Share your Pet names.




Well, my two favorite Masterminds are my Necro/Dark (Unoriginal combination, I know) and my Mercs/Thermal.

My Necromancy pets are all named after members of Oingo Boingo

Zombies: Hernandez, Phipps, and Turner
Grave Knights: Bartek, Avila
Lich: Elfman

The Merc/Thermal one is actually a sort of modern pirate deal, who uses the alias Captain Firebird, so I just gave everybody suitably generic last names and ranks. A bit boring, I suppose.

Soldiers: Ensign Finn and Ensign Byrd
Medic: Dr. Wilder
Spec Ops: Lt. Darcy and Lt. Apollo
Commando: Commander Stone

Yes, I went for a kind of elemental thing.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



My Ninja MM has Poo, Ping, Hung and Wang.

Probably will get petitioned now lol.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Both of these are still works in progress... but here's my plans:

Miz Roxy: Thugs/Traps
Punks: Simons, Dug
Arsonist: Hollywood
Enforcers: Axl, Slash
Bruiser: Big Bull

(Bonus points to those that get the theme there.)

Vlasta: Merc/Traps
Soldiers: Mauser; Luger
Medic: Colt
Spec Ops: Heckler; Koch
Commando: Gatling

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Robotics/Traps MM 'Billy Danger' named his coterie:

Edsel, Packard, & Hudson

Maybach & Rolls Royce


Robotics/Dark MM 'Midnight Creature' named his pack:

Thing-a-ma-Bob, Thing-a-ma-Jig, & Thing-a-ma-Doo

Gizmondo & Gadgeton


Be Well!



My thugs MM--
Thugs: Punt Speedchunk, Flint Ironstag, Stump Chunkman
Enforcers: Bolt Vanderhuge, Dirk Hardpec
Bruiser: Big McLargehuge

Drones: Crow, Tom, Gypsy
Protectors: Joel and Mike
Assault Bot: Cambot
If you don't have a macro to make them shout 'Cambot! Gypsy! Tom Servo! CROOOOOOOOOW!' as you summon them, I'm sad.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by PeteyCat View Post

Miss Mechanica, my bots/traps mad scientist.

Drones: Crow, Tom, Gypsy
Protectors: Joel and Mike
Assault Bot: Cambot

With as many chatbinds as I could cram in, all mocking their opponents.
LOL hooray for MST 3000!
I went simple for Argent Twilight my BOTS/Dark MM
Drones - Johnny 1, Johnny 2, Johnny 3
Protectors - Johnny 4, Johnny 5
Assault Bot - ID10T



Ohhh, MM pet names are fun!

Eigenstate, my bots/traps Arcade-style villain, has
BDs - Schroedinger, Oppenheimer and Fermi
PBs - Crick and Watson (although they both share the alias, "You don't even have melee!")
AB - Faraday

Hood Winked, a thugs/pain succubus, has
Thugs - Bamboozled and Befuddled
Arsonist - Hornswaggled
Enforcers - Coerced and (soon) Cajoled
Bruiser - (tentatively) Seduced or Bemused



Punks: Bacon, Sausage, and Eggs
Enforcers: Waffles and Pancakes
Bruiser: Ham

Too many alts to list.



Thugs/Traps on Triumph: Tsaranya

Thugs: Buzzcut, Ripsaw
Arsonist: Tinderbox
Enforcers: Kingfisher, Rottweiler
Bruiser: Brickstown

Robot Pirate themed Robotics/Traps on Virtue: Captain Rustbeard

Battle Drones: Scurvydog, Scalawag, Bilge Rat*
Protector Bots: Jolly Roger, Davy Jones*
Assault Bot: Jack Ketch*

* planned name, once Captain is leveled up enough to get him.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Excella; Bots/Traps on Infinity

Battle Drones: Johnny 5, Rosie, and Wall-E
Protector bots: Sonny and VinCENT
Assualt Bot: Hal

Dissent - lvl 50 (+3) Energy/Energy/Force Blaster
Firescream - lvl 50 (+1) Sonic/Fire/Mace Blaster



My necro/pain MM, Mistress Loviatar, was initially inspired by the forgotten realms version of the goddess (the maiden of pain) but I dug into the original finnish lore to name her pets. In the Kalevala Loviatar is the mother of 9 diseases, I used the finnish version of the disease names as the actual diseases themselves aren't very impressive these days (gout, ulcer, rickets, etc). So the pets are:

Zombies: Ähky , Luuvalo , Riisi
Grave Knights; Syöjä , Rutto

The wiki reference I found listed her 9th son as a witch named envy, so I named the Lich Envy rather than look up a finnish translation.

My other MM's aren't as well researched. My thugs/traps pets are Bill, Ted and Blazing Ed (thugs), Joe Bob and Jim Bob (enforcers) and Bubba (bruiser). My Merc/Dark MM was supposed to be an evil version of Scarlet from G.I Joe but I couldn't remember very many names from the cartoons so after Duke, Hawk and Snake Eyes (2 soldiers and a Spec Ops) I named my medic Bear (as in a shadowrun bear shaman), my second spec ops SnakePlisskin and my commando Arnie (I mean - what else would you name a commando :-).

I am currently working on a robot/traps MM named Ms. Tech. She only has two drones and a single protector so far and thier names are Larry, Moe and Bud. Curly Joe and Lou are yet to come and I haven't decided on the assault bot yet - Charlie (for Mr. Chaplin) might work.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Most of my MM pet names are either totally generic (Steve, Dave, etc), or references to totally unrelated sources (e.g. Simpsons necro pets).

As a result the only ones I'll bother posting here are my Bots, whose names are also references, but ones that I think fit quite well:

Problem Child (Assault Bot)
Use Psychology, Honest Mistake (Protector Bots)
Limiting Factor, Just Testing, Ethics Gradient (Battle Drones)

I'd have been tempted to have 6 Gravitas variants if the pet name lengths weren't so limited

Also my Ninjas MM has the Genin named Rocky, Colt and Tum Tum...



Necro-Thermal: Indiana Fried Zombie

1st tier: Strips, BarBCue, Broasted

2nd tier: Extra Crispy, Grilled

3rd tier: Original Recipe

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Mantenna: Bots/Traps boy genius.


Duplo & Tyco

Tinker, K'nex, & Erector

Eddie Lives: Necro/Dark incarnation of Eddie from Derek Riggs' Iron Maiden album art.


The Trooper & The Prisoner

Wrathchild, Tailgunner, & Prowler

Soul Extraction: 7th Son

Castegyre: Thugs/Poison homage to the Joker.

Boy Named Sue

Malevolent Ted & Peeping Tim

Jim the Flunkie, Second Rate Bob, & Fire-bug Doug

Northcrow: Mercs/Storm modern day Storm Shaman (not yet 50).


Great-Hare & Little-Spider

Blind-Raven, Lost-Eagle, & Lazy-Beaver



Bots 1 General Jacks Bots/Traps

Eenie, Meenie, Mineymoe
Catcher, Piggy
Big Toe

Bots 2 Vega Bot Bots/Dark

Wilma, Betty, Pebbles
Fred, Barney
Bam Bam

Ninjas (soon to be renamed) MM/FF

Snake, Scorpio, Centipede
Lizard, Toad
Golden Arm

Zombies Vortigan Zombie/Thermal

Peter, Nathan, Isaac
Noah, Mohinder

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



My Thug/Poison MM had a concept as a modern-day Outlaw, in a (semi) western themed band of modern day outlaws.

Thugs: Hedley Lamar, Taggart
Arsonist: Lyle
Enforcers: Sheriff Bart, Waco Kid
Bruiser: M o n g o

But, there was no spaces between the letters in the Bruiser's name, for some reason it won't let us say m o n g o as one word.

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.



Originally Posted by devil dingo View Post

zombies: sajak,trebek, and woolery

grave knights: regis and eubanks

lich: wink martindale
Lol these are great. The fact that they're zombies makes it even funnier.

My Thugs/Poison

Punks: Axl, Duff, Izzy

Enforcer's: Slash, Matt

Bruiser: Adler



Originally Posted by TerraRyzing View Post
My Thug/Poison MM had a concept as a modern-day Outlaw, in a (semi) western themed band of modern day outlaws.

Thugs: Hedley Lamar, Taggart
Arsonist: Lyle
Enforcers: Sheriff Bart, Waco Kid
Bruiser: M o n g o

But, there was no spaces between the letters in the Bruiser's name, for some reason it won't let us say m o n g o as one word.
Blazing Saddles! You need to teach them to do the "French Mistake"

Mine was based upon the most evil thing I could think of . . . in a corporate setting. He is the smallest character I could make, in a tidy blue suit:

Micro Manager, a Thugs/Dark MM.

Thugs: Accounting, Accounts Rcv
Arsonist: Office Svs
Enforcers: Human Res, Info Tech.
Bruiser: Risk Management

I just wish I could have dressed them up in suits.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Blazing Saddles! You need to teach them to do the "French Mistake"
I had macros for it.

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.



My first Mastermind was Thugs/Dark and his pets were named after real friends from my tabletop roleplaying groups:

Rockin' Rob
Beautiful Joe

On of my other Thugs uses these names:


My Robot Mastermind uses all Russian names (the assbot being Maximilian). My Ninja-Storm 3-box team uses all real Chinese names. I constructed them from the Gary Gygax book of names, using all the same family names.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I don't name my pets, after you name them you begin to care for them, and like a true mastermind, they are all but pawns to do my bidding, not to hang out and get a beer with after the mayhem!

If I was going to name them, I would call them all "Red Shirt".

Wassabi Grav/Kin 50 (before badges/accolades were in game) Pinnacle
Miss Command Bots/Traps 50 Justice

*others left off due to space issues



Nightshade's bio (which oddly I've never gotten around to writing down) has her as a corrupt New Orleans cop who skipped town to the Rogue Isles when internal affairs were getting too close, so her pets all got their names from tv cop shows - The Sweeney, Life on Mars and The Professionals.

Regan, Carter and Tyler (the suicidal arsonist)
Bodie and Doyle

I also have a Bots MM named Dr. Download. He's a nerd, and a big fan of a certain superhero team...

Posibot, Mantibot, Synabot
Sisbot, Numibot

I've had a couple of "Wait, what?" moments from fellow villains when they notice those names



Character: Malnourished Old Man (Necro/Poison)
His diseases manifest into physical form, and rather than killing him, they don't affect him and he uses them maliciously. He especially enjoys using noxious gas to make people toss cookies cause hes quite an evil old man.


Grave Knights

Tuberculosis (The Lich)

Osteoperosis (The Ghost, lacks bone marrow)



My MM is called 'Hot Daddy' and his boys are...


we're the First Ladies!



Originally Posted by PeteyCat View Post
Miss Mechanica, my bots/traps mad scientist.

Drones: Crow, Tom, Gypsy
Protectors: Joel and Mike
Assault Bot: Cambot

With as many chatbinds as I could cram in, all mocking their opponents.
Ohhhh the Japanity!