Share your Pet names.




Mother of Machines: Assault Bot: War Engine; Protector Bots: Heterodyne, Wulfenbach; Drones: Machina, Technik, Klank.
Love the Girl Genius references ^^

I'm going to roll a Bots/Traps one of these days when I figure out a concept.



Bots/Dark - Tenebrous Lagomorph (yes, Dark Bunny)

Assault: Vorpal

Protector: Bre'r, Bugs

Battle: Bunnicula, Foo Foo, Velvateen



Ooh, I like this topic.

Mistress Bloodwrath - Mercs/Pain
Soldiers: Gold Raptor, Gold Hawk
Medic: Gold Sparrow
Spec Ops: Red Eagle, Red Falcon
Commando: Black Vulture

Poison Lips - Thugs/Poison
Punks: Toadlicker, Rickroll
Arsonist: Roachfire
Enforcers: Anonymous, Johnny Cyanide
Bruiser: Mister Alkaloid



I have two robotic masterminds and one ninja also one mercenary

Dark Droid Robotic/Darkmiasma
Assault bot: Assault king
Protector bots: Hammer Champ, Razor Champion
Battle Drones: Hammer, Razor, Assault

Techno War Robotic/Traps
Assault Bot: Oil Tanker
Protector bots: Armor Plate, Chain Mail
Battle Drones: Sword, Spear, Bolas (bolas is a weapon that is a rope and at the end of the rope is a metal ball)

Forgot His Name (actually forgot it)Ninja/darkmiasma
Oni: Fire Boar
Jounin: Ice Tiger, Wind Tiger
Genin: Fire Cobra, Ice Cobra, Earth Cobra

Archon Twilight Mercenary/darkmiasma
Commando: Marco
Spec Ops: Sebastion, Michael
Soldiers: Jake, Pailey
Medic: Zack

What are you supposed to write here?



General Vonn -Mercs/Thermal

Spec Ops: Snake Eyes, & Smoke
Soldiers: Gunner. & Dawg
Medic: Doc

Don`t have a Commando or a name for one yet.



Originally Posted by Adetia View Post
"Adetia and Crew" Thugs/Pain

Bruiser- Mr. Blonde
Enforcers- Mr. Pink and Mr. White
Arsonist - Mr. Orange
Punks - Mr. Brown and Mr. Blue
I have these same names for my Thug MM, exactly the same pet/name matches too.

I've also been using the greek alphabet for my bots MMs.
Drones- Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Protectors - Epsilon, Upsilon
Assault- Omega
However, I'm going to change the bot/storm's pets to more storm appropriate names, and likely change the bot/traps to match his concept as well.

For my ninja MM I'm using the 5 elements for the first two tiers, and haven't decided on the Oni (assuming I stick with it that long).



Originally Posted by Adetia View Post
"Adetia and Crew" Thugs/Pain

Bruiser- Mr. Blonde
Enforcers- Mr. Pink and Mr. White
Arsonist - Mr. Orange
Punks - Mr. Brown and Mr. Blue
Everyone keeps asking me if I did what you did, but I just wanted generic color names. Lord Agonus has

Bruiser- Mr. Black
Enforcers- Mr. White and Mr. Grey
Arsonist- Mr. Red
Punks- Mr. Blue and Mr. Green

The Attendant (Necro/Dark) has Despair, Delirium, Desire and Destruction so far.

Steelbane was going to have all his bots be Mark "x" with the number being a roman numeral, but I think "Mark IV" breaks the system?

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Dr. Zum, my Robots/Traps MM:

Battle Drones = Aristotle, Plato, Socrates.
Protector Bots = Hobbes, Locke.
Assault Bot = Nietsche.




Im EXTREMELY disappointed that TWO people used reservoir dogs as their theme and didn't make the arsonist Mr. Blonde!!! CMON!! SERRIOUSLY!

My bots/therm (wankel tech) has the following names:
minions all 12a
lieuts are helper and rosie
assaulty will be 13b

Digging the gears theme... wish I thought of that instead of wankel... Theres a bazillian awesome options for a gear theme in the costume creator (and the nem staff.)



My Thugs/Poison "Self-Propelled Goon" has the following pets:

Thugs: Colan, Ditko & Buscema

Enforcers: Cockrum & Byrne

Brute: Kirby

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I have three Masterminds.

Lord Dire is a Doom homage, his bots are:
Assault - Dire Knight
Protector - Dire Rook
Battle - Dire Pawn

The Meanie is a Joker homage, his thugs are
Eenie, Miney, Moe (he's Meanine, after all).

Die Grausigkeit is a German soldier, his troops are
Schutze (name), Feldwebel (name)
Leutnant (name), Hauptmann (name)
Oberst (name).
The names tend to rotate, but are german names like Horst and Gruber.



50 Thugs/Poison

MM: Double Zero

Thugs: Cardshark, Crossroader
Pyro: Wildcard

Enforcers: Diamond Jack, Jackpot

Bruiser: Pit Boss



I have 3 MMs currently.

Professor Gadgette (Bots/FF)
Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
Chip and Dale.

Murdock (Necro/Dark)
Coulter, Malkin, and Limbaugh.
Hannity and Beck.

Underworld Mistress (Thugs/Pain)
Worm, Bootlicker, and Flamer.
NancyBoi and SissyBoi.
Worthless Weakling.

I know, I'm evil.



Tier 1 Bot: Yap Happy; Ankle Nipping; Chew Toy Gnawing
Tier 2 Bot: Newspaper Shredding; Hydrant Drenching
Tier 3 Bot: Good Time

Avatar's last name: W. Pembroke



I have two Masterminds at the moment. Both have pet names I like.

My Thugs/FF, Skull-Force has:
Thugs: Bartel, Johan, Axelrod
Enforcers: Stangg, The Twin
Bruiser: Dakkon

All of those are named after legends from the Magic: the Gathering expansion of the same name. Points if you get the Enforcers' naming scheme.

My other MM is named Ophidius Rex and he's a Mercs/Poison who will eventually have his pets named WTFBBQ:
Whiskey 0.9, Tango 1.2, Foxtrot 1.6
Bravo 2.4, Bravo 1.3
Quebec 3.7

Additionally, each rank adds up to 3.7, which should have obvious significance for me.



Unawakened--a Necro/Dark MM who looks like a sweet, innocent little girl with black voids where her eyes once were:

Lich: Gramma
Grave Knights: Mommy, Daddy
Zombie Horde: Sissy, Big Brother, Cousin
Soul Extraction: Babysitter



Desdemonica, Necro/Dark MM, Justice Server

Zombies: Fido, Rob, and (the generic) Zombie - to go with Rob of course
Grave Knights: Bubba and Hotep
Lich: Richie
Dark Servant: Dark Servant

Actually, I've been stumped for a good DS name. Any suggestions?



Originally Posted by TheSpellbinder View Post
Unawakened--a Necro/Dark MM who looks like a sweet, innocent little girl with black voids where her eyes once were:

Lich: Gramma
Grave Knights: Mommy, Daddy
Zombie Horde: Sissy, Big Brother, Cousin
Soul Extraction: Babysitter
Creepy, I like it.



Me: Necronomicarn
Zombies: Bearded Lady, Frog Boy, Elephant Girl
Knights: Strong Man, Sword Swallower
Lich: Ringmaster
Ghost: Ticket Taker



Mr. Wiseguy (thug?dark)

Cooter, Cleetus, Roscoe

Bo, Luke

Uncle Jesse

Solo Drone (bots/traps)

Ford, chevy, Dodge

Toyots, Nissan




Postmaster: Bot/FF
Drones: Mailsorter, Delivery Truck, Bob
(I try to have a Bob from the temp agency for all my MMs)
Protectors: Peanut, Bubbles
Assault: Freighttrain

Sunny Jim: necro/dark
Zombies: Mat, Art, Bob
Knights: Frank, Patty
Lich: Homer

South Park for avatars

Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF

Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)



Milo Reed: Bots/ Traps - An albino boy genius

Drones= Fender, Gibson, Ibanez
Protectors= Rickenbocker, <open for suggestions>
Assault= Ovation

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



MM: Bowery Duke thugs/ff

Thugs: Bronx & Brooklyn
Arsonist: Hell's Kitchen
Enforcers: Little Italy & Harlem
Bruiser: Battery Park



Bots/Traps. I made these names since I feel that 1st tier and 2nd tier pets just make the 3rd tier better. Hehe.

Battle Drones : Oregano, Salt, and Pepper

Protector Bots: Olive Oil, and Adobo

Assault Bot: Steak