What's in yoouur tray 4 ?
I never use tray 4, I simply remove stuff I never use, such as brawl on most toons etc
Even for my 15 lvl 50s, I get along just fine with three trays
I rarely use a 4th tray, and if I do, it's always hotswapped with one of the others using macro buttons.
But /popmenu FTW!
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
for my 4th power tray it would have all travel power like
- Jet pack
- Rator pack (temp) re purchase if used up or very low
- Zero-G Pack(temp) replace with ninja run when gone
- Self Destruction
- Market Teleport Powers
- Resuscitation (temp) replace witha Ouroboros Portal when gone
- Summon Teammates (temp) replace with rest when gone
- Pocket D VIP Pass
- Mission Transporter
- Base Transporter
- Demonic Aura
- Force of Nature
- Portable Workbench
- Stolen Immobilizer Ray
- Megalomaniac
- Elusive Mind
- Shivan Shard
- Biological Mutagens
- Chemical Burn
- Nuclear Blast
- Vanguard Heavy Power Core
- Enchantment of Serafina
Generally, Tray 4 is where I put desirable temp powers that I don't want to risk accidentally clicking and using time/charges up. Temp pet summons, the Wedding Band, Combat Invisibility, etc. So it varies a lot from character to character.
As it happens, Tray 9 is where I put a lot of what you put in Tray 4. Being 9, it's one click away from Tray 1. In order:
Slot 1: Mystic Fortune
Slot 2: Veteran Pet if chosen
Slot 3: Self Destruction
Slot 4: Ouroboros Portal
Slot 5: Pocket D VIP Pass
Slot 6: Base Transporter
Slot 7: Mission Transporter
Slot 8: Empty or undetermined
Slot 9: Assemble the Team
Tray 5 is generally full of less used temp powers. Tray 6 has powers I basically don't use, like Brawl ( on non-brutes ) or the Origin attack power. Tray 7 is where I put Mastermind and sometimes Controller pet powers and team/pet buffs, in a tray in the bottom center of the screen.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
1. Nemesis Staff / Blackwand
2. Vet Pet Power
3. Portable Workbench (only on one toon; empty on others)
4. Ouroboros Portal
5. Pocket D Teleporter
6. Mission Teleporter
7. Self Destruct
8. Market Teleporter
9. Base Teleporter
0. Mystic Fortune
I use a 4x3 layout so it's more organized than it looks. When I hit 42 months I'll probably put that power in place of the Market Teleporter. I never use that, and most toons don't even have the power on the bar.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Tray 4 is part of my standardized system:
Tray 1: Attacks, attacks, attacks. If I don't have many attacks (such as on a Mastermind) I put in Support powers.
Tray 2: Brawl, Sprint, travel power prerequisite, travel power, then defence on Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers, Melee/Support on Blasters and summons and upgrades on Masterminds.
Tray 3: Back-to-front: Rest, Jump Pack, then my three veteran attacks, my utility pet summon and the Reveal power on that end. Front to back, Walk, Ninja Run and whatever else there's room for. Once I run out of room, I shift my veteran reward attacks and pet off to Tray 5 to make more room.
Tray4: Back-to-front: Tempermanent origin attack, Pocket D VIP Pass, Base Teleporter, Assemble the Team, cosmetic vet-pet, Mission Teleporter, Ninja Run (occasionally), Mystic Fortune and Self Destruct. There's something else in there, though, that I can't quite remember.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
You have a tray 4?
I keep it at 3. I have never had enough powers useful enough to require 4 trays. My tray 3 is set up much like your tray 4 example. Tray 1 (on the bottom) is usually my attacks and powersI use a lot. Tray 2 is buffs/debuffs/heals/etc. on one end, and armor toggles (if any) on the other end.
Since I play with the keyboard only, it makes it easier on me. Hitting Alt+Number is simple, and I can click on tray 3 to use any of those powers. (you can hit Ctrl+Number too, but I never remember that while I'm playing)
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Nearly all of my toons end up with 3 trays, crowded things like VEATs, HEATs and MMs ending up with 4.
My bottom row will always have rest in the bottom right, then GvE jump pack then sprint. Above rest is fortune, then next to that is walk.
I tend to run with attacks on the top, shields/mezzes/Specials on the 2nd row and then more random stuff on number 3. 4 tends to be the corner and travels etc.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
My own is similar to the OP, just not full
* Jump Pack
* Pocket D VIP Pass
* Base Transporter
* Ouroboros Portal
* Mission Transporter
* Assemble the Team
* Vet Buff Pet
* Non Combat pet
My field crafters have the crafting station in there generally.
then things like the Day job base porter or Wents porter round it out.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
My 4th tray is always home for any accolades I might have, but my 9th tray looks similar to yours 4th tray, cohRock. Only difference being the Jump Pack is in my 3rd tray next to any other travel powers.
Here's mine.
I set up everything the same way on every character. Vet attacks and brawl are bound to shift+1-3, spaces 4 and 5 are bound to ` and tab, and are for things I use often but not constantly.
Tray 1: 1-5 are for single-target attacks, if I have that many. On characters with barely any single target attacks, I'll put other targeted things there too. The other side is for non-attack clicks, maybe toggles if I don't have enough clicks to fill it.
Tray 2: Left side: Something other than what I put in tray 1. Area attacks, controls, buffs, debuffs, heals, whatever I've got. Right side: Rest (always), and usually any toggles I don't have need to turn off. Also put temp power armors here.
Tray 3: Left side: Whatever targeted things I've got left after trays 1 and 2, if anything. Right Side: My "FPS" macro (maxfps 60$$maxinactivefps 2$$camdist varies by character), mission teleporter, self destruct, mystic fortune, raptor pack, and any other useful temp powers.
Stuff on the left is always used via keyboard, stuff on the right is sometimes clicked. I'll bind non-attack powers that I need to use often to things like t, g, v, and f1-f4.
R is always sprint, shift+r is Ninja Run or Super Speed if I have it. F is raptor pack or fly. C is hover if I have it.
I don't keep trays 2 and 3 visible.
My Tray 4 has Movement powers, and is set up to be a 2 X 6 along the edge of the screen above the regular powers trays.
Typically it holds (from the bottom up):
Fly (I almost always use Fly for Travel)
Hover (if taken)
Base Transporter
Ouro Portal
Assemble the Team
Pocket D Transporter
The rest of the tray is filed with various temp travel powers like WW Teleporter, Goldbricker Rocketpack (I like the look with some costumes), the Safeguard/Mayhem "Gather the team, etc.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
It depends for me.
1. Normal:
I put my Accolades and Temp powers there. Boosters, the cool stuff, it's all got a place for me. I always end up keeping: Mission Teleporter, Self Destruct, Ninja Run, Base Teleporter, Pocket D Teleporter, Tarot Deck, and occasionally the 'Walk' power.
2. Mastermind:
Aggressive, Defensive, Passive, Attack My Target, Follow, Go Here, Stay. If I NEED anything else in there, I put in Leadership powers.

Vets and temps.
My toggles. I mostly play scrappers and brutes, so I stick my toggles at the top of it, and run my travel toggles at the bottom of it. I keep it at the top right with my health bar, so if a toggle drops it is in a place where I am constantly looking and can catch it.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I use my 3 primary trays for commonly used primary/secondary/pool/vet powers. Tray 4 is vertical on the right side, holding accolade armors and other such temp powers that are used once in a blue moon, but are available 'just incase.'
Tray 5 is on the vertical left side, holding my transportation portals (Pocket D, Ouroborus, base, mission) as well as my 'big gun' temps that I only use purposefully and for big fights. (Shivans, nukes, Vanguard heavy, etc.)
I've never used Tray 4 before..All my toggles/travel powers are bound and I've never had more attack powers than I had slots on the first tray @ 3@;;
Here's the system I use:
Tray 1: Attacks
Tray 2: Support Powers
Tray 3: Travel Powers, and personal toggles (excluding shields on a melee character)
Tray 4: Teleportation powers, crafting table (if I have it), vet powers (at least in three months when I actually get one)
Tray 5: Potentially useful temp powers (Shivans, other summons, miscellaneous grenades etc.)
Trays 4 and 5 I have as separate trays up at the top of the screen on either side of the compass.
I've never used Tray 4 before..All my toggles/travel powers are bound and I've never had more attack powers than I had slots on the first tray @ 3@;;
Tray 1: 1-7 are reserved for attacks. Most characters only have 6 tops, but my Shielders have 7. This setup fails miserably when I try to play Controllers, but I put the ST mezzes along this row to make it a little easier. Vet attacks go here as well until I have a more complete chain. 8 is Walk, 9 is CJ/Hover, 0 is SJ/Fly.
Tray 2: Self buffs. Generally starting with 1 being Rage/BU. 3-5 tend to be self-preservation clicks like Dull Pain if applicable, or other buffs like Aim. 6-7 usually end up being rare click powers like Strength of Will. I sometimes fill in with defensive temps. Magus/Demonic and Geas/FoN go on this row as well. 8 is NR, 9 is Sprint, 0 is Rest.
Tray 3: Autos and toggles. Hasten is 1, with 2-7 being any defensive toggles I run. 9 is a temp jetpack power (for when jump pack isn't recharged) and 0 is Jump Jet (for when I need height).
Pretty much all my toons have the first three trays full. That's not leaving any room for any of my teleport and pay pack perks, so I had to start using a 4th tray to hold those.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
My 4th and 5th trays are filled with vet and booster pack powers - although things like Sands of Mu are in tray 1, because I use it with all my other attacks.
1 is for attacksĀ“.
2 is for healing/defense and main travel powers.
3 is for less freqently used stuff like Walk or Ninja Run.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Tray 1: click powers. Mostly attacks. Vet attacks go here during the low levels, then move off. Spot 8 is always a damage buff if I have one, and 9 is always a self-heal if I have one. This tray is always in the bottom right, the default location.
Tray 2: directly above tray 1. Toggles go here, generally, or important but situational powers. On most defenders, the last couple of powers are vengeance and a rez, with something like fallout thrown in if I have it.
Tray 3: runs vertically on the right side of the screen, next to the map. Travel powers go here. Vet base teleporter, vet recall team, Pocket D teleport, WW Teleport (purchased or day job), Mac pack mission teleporter, VIP jump jet for characters who can use it, the vet reveal power sometimes if it fits, the Safeguard travel powers at low levels, recall friend if I have it (which I usually do), an actual travel power like SJ or SS or Flight, a travel power precursor like combat jumping or hover, walk, ninja run... yeah, I run out of room here.
Tray 4: horizontal across the bottom center. Extra powers go here: vet pets, shivans, snowbeasts, warwolves, vet attacks, and all sorts of temp powers. Yeah, I always run out of room here too, so sometimes I add another tray directly above it.
Tray 5: Runs across the top of the map in two rows. I put fun stuff here, mostly macros for favorite emotes specific to the character. Also costume change binds and random stuff that didn't fit elsewhere.
I need a bigger monitor.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Hah! Only 4 trays? Try 7:
- Tray 1: main attacks/vet team tp/base tp/pocket D tp/Ourobouros portal/nuke
- Tray 2: secondary attacks/buffs/powers set to keybinds/reveal
- Tray 3: heals & buffs/targetted AoEs ie. caltrops & rain of fire/travel power/sprint/rest
- Tray 4: toggles/buff pet/non combat pet/sprints with Unbounded Leap +Stealth/temp power toggles
- Tray 5: self destruct/temp attack powers/mission tp
- Tray 6: tarot card buff/brawl/inherent temp attack/KoA costume/non-essential temp powers
- Tray 7: walk/jump pack/accolades/temp travel powers
I can't thank the devs enough for adding in the Save/Load Options features!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
I do use trays. I have 3 arranged at any given time, really. My main toon is rather light on click powers (So my main ones fit comfortably onto a single tray), and my alts are fairly low level.)
So Tray 1 has all of my Super Strength Powers (Except Handclap and Hurl), Mu Lightning, Air Sup, and Punch (Which I only got for Weave), plus Hasten and Rage.
My other trays are 2 and 9. Tray 2 has my Will Power Toggles, Resurgence, Strength of Will, Demonic Aura (My "Can't Touch This" Button, as of right now. ) , Mystic Fortune (Which I use a lot in teams), and fly.
Tray 9 contains mostly utility powers. D and Mission Transporters, Jump Pack, Sprint and Ninja Run, Walk, Ouroportal, and Self Destruct (for when I need to get to a hospital really quickly)
Tray 3 (Accessed through alt) contains temp powers like Warburg Rockets and Shivans, though this may be changed in the future.
Tray 1: Ranged attacks
Tray 2: Melee attacks/secondary powerset
(Trays 1 & 2 attacks get switched if the character is a scrap/tank/brute/stalker)
Tray 3: Buffs/Debuffs, toggles, pet summoning (MM), Self Destruct, Magic pack Buff, ancillary powers like leadership, concealment
Tray 4:
1. One of the sprints/Ninja Run
2. Jump Pack
3. Travel Power
4. - 8. all my various vet reward teleports
9. Vet Buff Pet
10. Rest
Well, my tray 4 is full, and I've got it standardized for all my characters. It has all the vet and inherent powers that are not quite useful enough to show in the always-visible first three trays.

It consists of:
* Jump Pack
* Pocket D VIP Pass
* Base Transporter
* Ouroboros Portal
* Demon Pet (whichever looks-only pet happened to choose)
* Assemble the Team
* Self Destruction
* Mission Transporter
* Walk
* Ninja Run
Their order is essentially that of when the power was received. I suppose one day they should be re-ordered by type or something, but I'm quite used to this.
Have other folks done something similar?
-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection