

Tray 3 is usually armour/buff toggles, Accolade powers, GvE jump pack, pet summons (for Doms/Trollers and Dark Miasma characters) and I tend to stick self-buffs like Hasten/BU/Aim/Domination/godmodes there too (even though I activate them from the side/shoulder buttons on my mouse), just so I can easily monitor when they've recharged.

My Tray 4 is rather similar to Forsaken_Empire's: temporary travel powers on the left side (Raptor Pack, Goldbricker Pack, Sky Raider Pack, Zero-G Pack) until they're used up. From the right hand side I have Rest, Pocket D TP, Base TP, Mission TP, Ouro Portal & Mystic Fortune (and probably Assemble the Team when I get it soon-ish). If I have space I chuck the BM/WW Day Job TP in there as well plus the Architect PDA. Basically Tray 4 is either travel temps that I activate with keybinds or long recharge powers I use infrequently by mouse-click.

My Tray 5 tends to have Temp Powers I might find useful situationally such as Shivan/Vanguard pets or other temp pets, Warburg nukes and any other interesting temps I've picked up from Day Jobs or mission rewards that I might use at some point (but usually forget to). I usually dump the Self-Destruct in this tray as well, though it never gets used. On my Mastermind the henchman summon/buff powers go here as well.

Tray 1-3 are in the bottom centre of my screen, while Tray 4-5 are off to the right with the inspiration and enhancement inventories.



Heh. I play a Kheld, so I get used to having more powers than I have trays.

Here's how I arrange my powers when I'm on my tri-form WS build...

Tray 1: Nova form (toggle and attacks) and opening attack chain human-form powers

Tray 2: Dwarf form (toggle and attacks) and human-form toggle powers

Tray 3: My "awesome button powers" (Stygian Circle, Eclipse, Sunless Mire), rez, phase, tp friend, minor (2ndary) human form attack powers, and other self heal

Tray 4: Temporary attack/shield powers awarded through mission play and Rest

Tray 5: Temporary costume toggles and other miscellanious temporary powers

Tray 6: Accolades, pet power, assist teammate (Stimulant, Rez) powers, tp enemy, and auto-activated Hasten

Tray 7: All travel powers (WWs, Base, Pocket D, Mission Transport, Assemble the Team, etc.), Self-destruct, Vet defense pet, and Fortune Teller power

Tray 8: Jump pack, Jet pack(s), Warburg Nukes, Ethereal Shift, etc.

Tray 9: Barely-to-never-used temp powers (teammate assist powers bought from bartender during Valentine's Day events, etc.)

If I chose to place Brawl, my inherent origin attack, and all my "prestige" run powers, I'd have all 9 trays filled....and then some. However, I try to keep those out for other future temp powers awarded via missions...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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