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  1. This occurs after launching the game and then attempting to connect to any server (i.e. Justice, Freedom etc.)

    To help the issue, I've tried:

    - rebooting my PC
    - rebooting my wireless router

    Obviously, my internet connection is fine. The CoH website reports that all game servers are up.

    This problem just started today. I recently installed Skype, but the problem persists even when I close Skype altogether. Besides, I've had Skype running before now without any problems during gameplay.

    Thanks so much for the help!
  2. Desdemonica, Necro/Dark MM, Justice Server

    Zombies: Fido, Rob, and (the generic) Zombie - to go with Rob of course
    Grave Knights: Bubba and Hotep
    Lich: Richie
    Dark Servant: Dark Servant

    Actually, I've been stumped for a good DS name. Any suggestions?
  3. I'm happy to report that my GKs are now rushing into melee without prompting from me. Here's hoping that any fixes implemented to correct current pet zoning or pet pathing issues won't break it
  4. Thanks so much for the replies! Man I love this game community - much better than Anarchy Online.

    OK, I'll give the secondary build a go then. Cheers!
  5. See, Adeon, that's why Beeg Noobs like me ask question of smart players like you

    me<runs off to look up Mids on Paragon Wiki
  6. Oy! Thanks for the reply I'd probably enjoy respec-ing a lot more if I didn't torture myself by writing my entire build down on paper before I did it.

    It sounds like implementing a secondary build at my level would be about as much fun as a stick in the eye. That's it, no secondary for me.

    Appreciate you clearing that up!
  7. OK, this falls under the heading "Yes I've got a high lvl toon, but I'm still a Beeg Noob".

    I've never used the Secondary Build option. Ever. Heard about it, but since going through the tedium of respec twice, I figured it would be similar so I ignored it. Now that my character has just about reached 50, I decided to look into it, but now I'm thinking I'm probably going to regret not getting that secondary build a lot earlier.

    According to Paragon Wiki, the secondary build does NOT level alongside the primary. It must be leveled seperately. So (shudder) does that mean if I choose a secondary build on my lvl 49, I'd have to start ALL OVER AGAIN at lvl 1?

    Thanks for your patience and assistance!
  8. I've got a 48 Necro/Dark MM that I've had a blast playing. like any set it has its ups and downs, but overall very enjoyable IMO. My personal observations:

    Good - /Dark, Lich, and Dark Servant heals. Love to raise a spirit from one of my dead henchmen. Crazy ToHit Debuffs, slows, holds, fears all around. The whole powerset plays like a Controller with massive DoTs.

    Bad - Having to constantly force GKs into melee, where they can really dish out some nasty crit damage. Also, fire + zombie = dead MM.

    The most difficult time I had playing during the life of my toon was between 12 and 18, if I remember correctly. But after that, it was pretty smooth sailing, and I've never had any real difficulty since then. Respec'd once to drop Dark Blast (took the guides' advice about not getting Black Hole thankfully) and one other time to replace Fitness>Health with GW Patron power, but that's about it.

    Overall, very survivable and a great choice, but that's my .02
  9. OK, I hesitated to grab this b/c I saw the -hit points on it, but it certainly looked intriguing. Any other */DM MM's use this? What's your opinion - useful?

  10. Sorry, I'm half asleep atm, but I thought someone posted that Necro ToHit Debuffs were nerfed or at least not as effective as last issue? Please confirm? /em drink coffee

  11. OK, very excited to hit 40 with my Necro\Dark MM and start doing my chosen Patron Arc missions. Due to my frequent CoX crashes (Vista 64), I can't team, so I've managed to (slowly) solo all this time.

    Sure there have been EB\AVs I've had some problems with (curse you Infernal!), but nothing I couldn't overcome eventually. I've been pretty confident that my little undead posse of death could handle just about anything. Until last night, that is.

    I'm merrily doing the second mission in the Arc (Get Info on Numina), blowing through mobs on the first and second floors - then I meet the Headhunter and his pal the Security Chief.

    Holy Fritattas! I think I lasted uhm, maybe 10 seconds after I threw down my standard Tar Patch and sicced the pets on the Headhunter. He's got some crazy AOE nuke or something that completely wiped my entire Horde (including Fluffy and me, natch).

    If anyone has any advice for a solo MM on this one, I'd really appreciate it. Yes, I have my stealth\def buff, Tactics, Assault, and BG mode running all the time in missions.

    Thank You!
  12. Thanks for the reply Texas_Justice! I'm glad to see that the stated GFW standards included:

    "2) Compatibility. Games for Windows branded titles work on Windows XP and Windows Vista based PCs, including both 32- and 64- bit editions."

    Naturally, I understand that these are general standards, and that no one can account for the many different hardware configs out there.

    However, it looks like a good percentage of CoX\Vista players are having issues. No hard stats of course, but from the number of current threads about it on the boards, it certainly seems that Vista compatibility is an ongoing issue. If that's true, then it begs the question: Just how rigorous is the GFW testing anyway?

    Ah well, I guess its sorta like asking: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
    A: The world may never know. LOL

    I'm also relieved to hear there's at least ONE Vista 64 user out there for whom the game runs well. It gives me renewed hope that I can (one day) actually experience game content that I can't now because of my crashing issues (i.e. teams). It's like paying for a nice meal, but only getting to eat the appetizer and soup.

    I won't pester you to post your machine's hardware\software stats - it won't do me much good since I'm most certainly running a totally different setup. Thanks for the tip about tweaking graphics settings though - it's an avenue I haven't pursued in depth yet, so I'll play around with it.
  13. As a Vista 64 user, I'm as frustrated as anyone else with the crashing and lock up issues. I'm no programmer, so I can only speculate what the problem may be at this point. All I know is that even after SP2 and driver updates, the game continues to crash.

    If the crashing issues ARE a problem with the software, and not the OS, then I sincerely hope NC Soft\Paragon Studios will be addressing this ASAP, otherwise it's possible they will see an exodus of Vista 64 users from their player base.

    Question: I noticed that on the load up screen, CoX displays a "Games for Windows" badge. To keep this badge, doesn't the game have to meet certain programming standards? I mean how can it be labeled as such if it DOESN'T run on a Windows OS like Vista?

    Are there ANY Vista (64 or 32) players out there for whome the game runs well? Please reply if this is you! Thanks!
  14. Ah, thanks Notepad. That could be it; I'll have to doublecheck my current missions to see if they are destroy object.

    Even so, shouldn't ALL "glowies" have the proximity bell, regardless of mission type?
  15. Sorry if this in the wrong forum; I wasn't sure if it should be here or under Player Questions.

    I noticed lately that none of the "glowie" missions I get have the proximity bell audio cue. I loved this feature; it really helped me complete the mission efficiently. It was particularly handy when running a mission to find\destroy\retrieve a crate on a warehouse map - which is full of crates.

    Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? If the audio cues are no more, was this intended or is it a technical bug issue?

  16. Gotta make a plug for my Necro/Dark's theme:

    Superstition by Stevie Wonder
  17. Doh! - found this from one of the guides:

    The Dark Servant can be buffed and healed. Recharge: 4 Minutes
  18. I just dinged 38 and finally got DS. I've run a few missions with it, testing out strategies and generally having a blast whipping him out on unsuspecting EBs. MUA HAH HAHA HA!

    However, I noticed that I can't command the DS as precisely as my other minions. Also, I don't see where I can check his combat stats in-game like I can with my other pets.

    Is this because DS is not a "real" pet? I noticed that the power icon for DS is green, unlike my other maroon pet summons.

    If DS is more of a long-term duration power rather than a "true" pet, then will he get any benefit from my AOE buffs like Shadow Fall or Leadership sets? If I throw my pet buffs on him, will it have any effect?

    Sorry if these questions have been answered before; I've only briefly searched the forum and did not find the information I'm looking for.

    Thanks for your help!
  19. Thanks for the help! This saves me hours of monkeying around needlessly with /macros.
  20. I'm a Necro/Dark MM and I'd like to create a Macro that can send my GKs into melee on a specific target.

    I've read the awesome guides by Sandophal, but it looks like most of these are geared towards /binds rather than macros.

    I understand that I could have 2 seperate macros (using the /macro command) to do what I want:

    /petcom_pow "grave knight" defensive goto
    /petcom_pow "grave knight" defensive attack my target

    ... but was wondering if there is any way to 'chain' these into one /macro.

    Thanks for your help!
  21. Sweeet. I can make my Aquaman\Submariner knockoff toon!